Chapter 209: The Trial Of Faith (Two) (Maiya)

Name:Ashborn Primordial Author:
Chapter 209: The Trial Of Faith (Two) (Maiya)

This is suicide, Maiya thought, prostrating as giant lizard-like creatures ran past her. She prayed theyd pass the group by paying no one any mind But these were Ash Beasts. Such hope would undoubtedly be in vain.

She heard the first scream a moment laterthe pained scream pierced the air until it was suddenly cut off. Then there was another. And another.

I have to do something.

At this rate, everyone would die. Maiya bore no obligation to any of these people, but watching as civilians were slaughtered before her eyes despite knowing she could help Maiya couldnt live with herself if she allowed it.

But what should she do, short of attacking the beasts?

Yknow? Yamal said in a shaky voice, prostrating beside her. I never amounted to much. Truth is, I was supposed to get married, but my fiancee left me.

Hes telling me his life story now? Maiya wondered through gritted teeth, only half listening. Her mind raced to formulate a plan that might avert this tragedy.

Cant blame her, really. Never knew what she saw in me in the first place, he said wryly. But then it got worse. Really became a deadbeat after that. I was a blacksmith, once, you know? Not the best, Ill admit, but not the worst, either.

Is now really the best time for this? Maiya asked irritably. Yamals words were distracting her from finding a way to avert this tragedy. Little time remained until the beasts finished with the others. Even now, she could hear them gorging themselves on the Initiate hopefuls they just killed.

Ive never done anything meaningful with my life, Yamal said, turning his tear-stained face to her. So at least let me die well.

A Zard approached them slowly, licking its lips with its long, forked red tongue.

Yamal roared, springing to his feet and beating his arms against his chest.

Maiyas eyes bulged. What do you think youre

Save yourself! Ill distract it, he shouted, running away.

Maiya groaned. You grakking oaf Yamal hadnt sidled up next to Maiya seeking protection. He thought he was the one protecting her!

If he wasnt about to get himself killed, Maiya mightve laughed. As it was, however, her frustration only grew. She wasnt ready. She didnt have a plan. What was she to do now?

Hey! Rector! she called to the prostrating cultist, whod somehow avoided the wrath of the Zards thus far. No harming them, but everything else is game, right?

There was no reply. The cultist was chanting something under his breath.

Ill take that as a yes, Maiya breathed. Alright, Yamal, listen to me!? She turned, looking for her reckless companion, and gasped.

Follow me, you craven beast! Yamal yelled, facing off against a Zard.

The beast turned to face him, its eyes full of primal hunger. It wasnt sizing him up as an opponent. It was eyeing its next meal.

Maiya clutched her C Grade Wind Blade orb. She hadnt slotted her mejai aiming bracer in the interest of drawing less attentiona decision she now regretted. She wouldnt be able to aim the orb But even if she could, it wouldnt have helped.

Im too late!

The Greater Zard raised its forepaw, poised to slice Yamal. A single strike would cleave him to pieces. Maiya was filled with anguish at her inability to prevent his death.

Yamal dove, but she knew itd do him little good. He was up against an Ash Beast, after all. One with a Balar Rank somewhere in the thirties.

Maiya braced herself to witness his gruesome demise. While she hadnt regarded the man as anything other than overly nosy, he didnt deserve to die. Not like this.

The Zards paw blurred.

And Yamal suddenly dodged.


Whats someone like him doing here? Maiya wondered, before shelving the thought.

If she didnt act, shed never get those answers.

Yamal. Flank the beast on the right. Ill get the left. Draw it back to the others, she said, glancing at the three-way brawl that raged between the beasts just twenty paces away. More of a two-way affairone looked to be on its very last legs.

Maiya only hoped theyd keep fighting until one of them succumbed.

She lunged in, forcing the Zard to divert its attention. The beast hissed at her in irritation, but right before it attacked, Yamal let out something halfway between a scream and a roar, which prompted the beast to switch targets.

Catching on quickly, the giant man stepped forth menacingly, once again causing the Zard to change targets.

Lead it to the others! Maiya shouted, working with the two to bait the beast. Their strategy worked, though they hardly got away unscathed. The big man took another blowthis time to his other armthough, yet again, he said nothing. Maiya started referring to him as the Silent Man in her head.

Maiya took a blow directly to her torso, but her magical armor absorbed the brunt of the attack. The Silent Man regarded her appraisingly, though she doubted Yamal noticed. He was too busy feeling terrified for his life.

Thats the normal reaction, Maiya thought. The Silent Man shows not even a trace of fear. Hes built different.

By the time they lured the Zard to the others, one of the other combatants was dead, while two others had worn themselves to the ground.

The two turned to snarl at the newcomer. There was a pause, and Maiya panicked.

Theyre not going to fight!

Either theyd wizened up to her ploy, or the Zards were simply too tired to fight.

They each backed away and then they turned tail and ran. Back to the Ash Wall.

Huh, Yamal said, walking up beside Maiya. I sppose thats one way of dealing with them. All according to plan, eh?

S-sure, Maiya said, half in disbelief. She was sure shed have a fight on her hands.

The Silent Man came up and put his large hand on Maiyas slim shoulder, squeezing it gently.

She looked up to see him nod back.

You Really dont say anything, do you? Yamal asked.

The Silent Man shook his head.

Youre mute, Maiya said softly.

The man nodded.

Maiya surveyed the field of slaughter. Half of the fifty that had arrived were dead, their bodies brutally cut open on the ground. The other half regarded Maiya with zealous eyes, full of appreciation. Appreciation, and something else. Something like awe, only greater.

Thats a win? I guess? Maiya thought, turning away from them to regard the Rector.

Against all odds, the prostrating man had somehow survived, head buried into the ground. Maiya couldve flung her greatest spells around, and he wouldnt have noticed a thing.

The Rector slowly brought his head from the ground. We survive! Blessed are we! Blessed and chosen!

So, we pass? Yamal asked.

The Rector shook his head furiously. Yes. Y-you pass! You all pass!

Maiya sighed. She didnt know whether to be elated or terrified. She shook off those emotions for now, resolving to make the best of this ordeal.

She turned to the giant next to her and smiled. Im Maiya, she said, extending a hand. Howd you like to join up with me?