I started out with the sharp voice of Cornelius brother.

The three POWs rushed down to shoot at them while swinging down the stap all at once. This is a magical attack that I received from Earl Bindewald during my apprenticeship in the temple, although it was much more powerful than what I had received before.

Perhaps it is because there are a number of escort knights in the surrounding area, and it has been the simplest attack that has ever been directed at me. I didn’t feel any fear.


Leonore and Laurenz, who responded to the voice of Brother Cornelius, immediately deployed the shield, and Angelica, Matthias, and Brother Cornelius, who ran out simultaneously, swung their swords down. As a result, the magic bullets delivered by the POWs are cut off and flew in different orbits.

…… Well, that’s right.

The attack of Count Bindewald, a senior aristocrat with overwhelming magical power, managed to divert me even when I was an apprentice of a blue priest who didn’t even know how to fight the lower knight, Dermuel. That is an attack that has an absolute advantage that you can be confident that you can’t prevent it even if you put out a shield, but it will only work if you are hitting it down or be surprised. It can be easily prevented if my escort knights similarly shoot out a block of magic power or put out a shield.


The POWs who distorted their faces regretfully tried to shake the stap again, but at that time Angelica jumped into the enemy’s pocket with Stin Luke with a quick movement that strengthened his body.

“Angerika, be careful not to die here!”

し な が ら Spreading the cloak to close my sight while paying attention to Leonore yelling. Immediately after, Angelica said, “Hurry up and heal!” Apparently it was a little late.

“Change, Angelica!”

Cornelius brother and Angelica take turns as they have water attributes and can heal somewhat. Leonor’s cloak was taken down, whether he was healed by Cornelius brother. It seems that he was healed to the extent that he did not die, and one POW was held by an ordinary brother of Cornelius instead of a band of light.

“Hartmut, a handcuff to seal Staple!”

Take out the hand guard prepared by Hartmut to the voice of Brother Cornelius and rush to it. The enemy should no longer be able to use the starp.

Looking at the movements of the two remaining POWs, it was found that the magical power to be launched was great, and the flesh-warfare was fairly strong. However, the attack that comes out of Stap only gives out magical power, and it is not trained compared to escort knights. Whether he was attacked while sleeping or was sleeping, was disarmed by Dunkel Felger, and he had no silver weapons and no immediate death poison. The remaining two were quickly caught by Angelica and Matthias.

“Clarissa, Old Nants to Dunkelfelgar. I want you to know that the enemy has a stap. You already know …”

Listening to Leonore’s instructions, I look to the building where the Dunkelfelgar knights jumped. I could see the windows shining here and there due to the magical power. Some windows have blown away. I could hear Aub Dunkerfelger’s exaggerated voice saying, “I don’t think my attack can be prevented to such an extent!”

While doing so, prisoners are brought by Dunkelfelgar Knights. Regarding the POWs where Leonore was bound by a band of light, he instructed the Knights of Dunkelferger, “The enemy has a great deal of magic and stap. Please respond accordingly.”

Knights who are said to be different from the non-magical Lanzenave soldiers who had wrecked Ahrensbach, tied up their limbs to prevent escape. With the Gettilt shield, Leonore stares at the prisoners who are in pain with severe eyes.

“… Pretending to be caught and checking the situation, as soon as the number of people decreased, they started moving all at once, so it seems that they are not trained at all. Will you attack with such a low magic efficiency? ”If there is magic power that can unlock the knights, you can do more …”

Listening to Leonore’s mysterious words, I look to the man who was screaming, “Become King Lanzenave!” Was it the name Leonzio? He was also fighting while wearing a sleepwear while disturbing a little longer hair. Rather than fighting, it seems that they are trying to escape and being chased by knights.

Leonzio is also trying to escape with the beast while staking out the magic power many times by waving the starp to attack other than launching the magic power from the starp. The movement of the beast was very fast because of its great magical power, but it seemed that it was not easy to escape from the siege of the seven knights, and it was also found in the distance that it was being hunted down. I will be caught soon.

