Chapter 609 Hypocrisy

Atticus felt exhilarated.

The amount of adrenaline coursing through his body at this moment was hard to fathom.

Atticus felt strong, he felt powerful. He felt as though he could do anything, crush anyone.

However, despite having all of these feelings, the five lightning constructs in front of him seemed to keep him occupied.

Their movements were coordinated and precise. Their attacks well-timed and accurate. Three took his front, trying their best to keep him occupied while the remaining two were constantly unleashing attacks on his blind spots.

They were faster, had the numbers, and were unable to feel pain. Regardless, Atticus was still fending them off!

Magnus tried his best not to smile but failed miserably. Contrary to what many thought, he wasn't holding back. Yes, he had limited the constructs' power level to be slightly over Atticus, but that was the only thing he had done.

When it came to their speed and attacks according to their current strength, he wasn't holding back!

"Good, looks like you have mastered body augmentation to an acceptable extent for now. Let's move on."

"The next technique is called electromagnetic manipulation. It is exactly as it sounds, creating electromagnetic fields. By controlling these electromagnetic fields, you can generate electromagnetic pulses and use them to disable electronic devices, create magnetic fields to move metal objects, and manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum."

Atticus watched as just one out of the five constructs backed up, leaving the four to continue attacking him.

'He's about to demonstrate it,'

Atticus realized. However, it seemed as though Magnus had no intention of giving him any breathing space.

The four constructs attacked even more fiercely, unleashing attacks upon attacks, but Atticus had no choice but to split his concentration to see what the last construct was about to do.

After creating enough distance, the construct stretched out its right palm and Atticus's gaze narrowed as he noted the appearance of a static electric field around its palm.

However, it didn't stop there; the electrons started moving in a circular path within its palm, creating a current that generated an magnetic field. Then, it synchronized the electric and magnetic fields, creating an electromagnetic field.

It was obvious that Magnus wanted the best of the best to train Atticus, and there was no one who could claim to be the best in lightning other than a paragon of the lightning element himself.

They each had different thoughts going through their heads.

The sound of someone clicking their tongue echoed.

"Oo, why so gloomy, Isolde? Jealous much?"

The air sanctum master, Aeolus twirled his mustache with his finger without taking his eyes off the ongoing training. He and the others already knew the only person who would do something like that was the ice sanctum master.

Isolde shot Aeolus a death stare before clicking her tongue once more.

Aeolus sneered. "I hate hypocrisy the most. We've all heard your sob story about how you clawed your way to the top. Tell me, can you confidently say you could withstand what he's currently going through when you were 16?"

Isolde, who had wanted to immediately retort, went silent before her face darkened. The training Magnus was currently putting Atticus through was hellish in its entirety. If it had been her 16-year-old self, she wouldn't have gotten this far, and she knew it.

Isolde clenched her fist before suddenly disappearing from the scene.

"Stop being a big bully, Aeolus,"

The soothing voice of the light sanctum master, Aeliana, sounded, and the firm expression on Aeolus's face immediately melted.

He scratched the back of his head awkwardly,

"I was just stating the truth,"

Aeliana shook her head,

"But you could have done it nicely,"

Aeolus's cleared his throat and turned away.

"On a more serious note, is he okay?"

Aeliana and the other sanctum masters finally turned away from the training to look at Ulithi, the darkness sanctum master, whose clothes were already drenched with sweat, looking as though he had run a marathon.