What kind of person is Ji Xiao?

The weather is uncertain, the dude indulges, the violent and unruly...

Wei Qingyu felt that all the negative words in the world could be put on her body.

Because of this, she was surprised when she heard the familiar sound from the toilet door in the cubicle.

The cool water gurgled from the faucet, constantly washing through Wei Qingyu's jade-like fingers.

The turquoise eyes were dizzy, and the water flowed across the skin, staining them with a light pink.

Her mind was filled with the voice of Ji Xiao confronting that classmate.

She said that Oga was an existence she admired.

She said that Oga is not Alpha's prey or slave, but their own human being with independent thinking.

With her unique voice, she awe-inspiringly scolded the girl who held a contemptuous attitude towards the Oga group in the toilet. Every sentence was from Oga's point of view, clearly organized, sonorous and firm, just like a gentleman.

A thick cloud was pushed slowly by the sun by the wind, and the shadow fell on the outside of the toilet.

Wei Qingyu looked at the dimness in his sight, and in that small dark room appeared before him, Ji Xiao's condescending smile when he looked at himself struggling during the fever period.

There was a hill between the girl's eyebrows, how could such a person say something like that before.

Wei Qingyu even felt that the person who had just been outside was just a classmate who sounded like Ji Xiao.

Suddenly, the girl's dilated pupils retracted their focus.

A long glass was quietly standing upright in the center of his sight, and a flamboyant scarlet flower was engraved on the silver-white lid.

Wei Qingyu recognized it at once, it was Ji Xiao's cup.

The sunlight poured into the room from the clean glass window on one side, making waves in the girl's turquoise eyes.

It's really her.

Wei Qingyu hesitated, picked up Ji Xiao's cup that had fallen on the sink and walked into the boiling water room.

The transparent glass was placed on the shelf above the water receiving platform, silently helping Ji Xiao erase the evidence that her Alpha had been to the Oga toilet.

"Yeah? Isn't this Wei Qingyu? What a coincidence."

Suddenly a sharp female voice came from behind Wei Qingyu, and the not-so-bright boiling water room was mostly blocked by the person standing at the door.

The girl stepped on the threshold with her pockets, her smiling face was full of frivolousness.

Wei Qingyu couldn't help being startled, and the hand that put the cup down silently, "Liu Meina?"

This Liu Meina is a dude like Ji Xiao, but the means of bullying is even worse than Ji Xiao.

Relying on his uncle being the director of the teaching department, he often carried out campus violence against his classmates at school, and many classmates avoided her.

"Why are you so surprised? If there is no water on the second floor, I can't come to the first floor to collect water?" Liu Meina smiled and walked into the boiling water room, step by step approaching Wei Qingyu.

"Yes." Wei Qingyu replied coldly. Holding Ji Xiao's cup, he moved a step left to avoid Liu Meina who had approached him.

As expected, Liu Meina stretched out her hand to hold Wei Qingyu's arm straight, and turned her head to look at her: "Hey, don't hide from me in a hurry."

"Let go," Wei Qingyu warned, looking at Liu Meina with straight eyes.

Even if Ji Xiao was locked in a small black room during the fever period, she was never afraid of it, let alone Liu Meina.

Liu Meina sneered, clutching Wei Qingyu's wrist tightly, and sarcastically said: "Why, if Ji Xiao can touch you, I can't do it?"

"No one can do it." Wei Qingyu preached coldly.

"It seems that Ji Xiao is busy studying these days, and there is no time to toss you, the bones are hard." Liu Meina said, wandering around Wei Qingyu with frivolous eyes.

The girl's cold and white skin is so crystal clear even in the dim light, and the pink pink and tenderness of the arm is fascinating because of the tightening.

Liu Meina licked her lips lightly, and asked with ulterior motives: "Have you not been temporarily marked by Ji Xiao?"

Wei Qingyu looked at Liu Meina's dirty gray eyes with a bad feeling in his heart.

"Well, you let me have a taste of your pheromone, this month I will cover you, not let Ji Xiao bully you, okay?" Liu Meina said and breathed into Wei Qingyu's earlobe.

The smell of orange wrapped in Wei Qingyu's ears, and the smell of rotting spread in Wei Qingyu's nasal cavity.

This feeling was the same as when I smelled Ji Qingyun's pheromone at the dinner table last time, and she frowned in disgust.

"What's your expression!" Liu Meina was very upset when she saw Wei Qingyu frown.

How many Oga praised the pheromone of her fresh oranges for its good smell and freshness, how come to Wei Qingyu's place, it was this expression!

Wei Qingyu forcibly endured his physical discomfort, chuckled, and mocked: "Can't you understand? You make me very sick."

"Disgusting?" Liu Meina had some anger in her eyes.

Denying the taste of an Alpha pheromone is like saying that a person can't do it.

Liu Meina squeezed Wei Qingyu's wrist tightly, and pulled her closer to herself, "I'm afraid you have been with Ji Xiao for a long time, so I can't tell you a good thing. How about this lady personally help you come back today? ?"

Wei Qingyu had a bad heart, and while backing away, he forcefully broke free of Liu Meina's restraint.

