Chapter 22: The Akh Nara Sends His Regards

Name:Ashborn Primordial Author:
Chapter 22: The Akh Nara Sends His Regards

Under the starlight of a chilly desert night, Vir threw his chakrams and his chakris at the tree above Riyans abode.

He hit, he missed, and then he collected them all to throw again.

The biting cold served as excellent motivation to keep him activethe moment he stopped, his cooling sweat made him shiver and freeze. The metal chakrams didnt help, sucking the heat out of his hands at an astounding rate. Without Riyans half finger gloves, Virs hands would have frozen hours ago.

But even with the gloves, his fingers still touched the disks, forcing him to stop and stick his hands in his armpits to warm up. Of course, when he did, the rest of his body cooled off, forcing him to walk a tightrope between exertion and rest.

The effort had been worth it. Just a day after receiving the chakrams from Riyan, hed become proficient enough to hit his targets at thirty-five paces away... Most of the time.

It wasnt enough. Vir craved more.

He imagined himself surrounded by bandits. He saw himself sailing through the air, launching chakrams at multiple enemies, midair, upside down. In his delusional fantasy, the opponents ringing him had all collapsed by the time hed landed.

Reality was not so kind. Whenever he attempted to do anything even remotely flashy, he either met with injury, or made a fool of himself. Thankfully, nobody was watching.

Or so hed thought, until a pair of blue eyes stared at him from the darkness, just fifteen paces away. A wolf, and where there was one, there were always more.

Vir froze. Fear flooded his body, triggering his fight-or-flight response. His heartbeat quickened, enhancing Prana Vision.

He quickly scanned the hill, but found nothing. No prana signatures. It really seemed to be just this one animal, all by its lonesome.

Then he noticed the beasts protruding ribcage. The animal barely had an ounce of fat; it was starving.

That made him a little sad, but any sympathy he had for the animal evaporated when the wolf howled and charged him. Vir could almost feel its hunger as saliva flew from its maw.

There was no way Vir could flee. It was a hundred paces to Riyans front door, and the wolf was too fast. Itd be on him before hed even gotten halfway to it.

Luckily, he had several lethal flying weapons in his hands. And eyes that told him exactly where the wolfs heart lay.

Without a moments hesitation, he launched a chakram at the beast.

The wolf saw the incoming disk and swerved, but even if it hadnt, Vir didnt anticipate the wolfs trajectory well enoughit wouldve missed either way.

He threw his other chakram, but that one also missed.

Grak it! He shouted. The wolf continued to close the distance.

Now he only had a single chakram and three chakris remaining.

Whats wrong with me? He thought. Hed hit the tree just fine. Why couldnt he hit the wolf?

Vir began lobbing the smaller chakris. The first missed. As did the second. The third made contact, but bounced off, its blunt training edge barely nicking the beasts hide.

Badrakking thing! Vir cursed. Was his last remaining chakram even sharp enough to be effective? He had his doubts, but now the wolf was upon him.

Time had run out.

Vir adopted a combat stance, forced to use his chakram as a bladed melee weapon.

The wolf leaped into the air, aiming for his throat... but Virs Kalari training hadnt been for naught.

He crouched and twisted, just enough to avoid the wolfs open jaw. He sliced upward with his chakram, aiming for an artery that flowed through the beasts belly.

The wolf yipped as Virs chakram met flesh. He was just as shocked as the beast; he hadnt expected the bladed disk to penetrate its hide.

His surprise made him hesitate. Vir clucked his tongue as the wolf darted away, eyeing him warily, its blood dripping onto the sand.

Hed lost the opportunity to press his advantage, all for a minor injury. The chakram hadnt penetrated the artery hed been aiming for. In fact, all it did was make the starving animal angrier. It growled and shuddered and glared at him.

In close quarters, the wolf had every advantage. Its powerful jaw could rip through Virs neck, and its claws could easily mangle his limbs. How many times would he have to injure the wolf before it gave up and ran away? How many more encounters could he survive without being injured himself?

Not once did he think about actually killing the beast. He simply wasnt good enough to pull that offtrying for a lethal strike may very well result in his own death.

The wolf leaped at him, and once again Vir adopted a defensive Kalari stance, his legs spread wide with his weight on his rear leg.

But this time, his enemy was smarter.

Just as Vir swung to intercept its attack, it changed directions, zigzagging the final few paces to throw him off.

The tactic worked. The wolf had bypassed his attack entirely. He was defenseless now, and there was no time to do anything other than guard his face and neck.

The wolf took a vicious swipe, tearing through the skin on Virs forearms.

