CH 22

Name:Asteroid Author:Wei Feng Ji Xu
What surprised Ling Che was that after he made this remark, Xu Tangzhou actually became silent.

The two were at a standstill until their group’s assistant Mo-mo came over and cautiously checked up on Xu Tangzhou’s situation. 

The abnormal behavior of the two of them on the side has attracted the attention of everyone in the program team. Everyone was scrutinizing them in the distance, but dared not come over under Ling Che instructions.

The fingers on Xu Tangzhou’s side trembled slightly, and just as he was about to say that he was doing fine, somebody else had taken the lead on his behalf.

“Going underwater for the first time has been too stressful for him.” Ling Che responded, “He’s fine. It’s just that he was a little uncomfortable with the water pressure. I’ll take him over there to rest for a bit.”

Xu Tangzhou became stunned: What was Ling Che up to? 

He thought that Ling Che only wanted to watch him make a fool of him or maliciously tease him.

The dressing room was not far into the distance, and there were benches and sofas and whatnot placed inside for resting purposes. Ling Che spoke naturally and Mo-mo didn’t get suspicious, saying that she would film the segments of other guests first.

Only after Mo-mo trotted away did Ling Che resume to his cold tone: “Get up.”

Ling Che barely had any expression on his face, but his behavior can be understood, and Xu Tangzhou was aware that Ling Che had the intention of supporting him.

There were full of question marks inside Xu Tangzhou’s brain.

He stood up but his limbs were a little soft.

The glands throbbed with excitement because of Ling Che’s proximity, as if they had life of their own and were beyond controllable.

Contrary to what happened before, the calm reaction it had when Ling Che was slightly far into the distance turned into the opposite. Only by having Ling Che in close proximity can it be eased a little. 

His reaction has already reached a critical stage.

Ling Che’s body has the aura of a scorching hot sun.

Enveloped by such exhales, Xu Tangzhou could not remember how he moved feet and walked into the dressing room.

The place was empty at the moment, and the commotion of the crew and guests transmitted faintly from the beach less than twenty meters away. 

“I, I’ll just sit down for a moment.” Xu Tangzhou sat on the bench and gritted his teeth.

Seeing that he lowered his head, and even his earlobes had turned crimson, but wore an unfathomable expression behind the face shield.

Ling Che stood to the side and said: “What’s next?”

After their reunion, he maintained a wait-and-see attitude towards Xu Tangzhou’s series of actions. 

What Xu Tangzhou is about to do was far less important than what he actually wants to do.

Xu Tangzhou: “…… I am thinking of giving Huang-ge a call.”

Contacting Huang Qian, letting him communicate with the program team or go to the island pharmacy to buy a little over-the-counter drugs. First of all, whether it’s useful or not, it doesn’t matter even if it paralyzes his consciousness. In short, a few days will go by quickly, and this matter can be dealt with after going back.

Ling Che’s face darkened at once. 

Calling the agent in case of emergency was the method he previously used when he taught Xu Tangzhou a lesson.

The air-conditioner was turned on inside the dressing room, but it’s unknown when the atmosphere had become so suffocating and hot. A fully-grown Alpha with S-level pheromones has such a strong sense of existence, not to mention Ling Che himself is already attractive enough.

In such an tight atmosphere, Xu Tangzhou heard his own rapid breathing inside the face shield.

Suddenly, fresh air poured into his nasal cavity. 

Amidst his dizziness, Ling Che half squatted in front of him and took off his mask: “Xu Tangzhou, if you want my pheromones, will you die by opening your mouth?”

It was obvious the first one who said they were “fond” of the other party was you, Xu Tangzhou?!

Xu Tangzhou received a shock and bowed his head at once.

Ling Che knew?! 

Such close proximity allowed him to see his own apprehended appearance in Ling Che’s light amber-colored eye.

Sure enough, he had a nosebleed.

There was a small drop of inconspicuous bright red blood stain under his nostrils, his pale face flushed scarlet, and he didn’t know whether it was sweat or tears that had accumulated at the corner of his eyes.

In short, he was extremely pathetic. 

Unexpectedly, Ling Che used his thumb to gently wipe the drop of blood away with a darkened expression.

He coldly said: “If you don’t want it, then nevermind.”

They were in such close distance that the smell of pheromones belonging to an Omega was spreading out from the bloodstream and stimulating the nerves of an Alpha. This involuntary hint is enough to get the blood of the single Alpha and Omega pumping.