“Isn’t you used to it yet? I think it’s shallow when you get a stap”

Cavalry can be used as usual, and magical power can be launched. However, you can’t fight with a stap converted into a weapon or raise a funnel. It is the same as me before entering the aristocracy. I was able to make a magic beast, and I was able to release magic and pray with a ring, but I couldn’t do anything more.

“You just got it?”

“Yeah, even the first funnel you learn at the Aristocracy isn’t up. If they were really connected to the Central Knights, they would have called for help first.”

Listening to me as if Leonore was convinced. Then Laurentz, who had been keeping a shield with Leonore and guarded the surroundings, now questioned.

“Why would you want to be the king of Lanzenave, but that man came to Jurgenschmitt and then to the Aristocratic House? I don’t know why I want Staple, a noble proof. “

“Is it necessary to become the king of Lanzenave? If that is the case, it would be inconvenient to get all that stap and qualify as king …” [ 19459002]

lanzenave and Adaluzyah ’s residence are not learned in the history of the aristocratic house, and we came here from the family of former lords and collaborators who committed crimes to attract foreign patients. To catch the people. It would be strange and unavoidable for Leonore who doesn’t know the details.

“It seems that it is faster for the people to talk about the detailed situation. Seems like they were caught.”

I pointed to Leonzio, captured by the Dunkel Ferger and Ahrensbach knights, and the van on the third floor of the building where the Ferdinands entered! It was at the same time that the explosion sounded.

The body trembles and turns his gaze unintentionally. The air was tense in an instant, and everyone looked back like me. The window breaks and falls apart and the glass falls. He hit a white stone pavement surrounding the building and shattered it.

“What does this mean, Ferdinand-sama?”

A high voice of Dietrinde repels the sound of glass. I was expecting Dietrinde to be captured by another knight, but Ferdinand seems to have arrived at Dietrinde’s room.

“No matter how much I ask for my love to crawl up from the edge of death, I can’t be ashamed to enter the bedroom violently at night like this …”

The angry hysterical Dietrinde voice was interrupted. After that I can’t hear anything anymore. I can understand that I wasn’t able to speak any more.

“The saying to Ferdinand … It would be nice if Eckhart’s brother was not running away …”

Brother Cornelius said worried that the mastermind would run away in violation of the order to capture without killing. That is the way to the opponent who tried to kill himself. If I was there, I might have run away first.

“Okay, Cornelius. Ferdinand will stop Eckhart and heal him. Dietrinde will never be dead.”

Ferdinand said that the mastermind would have to be alive. I can’t kill. In a sense, I trust Ferdinand’s unreasonable rationality and rationality.

Those who were tied up one after another by the Knights of Ahrensbach came to be carried out. Dietrinde, who was rolled up in the band of light by Yustox and brought along while dragging, was disappointed.

Bound in sleepwear, regal blondes are totally dirty due to dragging. It’s impossible for an adult woman to have her hair down in front of such a public, so it seems like it will make a fuss if Dietrinde wakes up.

“Yustox, are n’t you dead?”

“I’m just losing my mind following Eckhart’s attack. I’m sorry, but I’m taking advantage of what I’m doing after this. It will not be a problem because it never happens. ”

laughing unsatisfiedly, contempt and hatred clearly appear in Justok’s brown eyes overlooking Dietrinde. It is not hidden at all.

However, Yustox is not the only one who is angry. Ahrensbach’s knights are also faced with anger in front of Dietrinde. Naturally. Dietrinde’s actions killed several aristocrats and Ahrensbach became a rebellious territory.

“Is this an Arensbach nobleman around here?”

After the Dietrinde, they are taken out more and more. I couldn’t distinguish between the Lanzenaves and the Arensbach nobility, and I asked the Arensbach knight.

“Yes, Rosemine, a close friend of Dietrinde”

Dietlinde’s aides are ten people as reported. He might still be brought in, but nobody knew why he was tied and rolled like this. I don’t say anything because I’m gagged. There are some who are rebelliously staring at the Arensbach knights who captured them.

In Dietlinde’s entourage, I was immediately aware of Martina, but Martina quickly became my figure in memory and now because of my rapid growth. It seems that was not tied. After looking suspicious, I opened my eyes wide.

…… In spite of that, it seems that Lanzenave and Ahrensbach completely used the building.

