Chapter 411

Name:Baby,Just Say Yes Author:Yaya
Although Liang Xiaoyu is worried at this time, she also knows that the child's grandmother is with the child, and the child's grandmother also knows that she is a very outstanding person. No one in the family dared to offend him before, and her ability is also very outstanding, so he is not very worried about his child's loss, but a little angry. However, why don't he watch his child now Live.

Xin Zezhao also knows Liang Xiaoyu's careful thinking. He also knows that Liang Xiaoyu is just blaming herself now, so she comforts the girl in front of him. He also knows that the girl in front of him is just angry, so he looks at the girl with a smile on his face.

"As the saying goes, a lucky man has his own destiny. He is as lovely and kind as our son. How can he get lost? So you don't have to worry. Let's go to some place first and find it, because there should be an emergency system in such a big park. Otherwise, the lost people in this place can't be found at all. Instead of waiting here, we'd better go to find it It's still a big chance, don't you think?

Liang Xiaoyu has no choice but to agree with what Xin Zezhao said to him. Indeed, if he continues to wait here, he doesn't know when and when he will find his son, so Liang Xiaoyu stands up. This time, he doesn't want to pay attention to Xin Zezhao in front of him, so he is alone in the park He began to look everywhere for people like emergency system or security.

Just as they wish, a man dressed like an ancient guard came up to them, stood in front of them and looked at their face as Asian. Then the guard left in front of them. After a while, a Chinese man dressed in Hua Mulan left and saw him.

"This gentleman, this lady, my colleagues told me that you need help. Please tell me about your difficulties. You don't have to be afraid. I will do anything to trouble you. After all, it's our duty to protect your safety and your rights and interests. If we can't make you happy, we might as well not open such a paradise, you said Right, Mr. and Ms. "

Xin Zezhao didn't expect to see a Chinese here, and he was not very old, in his early 20s, and he was still a little beauty, so he wanted to give him a lift, but just opened his mouth, he saw his daughter-in-law Liang Xiaoyu, so he went back.

"Have you heard what this friend said? According to his accent, he is also a Chinese, and he can help us. Now they are the only ones who can help us in this place. It should be very convenient to find them to help us find our son and my mother. Otherwise, if we rely on us to look everywhere in this big place, we don't know when and when to find it "

Liang Xiaoyu agrees with Xin Zezhao Now, it's true that if we only rely on the two of them to find this place, we really don't know when we will find it. So when he looks at the staff member in front of him, he also knows that the staff member is good-looking and has the characteristics of Asian women. If Liang Xiaoyu thinks that he is a man, he may still like this woman.

"Well, thank you. It's not a big problem. The main problem is that my children and my mother are lost. Now we don't know where they have gone. Can you give us some clues to find them? If I can't find it, I'd like to thank you very much. Please help me "

after hearing their request, the staff opposite them were shocked and felt very relaxed. Because it's always normal to be in this Disneyland Park, they are responsible for the job of finding people, so it's the same to see them Especially relaxed. After all, the problem is not very big.

"This problem is not particularly difficult for us. Now the people inside are lost. Can the fool in front see it? If you don't find it in that platform, you go to the central area in the evening. In the central area, people who are not found during the day are usually gathered in that place to watch a performance. In this way, we can screen those who are lost again. So, you go there first "Right"

Liang Xiaoyu was very excited when he heard the staff member say so. If he could find his child, he would feel very happy. So Xin Zezhao grabbed his hand, and after thanking the staff member, they went to the tower. When they came to the bottom of the tower, he found that there were just two places where they could sleep. They walked in and had a look It's my mother and my children.

Liang Xiaoyu, at this time, tears came down, but at this time he still kept smiling, did not cry out, because his child and his grandmother at this time have fallen asleep, two people rely on each other, you lie on me, I lie on your body, a good warm picture, so Liang Xiaoyu did not disturb the warm picture, and then he and her Xin Zezhao sat by, waiting for the grandmother and grandson to come.

Maybe because they were too tired, Liang Yichen and his grandmother had been sleeping in this place for a while and didn't wake up. At this time, Xin Zezhao and Liang Xiaoyu were also very tired. They also lay in this place and began to close their eyes. Slowly, they also fell asleep. Soon after dark, the staff stood beside them to protect them After all, these four people fell asleep in this place.Liang Xiaoyu wakes up quickly. He looks at his son beside him. When his son is there, he is awake and playing with the staff. Xin Zezhao is resting at this time. What about his mother? At this time, sitting beside him drinking water, it seems that they did not disturb Liang Xiaoyu and Xin Zezhao, so he also sat beside him, walked to his son and held his son.

"Liang Yichen, where have you just been? Do you know that your mother is worried about you? Don't run around next time. Otherwise, where will your mother go to find you? You are my mother's good son. You are my mother's baby. If you get lost, my mother really doesn't know what to do. You don't want to do this next time. So don't scare my mother next time. My mother is very scared. Do you hear me? Liang Yichen "
