Chapter 185: 39th Floor (2)

Name:Ascension Through Skills Author:
Chapter 185: 39th Floor (2)

As Taesan descended the floors, he thought of Hafran.

Should I start heading over?

It had been quite some time since he had given him a commission. He considered checking on the progress, but the ghost dissuaded him.

[It might be best not to go. He's probably at his wit's end right now. You'd only be a distraction.]

Is that so?

[He's never made equipment of that level before. It's a task that requires him to surpass his limits, so he won't have the luxury to focus on anything else. It's better for you, too, to visit later.]

With the ghost advising against it, Taesan had no intention of going out of his way to visit. The shopkeeper on the 39th floor asked him.

Isnt it about time you bought something?

Well? The items youre selling are useful, but they arent exactly necessary.

The items the shopkeeper was selling were all top-notch, but none of the equipment Taesan had was of lesser quality.

Ill consider it if something better comes in.


Taesan passed the shopkeeper and moved forward.

Upon entering the room, he encountered a knight wielding a greatsword.

With a more powerful force than any knight he had encountered before, the knight swung the greatsword as if to split Taesans head.

Taesan deflected the greatsword with his own and then, seizing the staggering knights arm, swung him around.

The knight flew and crashed into the wall.

Staggering to his feet, the knight was finally subdued by Taesan with a final blow.

The knight fell.

Taesan calmly made his way through the labyrinth.

No one could stop him.

As he dispatched a knights arm, Taesan muttered,

I want to learn a new skill.

[Even more here?]

The ghost spoke reluctantly.

[Isn't what you have enough?]

In the labyrinth, the value of skills was incredibly high, but equally difficult to obtain. There were instances where one could complete an entire area without acquiring a single skill.

Considering such cases, the number of skills Taesan had acquired was unbelievably high, even from the perspective of the ghost, who had explored the depths.

[Don't you have like a hundred skills now?]

I havent counted exactly, but it should be around that number.

[...Well, that's something.]

The ghost chuckled dryly.

Now, Taesan possessed many more skills than when he first entered the deeper levels.

Yet, he felt it wasnt enough.

[Isn't that too greedy? Being content is also important.]

Not for me.

Taesan was still not satisfied.

The recent ones were all rewards from quests.

Intermediate magic. It was certainly excellent, as was black magic.

However, all of these skills were granted after passing the trials of gods.

They werent the skills he had newly created while navigating the labyrinth.

Skills like Temporary Time Stop, Multiply, and Absolute Judgement, which he had developed in his past life, held absolute value.

He yearned to acquire those.

But the higher the value of the skills, the more difficult they were to learn. It wasnt just about the difficulty level; meeting the conditions was challenging as well.

To learn Addition, one had to swing a sword in the same posture without moving, using perseverance to double the damage.

And there was a condition that required facing numerous monsters targeting Taesan, not just ordinary ones.

The other skills were not much different. No matter how superior Taesans stats were or how well he knew the method, they were not easily learned.

Thats why, despite being much stronger than in his past life, he had yet to learn most of the skills.

With a feeling of regret, Taesan continued to conquer the labyrinth.

After easily clearing a secret room, Taesan obtained a reward.

[Parum's Ritual Sword]

[Attack Power +50]

[A sword used to offer sacrifices to the ancient god Parum.]

The ghost, seeing Taesans movements, realized.

[Are you trying to acquire a new skill?]

Having gained skills this way several times before, the ghost could well guess. Taesan nodded slightly.

[What's this time? I'm curious.]

Sure Hit.

[Sure Hit?]

The ghost paused, pondering the meaning contained within.

[...Is it what I think it is?]


The knight charged.

Taesan quickly deciphered the knights movement. He read the trajectory of the swinging sword and activated the skill.

[You have activated Vital Point Designation.]

He targeted the critical spot on the knights shoulder.

Then, dodging the attack, he precisely hit the designated critical area.

The knights body staggered significantly from the thousands of damage inflicted, but as if unaffected, it charged again.

Taesan dodged again and targeted a critical spot.

And he struck the designated critical spot.

The knight was pushed back.

Now, three times.

Taesan quietly counted the number.

The knight charged again, and once more, Vital Point Designation was activated.

[Do you have to hit the critical spot?]


[Is it similar to Addition... How many times?]

I dont remember exactly, but about a hundred times.

The ghost chuckled dryly at Taesans statement that he had to hit the critical spot a hundred times.

[What about interference or skills other than attacks?]

Of course not. Its the same as failing if you subdue the knight while only aiming for the critical spot.

[This is madness. It's going to take a while.]

Taesans sword struck the knight. The fourth time. And so, Taesan quietly recited.

A skill that could be obtained by hitting the critical spot a hundred times in a row. Sure Hit.

But most enemies died before reaching that number. The critical spot itself dealt significant damage, and no monster could withstand being hit there a hundred times.

The only exception would be monsters like the knight before him, which could only be killed under specific conditions.

There was no telling when another monster like this would appear. Thus, he was determined to secure Sure Hit this time.

Taesan continued to swing his sword.

He repeatedly targeted the critical spot and struck it. Since he had to start over if he blocked an attack, he absolutely avoided them.

He managed to successfully hit about ten times quite easily.

Then, the knights movements changed.

It moved erratically, trying to dodge Taesans attacks or deflect the strike point.

Does it have intelligence?

[Whatever it is, it seems to have figured out your aim.]

It wasnt particularly unusual. Most monsters here possessed some level of intelligence. And Taesan was repeating a visibly obvious action of targeting and attacking the critical spot.

The monsters could sufficiently respond to such actions.

Taesan targeted the critical spot again, aiming for the abdomen this time.

Then, the knight lowered its body as if sticking to the ground. A normal attack couldnt hit the knights abdomen.

Even if he targeted the critical spot again, the knight would act the same. If he targeted the arm, it would protect the arm; if the leg, then the leg. It was a clever response that made it difficult to attack.

But it didnt matter.

If the knight before him had the intelligence to respond to his attacks, he just needed to adapt his strategy accordingly.

Determination flowed from Taesan.

The knight could feel Taesans intent to target its nape. Instinctively twisting its body to protect the nape, it naturally exposed its abdomen.

Taesan struck the exposed abdomen.

The knight crashed into the wall with a loud noise. Taesan murmured,

Eighty-nine more to go.