However, the strength of this Alpha was too great, and Wei Qingyu was interfered with by her pheromone again, and couldn't get rid of it.

The hollow iron sheet was kicked by the girl's heel, and she let out a muffled "boom".

Wei Qingyu's waist was caught off guard and landed in front of the water platform, with nowhere to go.

The smell of rotten oranges in the air became stronger and stronger. Wei Qingyu insisted on warning: "Liu Meina! I warn you that if you release pheromones at will in the school, you will be detained for inspection!"

Liu Meina chuckled lightly after listening.

Her indulgent and contemptuous smile echoed in the quiet boiling water room.

"Then let's try." As she said, she leaned down and lifted Wei Qingyu's long hair from the nape of her neck. "See if my uncle is here, will I be detained for probation."

Wei Qingyu felt that the glands he had attached to the suppression tape were about to be exposed, and his hands that had been holding the Ji Xiaoshui cup tightened a little bit.


A crisp sound rang from the boiling water room, which stunned the sparrows parked outside the window.

Kazuki's sparrows whispered and fluttered their wings, and the birds hidden in other green shades fluttered and flew like a chain reaction.

The classroom was still quiet, the pen sharpened through the pages and there was a rustling sound. No one noticed what was happening in the boiling water room in the distance.

Except Ji Xiao.

The girl dropped her pen when she wrote the last answer, and she felt strange looking at the large swarms of birds that suddenly flew outside the window.

While observing the direction of the birds, she picked up the water glass on the table.

When he stretched out his hand, he was empty.

Ji Xiao looked at the tabletop where the cup was supposed to be on, and suddenly sat up straight from the chair.

When confronted with the first-year high school girl, she seemed to put the cup on the sink in the female O toilet.

If someone finds out that he is an Alpha and goes to Oga's toilet, he will be regarded as a pervert and the parents will be criticized!

Ji Xiao glanced at the clock hanging above the blackboard, and there were ten minutes to end get out of class.

Go get it back now, it's too late.

Ji Xiao walked fast, and within a few moments he walked from the westernmost experimental class to the east toilet.

Even after class was about to end, the voices of the teachers were still ringing in every classroom, except that there was no sound in the toilet and boiling water room on the east side of the teaching building.

The wind blew through the distant window and lifted up the girl's long hair, and Ji Xiao seemed to smell something that made her feel uncomfortable while walking.

The boiling water room, which was still open when he left, closed the door abruptly.

"Do you not want to live anymore! Do you dare to hit me with a glass bottle! Believe it or not, I will let my uncle fire you!"

A dull voice came from the boiling water that closed the door, and the smell that made her uncomfortable also grew a bit stronger at this moment.

It's the taste of Alpha Pheromone!

This is not the smell that should appear in the school.

Ji Xiao immediately felt tight, and her sense of justice made her kick open the locked door of the boiling water room, and shouted, "What are you doing!"

Sunlight poured in from the slightly brightly lit water room.

The two people inside looked at Ji Xiao one after another, and their eyes were surprised.

"Ji Xiao?" Liu Meina looked at the person standing at the door in disbelief.

Ji Xiao was stunned, the person in front of him actually knew himself.

But I don't know her.

Before he could get mad about this matter, Ji Xiao moved his gaze to the other side of the room in the next second, and his heart skipped a beat.

Wei Qingyu was sitting on his knees in a pool of red water stains, tightly holding half of the broken glass ballast in his hand, and the sharp shards directed at the Alpha in front of him.

Suppressed by this Alpha pheromone, she trembled all over, and her wet skirt and shirt were attached to her body, embarrassed.

It's just that she still has her back straight, and her whole body exudes the horror like a ghost.

A gust of wind blew in the sky, and heavy clouds covered the sun.

The blue and green in Wei Qingyu's pupils faded, and the dark green could not see through any light, and the densely written words were hatred.

Fear and pity are intertwined in Ji Xiao's heart at the same time.

She took a deep breath and asked, "What are you doing! Don't you know that the school does not allow Alpha to release pheromones without authorization!"

Liu Meina thought it was funny, and said: "I haven't seen you in a few days, did you Ji Xiao actually start to abide by the school rules?"

She dusted the broken glass ballast on her shoulder, leaned against the shelf of the water cup, and said confidently: "Your little **** is sneaking here to move the cup you put here. I want to help you educate and educate. Who knows that she has such a strong temper. She smashed a cup on my shoulder and it hurts to death. You can wait and teach you a lesson."

Wei Qingyu listened to the upside-down of Alpha in front of him, and a bit of hatred was added to his pupils.

Her voice was hoarse: "I don't have one."

It's just that it seemed to be something to Ji Xiao, and Wei Qingyu didn't even look at her.

What she said is for fair hearing.

And Ji Xiao has never been her justice.

She could even predict how Ji Xiao would use Liu Meina's pretence to lock herself into the small black room.

Then I tortured myself severely...

"I know."

An unexpected voice came from the top of Wei Qingyu's head.

Ji Xiao stretched out her hand and pulled up the desperate self who was still sitting on the ground.