Chapter 214: Pragya Sarana

Name:Ashborn Primordial Author:
Chapter 214: Pragya Sarana

Saunaks home was nothing as simple as a tent or a hut. Nor even was it a cavern dug into the mountainside.

No, it was the glowing disk. The one that pulled all the lightning from the area. A disk that encircled the top of an Imperium spire like a crown, not unlike the ones Vir had seen at Mahdi. Unlike those, however, the cylindrical black tower almost looked alive, covered with glowing lights of various hues.

There is but one safe route through the Lightning, Saunak shouted over the cracks of deafening thunder. His automaton had lowered him to the ground, and he now walked beside them. Follow closely, or you may perish. You have been warned!

Vir shielded his eyes. The lightning flashes were so close and so frequent that his ears rang and his hair stood on end. The residual heat hit him in the face like a Fireball spell.

For all his gains, there was little he could do against a lightning strike, other than to stick close to Saunaks automatons and shore up his Prana Armor. Luckily, theyd slowed to a crawl to allow Saunak to keep paceit seemed not even he dared to ride atop his machines shoulders in this storm. Unluckily, that also meant a slow slog through the lightning field.

Shan sidled up to Vir, eyeing the storm warily as the lightnings intensity and frequency increased. Strikes touched down mere paces away, surrounding them in a rain of death. Several struck Saunaks Automatons, though they hardly seemed to notice, dissipating the prana and energy into the ground below.

They were halfway through when the situation went from bad to worse. Lightning began arcing from nearby rocks.

Virs skin tingled and Shan shivered. They each Blinked away right as a bolt struck where theyd been, lancing at the Automatons leg.

Enough of this madness! Cirayus roared. Ill not suffer your suicidal antics. Were leaving.

Irrational! Saunak said calmly. I havent even reset your Artifact yet! Youd be better served threatening me with bodily harm!

If such threats would work on you, I would already have! Cirayus roared back.

Saunak! Vir shouted over the thunder. Is there another way through? Can you do anything about this lightning?

Saunak rubbed his chin, frowning. He sighed. Very well.

The demon brought out another tablet from his white coat, this one black. His fingers played over it, and a pulsating surge of Ash prana shot out, bound for the tower.

The glowing green ring winked out, and the lightning halted immediately. The dark storm clouds burned away in moments, leaving a still, lifeless landscape.

Vir, Cirayus, and Shan all stared.

What? Saunak asked. Youre the first guests Ive had in a century! Cant you allow an old demon some theatrics?

Yep Hes definitely insane.

The rest of the journey proceeded without drama or mortal peril, and soon the group arrived at the base of the tower. Saunaks spire sat on a rock island surrounded by a circular chasm on all sides, with only four great bridges connecting it.

Its Imperium, Vir thought. The architecture bore a remarkable similarity to the spires hed seen at Mahdi, though this building felt rougher. More ancient. As if it hailed from an older era of Imperium advancement.

Vir followed Saunak over the bridge, which was wide enough for both massive Automatons to walk side-by-side.

Like the roads at Mahdi, the bridge looked pristine, and with Prana Vision, Vir found countless preservation inscriptions running over it.

Peering over the Imperium metal guardrail, Vir found a dizzying drop below. Yet what lay at the bottom wasnt an abyss of black as hed expected, but magma. Deep and glowing red. Threatening to consume whatever pitiful soul fell in.

The green ring above the spire blazed into existence once again, and lightning started ravaging the ground around the spire. Thankfully, the bridges were excluded from its zone of destruction.Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

Still dont have a clue what the Imperium intended with this weather controller ring, but it does make an awfully effective defense against Ash Beasts, let me tell you, Saunak said, cackling, marveling at the ring far above.

It was too bright to view directly, so the thaumaturge wore the pair of dark goggles hed kept draped around his neck.

So thats what they were for? He brought them along just for this?

The demon spun a full circle on his heels before waltzing over the bridge with a skip in his step.

Cirayus hung back and placed a hand on Virs shoulder.

Do you see, now? Hes not right in the head, Cirayus said, leaning in close to Virs ear. Saunaks sanity left him a long time ago. We cannot trust him. Well get him to fix the Artifact, and then well be on our way. Understood?

Vir nodded slowly. There was so much he wanted to learn from Saunak about Imperium creations But Cirayus had a point. The risks seemed to outweigh the benefits.

Dont tell him anything. Dont even let him suspect who you are.

Ill be careful, Vir promised.

They followed Saunak across the bridge into a cathedral-like entrance that stood a hundred paces high, and easily sixty wide. Metal catwalks ran along the sides of the great room, suspended fifty paces in the air. They resembled piers, except instead of ships, they were clearly designed to berth something else.

Saunaks Automaton walked over to the railing and settled against the wall. The glowing blue eyes dimmed to nothingness, and the gargantuan machine stilled.

Its cousin did the same, taking a position opposite it, like stone sentinels that guarded the entrance to Saunaks home.

