Chapter 38: To Play With Prana & Blood

Name:Ashborn Primordial Author:
Chapter 38: To Play With Prana & Blood

You want me to break your arm? Said Maiya with a blank expression.

Well, dont break my arm, but just hit it hard enough to hurt really bad, Vir said.

Maiya wrenched her gaze from the wavesnow lit by the first rays of dawnand pushed through her seasickness to embrace Vir. I know weve been through a lot lately, Vir. First we had the pirates, then we were set up and you got so badly injured, and now this ship full of slaves. Just a little longer until were home, Vir, okay? Just a little longer.

Uh, Maiya? W-What are you doing?

Theres no need to resort to self violence, Vir. Just take deep breaths. Here, like this, she said, taking in one deep breath after another. Itll all be over soon, Vir.

Uhhh, Maiya I think youve got the wrong idea here. I havent gone crazy.

Maiya nodded knowingly. I understand, Vir. I can only imagine what youre going through.

Vir grasped her shoulders and wrenched himself away. For Veras sake, Maiya! Just listen to me! I am not insane. This has to do with Prana Vision. The thing I told you about? How I can see prana?

He simply couldnt wait any longer. Now that they were out of immediate danger, he wanted to try activating Prana Vision again. He was so close to a breakthrough! He just had to be a bit more cautious and it would all work out.

Huh? She said, confused.

Its too much to explain right now, but just believe me when I say Im trying to experiment with my abilities. Just trust me on this, okay?

Hmm. Youre sure?


Really sure?


Really really sure?


Alright! I cant say Im okay with this, but Ill believe in you, Vir, she said, picking up a metal rod tucked in a corner nearby.

Vir wondered why she was being so overly dramatic about this. It wasnt like he was asking her to kill him or something.

Maiya glanced around to ensure no one was looking, but most of the sailors were still asleep at this hour. Only a few lookouts remained abovedecks in the cold. Shed be sleeping too, if she didnt immediately puke when she closed her eyes or went belowdecks. Only a few hours remained until the ship would drop anchor near the coastline south of Saran, allowing them off.

Grasping the rod in both hands, she raised it high up in the air.

Vir braced his arm on the ships wooden railing and steeled himself.

Ay! Maiya squeaked, bringing the rod down, slowly, with one eye closed.

Maiya what are you doing? Vir asked as the rod lightly tapped his arm. Hed barely even felt it.

Ugh. Fine. Dont blame me for this, okay? she said, bracing herself. It was as if she was planning on smacking her arm instead of his. Vir half expected the girl to repeat the same mistake this time.

Ow! He grimaced as Maiya slammed the rod into his arm with enough force to break something.

Oh grak! Did I break something? Maiya cried, dropping the rod. Just hang on, Ill grab one of the sailors. Theres gotta be someone with a Life affinity aboard, right?

Vir grabbed her arm with his right hand. His entire left arm throbbed painfully. Bruised, but not broken. Stop, he said through gritted teeth. Thatll defeat the purpose. Thanks Maiya. Im fine. Ill just sit down for a sec. Just watch over me, okay?

Crossing his legs, Vir turned his vision to the water beneath the boat. Prana Vision had already begun to flare, and whats more, it was as bright as itd been when hed fought the wolf above Riyans abode. Not quite as vivid as when he had looked through Ekanais eyes back in the Godshollow, but he had a theory about that.

When he looked deep into the blue and white prana of the water, he saw a new color: black.

So I was right! He thought, mentally pumping his fists.

He stopped mid-pump, peering deeper. Something was off about this black prana, in a way that he found hard to wrap his mind around. It felt deeper. More profound, in a way he could only feel and not explain. One thing was for certain, though; the ambient black prana was identical to the prana in his own body.

Which brought up the question of why his regular Prana Vision could detect the prana within his own body, but had such a hard time finding prana in the wildthough after casting his gaze far into the ocean, he realized why.

Boosted Prana Vision wasnt any different from the regular version. It simply had more granularity. It saw farther, and it saw a more detailed view of the world. The black prana in his body wasnt dense, not by any means, but it was much closer than far off prana under the ground or in the ocean.

Which meant he needed far less detail to see it.

The ability was incredibly useful, but running around or getting badly injured remained the only surefire ways of turning it on. Though, as hed recently realized, the former method only partially activated the ability.

Back in the Godshollow, hed not only exerted himself, but hed also been driven by fear.

It was the same when hed fought the wolf above Riyans abode that nighthed been driven by fear. He was sure that hed have seen this new black prana in both instances, if hed had the presence of mind to look. On both accounts, hed been rather preoccupied with staying alive.

And again when hed been roughed up by the Saran jailors. His heart had been pumping hard, and pain and fear drove the ability to new heights.

