Chapter 411 Final Stops, the world beyond Part 3

Chapter 411 Final Stops, the world beyond Part 3


Enjoy :)






[Quests -> ...]

[Golden age]

[Lost Icon]

[Resko's past]

[Mineral Chain Part 2]

[Blood and Iron]

[Material gathering 3]

[Training part 2]


[Rise of the Southern Wall Corps]

[Lone Saint]

[Royal Ancestry]

[The Origin of Hatred]

(I went through 200 chapters to ensure I didn't skip any Quests, but in case I did, please...)


'These are how most of my Quests looked post-Babylon. The ones I had, got, and updated in the days immediately following its closure.'

'There were many updates to them as I did quite a few things before and after the event.'

'Mineral Chain advanced when I inspected the mines and sent the Agents to explore them. It was enough for me to advance the Quest and reach its next stage.'

'The rewards were manageable and nothing unexpected, but since this is a Chain Quest, the rewards are likely all accumulating at the end of the path, although even if there were none, I still have the greater goal of supplying Resko with materials for the future.'

'Material gathering is the same. Thanks to the players bringing me the items they hunted, and with a little bit of hunting on my end, I finished Part 2 of this Quest, and now Adamante is as busy as she could get, I'll likely won't be getting the chance for Part 4 anytime soon, so I'll ignore it for the next few weeks.'

'Well... They're not exactly parts but more of individual fetch Quests but it's all the same anyway.'

'As for Training, it was originally something Testros gave me to accustom my muscles and build familiarity with the Southern Corp's style; now, Sarferato inherited it.'

'Due to his brutal teaching methods, I progressed rather quickly and once I passed a certain threshold of Stats, it became part 2, albeit soon, I can see it becoming part 3...'

'Still, I got many more during these ten days...'

[An Ancient Inheritance]

[Alchemist's Secret Desires]

[Revenge of the Old Crow]

[The First City]

[The Passage of Time]

[Relic of the Founding Fathers]

[A Gift from the Thankful Sister]

[Supressed Talent]

[An Old Lady's Necklace]

[Blade of flowing Sapphires]

[A single Pot to feed 1000]


Dale kept scrolling through his Quests, eventually reaching his most recent ones at the bottom, mainly consisting of small miscellaneous Quests he could complete within a day.

Still, he needed to do them all to grow closer to the Villagers and gain experience, potentially stumbling onto greater secrets.

So he didn't bother rereading them. Instead, he focused on the main Quests he received:

'Sarferato's Quest has a cleargoal,revenge. But on whom? An old foe of his, a creature he could not kill as it fled right before his eyes.'

'Caught between pursuing it and running back to the Wall, Sarferato chose to return in haste, only to realize it had been too late.'

'Sometimes he wondered that, had he never clashed with it and returned in haste, if he would've been able to change the tide of the War.'

'His role in the defense was to cut down the Demon's charge by striking them from behind, which he succeeded.'

'Originally, he was meant to perform that with the help of the Navy by the shores, but they vanished completely, which only exacerbated his time of return.'

'With his elite force, they returned quickly from the distant shores to the Wall, but it was far too late by then...'

'As for his son, the Quest is about the mysteries of the first city, the settlement the people of the past built before the Southern Corps was even a thing.'

'The city atop the stump of the Ancient Tree holds secrets worth reaching out for and understanding... It could be a clue towards Quests relating to the ancient Elves and more.'

'... Moving on... The Passage of Time. Qrubin's Quest of "self-


'Right now, amidst his Lichdoom, Qrubin is beginning to ponder over his future or complete lack of one.'

'With the news his daughter is still alive, being well over her 90s by now, he's beginning to consider many things, if it was the right thing to just let go and vanish from the world.'

'This was a Quest that surfaced not from him but from my own observations of the Lich, this was a Quest I didn't possess in the Future, and it's likely a Quest that only appears because I possess those memories.'

'A Quest the future me would've done... This is what this Quest is meant to be.'

'Another hint towards the true nature of Quests, proof Quests can manifest merely from accumulating information about something, which I already knew was possible, but I feel this Quest only exists because I wished for it.'

'I'm technically an NPC, but I was never able to create Quests like this, the System was always very clear about it... But here it is, this conveniently timed Quest that tackles the issue I've been trying to solve...'

'This Quest will likely lead to a future where Qrubin can either somehow reconcile with his past, maintain his conscience post-Lichdoom, or maybe even revert the process.'

'I'm not expecting a perfect "they lived happily ever after" ending, a bittersweet one will suffice.'

'More than anyone, Qrubin is the closest to his end, and maybe, instead of salvation, the best I can do for him is to grant him some kind of mercy...'

'I would love to save Qrubin, but more often than not, in these kinds of stories, when the old wizard is about to die, he'll find a student to carry on his legacy before passing away.'

'There's not much an old Wizard can accomplish, so it's usually the idea that he'll pass on the mantle to someone else... The problem is that I don't wish to benefit from his death his just that...'

'It is a dark thought to have, but it's something to keep in mind.'

Dale looked at the faint sunlight beaming between the tree leaves and continued thinking after shaking off the nasty feeling in his tongue.

'Relic of the Founding Fathers... Winthrope's Quest.'

'It's a fetch-type Quest to find the relics that represent each of the founding houses of Resko.'

'According to some records he found, there are indications that the previous founding families of Resko left the city under an agreement or even under pressure beyond the mere interest for self-preservation.'

'Regardless of those reasons, there is evidence they may have left their family symbols behind, the original ones, their main heirlooms that prove their bloodline, and so on.'

'For Nobles, such symbols hold extreme importance, and Winthrope believes that properly storing them could further increase their legitimacy in the eyes of other Nobility and hence, facilitate our future struggles, even potentially guaranteeing some allies in upcoming conflicts.'

'Once again, Dale wasn't worried about Nobility, much less what they thought about them. However, Winthrope assured those symbols held unique properties tied to each of the founding families. Which was one of the reasons they had to remain behind.'

'How the two remaining families convinced the others to leave those heirlooms behind was beyond Dale, but it was another mystery to solve in the upcoming tides.'

'Gathering them together would not only satisfy Winthrope and all of his ideals, but it would also be a matter of security for the City that was slowly being rebuilt and restored.'

'As such, I can't leave them alone... But finding all will be a bother. I never even started going after them in my past life.'

'I have some ideas for where some of them may be, but getting there will take a while...'

His eyes darted from top to bottom. There were still so many Quests left to go over...

Just when would he finish them all?



As he was about to proceed to his next Quest, the bushes beside him trembled...

Something was there, prowling, waiting to...


Before he had the time to think, something jumped from the bushes!




