Chapter 173: Hasty Progress

Name:Ashborn Primordial Author:
Chapter 173: Hasty Progress

Vir started to ruminate about Haste, but his mind soon wandered. Several paths were open to him now, which was a luxury hed never had before. He could, of course, choose to pursue new Talents. Or he could learn how to fix Prana Vision. If that didnt fancy him, he could always work on expanding his prana capacity. OrFollow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

Vir thought of the Chakra System. It was powerful, mysterious, and spoke to something deep within him. He wanted it. Even the thought of opening even his first chakra made his heart pump, but he also knew there was next to no chance of that happening soon.

Maybe his prior incarnations had opened their chakras, but he lacked their memories. Without Parai, Narak, Shardul, and Ekanai to help him, he was no different from any other demon. This meant it might even be years before he opened his Foundation Chakra without Cirayus to accelerate the process. For now, he forced his excitement down and deferred his pursuit of Chakras. They would have to come later.

Expanding his prana capacity was by far the easiest option of them all, but it felt somewhat wasteful to spend his time on thathed acclimatized well enough to use Talents, so expanding his bodys prana capacity slightly further wouldnt be of immediate use. Not unless he quadrupled it. That might allow him to power Talents solely off the prana in his own body, which would be useful outside the Ash. A worthwhile goal, but something to slowly work toward.

Of the options that remained, fixing Prana Vision and learning Haste were equal in his mind. He chose to focus on the Talent first. After all, hed spent nearly every waking moment in the Ash thinking about how to do exactly thatruminating about abilities he shouldve learned long ago, but couldnt because of insufficient prana.

Haste felt like low-hanging fruit. While classified as a Rare Talent, two whole tiers above Leap and High Jump, after watching Tia use it so often, Vir couldnt understand why.

It was simple, and while it had made her faster, it hadnt turned her into a blonde blur. It only made her half again as fast as she normally was.

Vir had already learned most of its constituent parts. Micro Leap allowed him to move with great haste, which hed relied on against the Shredder.

There were two main differences. For one, Micro Leap was an activated power, not something that remained active continuously during a battle, and it only affected his legs.

Vir felt like a simple application of prana and intent was all that was needed to obtain Haste. He needed sufficient blood prana saturationwhich he now hadand the intent to hasten.

Standing and adopting a runners stance, Vir allowed the supersaturated layer of prana near his skin to lapse slightly. His body filled with airborne Ash prana. When he neared his bloods capacity, Vir stopped the process, re-establishing the layer of dense prana near his skin to block any more from entering.

Every single Talent he'd mastered thus far required two components: an infusion of prana into the relevant muscle group, and the proper intent. To activate Leap, for example, he supersaturated particular muscles in his legs and willed himself to move forward. Haste, however, moved the entire body rather than targeting one specific muscle group. In a way, it was easier. All he had to do was flood his body full of prana.

Move, Vir thought, putting power into his legs. The ability activated and he stumbled violently forward, barely catching himself before he fell. His arms also moved faster than normal, but it was unnatural. Jerky.

It was as if his body moved too quickly for his mind to process. This wasn't anything like what he envisioned Haste to be.

Vir tried it again, and while he didnt fall this time, the result was hardly any better. Something was wrong. This wasnt the ability Tia possessed. With Haste active, she moved gracefully, as if shed been born with it. Every part of her was faster.

I'm thinking of it the same way as Leap and High Jump. I'm missing something here.

The hours passed, and Vir experimented. By hour three, he began to grow irritated. By the fifth, he was downright angry.

It shouldnt be this hard! The principles so simple!

While he had grown more proficient at controlling his arms and legs, he couldnt persist in the state. It was one thing to initiate a single Leap. It was another entirely to make his every motion match that pace.

Vir began to wish hed been born with a sharper brain. One that could think faster.

Sit still! Vason had said. You move too fast!

Tia had poked her tongue out. Its not that I move fast. Just that you all move too slow!

Thats it! I dont need to think faster, I just need everything to slow down a bit

It clicked like a key in a lock.

Going faster, slowing downtheyre just two sides of the same coin!

Vir returned to Haste, and this time, changed his intent. Instead of imagining himself speeding up, he willed the world to slow around him.

Slow it did. The reeds blowing in the wind stilled while the sound reaching his ears grew deeper. Vir hadnt noticed any improvement in his own speed. It didnt feel fast, very much unlike the rush of using Blink or Leap.

It wasnt that the world had slowed suddenly. He was just moving faster relative to everything else.

This is what she felt!?

Vir could hardly believe it. Haste was powerful. But was it ever this strong? To Vir, the world moved less than half as fast as it normally did. Which meant he moved more than twice as quickly. Far faster than Tia had ever been.

Ash Prana! Its because Im using Ash prana, not just Earth Affinity!

But before Vir could jump for joy, he stumbled, feeling a sudden bout of weakness come over him. When he looked inside him with Prana Vision, it became obvious why. His bodys prana had nearly run dry.

Canceling the ability, Vir allowed ambient prana to flood in, replenishing himself. Clearly, Hastes burn rate was far too much for the prana in his body alone to sustain. That was finethere was plenty in the realm to go aroundthough hed certainly have to ration the Talent outside the Ash. Either that or learn how to modulate its output.

Vir sat beside the pond, allowing his nausea to clear.

It makes sense, he thought. There was a difference between feeling faster and perceiving the world as having slowed down. Haste didn't only accelerate his body. It sped up his mind, too. His heart pumped faster while under its effects, and even his blood circulated quicker. Blood that entered and exited his head every moment. When his mind operated at the same, faster, rate as his body, it wouldn't make any sense for him to feel like his body was quicker than normal. Vir had sped up relative to the world, and so from his perspective, it was the world that was slowing down around him.

Vir reveled in his progress for a moment, but soon realized there was still work to be done. Fixing Prana Vision was good, and learning Haste was even better. There was a vast chasm, though, between learning an ability and mastering it.

Against the Shredder, nothing less than complete mastery would let him keep up. Vir stood, preparing himself to invoke Haste a few hundred times, but a presence behind him stopped him dead in his tracks.

Lad? Its been six hours. What did you promise me when you left?

Dread trickled down Virs back.

Grak it! I said Id be back in an hour!

Cirayus scowled. Come with me. Now.