Chapter 130: Sanctuary

Name:Ashborn Primordial Author:
Chapter 130: Sanctuary

Somebody better start talking, Vir said, cautiously eyeing the dozen soldiers in the room. Dance of the Shadow Demon was ready to go anytime.

Allow me, Reths slave said, tossing her collar aside. This was a test. Perhaps a foolish one, but one designed to determine your loyalty. I fear far too many demons have succumbed to human brainwashing. This would not be the first time weve been betrayed by such agents.

You couldve just asked, Vir replied, still confused about what exactly was happening.

Talk is cheap. Actions resound loudest.

Gone was her meek slave demeanor, replaced by overwhelming confidence. The type of attitude a supreme leader would have.

Who are you?

Ah, my apologies. Im Disanna. One of the three leaders of the Pagan Order.

Lord Reth isnt the ruler?

Well, I am, Reth said, his cocky, arrogant demeanor having vanished without a trace. But only one of three. Together with Disanna and Zora over there, we form the Tribunal. The governing body of the Order.

Reth is our public image, but Zora and I have equal authority, Disanna said. We just prefer to govern from the shadows.

I had no idea, Vir said, eyeing the lanky gray demon. At first glance, she looked deformed to Vir, but upon closer inspection, he realized she was just... different. She stood hunched over with her too-long arms, accenting her strange appearance, but what caught Vir's eye was the purple tribal tattoo that surrounded her eyes. Flowing and symmetric, the beautiful art felt somewhat out of place on her body. So thats Zora, huh?

First time seeing a Ghael? Reth asked. Dont blame you. Most humans consider them monsters, exterminating them on sight. They survive by staying hidden.

Is what are they? Vir asked, immediately regretting his words as Zora narrowed her eyes at him.

Demonkin, Disanna replied. Brothers and sisters of demonkind.

Pleased to meet you, Zora said in a hoarse, gravelly voice. It was as if her body simply wasnt built for human speech. Im not offended at all.

Vir flushed with shame. Im sorry. Truly. Erm, h-howd you know I was a demon, though? Since when? he asked, desperately trying to change the topic.

Since Daha, Zora said. And no. We did not see through your disguise.

Vir waited, expecting her to say more, but no explanation was forthcoming.

Reth coughed to break the awkward silence. The GhaelZoras kindhave an innate ability to sense prana. Or at least, some of them do.

Vir raised a brow. They can see prana?

Not see, no. But they can sense it somehow.

We taste it, Zora replied.

Taste? Must be like how Prana Visions colors manifest as an addition to my regular sight.

Tasted your Ash prana, the Ghael continued. Knew you weren't normal. Never seen anything other than Ash Beasts with that affinity.

You know of Ash prana? Vir asked, shocked that anyone in this realm was aware of it. Does that mean

I understand, Vir replied. If the Order really was who they claimed to be, Vir wouldnt even think of betraying them.

Very well then. Zora, please show him down.

The Ghael nodded, then beckoned Vir to follow her through the door.

The room on the other side wasnt much of a room at all. It was completely empty, save for a rectangular rope lift that dominated the center of the space.

The wooden lift was large enough to fit three Ashva side by side, but it was the amount of rope that caught Virs eye. Looped on both corners of the room, there was an immense amount of it.

Which means this lift descends far. Very far.

Virs suspicion was soon proven correct as they boarded the lift and began to descend. Half the guards accompanying them stayed back to man the mechanism, lowering them slowly down into the abyss.

There were no lights on the way down, plunging the lift into darkness. Only Vir and Zora maneuvered around the lift naturally, thanks to their Prana senses. The others sat down and waited.

Im, uh, sorry for earlier. Really am, Vir said softly. I know what its like being reviled. Ive always had to hide my appearance out of fear of how people might react if they saw how I really looked. Its never pleasant.

I know, Zora said, and Vir thought he sensed her smile, though he was likely imagining it. Prana Vision simply lacked that level of granularity. I take no offense. This place when the Pagan Order found me lets just say if I believed in the gods, I would have called it a blessing.

They took you in, then? How long have you been with them?

Young. Every demon here was taken in by the Order at some point, she replied, sweeping her gangly arm around them at the sitting guards. Either as children, or as adults. The younger we bring them in, the better off they are. I was one such.

Vir went silent. Zoras prayers had likely gone unanswered. He could scarcely imagine what life she must have lived before the Order picked her up. Despite whatever Ash-hell she must have endured as a child, she must have been one of the luckier ones. As he knew well, there was no love for demons and their ilk in the scriptures.

The Order raises children? Vir asked. The image hed had of this country was quickly crumbling away, one piece at a time.

Yes. Many. The adults Some are too far gone. Brutalized by men, their minds broken. We seek as many children as we can. A life here is far superior to any theyd have elsewhere.

Vir remained unconvinced.

You say that. Reth said the same thing. And I understand that its nice to live in a country where you wont be ostracized if people find out how you really look. But you still hide. You still disguise yourselves.

A guard whod overheard their conversation chuckled.

Why do you laugh? Vir asked, genuinely puzzled. Then he noticed that the guard was actually the very same prisoner he was supposed to kill during the test. The other Ashborn.

Vir had so many questions for the man, he didnt even know where to start.

Well, youll see right about now.

The column of rock that surrounded their lift finally gave way to a vast open space. For a brief moment, Vir thought he was peering into a bottomless abyss, but then he saw the lights far below.

There, at the bottom of a cavern of incomprehensible size, lay a city. An entirely subterranean city, blazing with bright white lights.

Welcome, friend, to the Undercity, the guard said, standing up.

The city above is a facade, Zora said. Merely a sham for prying eyes and bigoted humans who seek to hurt us. This is the true face of the Pagan Order. Our hidden city, built by demons, for demons. A place where no one ever has to hide who they truly are. The name Balindam means strength. And so I welcome you to our stronghold. Our sanctuary. The real Balindam.