The wind outside the window slowly blew into the ward, brushing the curtains by the window, and setting off a white wave.

Wei Qingyu stood quietly among the waves, smiling beautifully and looking forward to his beautiful eyes.

Ji Xiao rolled down his throat jerky, with a complex expression.

Sure enough, she heard what they said that the trio was at the door that day.

Ji Xiao coughed lightly, pretending to be calm and said: "Have you heard it all?"

"I only heard your sentence." Wei Qingyu's voice was flat.

After hearing this, Ji Xiao also responded with her calmness: "Oh."

It's just that a thousand horses of grass and mud rushed through my heart.

Qi Qi said so much to Fang Yiming that Wei Qingyu didn't hear a single sentence, but she heard the sentence that she said cruelly by herself.

Could it be that the talent value of your own heroine notebook is full?

Can you read for the sake of contributing your own glands today, and forget that time of hilariousness...

There was a strange silence in the ward filled with the smell of disinfectant.

Wei Qingyu glanced at Ji Xiao who was sitting on the hospital bed, and a quiet smile flashed through his turquoise eyes.

Some people speak clearly and confidently, but the roots of their ears are red and thorough.

"Yeah, the little classmate is awake?" At this moment, the doctor who was applying medicine to Wei Qingyu walked into the ward and broke the silence, "How is it, is there any discomfort?"

Ji Xiao felt it a little, and shook his head.

Doctor: "Although it is good to contribute your own glands to solve the fever period of your classmates, you should also pay attention to your physical condition. Did you not pay attention to your susceptible period?"

Ji Xiao was taken aback, she had forgotten that she was still susceptible to being Alpha.

When the doctor saw Ji Xiao’s reaction, she knew that she had forgotten, and she educates: "This time Oga pheromone caused your susceptibility period to suddenly advance. Fortunately, you just fainted. If you lose control, your S-level Alpha will cause a mess. . In the future, make a mark on the calendar, even if there is a suppression post now, it should not be rash."

Ji Xiao sat on the bed and listened obediently, and nodded in cooperation.

The doctor was very satisfied with Ji Xiao's attitude, opened the ointment in his hand, and said: "This is the ointment applied to the glands, once in the morning, once in the evening in the first two days, and once every night, until the end of the susceptibility period."

"Didn't I just use Alpha inhibitor?" Ji Xiao interrupted in confusion.

"In the susceptible period, the pheromone in Alpha body was very disordered. Now your glands are pseudo-labeled by Oga and injected with pheromone. There is a certain chance that your body function will be impaired, so take measures to prevent it." The doctor said. road.

Ji Xiao nodded and asked: "Then I have to come to the school hospital to get you medicine these days?"

"I don't have time to give you medicine." The doctor waved to Wei Qingyu as he said, "You will be responsible for applying ointment to her in the future."

Hearing this, Ji Xiao's eyelids twitched, and hurriedly said: "You are not free or okay, I can just apply the medicine myself!"

How dare she let Wei Qingyu give herself medicine, that's someone who will gouge out her glands in the future.

"You? How do you do it yourself, can you see it with your head down? If the medicine is not applied uniformly, your glands will not recover well, and what should you do if the release of pheromone is blocked?"

After two questions, the doctor rejected Ji Xiao's proposal, and then looked at Wei Qingyu, "What about you, are you willing?"

Ji Xiao hurriedly looked at his last straw.

In order to show her resistance to her drugging herself, Ji Xiao deliberately pretended to be fierce with her doctor behind her back.

It's just that the intimidating gaze is not enough, and a pair of round apricot eyes are still dyed a little red.

The soft light just fell on the hospital gown, making this Alpha, who had just woke up from a coma in the susceptible period, extremely weak.

It was like a little beast deliberately showing that it was fierce and trying to deter and scare the enemy away.

I'm used to seeing Ji Xiao being unreasonable and self-willed. Now seeing her look like this, Wei Qingyu finds it very interesting.

She calmly moved her gaze away from Ji Xiao, smiled at the corner of her mouth, and nodded to the doctor: "Okay."

Ji Xiao's originally stiff shoulders collapsed in an instant, and her golden orange eyes were filled with puzzles.

Why did Wei Qingyu, a person who hated himself, agreed to help himself with medicine?

Sure enough, as long as Wei Qingyu smiles, there is absolutely nothing good!

"That's right, it's the little girl who is so shy." The doctor nodded in satisfaction, and lifted up Ji Xiao's loose hair, "Don't waste time, let's start now."

Ji Xiao clearly felt that his collar was torn apart slightly, and his fragile glands were exposed to the air at once.

She had a sense of shame in her private place being seen by others, her fingers curled up slightly, and she held the quilt tightly.

The lights of the ward softly illuminate this space, and Wei Qingyu's shadow envelops Ji Xiao from behind.

The smell of mint bloomed quietly on the tip of Ji Xiao's tongue, which invisibly relaxed her nervous nerves.

The girl's technique was exceptionally gentle, and the cold ointment fell on Ji Xiao's fragile glands, which was uncomfortable.

Ji Xiao slowly relaxed his tight nerves.

He lowered his head and squinted his eyes slightly, like a cat enjoying the service of his master.

"Sister Xiao!"

Suddenly shouted, breaking the tranquility in the ward.

Qi Qi opened the door of the ward with a slam, leaning on the door frame and panting for breath.

The three people in the room froze with fright.

Qi Qi looked at Wei Qingyu standing behind Ji Xiao, who was half exposed, her eyes blinked unnaturally, and then pulled the doorknob: "Sorry, I'm sorry."

Ji Xiao instantly understood where Qi Qi was thinking of, and roared: "Stop!"

"I didn't see anything, you continue..." Qi Qi made a very sensible appearance and covered her eyes.

