Chapter 459

Name:Baby,Just Say Yes Author:Yaya
Liang Xiaoyu didn't expect that the tramp would say such words to her, and also saw that the smile on the tramp's face was sincere. Liang Xiaoyu felt that the tramp was very happy at this moment, but he didn't know whether the situation was that the tramp cheated her for his own face, so Liang Xiaoyu had to continue to ask him, He has to get to the bottom of the matter.

"I feel very honored to hear you say that. I didn't expect that you are living very fast now. It must be a very happy thing to be alive and happy. But I heard you say that you are the happiest time now, and these friends are Vagabonds. You have a very happy relationship with them. Let me ask you something, What do you think moved these people when they get along with you? What do you feel especially happy with you? What makes you feel particularly good and want to stay with these people and become a special good friend

The tramp pondered for a while. After all, when he was with these people, she felt very good. When these people were with him, he felt that these people were his friends. When he was with these people, he felt very happy every day. He didn't know what attracted them. Maybe they were sincere feelings, or they could be friends Can be the sincere attitude of these people, not in the market before their kind of intrigue, the kind of attitude.

There is no such situation as a belly. Everyone reveals his most sincere side. Everyone is the most real side. When he gets along with these people, he can only feel happy. Moreover, he knows that few of them are his friends even though they are his own friends True friends, few people in front of him to show their true side.

"Hello, I didn't think so about what you said, and I don't know why. I get along with them very happily, probably because they have a very sincere attitude in front of me. When I am with them, I have never felt so happy as today, and I didn't think that I could continue to live without wearing a mask. Before, I didn't feel happy Although very rich, but every day I wear a mask, I show face, show the situation, others know me and the real me, completely two people, but now I have no money, I am light, I can be happy with these people, I want to be happy, I want to be happy, I want to be happy, and I want to be angry, I get angry, no need to say Gentleman, I just need to live happily every day. I feel very happy. I've never lived like today. "

As soon as the tramp finished, the happy smile on his face was about to die on his face. Liang Xiaoyu looked at her smile, and actually had a great doubt about his life. He didn't know why this man was so happy. This man had so much food and was so sleepy. Before, he was so rich, and the people in Wall Street were all the same Financial pride, you are the pride of the day, everyone is arrogant, but suddenly this person has no money, I really don't know why he has such a change of attitude? Liang Xiaoyu is very curious about this man.

"You can get along in Wall Street, and I heard that you are doing very well in it now. Do you make a lot of money, and your education should be very high, then you say that with your high education, you should not be a tramp. You just need to easily find a job, and according to your education, you can't find a job It's not very difficult, and you're not very old now. It's not very difficult for you to find a job that can feed you and eat well every day. Why don't you look for a job? "

The man in front of Liang Xiaoyu is also very curious when he hears Liang Xiaoyu say that. He doesn't know why the press conference in front of him asks himself this question. But the Oriental woman is asking herself this question, so he has to give a good answer. After all, he is a good person. When someone asks him a question, he still has to give a good answer, and then he will be happy After all, I really haven't been to work for a long time. I rely on social support every day and go to church every day to get enough food.

"You're right. My education is really high. I went to university. I went to Stanford University. But after thinking about it, you're right. I used to look for a job, but after thinking about it, I didn't have much confidence in it. I lost my job and owed a lot of money. I think my life is special Gray, you know, my life is still temporary, and at that time I was very desperate, I could only live slowly in this kind of life. Later, I forget it. I can live if I find a job or not, and I can live if I don't find a job. I don't have a big dream. After all, there is a big gap between my life now and my previous life, and I experience a gap Balance is not particularly good "

Liang Xiaoyu heard what the tramp said in front of him, and then carefully recorded it. He took a look at what the tramp said to him, and then basically understood the life of these tramps. He took a look at the man in front of him, expressed his thanks, and looked at the sun in the sky. He also felt that it was almost noon, and he was happy Liang Yichen, my son, is about to finish school. He can't continue to chat with the middle-aged man in front of him. In addition, he has collected all these things and it's time to go back, so he nodded to the tramp in front of him."Thank you for your cooperation. I can't finish it without your cooperation. I didn't expect you to be such a person. If I have a chance, I'll continue to chat with you. Today I have something to do, so I'll go back first. Thank you for your cooperation. If everyone cooperates with me like you, our work will be very easy."

Liang Xiaoyu nodded, and then left. The tramp nodded to him, and then he went to have a rest. Liang Xiaoyu went back to Xin Zezhao, the nursery of his child. He was very depressed at this time. He was lying on the windowsill looking at his son. Liang Yichen was playing the piano, and Liang Xiaoyu was looking at his butt. He felt very sad When it was so funny, he never thought that Xin Zezhao had such a side.