Chapter 614 Woke

Atticus had walked a significant distance into the cave already, but he just couldn't shake this terrible feeling; something about the current situation was wrong.

Magnus' words replayed in his mind. 'Trust your instincts,'

Atticus repeated those words and suddenly stopped moving. He should not ignore the fact that his instincts were screaming at him.

Atticus turned his gaze up and focused it on the ceiling. 'In a setting like this, the problem will always come from here,'

Atticus maintained his stare even after some minutes had passed. And just when he thought that it might have been a false alarm, Atticus saw movement.

It was very little, very subtle, but it was definitely movement!

A small part of the darkness on the ceiling had moved, briefly showing the glowing fungi on top of the ceiling.

Atticus turned his gaze downwards slowly and noticed the large number of fungi on the floor and then upwards to see the completely pitch black ceiling.

Atticus froze, a frightening realization setting in. The ceiling and walls were also supposed to be covered with glowing fungi; however, something or an army of somethings was currently covering them.

The huge fact that there was an army of beasts around him made his skin crawl.

'I have to run,'

Atticus made sure not to make any major movements and carried his gaze away from the creature that had just moved.

However, the creature's eyes suddenly snapped open as though it could feel the tension in the air. Its eyes immediately landed on Atticus, easily seeing through his darkness.

Both their gazes met, and it was as though the quiet cave became even quieter.

Atticus immediately knew he had been spotted, and the next course of action naturally followed.

Atticus placed his whole concentration on the air molecules in the atmosphere and formed an invisible barrier that covered an area of 30 meters around him, even the ground.

He made the barrier as thick as possible just in time for a loud screech, intense and guttural, to echo through the air.

Atticus' barrier held, not a single vibration or noise leaving the space. However, every single beast within the barrier heard it loud and clear. Their gazes snapped open, turning the intense black ceiling and wall into countless dotted crimson lights.

Air blades formed before shooting forward and slashing through numerous beasts like a hot knife through butter.

Ice spikes formed around him, each one piercing and freezing multiple creatures.

The darkness enveloped the space, multiple beasts finding their heads separated from their bodies before they knew what was happening.

Atticus fought with finesse, his elemental powers flaring as he struck down beast after beast.

'My elements are stronger,'

Atticus could feel the increased strength in his elements. The weeks spent training in the elemental sanctum were showing themselves. His elements were stronger than ever, and the transitions before each use were non-existent.

He conjured flames to sear their flesh and created barriers of fire to hold them back. Little by little, their numbers diminished.

Atticus' eyes suddenly caught sight of a beast running towards the barrier.

'No, you won't!'

He disappeared from his position and abruptly appeared by its side, a streak of silver cutting through its neck.

The beast fell as its head separated from its body, rolling forward and stopping just before the barrier.

Atticus released a sigh of relief.

'That was close,'

If he hadn't acted fast and without hesitation, that first beast would have awoken the rest. The battle had only taken a few seconds.

Atticus caught his breath before burying each body into the earth. He couldn't afford their scent waking up the others.

Afterwards, noting that there was nothing else, he released his barrier but hadn't taken even a single step before a scene that made his spine tingle came into view.

In the path forward, as far as his eyes could see, the intense crimson gazes of each initially sleeping beast were staring at him.

Atticus instinctively knew what had happened. They didn't hear his battle or see the brightness of his elements. However, they could feel when the darkness element was being used.

A guttural roar echoed through the entire cave, one that sent a shiver down his spine.
