Book 2: Chapter 39

Book 2: Chapter 39

Chapter 39.

The sun had already set and the street lights were dappled in the darkness of the night.

Tenji changed from slippers to outdoor shoes at the entrance of the guild office. He turned back to Kaido and Chigo and bowed lightly.

"I'm sorry I bothered you for so long.

"It's fine, please come again."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's play another game sometime!"

Kaido looked tired and Chigo waved at him with a big smile as reply.

After all that had happened since then, Tenzi was to stay in the guild office until around eight o'clock at night.

At first, he was just going to talk to Kaido, but then we had sushi delivered. After that, for some reason, Chigo, Kaido and he were playing a big brawl game over and over again.

And so, he became late.

By the way, all the games ended in victory for Chigo. She is the woman who always plays games.

"Yes, thank you for your time."

After thanking them, Tenji turned his back to the office and started walking towards the station.

Midsummer will be here soon.

The night in Tokyo was humid and sticky. Tenji began to make his way home from his school uniform. He was sure that a five minutes' walk would bring him to the nearest Yutenji station.

On the way to the station, Tenji decided to record the information he got from Kaido in his phone's notepad.

[I guess the first thing is the existence of 'White Eyes'. I think it might have something to do with the 'special grade'. I knew that Kaido-san, who is said to be the confidant of zero-grade explorers, seems to have a lot of knowledge that ordinary people don't know about. I'm really glad I came here today.]

Tenji was waiting for the train at the station thinking about Kaido's wealth of knowledge. He heard the announcement that the train will be arriving soon, and he takes his eyes off to his phone and stares at the tracks from the distance.

After a few seconds, the train arrived at Yutenji station. Tenji boarded the train and headed home.

He found a seat on the train and decided to note it again in the notepad as he sat down.

[It seems that the calling of summoning creatures is still an undiscovered possibility, or at least a category that Kaido-san has never heard of. And I also found out that the grade of Red Demon Sword would be impossible to determine with the MP Atomic Measuring Pearl. Moreover, it was clearly revealed that the Red Demon Sword was so highly powerful that it could easily destroy a fourth-grade weapon.]

Looking at it objectively. Tenji laughed, saying that it is not often that a calling is so uncanny.

A hell weapon labeled as a fifth-grade easily snaps off a fourth-grade weapon of this world.

This kind of thing was not normal. But Tenji's red demon sword had done it.

Kaido and the others don't know that the red demon sword is a fifth-grade weapon, but it would be too eerie a sight to witness its power. It is a power that a young man who has just awakened to his calling should not have.

Just because someone has awakened to their calling doesn't mean that they will be strong right away.

It takes many dungeon experiences, months and years of study to become a strong explorer who is then called a veteran.

Tenji quickly summarized what he had talked about with Kaido and Chigo so that he wouldn't forget.

[The more monsters you defeat, the more you can use your calling. The duration differs depending on the monster grade. The higher the grade, the greater the potential for growth, but it is said to be harder to grow.]

So Tenji slowly took out his phone and tried to contact him.

He, of course, was the young man named Inagaki Rui.

He is a young man whose father is a first-class explorer, and he is filthy rich that Tenji envies him sometimes. Rui also has a very close relationship with [Chariot], which is called the top 10 guild in Japan.

Frankly, it would be rare to find a child more blessed than he was.

As he was thinking about this and putting in a call to Inagaki, he finally got an answer to his incoming call.

"Yes, I'm Inagaki."

"Ah, it's... Amagi."

"Oh, Tenji? What's going on? What are you doing here?"

"...I know this is out of the blue, but I was wondering if there are any plans to dive into a fifth-grade sub-dungeon? I was wondering if there might be a chance for that."

"What, you're one of those people who want to get a head start during summer vacation? Just in time. I just got a call from Asagiri, too, and we had just got permission to a fifth-grade sub-dungeon together. It's scheduled for the day after tomorrow."

"Oh, really? Can I ask you for one too?"

"I have no reason to refuse Tenji's wish. Of course, the day after tomorrow morning at ten o'clock, we will meet at Yokohama station."

"Thanks, I'll see you the day after tomorrow. Thank you so much, Rui."

"Oh, I'll be waiting. And I'm sorry about for not keeping my promise because my dad suddenly went on a business trip to Spain."

"I'm totally fine. He said we'd meet someday, so there's no need to rush. I'll see you the day after tomorrow."

"Thank you too. I'm not sure how many people we have left, and to be honest, it's been a big help. I'll see you in Yokohama the day after tomorrow."

"Yeah, the day after tomorrow in Yokohama."

That's where the call went dead.

As soon as Tenji hung up the phone, he inwardly got excited in public.

In the first place, all the students of Japan Explorer High School were thinking the same thing.

Curriculum changes in calling acquisition have resulted in early calling acquisition.

Once that was decided, many students thought that they would make a good start during the summer holidays and stand out from everyone else. Tenji is just one of them.

Many new second-generation children with thoroughbreds, or explorers as parents, are enrolled in the Japan Explorers High School.

They had plans to acquire a calling that their parents had kept secret, they were on the verge of receiving a calling from a famous guild like Rui did, and there were surprisingly many students like Asagiri who had already been promised a scout from a major guild.

Therefore, he wanted to be recognized by the guild as soon as possible to officially acquire his calling.

It is inevitable that everyone would want a higher rare calling than the mediocre one that can be obtained from the association.

Tenji, who had realized this fact through Rui's words, was naturally motivated.

"I have to work harder. Harder than ever."

Tenji was very determined.