Chapter 474: rough plan

Chapter 474 Rough planning

"Old Liang, I'm lucky today."

"Oh, that is, so-so."

"Ha, take it all."

"Damn, point your back, come back tomorrow."

Seeing that he had won several games and lost all his accumulated capital of more than 5,000, Lao Liang, who usually likes to borrow money to recoup his capital, cursed in a low voice, but stopped it indifferently.

"Liangzi, why don't you borrow some money today to make up your money?"

Old Xu, who has a good relationship, lost his book a long time ago. He watched it for a long time, and asked curiously when he saw that Lao Liang, who was so eager to make money in the past, left so simply.

Because of the previous several debts, his credit has been exhausted, and no one at the gambling table will lend him.

But Lao Liang has a good reputation for borrowing and repaying, so it is no problem to borrow thousands of dollars.

If Lao Liang really makes money, he can still manage the autumn wind and borrow a hundred or so to give it a go.

"It's okay, come back tomorrow."

Glancing at the elderly Xu, Lao Liang waved his hand and said indifferently.

"Why, is there a way? Tell me."

Seeing Lao Liang's appearance, Lao Xu became more and more sure of his guess, took the other's hand, and asked flatteringly.

Everyone's hands and feet are similar. Looking at it like this, Lao Liang obviously has a good place to start, so he can get a share of the action.

As for being caught in the future, we will talk about it when we feel refreshed.

"No, I'm going back first."

"Liangzi, look at Uncle, it's been a few days since I can't open the pot, please help Uncle"

"Uncle, I really have no way out."

"Liang Zi, you have to pity Uncle, and Uncle promises not to tell."


"Liang Zi, you forgot, I bought you a bowl of wontons when you couldn't open the pot."

"Okay, Uncle, I'll just tell you alone. I went to the villa area in the northern suburbs today, and there was no one living there, so I just found a home"

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will definitely not tell others."

"Brother Liang, tell me what you said to Old Xu, I will definitely not say it."

Old Liang went to the bathroom to leave, but was stopped by another young man whose smile on his face was familiar.

"I didn't say anything, you are young, find a stable job early, and live a good life."

"Brother Liang, I owe a whole lot of debt now, how can I work hard. You can help my little brother, and when I repay the debt, I will never forget you."

"Forget it, don't tell others, the villa area in the northern suburbs..."

"Brother Liang, don't worry, I will definitely not say anything."

Once Lao Liang came out of the chess and card room with a small casino in the background, he looked left and right, then walked quickly with his head down to a small alley not far away.

"Brother, I have done as you asked."

I don't know the purpose of the other party, but if he can get the money, Lao Liang thinks he can do anything, let alone such a trivial matter.

"Well, this is 20,000 yuan. You go out and hide for half a month. If you appear in the Haizhou area within half a month, be careful of your legs."

"Don't worry, I know. But, big brother, the villa area in the northern suburbs really has it"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, the police have already been watching there. If you go, don't blame me for not reminding you if you get into trouble."

"Understand understand."

Seeing the opponent's thick arms with dragon and tiger tattoos and the rough beard on his face, Lao Liang seemed to have guessed the opponent's purpose, obviously looking for some scapegoat.

I don't know where the other party crossed the border to make troubles, and how much profit they made in that northern suburb villa area.

However, he would never tell others about this kind of thing. Old Liang knew that these people had relatively dark hands. If it really leaked out, he might not be able to see the future sun.

What's more, getting 20,000 yuan so easily is enough for him to go outside for a while.

I can only hope that Old Xu and the others are luckier.

"Brother Xiao, it has already been thrown out."

The little brother who washed off his tattoo and took off his fake beard returned to an old house and reported to his boss.

"Well, you drive back to Lizhou tonight, don't run around in the near future, and pay attention to safety on the road."


After the younger brother left, Zhou Xiaoke went back to a small room at the back, and talked to the elementary school students who were waiting inside.

"Okay, then send these copies to these places."

Looking at a small notebook on the table in front of him and a stack of photocopies next to it, Zhou Anan said softly.


Nodding his head, Zhou Xiaoke immediately arranged for a brother specially transferred from Lizhou to do it.

After Zhou Xiaoke left, Zhou Anan stood in front of the window, looking at the hazy night scene in the distance, his thoughts turned quickly.

After getting the desired 'account book' this time, Zhou Anan asked the people who specially arranged for Lizhou to find those 'convicted' people who were deeply in gambling debts, and spread rumors that there was gold in the villa where they lived, confusing audiovisual.

The "command" where Zhou Anan is tonight is also specially set up in the old city area where surveillance is scarce. It used to be a house rented by an employee of an electric car specialty store.

Really, when the relevant department checked the source of the news, the old Liang who really spread the news was already outside in style.

However, this plan is still too rough.

It's just that Zhou Anan felt that it was pretty good for him to be able to find a way to get out of his own side in such a short time. It was the first time to do such a big event.

As for whether the higher-ups will initiate an investigation procedure, Zhou Anan specially put up a layer of insurance for this. Of course, he called Miss Yu.

The reason I told Miss Yu was that a thief with a criminal record accidentally fell into the hands of Zhou Xiaoke’s younger brother, and his “results” happened to include this notebook that recorded many secrets.

In Jiang Province, Miss Yu's energy is beyond doubt.

Not only can it speed up the progress of the investigation, but it can also pinch the line of checking the source in time.

Be careful sailing for thousands of years. Zhou An'an, who was just a small citizen in his previous life, is the first time to do such a big thing, no matter how cautious he is, he can't be too cautious.

If it wasn't for the tight time given by Mrs. Jian, Zhou An'an wouldn't be in such a hurry to start. There is a time buffer period, but the plan can actually be more perfect.

However, sudden activation also has the advantage of sudden activation, at least that Haizhou No. 2 would never have imagined that his fate would change overnight.

Everything has been arranged, and Zhou Anan, who doesn't have to do anything else, can only wait for the result.

By the way, my girlfriend is still waiting at home, and I need to go back and hand in some homework.

"Xian'er, Brother An called just now, what's the matter?"

Wang Xiaoxiao asked casually as she put on a mask and followed the show.

After Zhou Anan called earlier, Yu Xian'er secretly went to the room to make a phone call for a while, Wang Xiaoxiao was quite curious.

"It's nothing, it's just that An An was bullied."

Removing the imported mask from her face, Yu Xianer replied casually.

"Who bullied our family An'an?"

After listening to the bad guy Xian'er, Wang Xiaoxiao sat up suddenly and asked anxiously.

"Yo, An'an is now yours."

Didn't answer the girlfriend's question, Yu Xian'er laughed and teased her.

"Hmph, I don't have time to joke with you. Tell me, who dares to bully Brother An."

Rolling a blank look at the other party, Wang Xiaoxiao continued to ask, with concern in her eyes.

"It's okay, An'an has a way to deal with it by himself, so I'll make some connections with him."

Instead of continuing to joke with her best friend, Yu Xian'er said something in relief.

She didn't say much about the specific situation, so as not to involve too much sinister in this silly and sweet girlfriend.

Yu Xian'er did not expect that this little brother's countermeasures were so sharp, but this little brother was lucky, and that kind of evidence could fall into his hands by accident.

"Oh, that's it. Xian'er, you can't let Brother An be bullied."

Seeing what her friend said, Wang Xiaoxiao was also relieved, and lay back down again, and gave instructions when she was done.

"Know it."

Glancing at her best friend meaningfully, Yu Xian'er looked at the TV, but her thoughts drifted to Haizhou, hundreds of miles away.

(end of this chapter)