The sailors sprung into action when the ship neared shore, furling the sails, tending to the rigging, steering the ship to an appropriate anchoring spot, and dealing with a myriad of other tasks.

Maiya and Vir remained near Bumpy, trying to stay out of the way as best as they could.

When the crew finally dropped anchor, a good thousand paces away from shore, Maiya began to worry.

Uh, I hope they dont expect us to swim, she said. I cant swim. Wait. You cant swim either, can you, Vir?


Vir wondered how this would work as well, but then remembered their encounter with the pirates the other day.

You remember how those pirates used a tiny boat to get to shore? I dont think these large ships can get any closer, or they might run aground.

Sure enough, Bakura hailed them over. Right so, dis be where we part ways mfraid. My menll help ya load yer Ashva onto dat dinghy oer dere, he said, pointing to a wooden boat suspended by ropes over the side of the ship. Head straight east n yell get ta de Saran-Daha highway afore sundown. Ah done everythin ah can. Rests on you two.

When Vir had stumbled upon the slaves, hed been certain the man would clasp a collar on his neck and thrown him into the brig with the others, but Alda had been right, it seemed. Maybe the man wasnt a saint, but it seemed hed honor his word.

Thank you, Maiya said. Well be sure to put in a good word with our father.

Not jes a good word, yeah?

Right, Vir responded. Ill be sure he contacts you. And well send you ample compensation for your troubles here.

The man rubbed his hands together. Good. Gooood, he said, his eyes shining in anticipation of prospects that would never materialize. Vir wondered when the man would find out that hed been duped by a pair of nobodies. Probably the next time hes back at Saran

Vir didnt want to be anywhere near the city when that happened.

Bumpy had done surprisingly well with the rocking motions of the ship, and Vir coaxed him out onto the dinghy lashed to the side of the ship without much difficulty. The sailors had braced the small boat with wooden spars, preventing it from rocking while they loaded onto it.

The four sailors aboard the dinghy guided Vir and Bumpy to the very center of the boat, where the beast's prodigious weight wouldnt upset its balance. After Bumpy was safely aboard and strapped down, Maiya handed Vir his rucksack, then hopped in herself.

The four crewmen cast off the spars, and with the help of the sailors aboard Bakuras ship, lowered the dinghy down.

Bumpy began whining the instant the boat touched water, and Vir couldnt blame him. The dinghy bobbed and rocked in seas far more than the large ship. The motions reduced somewhat when the sailors began rowing, but it wasnt enough.

Maiya already had her face out over the water in case she needed to hurl. The ten minute ride to shore must have felt like ten hours to his poor friend.

Blessed. Blessed shores! Maiya cried, burying her hand into the sand. Shed jumped off the boat at the same time as the sailors, whod offered to beach it so she wouldnt have to get wet.

After puking a half dozen times, getting wet was low on her list of concerns.

The sailors bid them farewell, lingering a moment before heading back with disappointed faces. Vir belatedly realized theyd been hoping for a tip.

Instead of heading east like Bakura had directed, Vir hugged the coastline and traveled south, back to Riyans abode. The ship had put them much farther south than anticipated, which worked to their favor. A hard day of riding would put them home before sunset.

Maiya recovered soon after on Bumpy, and the hours dragged on in silence. They had both had a long journey and neither had the energy for conversation.

The tricky eastward turn posed Vir no problems. Hed anticipated this exact problem on the way out, so hed memorized the arrangement of the rocky hills by the shore to avoid missing the turn.

Once Bumpy was back on the sand dunes, he let the beast guide itself home, allowing his mind to wander to the grotto and the blissful rest that was soon to come.

When they arrived at Riyans home after what felt like an eternity, Vir spied two Ashva stabled in the cave next to the abode. Riyan had two Ashva, and Vir was currently on one of them.

Which meant

Someones here

It is good to see you, Tanya, Riyan said, gesturing to the silver haired woman whod just entered his abode. You are one of the few mejai left I can trust.

Yes, sir, she said, her lips taut. Ive never known you to make requests, general.

Riyan chuckled. Indeed.

The woman wore her silver hair short in a bob cut, complementing her aggressive looks. Full black leathers showed off her curvy figure, but it was her deep-set black eyes that Riyan had come to remember her by. Many men had cowered before that stare. If gazes were blades, then hers was pure seric. They were the eyes of a predator.

He gestured dismissively. I am no general. Not anymore. And be sure to call me Riyan in front of them. Do not ever mention my family name.

Yes, sir. I mean, Riyan. This... will take some getting used to.

Riyan laughed. Ive no doubt youll prevail.

So, tell me more about this girl Is she as talented as you say?

Riyan cocked a brow as he turned towards the main door, a sly grin plastered upon his face. Why dont you be the judge of that? They have returned.

Next time: 39: Homecoming