Chapter 152: The Ravager and the Shadow (Three)

Name:Ashborn Primordial Author:
Chapter 152: The Ravager and the Shadow (Three)

The moment Vir glimpsed red in the corner of his eye, he threw on his rucksack, grabbed Maiya, and jumped, not waiting for the inevitable attack that was bound to hit them.

Not a second after hed Leaped off Maiyas Acira, Cirayus enormous greatsword sliced across where theyd just been.

Balancer of Scales is cheating. Its absolutely cheating! Vir thought as he plummeted to the forest, Maiya cradled in his arms like a princess. A somewhat panicky princess, though to her credit, Maiya never screamed.

Light Step broke his fall, and he gently set her down.

I thought we had a chance, Vir said through gritted teeth.

After all that Vir, what do we do?

You give up, Cirayus said, landing in front of them with the weight of a feather. Either way, this is where you die.

Balancer of Scales crushed them with the weight of an anvil, flattening them against the ground. Once again, Vir charged Dance of the Shadow Demon, but before he could activate it, three Acira swooped down from the sky, screeching.

Think again! Badal roared, diving on the giant. Not even the four-armed demon could ignore the new threats, bracing himself for impact. To his credit, his suppression field stayed active, though it held no sway over Dance.

Run, brother! Well keep him occupied.

No, stop! Vir shouted at Badal, his face flat against the dirt. He couldnt even turn his head. Such was the pressure from Balancer of Scales. Dont even think of fighting him!

If you really feel that way, then escape! Well leave as soon as youre safe.

There was no other choice. Vir and Maiya simply lacked the offensive ability to harm Cirayus. That remained true even with Badals support.

So Vir sunk into the shadows and retrieved Maiya, bringing her into the protection of the Shadow Realm while Cirayus fended off Badal.

Then he fled. Hed long ago mastered Dance of the Shadow Demon, leveraging every last drop of potential the ability had. When he used it in succession, he didnt so much appear and disappear, but rather swam through the shadows, like a fish darting through an ocean of darkness.

The moment Virs arm left the Shadows, he charged the ability, reactivating it. At any moment, only a limb or two was visible above the ground. The rest was safely tucked away inside the Shadow Realm.

Maiya, though terrified, quickly shut her mouth, lest she give away their position to the giant.

Each Dance invocation put distance between them and their enemy. Though Vir spent several seconds within the shadows, to an outside observer, theyd simply disappear and reappear some twenty paces away.

Vir couldnt be sure exactly how fast they were moving, but it was definitely faster than an Ashva.

We might have a shot at this

If Badal kept Cirayus occupied long enough, they ought to be able to escape, and because Vir was continuously moving in one direction, there was no risk of depleting the ground prana. In fact, the amount of prana increased as he drew nearer to the Ash.

Only when hed put several thousand paces between himself and Cirayus a half hour later did he stop and fully exit the Shadow Realm.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Were pretty far now, he said. Theyd left the forest behind and currently stood in a vast field of golden reeds that came nearly to their waists.

We are, Maiya said softly. So, what now?

Far too occupied with the task at hand, he failed to recognize Cirayus surprise. Nor did he see the faintest smile creep up on the giant demons face.

Agonizingly, he neared Maiya.

Vir, she whispered, tears streaming down her face. You dont have to do this.

Dont worry. He looks scarier than he is. He wont harm you.

Oho? the big demon said, amused. Bold words for someone on the brink of death. Where does this sudden confidence come from, I wonder?

Vir put himself between Maiya and the demon. It was a meaningless gestureCirayus could simply walk around him, and Vir would be powerless to interfere. But he refused to let himself be cowed by this demon.

Slowly, he stripped off his brigandine, each slight movement taking intense concentration. The metal clanged to the ground.

Then he unbuttoned his shirt.

Cirayus expression morphed from amusement to one of awe. Of reverence, as he stared, transfixed.

That confirms it.

You recognize this tattoo Dont you? Vir said through gritted teeth. Because Youre the one who brought me to Brij as a baby. Youre the one who gave me to Rudvik. The lumberjack. You told him to raise me.

It was a gamble, pure and simple. Vir had no proof. But the signs were all there. For one, while Vir had seen a handful of four-armed demons in the Pagan Order, he hadnt seen a single four-armed giant. Let alone one covered in tattoos.

That wasnt all; the demon Rudvik described to him was supremely self-confident, and thudded whenever he walked. He possessed an almighty aura. Cirayus did the same.

Yet there was one fact that reigned above them all.

Youre so strong, and yet neither Maiya nor I have a single scratch on us. Even if youre here for a good fight, with your power, we should be injured by now.

Cirayus stared at Vir blankly. Then Balancer suddenly ceased, freeing Vir and Maiya from their prison, and the corners of the demons mouth curled upward into a full-on grin.

Caught on, did you? I honestly thought I made a pretty convincing bad guy.

Maiya frowned. How can you say that? You killed those Pagan Order demons!

Fear not, lass. I did try to reason with them, but they were having none of it. I was forced to knock them all unconscious. I suspect theyll be waking up right about now.

I have a million questions for you, Vir said. But first.

Virs words caught. He was about to ask who Cirayus was, but another question crept to his lips. One hed wanted to know his entire life.

Who am I? You know, dont you?

Aye. That I do. Allow me to apologize for my impudence, Cirayus said, plunging his greatsword and tower shield into the tall grass. I wished to test you. To see how strong youve grown. I er, sometimes take things too far. Especially in battle. Always been a bad habit of mine, hah!

Gone was the giants overbearing aura. As he scratched his head in embarrassment, he looked almost harmless, despite the menacing tattoos on his face and his fearsome physique.

There was no lie in my words. I am Cirayus. Known to some as the Ravager. But to you? he said, taking a knee and bowing his head, bringing his face even with Vir and Maiya. I am your sworn guardian and godfather, and I greet you now as your vassal. My liege, O Prince Sarvaak of Garga.