Ji Xiao helplessly: "What have we done, you can't see that there is a doctor in the ward!"

Qi Qi was stunned, and then he noticed that there was a doctor behind them.

She gave a small "Oh" and walked in with a little disappointment.

Ji Xiao ignored Qi Qi's reaction and asked: "How do you know I am here?"

Qi Qi didn't answer, and sat down beside Ji Xiao's bed, "Let me ask you first, is the broken cup in the water room yours?"

Ji Xiao nodded.

Qi Qi: "Did the blood on the ground come from Wei Qingyu?"

Ji Xiao still nodded.

Qi Qi: "Do you want to forcibly mark Wei Qingyu, and then fell the cup, causing Wei Qingyu to cut his hand, and then escaped after the accident?"

Ji Xiao just wanted to nod, but his pupils dilated instantly: "What is it?!"

When Qi Qi saw Ji Xiao’s reaction, he knew that the rumors were false, saying: "The level department has spread. I didn’t believe it with Fang Yi, so we were divided into two groups. One overturned the wall and went to the one we often go to. Bridge is looking for you, and one comes to the school hospital."

"Who passed it on?!" Ji Xiao was a little annoyed.

Wei Qingyu: "Liu Meina."

Qi Qi looked at Wei Qingyu in surprise, "How did you know that it was Liu Meina?"

Wei Qingyu calmly administering medicine to Ji Xiao, and said: "If the boiling water room is too late to clean up, it will definitely be found by the students after class and reported to the teacher. Liu Meina leaves the boiling water room and must go back to her uncle Director Liu. Director Liu I used Liu’s status in City A to cover up with the communication with the principal when he was young. It is impossible for his niece to have an accident. He will definitely wipe her **** for this matter..."

Ji Xiao frowned slightly when he heard "Liu Meina" in Wei Qingyu and Qi Qi's mouth.

Liu Meina, Liu Meina again.

Who is this person? Why is everything that happened this month related to her?

Suddenly, a keyword flashed in Ji Xiao's mind, and she finally let go of her wrinkles.

She remembered who this person was!

It is Miss Liu's who is second only to Ji Xiao in the original text!

When Ji Xiao was reading, he concentrated all his firepower on the original owner, and remembered very little of the plot that Liu Meina participated in.

I only vaguely remembered that she wanted to engage in Wei Qingyu and the result was wicked feedback. The family went bankrupt, and she was chased by loan sharks to the main road. She ran a red light and was hit to death by a muck truck, and her head collapsed.

Ji Xiao thought of the arrogant face of Liu Meina just now, and his heart was very unbalanced.

This ending is much better than myself!

At least there is a whole body...

"The Ji family and the Liu family have had a lot of business friction over the years. They definitely want Uncle Ji to eat a turtle." Wei Qingyu paused, his tone of voice was a little low. "It's just that I didn't expect that they would Everything is pushed to you."

"Wow, it's amazing." Qi Qi listened, her chin was not closed for a long time, and she couldn't help clapping her hands.

Wei Qingyu ignored Qi Qi's flattery and threw the cotton swab after the smearing into the trash can, and said to Ji Xiao, "That's why I went to the principal first."

Hearing this, Ji Xiao nodded solemnly.

When she arrived for the first time, she did not have the thoughtfulness of Wei Qingyu, but she ignored such a deadly female villain.

"But, as long as you testify that it is not Ji Xiao, but Liu Meina, isn't it all right?" Qi Qi preached inexplicably.

"It's not that easy. The monitoring of the water room will be destroyed first. Without direct evidence, it is impossible to prove the authenticity of the testimony I made. The pheromone released by Liu Meina in the boiling water for such a long time has long been dissipated. Even in order to eliminate the evidence that Liu Meina had released pheromones, they would put disturbing air fresheners in the boiling water." Wei Qing preached in a calm tone.

"Gan." Qi Qi cursed, "I said why the smell of the boiling water room doesn't make much difference!"

"However, pheromone collection can be done, and there should be no escape." The doctor who had been listening to the side said.

"If it takes too long, someone will be'impatient.' After the matter is determined, it will not be called justice." Wei Qingyu shook his head lightly.

She touched the mechanical watch on her wrist and looked at the sad-faced person in the room. She was about to speak, but was interrupted by Ji Xiao, "Don't worry, I told you that I won't let this end rashly, I I will do it."

Wei Qingyu was a little surprised. He watched Ji Xiao take out his mobile phone and sent WeChat to someone who didn't know.

It was fluent and flowing, as if she had been prepared for it a long time ago.

In fact, Ji Xiao also really made plans.

As early as when she brought Wei Qingyu to the hospital, she analyzed that Liu Meina must have a backing for being able to dominate the school, and the ability to check and balance one force has always been another stronger force.

Soon I got a reply on the mobile phone [Okay Miss. 】

It is Ji Qingyun's secretary.

Although Ji Qingyun is not a good thing, it still needs to be used.

Ji Xiao raised his eyebrows, unexpectedly things went so smoothly.

She thought it was very harsh for her to ask the best lawyer in the family to go to the school hospital within ten minutes.

Sure enough, she was not written in a book for the frightening reputation of her.

Ji Xiao sent an [OK] expression to Ji Qingyun's secretary, and looked up at Wei Qingyu, "I have called a lawyer, and I have my family to support it. Let's go directly to the principal later."

The girl's golden orange eyes glowed with Alpha's determination and determination, full of a sudden sense of security.

Wei Qingyu touched the watch on his wrist and nodded slightly, "Okay."

Just when Wei Qingyu wanted to say something to Ji Xiao, a familiar voice came from the door of the ward.

"Ji Xiao, so you are here? Let us find it."

Liu Meina took Director Liu to Ji Xiao's ward proudly.