“It seems like they are fighting who will go, but the Italian restaurant is in the downtown area, so you can’t go under the age of a minor who has permission only to the temple.”

“Ah !?”

I put an end to the fight of the aides. It’s easy to forget because it’s easy to go in and out of the temple. Minors cannot go to downtown for work. Cornelius, who went to an Italian restaurant before, had a father and Eckhart, so he used his family well, not for work.

My minority was greatly surprised by my words. Meanwhile, Leonore tilts his head quietly.

“Are you taking four of them, Cornelius, Khartomut, Angelica, and Dermuel? Do the side servings call Otillier or Richarda?”

“No. The Italian restaurant is for the millionaires of the common people, so there is no place for the nobles to go. It is enough that there are two escort knights to take meals in turn. I will take the franc to you. “

“Please don’t tell me that cold, Rosemine”

[It is bad for the shocking Khaltomuts, but to be honest, if there are so many aristocrats going to an Italian restaurant as a companion, the store is more difficult. If you take everyone as an entourage, you are not a guest, so you will eat in the room for side serving. However, the side serving room is not for aristocrats and is not very large. Of course, there is no serving for those who eat in the side serving room, and it is not assumed that the side serving will take the serving. Taking a large number of aristocrats as my aides is a source of confusion.

“I will introduce you if you want to go to a meal, so please go on your own as a customer. Only those who are not accustomed to eating without a waiter. Eat a meal in the side serving room.” I think it ’s tough. ”

“I don’t need a waiter”

“I’m fine, Rosemine”

Dermuel and Angelica answered immediately with a crisp face, so they decided to take them to the escort. I know that I can eat without complaining when there are not enough franchises to serve at the prayer ceremony or harvest festival, and it is cruel to say that Dermuel should cut himself as a guest. I did.

“Late Cornelius would like to invite Leonore and go alone”

Ufufun, laughing like fooling around, Brother Cornelius laughed back, “That’s a very good idea.” Then, look to Hartmut.

“What do you think Hartmut is about as a guest, not as an entourage?”

“I think it’s a great idea. I want to have a meal with Rosemine instead of a side serving room.”

Haltomut and Cornelius are going to go completely. Brother Cornelius spoke to Leonore, thinking that Frida would need a letter to change the number of people.

“If you’re going as a guest, not on an escort mission, can you get in and out of the downtown area even if you’re a minor? Leonore, why don’t you go to an Italian restaurant together?”

“I’m happy, Cornelius”

If you invite Leonore? I was the one who made fun of it, but it would be boring if I was invited so easily. If you flirt in front of me, Dermuel is sad and I want you to stop it.

“Do you need a guardian or permission to go as a customer?”

“I think if my fiancé Cornelius would allow me to do it together”

レ オ Leonore, who thought a little, said so with a happy smile. Brünnhilde who heard the word “parent’s permission” shines brightly.

“In order to make Greschel a trading city, it’s important to know about the downtown area, because I have very little knowledge about the downtown area.”

“Knowing about Rosemine’s scope of activity is important as a side service, and if you report that it also serves as an oversight for your sister, you’ll get permission”

It seems that both Brünnhilde and Riezerator are completely going. Filine, who was looking at the two who were working hard to explain to their parents, raised their hands.

“My guardian is Rosemine. Please give me permission to join.”

“My guardian is Rosemine”

Filine and Rhoderich said with their eyes shining. That’s right. I am the two guardians away from my parents.

…… Is this all going to take everyone?

Since there are so many people who want to accompany you, it’s a good idea to occasionally serve delicious food to the folks of the hard work shop. I’m a little worried about summarizing with the priest ’s farewell.

When I thought so, Udid moistened her eyes and watched me.

“Rosemine, are you sure that I’m the answering machine?”

UDIT doesn’t seem to have an excuse to get the parent’s permission, but it’s too pitiful that he can’t go by anything.

“… Let me contact you to get permission from your parents”

“Thank you, Rosemine!”

Italian restaurant is a restaurant where customers take side servings. In other words, not only me, but also Filine and Rhoderich need serving. The guardian is me, and the two people who live in the castle don’t have a side service to take. I looked at the side service in the temple head room and called out.

“Fran is me, Zarm is Rhoderich, Monica is Filine, and Rosina can come together for music?”

“I’m smart”

“That’s why I decided to eat a lot today.”

The francs serving in the temple head room must head to the Italian restaurant early in preparation. I was waiting with the escort knight while helping the office in the head of the priest’s room, closing the lock of the temple head room according to the departure time of the francs.

“I don’t understand the fact that the aides go with customers. Is it meaningful to accompany them?”

“I don’t want to accompany you. It’s a reward for doing my best. The shop will increase the number of noble customers, so I’ll be contributing to sales.

Since it is Ashibetsu, I pay for the priesthood chief. The priest became a very delicate face in my words.

“Will you pay for everyone? I don’t intend to have a young woman like you pay.”

“Because I invited you from here, it’s natural for me to have an account. The aides are always doing their best, so it’s just that. Today’s protagonist is the chief priest.”

