Chapter 215

The first peak, Dan Hall. In the alchemy room, a stream of cyan smoke diffused out, which made the vision of the whole space extremely blurred and confused. A strong pungent smell of hair burning, but also distributed in the air, extremely bad smell. Dan furnace blew up! Its destructive power can be imagined! Almost in the whole alchemy room, all the objects and spiritual materials turned into coke and dust in a moment, and became nothingness“ Keke... Are you still alive, Lin boy? " At this time, at the door of the alchemy room, there was a figure of an old man in a mess. Naturally, this person is no other than Li Yan, the elder who accompanied Lin Jingyu and participated in alchemy with him. At this time, his face looked a little haggard, and his clothes were also broken in several places. If it wasn't for Li Yan, he had been highly cultivated, and he had noticed it before, and before the cauldron furnace burst, he would have gone back in time. It was at the last moment that I was spared the powerful destructive power caused by the explosion of the cauldron furnace! However, Rao is so, Li Yan is still by that Dan furnace explosion produced by the power, deeply wave and arrived. In the process of Alchemist's Alchemy, it's quite horrible and taboo to blow up the furnace! Minor injuries. If it's serious, it's gone! Li Yan called a, did not get Lin Jingyu's response. Suddenly, Li Yan's old face showed a touch of sadness and regret. In his opinion, the destruction power produced by the explosion of the cauldron furnace just now was too terrible and powerful! Take myself as an example. Although my cultivation has fallen to the peak of Shengying, the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse. This kind of cultivation is extremely powerful and terrifying in the whole Lingnan area! But even so, they were not spared. They were directly attacked by the power of terror and destruction produced by the explosion of the cauldron furnace! What's more, Lin Jingyu is just a small spirit. It seems that this young man, 80% or 90% of the time, has already fallen in the process of frying the furnace just now. Li Yan's thinking is also full of emotion. Lin Jingyu, such a genius, only 15 years old, has become an unprecedented third-order master of medicine in the whole Lingnan area! This kind of talent in medicine refining can only be described by the word "evil"! The pharmacists, especially the higher level pharmacists, are the characters that any sect wants to win. Once the third level pharmacist is won, it will surely have a terrible effect on the improvement of the clan's overall strength! However, today. A generation of pride fell. Just now, Wu Xuanzong could see the great cause of rejuvenation, but at this moment, he fell into the deep dark abyss again! Li Yan shakes his head in despair. He immediately feels remorseful. He really thinks that it was a wrong decision to let Lin Jingyu come to the Dan Hall to help him refine Shengyuan Dan! Lin Jingyu is dead! Moreover, he was killed by his own stove! A generation of medicine making genius was killed by his own cauldron furnace when he was making pills! Fall from now on! If this kind of thing spreads, I'm afraid others can't believe it“ Cough... "However, at this time, a slight cough came from the other end of the smoke. Although the voice was very small and subtle, Li Yan's ear power was still clearly heard by him“ Huh? No, this... This boy is still alive All of a sudden, Li Yan's face changed. In a moment, the whole person was stunned. His body was slightly trembling. In his old turbid eyes, he looked unbelievably... How could it be? Such a terrible explosion, this boy, is still alive? But on second thought, Li Yan is slightly hesitant, he thought he heard wrong