If you cannot cast aside these shackles that bind you, then I shall reap from you your most precious possessions.

The Reaper placed the blade of Virs katar against Maiyas throat. Still asleep, she frowned.

Dont! Dont do it! Vir thought frantically, fighting back with every shred of willpower he could muster.

One by one. Until you BREAK.

I. Wont. Let. You!

Vir wrenched his body from the Reaper and stumbled back. Without thinking, he bolted out the room, through the hallway, and out the door, sprinting as fast as he could. Before hed realized it, he was back at the wolf. Heaving, he collapsed to his knees and threw up.

What in all the realms!?

Ekanai had almost killed Maiya. Last time hed been possessed, the demon had made a threat. This time, hed proven without a shred of a doubt that it was no mere threat. If Vir let him, the demon would kill Maiya.

It was exactly the same as the Godshollow. The demon had once again taken total control of his body... And it took everything Vir had to control it.

His head swum, consumed by an unending torrent of emotions. The idea of having his body wrested from his control scared him in a way hed never known. Who else lived inside his head beside him? Would Ekanai one day decide he wanted to take over forever, exiling Vir from his own body?

And yet

Vir sat down and crossed his legs, forcing himself into meditation. His wounds burned and would need Riyans medical treatment to prevent infection but that would have to wait.

Soon, his breathing calmed, and his thoughts cleared. He forced himself to identify the pattern, and it was obvious.

The Reaper only possessed him when his life was in danger. Ekanai didn't strike Vir as the type to leave anything to chance. If he could have possessed him continuously, he would have.

The revelation hit him like a falling Godhollow. This was simple. Simpler than he was making it out to be. If he didnt want that demon possessing him, he simply had to stay out of danger. Or at least, he just needed to avoid life-threatening situations, which suited him just fine. He didnt have a death wish, after all.

It wasn't ideal, but it was the only countermeasure he could come up with against someone as strong as Ekanai. The only other alternative was fleeing on his own. But that would also put Maiya's life in jeopardy. what if Riyan punished Maiya for his desertion?

I can manage this. I just need to prevent myself from getting into life threatening situations.

Yet, even when armed with this knowledge, he found himself entirely unable to get back up and go inside. Unable to face Maiya, whom hed almost harmed just moments earlier.

So instead, he curled up into a ball and sat there. Alone.

When the heat of exertion had left his body and the icy grip of the summer night once again chilled him to his core, he finally opened his eyes and stood up.

There were no more answers to be had tonight. Fretting over it would get him nowhere, but there was something he could do to calm his nerves. Something that would at least allow him to gain from this terrible situation he was in. If he wanted to avoid life threatening situations, one way was to grow stronger.

Approaching the dead wolf, he gingerly retrieved the weapons lodged within its hidea task that took far more effort than hed expected.

Vir hesitantly twirled a chakram around his index finger. He twirled it faster and faster.

He lunged forth and launched the chakram. The disk ripped through the air, embedding itself deep within the nearby trees trunk.

No way...

With growing excitement, Vir picked up several more chakrams and chakris, lobbing them all at the tree using different techniques. He twirled some, he launched some horizontally, and others vertically, like wheels. Each and every one hit its mark.

It was as if his muscle memory had been imprinted with someone whod perfected the art. Reaper Ekanai. His skill had bled into Vir.

Bet you didnt expect that to happen, did you?

It was a cosmic irony that the more Ekanai controlled his body, the stronger Vir grew. And yet, doing so came at a cost of endangering those he cherished and loved.

Vir immediately attempted an aerial flip, trying to replicate the incredible acrobatic feat hed executed perfectly only moments before.

Instead, he faceplanted onto the sand and collapsed in a sprawling heap.

Guess not everything transferred.

So maybe he hadnt received all of Ekanais skills. And maybe it was like how hed obtained Prana Vision in the Godshollow. Maybe it took a lot of practice to get right. He didnt care.

Hed just gained a powerful new ability. One that had cost him sovereignty of his own body, but one that also promised to make him a master of the chakram arts, if only he put in the effort. Just like in the forest, his memories of Ekanais superhuman feats had already begun to fade.

Except this time, he knew exactly what he had to do to keep those memories. He should have returned to Riyan and reported everything. He should have sought medical treatment for his wounds. He did neither.

Instead, Vir tore his shirt and bandaged his wounds. Then he picked up his weapons. He didnt know how to stop these demons from possessing his body But he did know that there was power to be gained here. Great power. And at least focusing on that helped take his mind off of Ekanai.

The night was still young. There was training to be done...

Next time: 23 - Riyan's Dome of Horrors