"Wei Qingyu, your fever period has come." Ji Xiao looked at the girl who collapsed in his arms in disbelief.

The strong mint flavor pheromone invaded her body and condensed into drops on the tip of her heart, stimulating her heart.

Ji Xiao has never felt his heart beating so fast.

Wei Qingyu reluctantly pulled himself up from Ji Xiao's arms, and hummed a syllable between his lips: "...um."

She just felt that the restraint stickers on the back of her neck were not working, but she had been holding on with broken glass.

Liu Meina's departure caused Wei Qingyu's tense nerves to suddenly relax.

The glands on the verge of collapse also burst out at the critical point this time.

"Have you brought inhibitors, or do you have new suppression stickers?" Ji Xiaoqiang asked, resisting the throbbing of his heart.

Wei Qingyu didn't even have the strength to speak, shook his head, and put his hand on the wall to the side.

She knew that the person next to her was also an Alpha, or an Alpha who had been wanting to be unruly towards herself, her vigilant heart was mixed with a distracted spirit, allowing her to force her to get rid of Ji Xiao's protection.

But Wei Qingyu still had the strength to struggle now, her limbs were weak, and even the strength to push Ji Xiao away became limp.

The survival instinct allowed her to support this body and walk towards the door, but it was pulling her back during the fever period, and her legs became weak again before she took a step.

Ji Xiao guarded Wei Qingyu very nervously, and held her who was about to fall again.

The smell of mint spreads all over, the girl's fair skin is glowing with an abnormal pink, and the wet shirt is almost transparent on her body, and her slender waist is outlined in a few strokes.

Ji Xiao's throat irritated, and the glands behind her neck jumped suddenly.

She can't control her as an adult woman, let alone go out to face so many underage Alpha who can't control her pheromone well.

Ji Xiao understood that Wei Qingyu did not trust herself, and if she were Wei Qingyu, she would not trust someone who had tortured her for a long time.

She clung to Wei Qingyu who wanted to break free, her anxious voice couldn't help but increase in volume: "Where do you want to go, you don't even have the strength!"

Oga was extremely sensitive during the fever period, and Wei Qingyu was startled by Ji Xiao's voice.

The thin shoulders visibly trembled in Ji Xiao's arms.

With long wet hair hanging down his cheeks, Wei Qingyu lifted the turquoise eyes slightly, a puddle of water filled with turquoise green.

The eyelashes with teardrops trembled and the tail of the slightly raised eyes was fainted with red, and innocence and fragility were written everywhere.

Ji Xiao's heart trembled involuntarily.

I don't think it is so much.

Ji Xiao looked at the girl in his arms and realized that what he said just now had reached Wei Qingyu, and pressed her lower lip helplessly.

The scent of mint was brought into her mouth, and it was refreshing with these irritating pungent.

After sinking for a while, Ji Xiao deliberately slowed down his voice, "There are underage Alphas outside. Wouldn't it cause you to go out like this?"

"I know that Alpha's pheromone can relieve Oga's fever period. If you want, I can let you lick my glands." Ji Xiao said.

She has just reviewed the most difficult genetics of biology and is very familiar with this type of knowledge.

In the Middle Ages before the invention of inhibitors, the noble Oga all relieved their fever by absorbing the pheromone secreted by the Alpha glands of the former noble who had been demoted to slaves.

When Wei Qingyu heard Ji Xiao's words, his dilated pupils were vaguely wary, and even with his hands that were not struggling, he also showed signs of wanting to leave Ji Xiao.

This behavior can indeed alleviate Oga's fever period.

But if you are not careful, Alpha will be teased by Oga and oppress Oga.

Therefore, Alpha slaves in the Middle Ages were all tied with chains, controlled by the superior Beta, and dedicated to the noble Oga.

Ji Xiao looked at the vigilance in Wei Qingyu's eyes, but this was the fastest way to solve this problem in a short time.

She pretended to be annoyed, and said angrily: "Why, do you think everyone is talking to Liu Meina, you want to be scared of your broken pheromone?! I have to go around such a big circle if I want to mark. I tell you, this lady can It’s not Liu Meina who takes advantage of others! Don’t put me and her together!"

Wei Qingyu pinched his palms tightly, watching the shame Ji Xiao showed in front of him.

It seems that I just want to relieve myself, so I have to propose such a method.

If this is acting, then her acting skills are really great.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao, feeling that the restlessness in his heart became more intense, and his sanity was gradually breaking down.

The waves formed by the pheromone slapped Wei Qingyu's body again and again, as if to swallow her.

Instead of spending time with Ji Xiao like this, he loses control.

It's better to lick her pheromone to relieve herself, so that even if she wants to do to herself, she will have the strength to fight back.

Just when Wei Qingyu was about to shake, Ji Xiao picked up the long hair from the back of his neck.

She turned her head and exposed her glands to Wei Qingyu unsuspectingly, pretending to be impatient: "Hurry up."

A very light peach brandy smell also came out. Wei Qingyu looked at the gland that was much smaller than Oga, and his slender neck rolled up and down.

Her body had accepted this taste before, and the marrow-knowing taste burst out with a deeper desire.

She knew she had no choice.