That’s right, what is there to be ashamed of. 

According to Qiu Yin, even if such an unexpected situation occurs in a simple platonic relationship, help can be provided by an Alpha.

But unfortunately, he cannot express his intention.

Ling Che was too unreachable, no matter how he fantasized about it before or how he treated Ling Che in his dream, they were not equals nor even familiar with each other after all. He was worried that Ling Che’s prejudice of “Omega is a creature that does not have control over itself” is deeper rooted, and feared that Ling Che would show disgust… That’s because he likes Ling Che.

However, it’s not as if he was asked to confess at this moment, not to mention there’d be no way that Ling Che would know, so what does he have to be afraid of? 

“…… I do.” A surge of fear gave birth inside of Xu Tangzhou and shivers ran through his body as he grabbed the edge of Ling Che’s clothing: “Please…… Don’t leave.”

Ling Che felt baffled.

He reached out and touched Xu Tangzhou’s neck, deliberately looking as if he was in the process of considering it, thus the blush on the latter’s face spread to the back of his neck.

“I’m sorry.” Xu Tangzhou rushed to explain: “I wasn’t causing trouble for you on purpose. The medicine I used to regulate my pheromones sensitivity was in the cloth bag that had gone missing. Previously, I’ve been consuming them for a period of time, and I assumed it’d be fine at first……” 


The zipper of the diving suit was pulled down.

Xu Tangzhou’s words came to a halt.

“You’ve already given me trouble.” Ling Che interrupted him. 


After Mi Fei finished a round of recording, Xu Tangzhou was nowhere to be seen.

As the elder brother with Omega’s sister in his family, Mi Fei was a gentle person. He heard from Mo-mo that Xu Tangzhou went to rest with Ling Che because of discomfort caused by water pressure, so he discussed with Lu Cheng’an and specifically bought them a bottle of water.

The dressing room door was half closed, and before he could open his mouth, Mi Fei stood stunned in place. 

Xu Tangzhou sat on the bench with his back to the door, while Ling Che half-kneeled in front of him and bit his nape in an absolutely possessive posture.

Perhaps it was too painful, Xu Tangzhou clutched the edge of the chair with his hand, and even his joints had become pale.

Mi Fei cannot see his expression.

But could with Ling Che’s. 

Ling Che hugged the delicate and fragile Omega’s arms in his embrace, with one hand wrapped around the other party’s back, and the other clasped his nape, not allowing him to have a half-hearted escape.

That pair of canines were embedded deep in the bulging gland belonging to an Omega, and the sweet taste of pheromones was absorbing him insatiably. Strong S-class scorching sun pheromones were constantly being injected into his gland, Xu Tangzhou’s initial tensed body became soft, and he could no longer hold on as he went completely weak in the Alpha’s arms.

By the time the skin on the back of Xu Tangzhou’s neck had turned scarlet, Ling Che discovered the intruder.

That pair of typical amber-coloured eyes were unfathomable, like a fierce beast that had been interrupted during its meal, and Mi Fei’s heart fiercely pounded. 

A surge of cold sweat emerged from his back.

God-Che at this point in time was truly too frightening.

But Xu Tangzhou was unaware.

With the pheromones as comfort, he was feeling much better and spoke with a sob of pain: “Is it done? ……I am afraid that the others are coming.” 

Ling Che was silent.

The back of Mi Fei’s ears heated up; he had never imagined that he would bump into this sort of situation even in his dreams.

But the current circumstance gave him no room to think, so he quickly stepped back and left in silence.

He ran into Lu Cheng’an and the trailing cameraman after taking a few steps. 

“How was it?” Lu Cheng’an asked, “Were they alright?”

The existence of the only Omega was highly regarded by the entire show, and Lu Cheng’an suspected that the program team made such arrangements on purpose.

In front of the camera, Mi Fei smiled: “There’s nothing wrong, they ought to come out soon.”

Lu Cheng’an said: “Let’s change our clothes too then, it’s not as if we are going into the water, I should’ve known that we don’t need to bring swimsuits today.” 

“Wait a minute!” Mi Fei dragged him aside and said, “The ocean has such an azure colour, help me take some photos.”

The sound of their footsteps drifted further away.

Xu Tangzhou faintly heard the echo and became a little more sober.

