Chapter 371 Resolving An Old Mystery Part 4

Chapter 371 Resolving An Old Mystery Part 4




After focusing for a few seconds, going over the words inside his mind a few times over, Dale began to speak:

"... Talmar Efer... /Whispers/... Dar Hulim..."

With the crystal in hand, he whispered the words in a tone almost too weak for Erile to hear, and the little words she did hear, were deep and concise.


In response to his words, the Crystal began shining, illuminating the room in a brilliant resplendent light.

"Urg... What's going on?" Erile questioned as she raised her hands to block her eyes, the light too strong for her to endure

Dale did something similar, squinting his eyes so much he almost closed them.

Because of the light, however, she forgot to ask about the words Dale just uttered, something that would have to be left for another time.

'Did it work? Last time I tried this I failed to pronounce the dialect correctly and had to redo it. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of her...'

'Despite everything, I still have my self stem and am self-aware of myself and my surroundings... Who would want to embarrass themselves in front of a pretty girl anyway?'

'Unless it was for a joke... Even so...'


With that final outburst of energy, the crystal perfectly cracked in the middle, parting in two like a nut being opened, revealing a yellow tablet, akin to a thin but long gold tablet.

It was full of strange carvings and gems embedded onto its surface, they seemed to glimmer in weak lights whenever he moved it around.

"Phew... Hm? What's that?..."

Erile approached Dale with great curiosity, tilting her head slightly as she looked at the tablet, fascinated by the polished gems.

"They're beautiful... I've never seen these types of cuts before... Is that a diamond?"

Together with her baggage of Aristocracy rules and customs, identifying expensive jewelry was part of her curriculum, a reflection of the nature of aristocracy, to see one's worth based on the things they wear.

Erile could identify all kinds of cuts, but for a more precise analysis, such as where it was cut, who cut it, and much more, a specialist would have to be called.

She raised her hand, willing to take a closer look at it, but to her surprise, Dale stopped her.

With a light, weak smile, Dale pulled the tablet away from her, shaking his head as he began explaining himself, otherwise Erile would pout at him and get upset.

"It's better if you don't hold onto it. I wouldn't want you to get hurt."

"Why not? Is something wrong with it?"

"Yes... But if you're unconvinced... Here, raise your right hand."


Erile did as she was told, raising her right palm upward.

Following that, Dale placed the back of his palm atop hers, still clutching onto the tablet, causing her cheeks to get a little hot... A detail Dale ignored for her own sake.

Slowly, he let go of his strength, allowing Erile to support it.

'95% of all the weight of this item comes from this alone...'

"Yellow is what you'd expect out of this storage tool, Swords, Shields, Armor, anything the Corps would've used in the past. Do remember that the Corps was understaffed and not entirely underequipped."

"Although it is true they were unable to properly maintain many of their equipment, it doesn't mean their old ones just vanished, they were always there, somewhere, being maintained and replaced whenever needed, dismantled and melted for their needs."

"Of course, this is but a minimal part of their stash, but it's here. For some reason."

'Qrubin told me the Commander gathered these items in case he managed to survive the wave so he could mount a resistance and rally the soldiers to potentially reclaim the Wall at a later date, it has nothing to do with his descendants, not entirely at least.'

'It was also a form of maintaining their legacy and history, these items would all be gathered in one spot, so if their vaults and libraries burned down, at the very least a part of it would be copied within this.'

'Still, he likely knew there would be no such chance given that for him to even consider such a possibility, the wave was likely ridiculous in proportion.'

"Lastly, White is for miscellaneous objects, things that do not conform with any of the other of the categories above."

"That seems... Oddly confusing, why go through such lengths anyway?" Erile asked as she looked at the gems

'How does he even know all of this?... He's hiding something from me.' She thought calmly as she took a peek at him

She carefully raised her finger, touching one of them before pulling it quickly from a scare.


The gems were hot, not overwhelmingly so, but enough to frighten her, causing her face to go red when she saw Dale chuckle.

"This is for the sake of preservation I bet, this is a storage tool, not a time-bending artifact, it can store things within but preserving them is another issue."

"Anyhow... Choose one, I'm a bit curious to see what's inside."

"Can I?... Well... The Black one!"

"Cough!... Ahem... I don't think we have enough space here for that... How about something else and more contained? Please..."

"Humph... Boring."

Erile smiled as she crossed her arms, tilting her head as she chose another color.

"The Green one."


"It's my favorite color, I like it."

"What a coincidence, I also like green." He said as he looked into her eyes, unknowingly making her extremely embarrassed as she looked away

[Erile's intimacy has risen considerably]

"?... /Clears throat/... Then Green it is." He said as he looked away as well, somewhat embarrassed with his own words as well

With that statement, Dale touched the Green gem, conducting his Mana across his arm from his heart directly onto it, causing it to ignite as a series of displays manifested before his eyes.





