Chapter 27: The Northward Bound

Name:Ashborn Primordial Author:
Chapter 27: The Northward Bound

Sit still, Vir! How am I supposed to work with you fidgeting around like that?

Maiya, this is awkward. Like, really really awkward, he replied, sitting on a stool in a storeroom that Maiya and Riyan had converted into a makeup studio. Shed forced him to sit there for hours as she worked, applying foundation, coloring, bronzers, and other nonsense words she clearly just made up.

And done! Maiya announced, puffing out her chest.

Skeptical, Vir took the mirror from her and gasped. His ashen complexion was entirely gone, replaced by the healthy tones and fair skin of a merchants son. Except

Vir reached up to his head and promptly removed the wig shed put on.

Hey! What do you think youre doing? said his indignant makeup artist.

Maiya, I dont need a wig. My hairs already black. Whats even the point?

Maiya blushed.

Had she not realized it was unnecessary?

ItsI mean, I have other colors too? she squeaked.

Thanks, Maiya, but I dont think I need it. I love the rest of the makeup, though. The disguise works just fine, even without a wig, yeah?

R-right. Here Maiya said, holding up a leather case with a handle.

Whats that? Vir asked, but when she opened the box, revealing two thin lenses with black pupils, it became obvious. This is how you changed your eye color, isnt it?

Maiya nodded. Its a thin film that goes over your eyes. Riyan said theyre incredibly expensive and rare, so we have to take good care of them. They require daily maintenance, and theyre a little hard to get used to, but they work pretty well.

Vir worked with Maiya to learn how to apply them. It took him a few tries, but he eventually slipped them in. She was right; they were uncomfortable. He blinked rapidly, since that was his bodys natural response, but doing so only made the irritation worse.

He wished he could do without them, but there was little choice in the matter. Only Ashborn had red eyes like he did. If he had to choose between being ostracized or having watery eyes, hed go with the latter ten times out of ten.

Here, your clothes, Maiya said, handing Vir his merchants loose pants and white-collared shirt. They were nicer than anything Vir ever wore, so he took them without complaint.

Were supposed to be two sons of a merchant family operating out of Daha, apparently, Maiya said. Riyans written down all the supplies were to buy at Saran along with their quantities, and hes given us a list of shops he wants us to visit to buy them.

Thats surprisingly detailed of him, Vir remarked. I feel like his instructions are always vague and frustrating.

I think he just doesnt want to leave anything to chance, Maiya said with a smirk. He left this morning. Didnt say where he was going, or when hed be back.

Vir took the parchment with the list of supplies from Maiya. Saran, huh? Thats the coastal town to the north, isnt it? Thought it was pretty far.

It is, she said, taking out the rough map theyd drawn together on their cartography trips. Riyan mentioned it was a little over two hundred miles as the Acira flies. So, maybe two hundred fifty, realistically?

Thats incredibly far! Is that really the nearest town? Vir asked. If it was really that far, this wouldnt be a day trip.

I mean, Brij is closer, said Maiya, but thats off limits, for now. Anyway, he wants us to stay off of the roads until we get closer to Saran, where its safer. Said we should hug the coastline so we dont get lost. And were to avoid anything that looks even remotely dangerous. Especially bandits. Seems they patrol the Saran-Daha highway. Oh, and he wants us to leave Neel behind. Said that Bumpy couldnt handle the weight of all three of us and the supplies.

Hmm. So how long is this gonna take us? Vir had done some calculations of his own, but he wanted to see if Maiyas numbers matched up.

Well, Ashva can gallop at thirty miles an hour on flat ground, so I think it should take about two days to get there? Maiya said, tapping her chin in thought, Riyan said the coastlines pretty navigable, so Bumpy should be able to gallop at near his full pace.

Vir winced, already imagining how uncomfortable that ride was gonna be. He could only hope the sandy coastline cushioned their bums.

Two days is about what Id figured as well, he replied. He couldnt imagine how long itd have taken if they had to go on foot. He doubted even Riyan would be that cruel. Actually, I can see him doing exactly that, he thought. Vir figured theyd be best served by leaving before the man got back from his outing, in case he changed his mind.

Hes a smart bandy, but not that smart. Though he does perk right up the second anyone mentions food.

In confirmation, Neel gazed at him with expectation. The bandy had long ago perfected the art of begging-by-being-adorable. Vir wondered whether the bandy would truly be alright with an entire weeks worth of food and water.

Vir followed Maiya into Riyans pantry, which was accessed via a door at the corner of the kitchen. The small cellar was a flight of stairs down, putting it even further underground than the rest of the home. As a result, the room remained cool and humid. Riyan augmented the effect with Magic Cold. The room actually had two sections: a cool area, and a separate cold container enclosed by a wooden hatch.

