Chapter 21 - Chapter 21: Chapter 21 Who is the true Gambling King?

Chapter 21: Chapter 21 Who is the true Gambling King?

March 15th, Friday.

Dawn’s light streamed through the window onto the narrow confines of the rented room, the early spring breeze carrying a hint of freshness that wafted into Lin Chuan’s nostrils.

Lin Chuan had gotten up early.

His editor Youyou, had sent him a link.

‘The Heroes Compete event has started, come join! The Sailing Novel March Champion could be you!’

“As expected, the event has arrived.”

Lin Chuan clicked on the link, which took him to the Sailing Novel app.

Event rules: All new books released after March 1st are eligible for the ‘Heroes Compete’ event. Rankings will ultimately be based on the Popularity Value of the works…

Event duration: March 15th–March 20th.

Event rewards: First prize, a cash reward of 50,000 yuan, exclusive website recommendations, IP rights development, video platform promotion to drive traffic…

Lin Chuan continued to scroll down the page.

No.1: King of Cheating (Handon)

No.2: Number One Sword Immortal (Hongmei)

No.3: Urban Soldier King (Love the Kingdom More Than the Beauty)

No.296: Swindler (Mr. Lin)

This event was highly unlikely to be related to Lin Chuan.

“What a grind!”

Lin Chuan scratched his head, laughing dryly.

Today was the day he had arranged with Anling Police Station to make an anti-gambling campaign; he prepared to leave for the station.

Just before leaving.

Lin Chuan pinched his chin and thought of landlord Old Zhang who was still detained at the station. He mumbled, “I should also spread the word to the brothers in the reader group to prevent them from going to gamble after reading ‘Swindler’.”

“Ah… it’s tough doing any job these days.”

“Me, a writer, actually has to worry about readers committing crimes after reading my book, damn it!”

But his actions were honest.

His hands maneuvered his phone, opened the reader group, and sent out the anti-gambling campaign live broadcast notice and relevant links.

And he added the message: Brothers, remember to come watch the live broadcast, don’t stray off the path!

It wasn’t 30 seconds before readers replied.

[Author, how come you haven’t surfaced for so many days? Did you go in again?]

[Author, are you just getting out now?]

[Let me say one thing, why is this link for anti-gambling propaganda, author?]

[I was puzzled too, shouldn’t it be about Cheating Techniques teaching?]

[Author, if you’re handcuffed and it’s difficult to type, just send a smiley face. ]

Lin Chuan couldn’t help but laugh.

This group of readers had more outrageous things to say than the next, and it seemed like they were all fit for a stint in detention.

He replied: I did go in and almost didn’t come out.

The reader group exploded again.

[I knew it, author, you really did go in?]

[I knew it, there must be a case on the author’s back!]

[Author, you are so criminal!]

[Oh my god, the author I stan is actually a Suspect handsome guy! Respect!]

[That ‘Arrogant Zhang’ guy, isn’t he in too? I haven’t seen him in the group for days.]

[Didn’t he say the other day that he had mastered Cheating Techniques and was going to strut his stuff?]

[Good lord, that strut landed him straight in the slammer.]

Lin Chuan said with a laugh: I saw him in there, he probably won’t get out until tomorrow. Don’t actually study the Cheating Techniques from the book, folks, just enjoy it for what it is.

The reader group blew up even more, badgering Lin Chuan with questions.

Lin Chuan had no choice but to reply en masse: Remember to watch the live broadcast, it will have everything you want to know. Oh, and if it’s not too much trouble, help me promote this anti-gambling campaign live broadcast.

Readers expressed one by one: No problem.

Lin Chuan went out and got on bus route 13.

Straight to the police station.

“The ‘anti-gambling’ campaign was the responsibility of the Public Security Team, so Captain Li Bing personally received Lin Chuan.”

“Comrade Lin Chuan, this way.”

Captain Li Bing very cordially welcomed Lin Chuan to the reception room.

In the reception room, there were already several people seated.

Among them, Lin Chuan recognized two.

Chen Ming, Shen Qianqian.

Seeing Lin Chuan arrive, Shen Qianqian revealed a slight smile, “King of Cheating, we were only missing you.”

Lin Chuan was a bit startled, “Officer Shen, aren’t you a criminal policeman?”

“Officer Shen has a good image and temperament. I specially borrowed her from the Criminal Police Brigade to act as the host for this anti-gambling campaign,” explained Li Bing.

Immediately after.

Li Bing repeated the live broadcast procedure of the anti-gambling campaign to Lin Chuan.

“No problems, right?”

“No problems.”

Shen Qianqian, Chen Ming, Lin Chuan, and the technical staff in the reception room all indicated there were no problems.

At Anling Police Station, live broadcast studio.

At noon, the anti-gambling campaign went live.

The rapid streaming video live broadcast app pushed a live broadcast pop-up to its users.

‘Who is the real Gambling King?’

Many people, out of curiosity, clicked on the pop-up, entering the broadcast room.

Inside the broadcast room.

A policewoman dressed in uniform spoke with poise, “Welcome to the event jointly held by Anling City Police Station and Quick Tiger platform: Who is the real Gambling King? I am the host for this event, Shen Qianqian.”

The audience in the broadcast room began to throw out question marks.

[Did I hear wrong, is Anling Police Station holding a gambling event?]

[What is this operation? Is this Quick Tiger account real Anling Police Station?]

[Quick, @Cyber Police to discern if this is real or fake!]

[No need to @, look at the background behind that policewoman, it’s obviously inside the police station.]

[How can you tell at a glance?]

[I’ve spent a lot of time inside, so I’m very familiar with it!]

[Hiss! Brother, you’re a real convict!]

[This ‘Who is the real Gambling King?’ event seems interesting, held by the police station, who dares to take the title of the Gambling King?]

With a smile on her face, Shen Qianqian revealed a shallow dimple as she continued, “I will now announce the rules of this event.”

“For this event, we have 36 ‘contestants’ who will compete in multiple rounds of PK to decide who is the Gambling King!”

“Viewers in the broadcast room can also actively vote to support the contestant they believe is most likely to be the Gambling King!”

In the broadcast room, the comments floated by.


[I think I sort of understand what they’re trying to do.]

[Hurry up and let me see who the contestants are!]

[I’ve roamed the casinos for decades, I can tell in minutes who has the stronger gambling skills.]

The scene in the broadcast room shifted.

The 36 ‘contestants’ made their appearance one by one, each with a unique attire.

Suited business elites, punk youths with dyed yellow hair, middle-aged men with scarred faces, and stunning women with seductive figures.

Lin Chuan and Chen Ming were mixed in among them.

Whereas the other 34 extras were gamblers detained during the last raid on an underground casino, and Old Zhang was among them.

At that moment, although dressed plainly in jeans and a white T-shirt, just by his good looks, Lin Chuan stood out among the 36 people.

Many viewers quickly noticed Lin Chuan.

[That handsome guy number 9, he looks too naive, immediate elimination!]

[I agree, too young, he looks like a college hearthrob.]

[Gambling Kings, without exception, have weathered countless battles, their eyes like cheetahs. The eyes of number 9 are clear and bright, I exclude him too!]

[Is it possible that he’s pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger?]