Chapter 5

Oh !? An earthquake !?

But this is a dungeon, right?

Ive never heard of an earthquake in a dungeon!?

And for the time being, everyone! Dont separate from your team!

Surprised by the suddenly swaying dungeon, everyone took immediate action.

They immediately reorganize each team and waited quietly for the shaking to subside while staying close to a wall.

Tenji and Asagiri soon joined the team in the fifth row, and they went through the shaking together.

Then the shaking subsided in about three minutes.

What was that now? Ive never heard of an earthquake in a dungeon.

Me too! Ive been an explorer for over a decade, but this is my first time.

It was a tremendous tremor. There are rarely such big earthquakes in Japan.nove(l)bi(n.)com

Yeah even if we are Japanese born in an earthquake nation Ive never seen one that big.

Everyone started discussing about the earthquake before.

However, Tenji realized that there wasnt any answer to why the earthquake occurred.

No way

Whats wrong Masaki-san?

While everyone had decided that it was just a simple earthquake, only the leader, Godo, had a perplexed expression on his face.

Ushiro who noticed it, asked back.

Should I answer or not?

Godo hesitated for a few seconds but decided to talk eventually, thinking that he shouldnt hide this in a dungeon.

No, I hope its just my misconception but is there anyone here who have been in a unstable dungeon?

Even though Godo wasnt sure yet, he still asked everyone here,

But everyone immediately shook their heads.

So, Im the only one. I went to one with my senior, Inagaki Enn-san to a Dungeon at China.

An unstable dungeon? Its the one where the path and structure of the dungeon and the algorithm of the monster change quite often right? Its so difficult that even I cant enter it.

Thats right. Its also known as the Ominous Dungeon. I once experienced a structural change in the dungeon that is said to rarely occur

Masaki-san, maybe the current earthquake is that?

Ahh, I think its a similar thing, but Ive had that experience more than a decade ago, so Im not sure.

Everyone took a breather at the words that Godo uttered.

There are several classification methods for dungeons, one of which is [Stable] or [Unstable].

As the name implies, a stable dungeon is a dungeon that does not change its shape, and this Ochanomizu dungeon is classified as a stable dungeon.

And the other is an unstable dungeon.

This is a dungeon that changes the inside of the dungeon on an irregular basis and is only found in 2 places in the world.

However, the difficulty level of the unstable dungeon is much higher than usual due to its characteristics, and even if it is classified as a 5th-grade dungeon by MP concentration, it is supposed to be set as a 3rd-grade dungeon that is two grades higher.

If this changes to an unstable dungeon instead of a standard dungeon

I dont know if it hasnt been noticed until now, or if this is the first time This is likely an unstable dungeon. In other words, its a second-grade dungeon by adding two grades.

But it hasnt been confirmed yet, right?

Oh, I havent confirmed it yet. Its just my intuition.

What should we do, Masaki-san. Should we go home after defeating the third boss? Or should we turn back now?

Inagaki Rios shot a slightly angry expression at Temji.

Tenji listened quietly, knowing his place, without breaking into the conversation between the two from beginning to end.

Tenji is a new second-generation child possessing an Inherent ability like the two.

The new second generation is a name that some magazines arbitrarily mentioned and refers to the next generation of children born between explorers. The reason was the certainty of a powerful Inherent ability.

Inherent abilities were abilities that were born with you.

The dungeons appeared 23 years ago, and many people suddenly awakened superpowers on that day. The awakening rate is said to be about 0.0001%.

The Inherent ability that was so powerful, had a better chance to be more powerful when an explorer with a calling and an explorer with a calling gave birth to a child.

As time went by, it was proved that five years later, an Inherent ability would always be born between the explorer and the explorer.

Then the children born between explorers like Tenji and the others came to be called the new second generation.

Such people unconditionally got admission to Japan Explorer High School.

However, there were losers and winners among their Inherent abilities.

Winners are the people who have the ability to support friends like Asagiri, or like Inagakis [Lightning spear], who have the ability to attack and can become an explorer as an immediate force.

However, the unique ability that Tenji was born with is Floating small objects, The weight of the object that could be floated was within 500g, and the size was within 30cm of size, which was clearly a losing ability.

Against this background, Tenji tried not to have anything to do with the winning group like them.

Thats why I cant break into this conversation.

By the way, Amashiro

However, Kasane talked to him without knowing Tenjis feelings.

Suddenly, Tenji was clearly upset and managed to squeeze out the words.

Me, me?

Is there an Amashiro here other than you?

No, no no.

Why did you suddenly become so polite. Well, its okay. You seem to be diving into dungeons so much that youre missing school. Why are you so impatient? I think that the explorer must be cautious.

Thinking about how to answer that question.

To be honest, its money. However, family finances arent something to tell others, and Tenji didnt want to answer.

So it was correct to say I cant answer to his question.

It was at that time.

A helping hand extended from the angel next door.

There are things that people cant say. Of course, there are many things that I cant say. So does Inagaki-san, right?

Oh, thats right. Im sorry to ask you a strange question.

Realizing that he had asked a question that he shouldnt have, Kasane immediately bowed to Tenji.

Chariot member Ushiro, who came back here in a hurry from a distance, appeared as if to blow away this awkward atmosphere.

Ma, Masaki-san!?

They havent come back yet Ushiro-san.

Seeing that, Kasane quickly stood up and answered Ushiro.

Oh yeah there was a problem, Kasane-kun.

Are we in trouble?

Ah but Ill keep silent until Masaki returns. I havent confirmed it yet.

Students and other explorers were wondering why, but Ushiro refused to speak at all.

It could be confusing to talk at the if stage.

Thats why he tried to ask the judgment of Masaki Godo, who was the most powerful person here.