For a moment, the surrounding wind stopped.

The sunlight slanted to the west, and radiantly fell on the face of the doctor standing at the door, and the grand and playful smile looked particularly dazzling.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu, who was standing aside, and his expression was colder than before, and he felt a chill in the back of his neck.

The full score of the desire to survive made her quickly deny: "No, we are not the kind of relationship you think."

"Huh?" The doctor was startled, "Aren't you? I thought you..."

"Let's see the patient first." Wei Qingyu interrupted the doctor's words coldly, "This little girl split into oga and fainted."

"Fainted? Come with me, then." The doctor was startled when he heard the words, put aside the ridicule of Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu, and hurriedly led the two inside.

The wards of the school hospital basically looked the same. Ji Xiao followed the doctor into a new ward, feeling familiar.

The little girl was placed on a clean bed, and the doctor skillfully took out the examination equipment from a drawer, and started the examination.

"Don't you need to call someone?" Ji Xiao asked suspiciously from one side.

"I am an emergency doctor, and I can basically see your illnesses." As he said, the doctor raised his hand to show his chest badge.

Ji Xiao stepped forward and took a closer look. Deputy Director of the Emergency Department: Hao Hui.

No wonder she was the same doctor I saw the last time I woke up after fainting.

Hao Hui's skills are skillful and neat, and Ji Xiao's time to explain the situation completed the basic inspection of the little girl.

She looked at the number displayed on the last sphygmomanometer, and said: "Injecting inhibitors directly into the glands is the most correct way to deal with it. The treatment is beautiful."

Hao Hui gave Ji Xiao a thumbs up in recognition.

Ji Xiao waved his hand and patted Wei Qingyu's shoulder next to him: "Doctor Hao, you should praise her. It was Wei Qingyu who gave this classmate the inhibitor that he injected into the gland, and I was the tool beside him. people."

Alpha's strength is greater than that of ordinary people, and Wei Qingyu's body trembles when Ji Xiao is recklessly photographed.

The girl looked at the smile on Ji Xiao's face, with some obscurity in her cyan eyes.

She couldn't believe that a person like Ji Xiao who was proud of her would take the initiative to correct others' misrepresentation of her merits.

"So it's you?" Hao Hui followed Ji Xiao's movements and looked at Wei Qingyu.

She still remembered not long ago that Wei Qingyu could not change his face when facing such a deep hole in his hand, and couldn't help but sigh: "He can do great things."

Wei Qingyu nodded slightly at Hao Hui when he heard the words, his calm face was full of humiliation and humiliation.

"You are not bad too." Hao Hui patted Ji Xiao on the shoulder flatly. "You two did a good job in this matter. Both are worthy of praise."

While putting away the tools, she looked at the little girl who was still in a coma, and asked: "Then do you know what this little girl's name is? If this happens, you have to notify her parents and the teacher in charge."

Ji Xiao frowned upon hearing this and began to try to recall.

The last time I saw her, she heard a girl calling her name, and she vaguely seemed to remember her last name "qiao".

Ji Xiao: "I remember her surname is ‘qiao’, but I don’t know which ‘qiao’ it is."

"'Qiao'? As the last name, it's the "Qiao" who only has "Qiao Mu", right?" Hao Hui inferred, "So you will come out with me to the electronic inspection room, check the identity of this child, and then be responsible for notifying her. The parents and the teacher in charge. The remaining one is here to watch her and inform the nurse on duty in time if there is any situation."

"Then I will go." Wei Qingyu took the initiative to preach.

She often helped Feng Ming deal with this kind of things, and she did it more easily than Ji Xiao.

"Okay, you can watch that little classmate here." Hao Hui said as she walked out of the ward with Wei Qingyu.

"Good." Ji Xiao said, putting her index finger and **** close together, and putting them on her temples to bow to the two people who were about to go out.

The sunlight fell impartially on the girl's golden orange eyes, bright as stars.

The red lips opened to reveal a few white teeth, which looked chic and arbitrary.

"This is the feeling of can be so infecting at any moment, just like slowing down." Hao Hui sighed as she looked at Ji Xiao.

"You said, do many oga like this kind of alpha?"

As Hao Hui spoke, don't look at Wei Qingyu beside him meaningfully.

Wei Qingyu, who felt Hao Hui's sight, did not answer.

She only regarded this sentence as a sigh, and walked towards the electronic review room without responding.

However, Hao Hui did not intend to end this topic, and continued: "She is usually very proud of the s-grade alpha, because some hormones in the body make them a kind of arrogance. But this is not the case. It is also rare to think of meeting her twice to help classmates."

"I haven't smelled it, but I speculate that her pheromone should be very domineering. This level of pheromone taste is inherently attractive to oga. I also read a report saying that it is alpha..."

The corridors of the hospital were a little dark, and the sight of the person who was photographed was a little unclear.

Wei Qingyu silently listened to Hao Hui's endless praise of Ji Xiao, and the tip of his tongue couldn't help but slowly bloom with the smell of brandy.

The refreshing spirit ran across his throat, frowning.

It's really domineering.

It just didn't take a moment for Wei Qingyu's mouth to smell of tender peaches again.

The light fruity scent gently stroked the throat burned by the strong liquor, bringing a large amount of soothing.

Cold and gentle.

Just like Wei Qingyu saw in the oga toilet.

Time has changed.

Maybe even Wei Qingyu himself didn't realize that her pupils, which used to hide warning and disgust, were gradually being replaced by trust.

The gradually sinking sun cast a golden glow on the sky, and a group of homecoming pigeons fluttered across the sky with their wings.