Only Arensbach’s nobles are taken from the building where the Ferdinands were in. A woman with a somewhat terrible atmosphere, with hair similar to that of Georgine and his adopted father, is rolled next to Dietrinde. Then, a red-haired man who was tied up right away but did not break his heroic expression was brought. Stare at us with purple eyes.

“Lose Mine-sama, this is Alstede and Blazius”

… Oh, these two are …

Georgine’s first child, Dietrinde’s older sister Alstede and her husband Brazius. Brazius is certainly the son of a second wife who was executed after the political change, and should have been a half-breaking candidate for the next Aub.

“This is the end of the suppression. What about Dunkelferger?”

“Ferdinand came out while saying so.” Laurentz immediately sends an old dontz to check the situation. All the enemies that can be seen have been captured, and it seems that they are now checking for hidden passages and doors.

“… You captured all the enemies you see?”

Ferdinand looks at his eyes and looks around the POWs. I had a bad feeling about the gesture that no one was looking for.

“What did you do, Ferdinand-sama?”

“… No Gervasio”


“The only Lanzenaves here are young. Most of them have officially passed through as messengers, and no Gervasio”

Speaking of which, I felt that when Ferdinand was born, he was no longer there. If so, isn’t he now in his forties? If you look around that way, there is certainly no one of that age. Gervasio himself and possibly his entourage.

Ferdinand takes the gagged Alstede and asks, “Where is Gervasio?” Rather than answering Ferdinand’s questions, Alstede, who was amazed at the fear, shouted with a trembling voice as if he was panicking.

“Why Ferdinand is alive !? Aarensbach’s knight turns his sword to me!” What on earth are Dunkel Ferger’s knights like this … ” 19459002]

Gack and Eckhart brother stepped on the alstede. Alstede suddenly stepped on and coughed, “Ferdinand-sama doesn’t ask for such a thing. Screamed, “I don’t know!”

“The buildings were different in Lanzenave and Ahrensbach. I don’t know how Gervasio was spending the night!”

A screaming voice resonates from Artede. I don’t think he really knows from his desperate waving head. It is not certain how much information is given.

“Alsthede, who has somehow confused with the face of the victim, but here’s why I want to ask why. Why didn’t you stop Ditorinde’s tyranny even though it became an aub after dyeing the foundations? Why draw a Lanzenave person in spite of risking the whole territory as an attraction Did you come to the Aristocracy? “

When asked, Ferdinand looked cold, Artede turned deep blue.

“Wow, I am at the command of my mother …”

“Registering the people of Lanzenave as aristocrats, opening the door in the hall of Lanzenave and using the transfer team, opening the deepest part of the aristocratic house and stupidly stating them I can’t say how many sins I don’t know. “

“… Oh, there’s no mistake in what my mother says, and it’s not my own profession. I opened the innermost space when I gave the Stars to the Lanzenaves.” Is a royal family “

“What !?”

The surrounding knights also voiced surprise. When he came to catch the former lords who were guilty of attracting foreign patients, the royal family was said to be cooperating with the Lanzenaves. This is a natural reaction.

“I could not open the last door without me being approved as an Aube, so the Knights of the Knights of the Central Knights asked the royal family for their cooperation.”

Alsthede urges you to insist that you have no fault as the surroundings begin to be noisy.

“Not only the chief of the Central Knights but also the royal family …?”

“Yeah, yes, this is what the royal family knows. It isn’t for us, but you who have rushed into the aristocracy and attacked the shrine may be charged with treason. Do you know that? ”

Blasius looked up at Ferdinand while gagged, next to Alstede, who was desperately screaming while shaking in deep blue, and screamed his nose to make him foolish. He looks at least as much as Arstede’s case.

Ferdinand deepened the eyebrows. Arrangerbach’s knights run upset. I’ve taken measures against immediate poisoning, optimistic that the numbers are overwhelmingly advantageous, and I thought that suppression was a matter of time, and it became an unpleasant atmosphere.

«Old Dontz flies over from Aube Dunkelferger.

“It seems that the Central Knights are fighting each other at the Royal Palace. It seems that Dunkel Felger requested a relief. We headed there!”