He said under the strong influence to survive: “Ling Che, it should be…… done right? If I get phototgraphed….. It’d be the death of me.” 

He boldly asked Ling Che to give him a temporary marking, the fans will not forgive him no matter what sort of explanation he had.

“It’s noisy.” Ling Che finally let go of him and wiped the remaining saliva from his lips with his thumb, before saying impatiently: “I’ll give you some more so that you don’t have to ask me in case you are constantly craving for it.”

Such a simple matter becomes astringent then the more you tamper with it.

Xu Tangzhou did not request for help for this reason: What do you mean by constantly craving for it ah? 

He was merely allergic to the phenomenon, it’s not as if he had conceived a thirst syndrome.

However, Xu Tangzhou was now a lot shorter than usual, so he didn’t dare to talk back, and said in a particularly unpromising way: “Thank you, I- I will try my best not to come to you… and ask for it.”

Ling Che was non-committal and let out a “hmph” as he stood up with the words “you better live up to your words” written on his face.

Both of them packed up and went out after taking off their swimsuits. 

Xu Tangzhou wore a shirt today, and the collar just so happens to be able to conceal the bite marks.

The crew was about to wrap up their work, and everyone checked up on him with concern, but of course, they did not make any discoveries.

Ling Che’s mood worsened each time they were being asked upon and he had to repeatedly tell everyone that he was really doing fine and reiterated that everything was okay.

However, Ling Che’s mood worsened even further. 

Xu Tangzhou kept a low profile and can only act obedient.

Fortunately, he regained his usual vitality by the time dinner arrived.

After the meal was over, the guests began playing I had no idea how this game works cuz it’s apparently fictional and the novel provided little context, but from my understanding, the game starts off with the guests each writing questions/commands on a piece of paper and placing them inside a box. The king should be chosen from a deck of cards and is responsible for directing the question/command at somebody in the group, while the 组笼, in our case Ruby will pick out one question inside the box. [\tn]

Ruby circled around the table, before randomly grabbing one of the commands from the board game and let the king issue the order. 

Xia Xing drew the king’s card which happened to be directed at Ling Che.

The one that Ruby selected was ‘truth’.

Everyone was very excited, because it is difficult to get information regarding Ling Che out of the latter’s mouth, which is usually even less than what Ying Chen had leaked.

Xia Xing asked: “Excuse me God-Che! Everyone says that your song《Asteroid》was written for your first love. Is it true?” 

Everyone looked towards Ling Che.

However…… Ling Che’s phone rang right at this moment.

Which dampened the excitement.

Xu Tangzhou was looking forward to it as well, the reason why he became Ling Che’s fanboy was not only because of these blush-inducing dreams but also the song called《Asteroid》. 

“Revolving in a circle around the galaxy,

Destined to orbit for billions of years.

I cannot resist the urge of wanting to get closer to you,

But the more impulsive I am, the further away you would be……” 

Who exactly was it written for?

It appears to be a song about falling out of love. Could it be true that Ling Che has been abandoned by an Omega, as the masses had assumed?

Ling Che stood up and went to the courtyard to receive the call.

Standing under the banana tree, he heard the people in the room coaxing Xu Tangzhou that since he and Ling Che were in the same group, he had to select a new command to complete on the other party’s behalf. 

Si Tuya said on the phone, “Xu Tangzhou’s incident had results. I asked Huang Qian to guard the studio monitor and it was indeed a staff member who took away his stuff in the process of packing up his luggage.”

Ling Che: “It was taken away?”

Si Tuya smiled: “What an interesting sight, that fellow placed the item inside another guest’s luggage.”

Ling Che his face darkened. 

Si Tuya told him in detail what had occurred, and implied that he shouldn’t act rashly.

At the end, Si Tuya mentioned another thing.

“About that, cough.” Si Tuya said with some embarrassment, “I did not tell Huang Qian that you’ve been dumped by Xu Tangzhou on purpose, I do not have such face after all. However, because of the incident this time, I had a discussion with Huang Qian just in case.”

Ling Che: “……” 

Why does this sound so unpleasant to his ears?

Si Tuya comforted him: “You don’t need to be worried or embarrassed, Xu Tangzhou doesn’t remember anything either way, you can just pretend that this is a trivial matter.”

Ling Che: “What do you mean?”

Si Tuya was utterly surprised: “No way, you still aren’t aware of this? Xu Tangzhou had memory loss ah.”