While talking about that, a carriage was picked up. Travel with a priest and an escort knight in a carriage. Damuel and Angelica will go by the same carriage from the temple, but the aristocratic allies will be going by carriage. As for Filine and Roderich, I ask them to come along with those who head from the castle.

“I’m honored to carry my feet”

Frida and several waiters greeted me. When I exchanged greetings and entered inside, I could see that it was slowly cooked, and the consomme smelled like saliva in my mouth filled the store. From the cafeteria, you can hear music and you can see that Rosina has already started playing.

“Everyone is already there. The store is very nervous because it is the first time to welcome a noble customer like this.”

“I’m sorry for overdoing it, but isn’t it more difficult now?”

Now, right after the autumn harvest season is over, it’s time to collect the most ingredients in the market all year round. Livestock that have grown to be full of meat and eat a lot of food to go through the winter has been crushed into meat to conserve winter feed. Compared to the spring when winter is dawning and food is scarce, and when the merchants of other territories are coming, this is the season when it is most easy to bring a noble.

“And … because they bother other customers when they come to eat individually”

Ordinary commoners would like to refrain from eating with nobles. If you can sit together and make connections, you can’t talk to them just because you’re in the same space. It would be better to make a charter and finish it all at once.

“Thank you Rosene Mine for your thoughts. You said you wanted to eat Ilze’s food the other day?”

When I moved to the cafeteria, I realized that I was looking forward to seeing all the faces. Delicious food has the power to make everyone happy. I want the priest to feel a little happy before heading to Ahrensbach.

“Please come here, Rosemine”

Franc also wears clothes prepared for today and pulls a chair smiling. I was sitting in a chair and listening to Frida explaining today’s menu. As an escort knight, the brother Eckhart was attached to the head of the priest, and Darmell was behind me. Angelica and Justoks are supposed to eat first as escort substitutes.

“Please enjoy yourself!”

When Frida finished the explanation and left the cafeteria, the store waiter pushed the wagon with the platter on it. First, Fran will share my plate, and then the minister’s side service for the leading minister. After that, they sit in the order of their status, so each side serves in turn.

The first thing that was brought in was a turnip and ham carpaccio.

A thin and beautifully sliced ​​turnip and prosciutto are alternately arranged in a circle on a plate and spread like a flower. In the middle, the leaves of the turnips that had been chopped and boiled into a small mountain were bright green. The crunchy sautéed garlic liga will be scattered throughout.

Carpaccio sauce, which is being drawn in a gentle curve, is not only mixed with vegetable oil that I taught, but with salt and citrus juice, as well as chopped ranje and herbs. It looks delicious.

I took a sip as a poison to everyone. The salty taste of prosciutto and the light taste of turnips match the sour taste of carpaccio sauce, making you want to eat more. The crunchy riga in the soft crunch of raw ham and turnip added a new taste to the whole mouth when chewed.

“… This chef is working a lot. It’s different from the sauce my chef makes”

‘It ’s like a priest who impressed only the sauce with a fork.

“Ilze ’s passion for research is amazing. It looks like a priest when trying to make better magic tools.”

Everyone seems to be enjoying it, and I can hear a pleasant voice from a lower class noble who is away from me.

And then, the chief’s favorite double consomme is brought in. It takes a lot of time and is not easy to eat.

Is today’s double consomme beautiful?

“Oh, it’s exceptional. I remember the shock of eating it for the first time”

¡The chief is lightly closing his eyes and enjoying the beauty of the consomme, so I did not speak to the priest and asked the senior nobility in the nearby seats .

“How about a double consomme?”

“Rosesmine’s thought soup alone was surprisingly delicious, but I was surprised by today’s soup. There are soups like this.”

When Brünnhilde says so, Leonore asks several times.

“It looks strange, but it’s dark and the taste is much more delicious than the soup so far. It’s delicious.”

“This wonderfully concentrated soup is like Rosemine”

If you look at the refreshing smile, you can see that Hartmut is happy, but I don’t understand the meaning. I don’t want to understand.

Next, Lasagna was just taken out of the oven. The large plate still squeezed and the charred cheese was moving. It seemed that there was already a break, and Fran took care of the lasagna cut into small squares.

When placed on a plate, white sauce and meat sauce sandwiched between lasagnas like millefeuille overflows from the cut. As the cutlery used to separate them, the cheese was thin, and the cheese was cut off while Flan struggled a little.

“This is hot so be careful when you eat”

Despite attention, Rhoderich seems to have burned his tongue. I was in a hurry and could see water drinking. Judith, who was watching it laughing, had carefully cooled down the first bite, but quickly put the second bite into his mouth and reached out to the water, laughing at Filine and Rhoderich.


“Is the meal more delicious?”

“… for me it was an annoying thing that was absolutely necessary to live”

When the father is absent due to dinner, etc., he has to eat dinner with Veronica, and there is casually lax poison, or even if it looks like the same meal, only his own dishes are used. It seems that it was not uncommon to have meals at the castle.

“I was happy with breakfast and lunch just because I didn’t have to eat together, but I didn’t think I thought I was delicious”

“It’s a terrible childhood. If I was there, Veronica would be in trouble”

“The idiot. If you were clinging to Veronica at the time, you were the one who had trouble.”

