Chapter 611 Next Location

Chapter 611 Next Location

The captain of the Aegis ship furrowed his brows in shock.

"We should go where?"

"Don't make me have to repeat myself. Master Magnus's orders are absolute,"

Vector relayed Magnus's orders to the captain and disappeared from the control room.

The captain wasn't the only one shocked. Amara was also present, and even she couldn't help but wonder what the hell was going through their paragon's head.

"Do you think that's where his next training would take place?"

The captain shook his head.

"It's not our place to ask. We only obey orders."



The captain called out, stopping her from making any objections.

"I understand your concerns, but for him to give this order must mean he knows what he's doing. Besides, look at the kid. Do you really think he can't take care of himself?"

Amara sighed. She was still not convinced, but judging from the look on the captain's face, he was basically telling her that they have no choice but to listen to orders.

Amara nodded.

"Good. Set a new course,"

The captain called out to the operators in the control room. They had each heard everything and couldn't help but ask for confirmation.

After one firm gaze from the captain, a new course was set, with its location around the northwest corner of sector 3. Findd new stories at


Atticus felt rested and decided to leave his room for a quick stroll and to get some food, much to Yotad's disagreement. Atticus had refused his offer to bring him food.

Immediately after he left his room, he met Dario standing and waiting in front.

"Young master, I'm glad you're awake,"

Atticus could immediately notice the slight change in demeanor from Dario.

Darius frowned. The butler hadn't been specific, but only a fool wouldn't figure out that the ship appeared in Dusktown.


"They were last seen heading to the edge, master Darius. Toward the Abyssal Chasm,"

An immense pressure immediately descended in the room, the frown on Darius's face deepening. He brought out a circular artifact from his space storage before clicking on it.

An expansive luminous blue dome radiated out from it, encompassing the whole room.

Darius closed the book he was reading before clasping his hands together on the table and resting his chin on them. He entered an intense contemplative state.

'Have they found out something?'

Darius would never admit it, but this single thought scared him.

"Who's on the ship?"

"W-we're not sure yet, but with your order, we can inq-"

Darius's gaze sharpened,

"You will do no such thing,"

The last time they had an altercation with the Ravensteins, it ended with them completely losing face. There were only three people that could use the Aegis airship.

One of them was unquestionable, the second crazy and hot-tempered. While the third, Sirius, had been searching for ways to start something with their Vermore family. No matter how he thought about it, they were all bad news.

Darius continuously tapped his foot on the floor, his mind racing.

"Send a message to 'them', inform them of the problem, and tell them to lay low until further notice. Do it as subtly as possible, I don't need to tell you the consequences of failure, do I?"

"N-no, master! As you wish!"

The butler bowed even lower and left the room.


Atticus walked briskly through the airship followed by Yotad and Dario. The latter had just explained everything about where they were heading, and even he couldn't help but become worried. It was dangerous as hell.

He wanted to scream, questioning what his grandfather was thinking, but he stopped himself.

He was taking the brisk walk in order to calm himself.

Atticus took a deep breath, 'Grandfather is right. I need this in order to grow,'