They would make for effective guards, Vir thought.

Welcome to Pragya Sarana, my sanctuary in this stormy realm, Saunak declared, his arms outstretched. Come in, come in! Make yourselves at home.

Despite that, where the entrance inspired awe, this space felt more cozy. The luxurious rugs, gold accents, and chandeliers completed the picture, making for a homey, yet exotic-feeling space.

Saunak guided them to a long dining table next to windows that ran from the floor to the ceiling. Vir found himself irresistibly drawn to the windows and the stunning view beyond, paying the table full of fresh fruits and salivating dishes only a cursory glance.

Shan, however, eyed the food hungrily.

Outside, the storm raged as heavily as ever, though not a single sound made it through.

Imperium magic, Saunak said. There are no windows in this tower. Everything you see is a projection of the outside.

Incredible. It wasnt Vir who spoke, but Cirayus. Ive never seen anything like this.

So, his placid facade finally cracked, huh? Vir thought with some satisfaction.

Saunak nodded. Its quite something, isnt it?

Vir had to agree. Volcanoes erupted in the distance, spewing ash high into the air, while Ash Beasts battled in the valleys in front of them. Forests ran to the horizon. Wilting forests.

It was then that Vir noticed the windows were magnifying the image wherever he looked, allowing him to witness scenes from hundreds of miles away. The effect was so subtle that Vir almost hadnt noticed.

A black blur in his peripheral vision caught his attention, attracting his gaze to the nearby mountains.

He watched in horror as a black mass emerged from between the jagged peaks. Where it moved, nothing remained; only bare, barren rock. Trees shriveled before his eyes, disintegrating at an unbelievable pace. The beasts that battled there simply disappeared.

Prana Swarm! Vir shouted in panic. Were not safe here!

Nonsense! Saunak said casually, swirling a glass of wine hed obtained from who-knew-where. Watch!

The Swarm was enormous. In just moments, the forest theyd crossed earlier had been annihilated. The Swarm covered ground with astonishing speed, rushing at them with a vengeance. Then it arrived, and with Prana Vision, Vir saw only blackness outside.

One moment, all was dark, but then it was gone as if it had never existed. The Swarm had attempted to consume the tower, and it had failed, moving on to more palatable targets.

Virs knees quivered, forcing him to grab the headrest of a chair for support. We just endured a Prana Swarm attack? And we survived?

My friends, you are currently standing in the safest place in this entire realm, Saunak declared proudly.

Vir could now see why. The ravaged landscape outside felt like a realm away from this position of absolute security. It was a little like watching a monsoon pour from inside the comfort of a warm home.

A luxury Vir had wished for as a child.

Now, while Im sure we could all stare at the scenery for hours, why dont we eat? Im famished!

Your own Imperium servants, Cirayus scoffed. Out here in the Ash. When we banished you, we hadnt intended for you to find a life of luxury.

Ah, but you hadnt intended anything at all, had you? You lot condemned me to death out here. That I not only survived, but thrived, should be of no consequence to you, yes? Or dont tell me youre still upset over her?

Her? Vir asked. Whos he talking about?

Cirayus pursed his lips, staring daggers at Saunak. Later, lad. Why dont we take our gracious host up on his offer to dine, for now? he said in a cold, even tone.

An excellent suggestion! Saunak said. My automatons have so kindly prepared our meals, after all.

Vir glanced at the table. Three cushioned wood chairs had been placedone of which was oversized, as if made for Cirayus himself.

One tends to collect things over the years, Saunak said with a shrug. I cant promise the chairs are comfortable, but the food, at least, I have some faith in. Ah, dont worry. Ive prepared a feast for your wolf as well.

The giant settled into his chair, leaning Sikandar against the table beside him.

He took his place and began heaping contents onto his plate.

Vir reluctantly left the window to settle in beside Cirayus.

I dont understand, Vir said. How did you come by all of this? How did you control this tower? I dont know much about Imperium magic, but I doubt theyd simply leave the place unlocked for the first stranger who comes along to claim.

And if Saunak had indeed unraveled so many of the Imperiums mysteries, what else did he know? Could he guide Vir back to Ashani? Was he in possession of powerful Artifacts? Saunak sounded like a trove of potential treasure. His ability to control Automatons alone was incredible, and Vir suspected that was barely scratching the surface.

Its not poisoned, for Yumas sake! Saunak said between mouthfuls, rolling his eyes. Dont let this one corrupt you, boy. Cirayus is as paranoid as they come.

You're one to talk, Cirayus said, scoffing.

True, true. Paranoia certainly can be useful, I must admit, Saunak replied.

Vir filled his plate, eyeing the demon warily. I have to say, I'm surprised someone with your recklessness has survived this long.

Saunak laughed hard. Cirayus, look at him! Hes nothing like his father. Youve corrupted him!

Vir froze, and Cirayus tensed. All joviality evaporated in an instant.

How do you know who I am?