The chief priest says that he will not be able to stay safely with his wife, but I think if he is prepared to stab, In response to my claim, Eckhart said, “Do you think Rosemine is the same?”

“I didn’t think you guys looked like this”

Cornelius said to the chief priest who sighed deeply, “Ferdinand-sama is hard”, and said consolation.

“What are you talking about like other people, Cornelius?” After I headed to Ahrensbach, it was their role to hold down three people coming from Rosemine, Hartmut, and another Dunkerfelger

“It’s too difficult”

The waiter brought the main through the back of Cornelius’s brother holding his head. Today’s main is veal cutlet. A garment of fine bread crumbs with cheese is baked crisply with butter and appears to shine golden.

I was already full, so I asked Francs to cut it into smaller pieces. The dishes also feature Ilse special sauce. At first it seems to be able to taste cutlets with citrus and sour squeezed squeezed cucumbers, and then add them to the sauce.

“Thanks to this Tine, you can eat it refreshingly despite its rich taste.”

The priest seemed to like to eat with sine, but the enthusiastic and growing enthusiasts seemed to like the rich taste of the sauce.

“How do you make this sauce? First taste to eat”

The lyserator is singing the sauce with a serious face, and Udit also asks, “I want my family to eat, but it’s impossible for my chef.”

By the way, I like Tine that can be refreshed. I would have been more happy if I had more ponzu.

And when the main is over, the escort is replaced. Angelica and Justocus came back and brother Eckhart and Dermuel went to eat.

“You look happy, Angelica”

“The dessert was very delicious”

Angelica’s words raised expectations around him at once. The dessert is Mont Blanc using chestnut-like nuts and Tanye cream. Tanner’s favorite brother, Cornelius, shined his jet-black eyes.

“I will eat this for the first time in a while. If I order it at home, my mother will have a bad face.”

angelica scored up and gave the fruit cream recipe to brother Cornelius as a reward for the party, but it seems that he was beaten by his mother in the Tanie season.

“When I ordered this candy for three consecutive days, it took a lot of time and effort to make this cream, and the chef was hard, and my mother said that I don’t want to eat the same candy every day.

Brother Cornelius seems to want to taste what he likes even every day. I have been together for quite a while, but I knew it for the first time.

“Tanye’s cream is not too sweet, so I think it’s relatively easy to eat, but …”

“Oh, yes, but isn’t it a little unsatisfactory for women?”

The priest said so and turned his gaze toward those with filine and judith. The two who prefer honey with Cattle Curl seemed to prefer the sweeter one. It’s a little disappointing.

“Do n’t worry. Irze has prepared you properly.”

Another dessert was carried. Raffel pie. Raffel is about the fruit between this season’s apple and pear. I’ve been eating sweets with sliced ​​raffles on puff pastry, but I’ve taught you how to fry raffels with butter and sugar.

“This is pretty sweet, so it ’s better for the chief to be tasting.”

If you like it, you can share it again. The chief priest ate a bite and said, “It’s delicious but too sweet.

The most favorite Raffel pie seems to be the Reeserator. It was difficult to understand because it tasted quietly, but it was changed twice.

“Are you satisfied with today’s meal?”

“Oh, I was satisfied”

“Fran, can you bring me a farewell made for the chief? After that, please go down and eat”

Franc immediately brought a wooden box and gave me the contents. I am a cute patterned cloth bag that is large enough to hold with one hand, and I wear a ribbon to make it look like a present.

“Rose Mine, wasn’t this a meal?”

“The same goes for meals, but this is also the case. You don’t have to be one?”

“That’s right …”

After seeing me with my eyes looking at strange things, the chief prisoner picked up the cloth bag that I gave me. It’s normal to carry them in a wooden box and there is no packaging culture. The cloth bag with the ribbon I handed out seemed to look strange. The chief priest took a cloth bag and tilted his head so that he did not know how to handle it.

“Please untie this ribbon. It’s inside”

“What is this cloth bag?”

“What do you say … cute?”

“I don’t know what it is. What are you doing this mess for, exactly …”

The priest chiseled the eyebrows and broke the ribbon while complaining, looking into the inside. The chief priest settled as if he saw incredible things.

“Rosemine, what is this?”

“Amulet made with Regish scales. I made it by Hartmut, and I made it.”

Instead of giving one rainbow-colored Regish magic stone, I asked Haltomut to tell me about the amulet magic circle used in Schwartz and Weiss clothes, and made a talisman with a rainbow colored magic stone.

“If you keep your skin, it will surely protect you. How is it? I have grown a lot?”

Fufu, when I was in my chest, the priest turned the cloth bag over. A drop-shaped rounded magic stone that seems to be more than 5 cm in diameter rolled into the head of the priest. The priest looks thinly through the magical power and looks carefully.

“… I don’t seem to make any mistakes”

“Since Hartmut taught me, it would have been best if I could make it alone”

“It’s not wrong to rely on Hartmut because you’re worried whether something you make alone will work”

When the priest looked up at Yustox while laughing, Yustox also brought a long wooden box.

“I am also a separate person from you.”