Wei Qingyu opened his mouth slightly and protruded a canine tooth, and almost out of primitive impulse, he kissed Ji Xiao's neck.

The taste of peach brandy slid into her throat along the tip of Wei Qingyu’s tongue. The strong alcohol and the sweetness of white peach instantly covered her barren body, and wrapped her softly but tenderly, filling all of her heart. Powerlessness.

Ji Xiao tilted his head and was deprived of his sight.

But it also magnified her touch invisibly.

The heat of the boiling water room filled up every corner of the boiling water room, quietly raising the temperature in the room.

Wei Qingyu's damp skirt was attached to Ji Xiao's leg, and the girl's hot body temperature was filled with ambiguity in the slight coolness.

Ji Xiao felt that his breathing had become slow, and the pheromone had become thicker uncontrollably.

The girl's soft tongue evoked a drop of pheromone, and greedily and contented it into her lips, leaving Ji Xiao with a teasing itch.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu from the corner of his eyes, his gold-orange eyes covered with water vapor.

She really wanted to put this girl who gradually relaxed her vigilance under her.

Ji Xiao's mind was throbbing with the coolness of the mint.

She closed her eyes and sighed quietly, letting Wei Qingyu run wild on her heart.

Slowly, Wei Qingyu felt that the sense of powerlessness not under his control was fading.

The setting sun was hanging brightly outside the window, and she could clearly see the mess and Ji Xiao who was crushed on the ground by herself.

Her collar had been torn apart and hung loosely on her shoulders, still holding a pipa half-hidden, revealing a seductive white.

In the center of the slender neck, the weak gland was tortured with redness and swelling, and there was a small canine tooth mark on it.

Ji Xiao was really licked pheromone by herself.

Wei Qingyu awkwardly touched his canine teeth with the tip of his tongue again, and the taste of peach brandy spread along the tips of the teeth.

The girl's cheeks were flushed, otherwise her eyes blinked twice naturally.

"Thank you." Wei Qingyu said softly, his voice a little hoarse.

Ji Xiao let go of the ponytail in his hand and dropped it on the gland again, "with a little effort."

After the two words fell, there was a trace of embarrassment in the boiling water room.

Wei Qingyu stood up from Ji Xiao in silence, and stood up barely.

The fever period had just faded, and Wei Qingyu didn't have a trace of strength on his body.

The longer she stood, the more she felt weak in her hands and feet.

But can she still allow herself to stay with Ji Xiao here?

Wei Qingyu's steps paused slightly.

Still raised his foot and walked forward.

Even though Ji Xiao let himself lick the pheromone she secreted to relieve the pain caused by the fever period, Wei Qingyu still couldn't fully trust the man who had caused him endless pain.

Near the end of the penultimate get out of class in the afternoon, half of the sky was dyed red by the setting sun, and the sun half hung on the roof of the teaching building.

Ji Xiao looked at this stubborn and fragile Oga from a distance, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Oga's attributes make people who are as good as Wei Qingyu have to be tired from fever, fragile and susceptible physique, uncontrollable desires, and mentality that can be disturbed by pheromone at any time.

Ji Xiao thought, if Wei Qingyu was born in her world, maybe he would be much luckier and easier than in the novel.

Even if she is the heroine of this abo world.

The fiery red sun dazzled Wei Qingyu's sight, and every step the girl walked towards the light and fell was extremely exhausting and vain.

Just when Wei Qingyu exhausted most of her energy and finally walked to the door with the door frame, she felt the lightness of her body and the lifting of her feet became easier.

A slender figure fell on Wei Qingyu's body.

"It's really useless Oga." Ji Xiao's mouth was full of disgust, but his hands firmly supported the crumbling Wei Qingyu.

The girl's slender right arm was pulled up by a solid and secure force, which helped her cross the threshold.

"Don't bother you."

Wei Qingyu looked at his arm supported by Ji Xiao, frowned slightly, and said that he was about to break free.

But how can Oga beat Alpha, not to mention that she is still an Oga who has just passed the fever period.

Ji Xiao's slender wrist was controlled by Ji Xiao's strength, and she couldn't get rid of it.

"Then go to the school hospital first." Ji Xiao simply ignored Wei Qingyu's words and struggles, and helped her to walk towards the school hospital.

Wei Qingyu stopped, "I'm going to the principal's office."

The body that hasn't fully recovered is a little panting, and every word reveals the girl's weakness.

Ji Xiao knew what Wei Qingyu was going to do, but what she was more worried about now was Wei Qingyu's body, especially her left hand that was pierced by the glass.

Ji Xiao: "Your wound has not been treated yet."

Wei Qingyu glanced at his hand. Although the blood had stopped, the piercing pain continued.

It's not that she doesn't hurt, but she just endures it all the time.

She will not let Liu Meina escape responsibility in this way.

She wants those who hurt herself to pay the price they deserve.

The sunset stretched the figures of the two of them, and Wei Qingyu stood silently and confronted Ji Xiao like this.

Stubbornness and stubbornness were in the cold and lonely eyes, and the girl's thin body was outlined in the wet blood-stained shirt.

Ji Xiao took off his coat and put it on Wei Qingyu's body: "Go to the school hospital first. I promise you that I won't let this end this way."