Maiyas family had a similar setup, but Rudvik could scarcely afford a single Magic Cold orb, so Vir had never experienced the luxury of freezing food before. It wouldve made for far more comfortable winters.

He didnt know why, but visiting the storeroom always gave him great joy. Maybe it was the way everything was organized, and Riyan was nothing if not organized.

Each and every provision was labeled and neatly arranged. Sacks of rice sat stacked on top of each other on the floor, while fruits and vegetables sat meticulously arranged in neat rows on clay racks within alcoves on the walls, though most of those had run out. They still had enough nonperishables to last another few weeks, but Riyan wasnt one to procrastinate with this stuff.

They helped themselves to a weeks worth of supplies, adding some spices for good measure. Vir knew hed eat well with Maiyas cooking, but he liked to help the chef out as much as he could. He packed two vegetable knives, a wooden cutting board, and bowls and sporks for them both.

Once theyd loaded everything into leather panniers and strapped those onto Bumpy, all that remained was to pack their individual rucksacks. Riyan had provided each two pairs of clothes, as befitting the sons of a wealthy merchant. Maiya had all of her makeup equipment, and Vir packed about twenty liters of water, which would be enough to last them several days in the heat.

If there was one item Vir would never skimp, it was water. In the desert, water was life. He didnt need Riyans stern warnings to know that. The one nice thing about Bumpy was that he was a strong Ashva. With just the two of them, weight would not be an issue, allowing them to pack on extra supplies.

The last piece of kit he packed was a large white fabric that served as a desert tent. Unlike an A-frame or a lean-to, this fabric was rectangular, and was reinforced at the corners, where posts could be lashed to suspend the material horizontally, a couple of paces in the air. Vir and Maiya would then rest under it on the bare sand, using their rucksacks as makeshift pillows. Riyan insisted they take it with them whenever they went out on their own.

They still had a few hours to kill before sunset, and with everything packed and Neels sustenance seen to, there was little else to prepare. So Vir did what he always did with his free time these dayscloistered himself in the training dome, sat cross-legged on the sand, closed his eyes, and meditated.

The inky black prana inside him moved in a mesmerizing way, rapidly circulating throughout his body. Unfortunately, the quantity was so tiny that he needed Prana Vision at its strongest to even see it. In fear of smearing his makeup, he left the ability dormant for this session.

If prana was bound to blood as hed suspected, then what he was seeing was actually his blood pumping through his body. Hed never known how intricate its path was, nor how quickly it flowed. It took less than a minute to make a full circuit around his body.

Vir had been focusing on understanding his Prana Vision lately, since hed run into a brick wall trying to unlock new abilities with his prana. The biggest issue with Prana Vision was that it was functionally useless unless he exerted himself physically. The harder his heart pumped, the more vivid his eyesight became. Which tended to work out in high-stress situations, but made it an absolute pain to train with.

Itd be a lot more convenient if I could activate it on demand.

With that thought, he focused on the ability. He focused on the vivid colors he saw when Prana Vision was operating at full capacity. He willed those colors to appear.

And of course, nothing happened. If it was that easy, hed have unlocked its secrets long ago. He didnt even know if what he was trying to do was possible, which made things even harder.

Vir envied Maiya. At least she would soon have a mejai who could train her. But even if Vir somehow got her instructor to teach him, he doubted shed be able to help. It was becoming increasingly obvious that Virs magic functioned differently from orb-based magic, even if they both leveraged the same underlying concepts.

With a sigh, Vir got up and dusted the sand off of him. The beautiful orange glow filtering through the training domes skylights signaled sunset.

As if on cue, Maiya walked in, carrying her rucksack. You ready?

Vir cracked his neck. Lets do this.

After having been cooped up for so long, he itched for adventure.

So, the little birds have flown the nest, a figure in a white robe said as he lay prone atop a sand dune, his spyglass extended. How do we want to take advantage of this opportunity?

His partneralso dressed in white and lying prone beside himresponded. Her highness is intrigued by the boy and the girl. She wishes for us to test the waters, to see what these children mean to him.

Tis odd for a man like General Savar to take anyone under his wing, let alone a couple of runts. How shall we do this, then?

His partner stood up, retracting his spyglass. Ill go. You stay here and continue monitoring the generals estate. Ill tail these two and see if I cant rustle things up a bit.

Very well. I neednt say this, but do not compromise your cover.

Just who do you think I am? Messing with two children is, well, its childs play, he said with a sinister smile.