Ji Xiao sat alone in front of the little girl’s hospital bed and played a game for a while. After being cheated twice by her teammates, she angrily put down her phone, turned and patted the light on the wall.

The little girl was still asleep, Ji Xiao quietly sat aside and observed her looks boredly.

The introverted Xingyuan’s eyes are matched with a tall and sharp nose, and the shorter ones are decorated with a slightly protruding lip. This allows her to make her whole person have a kind of dainty and dainty look.

"How can oga be compared to alpha?! They even..."

Ji Xiao's ear suddenly sounded the arrogant and contemptuous remarks made by the little girl in the toilet that day.

A flash of light flashed, and she finally remembered the name of this little girl-Qiao Ni!

At this moment, Qiao Ni's eyelids twitched slightly, and his fine eyelashes quivered slightly.

Ji Xiao tentatively asked: "Qiao Ni, are you awake?"

Hearing his name, Xing Yuan's eyes opened slowly.

Qiao Ni looked at the room full of disinfectant water in confusion, and said, "I...Where is this?"

"This is the school hospital." Ji Xiao explained, got up to pour Qiao Ni a glass of water, "You just split into oga, and now you have contacted your family and..."

Before Ji Xiao could finish saying a word, Qiao Ni sat up from the bed emotionally, "No! Can't tell them that I split into oga!"

The little girl's face was full of panic, and she said she was about to get off the bed.

Seeing this, Ji Xiao hurriedly put down the cup in her hand, and stepped forward to press her back on the bed, "It's too late for you to go now. They must have notified your parents and the head teacher by this time."

When Qiao Ni heard Ji Xiao's words, his heart was cold for a moment, and he fell back on the bed without strength.

Looking at him like this, Ji Xiao couldn't bear it, and handed her the water that he poured out, "Drink a glass of water first, and my lips are cracked."

Qiao Ni silently took the water that Ji Xiao handed over to him, and was about to raise his head to say thank you, but met Ji Xiao's golden orange eyes.

In an instant, Qiao Ni felt that the person in front of him was very familiar, and he hesitated to preach: "You are..."

Ji Xiao laughed when she heard the sound, and sat back in the chair beside the bed, and said, "Why did you forget me so soon? You said that we are also destined, and we met in the oga toilet both times."

When Ji Xiao was reminded like this, Qiao Ni instantly remembered the unpleasant scene not long ago, and his face turned white: "It's you!"

Qiao Ni laughed self-deprecatingly, "You must feel very happy now, right? I split into the oga I despise the most, and you are the alpha I want to be but can't be..."

When Ji Xiao listened to the little girl's stabbing words, what he saw was the sadness that was trying to hide on her face.

She remembered Qiao Ni's performance just now in the toilet, and she couldn't help asking in a deep voice: "Do you really hate oga so much? So disgusted to reject this fact at the expense of destroying your body?"

Qiao Ni looked at Ji Xiao's gaze at him, her golden-orange eyes seemed to be unable to tolerate lies.

The little girl's slightly energetic eyes dropped slightly, and the places illuminated by the lights were all in despair.

Qiao Ni shook his head slightly to Ji Xiao, and said, "You don't understand..."

Although Ji Xiao didn't know what happened to Qiao Ni, he realized that the child's prejudice against oga didn't seem to be a simple look down on, but there was some resistance to this attribute in her heart.

Ji Xiao pressed her lower lip lightly, and said, "I know that becoming an oga is something you didn't expect. Maybe you never came in the past and never thought about it. One day something like this will happen that you can't predict. But Joe Ni, you have to learn to face it."

Ji Xiao guided Qiao Ni and told herself what had been hidden in her heart.

"Accept this fact, then adapt to it, and make it beautiful as much as you can."

"This is your life. Since it has been like this, you can't spend it with a resisting attitude like this."

"Your body belongs to you. Even if you split into an oga, you have to believe that even if there is an alpha harassing you, you will not easily succumb to them as the book says."

"How could it be..." Qiao Ni was suspicious, her voice hoarse.

"How can it be impossible?" Ji Xiao asked back.

"Have you seen it?" Qiao Ni asked again.

"Of course I have seen it." Ji Xiao replied with certainty.

Qiao Ni was a little shaken in his eyes after hearing Ji Xiao's two sonorous answers: "Who."

"Wei Qingyu." Ji Xiao replied.

She has a soft voice, but her tone is firm.

Hearing this name, Qiao Ni hesitated, "It's that Liu Mina..."

Ji Xiao nodded, "Yeah."

"She is the first grade in our high-level and second-level department. She is soft in the competition and is an excellent team secretary for the third-year student. She is very good-looking and is recognized by our level department..." Ji Xiao broke his fingers. He didn't hesitate to blow out the rainbow farts he had to Wei Qingyu when he was reading.

"She is really the most admirable one of all the oga I have seen." Ji Xiao said, her tone and expression could not help but bring a bit of pride.

Qiao Ni's heart of resistance was shaken as Ji Xiao's description.

She hesitated: "Then, can I be such a person..."

"Of course." Ji Xiao promised.

Her teacher once told her that as a teacher they have to believe: as long as every child has a firm belief, there will be an infinite future.

After Qiao Ni's dredging of these few sentences by Ji Xiao, the lumps that had been stuck in his heart slowly unfolded.

The moving light flickered in the little girl's eyes, and the sensual face finally brought a somewhat restrained smile on her face.

She twisted her fingers on the sheets under her, and preached a little shamely: "Thank you, senior sister. I...may I hug you?"

Ji Xiao was still smiling for the first second, but was startled in the next second.

Although they are all girls, how can they be betrayed by giving them free psychological counseling?

This has to be another price, right?

But before Ji Xiao could refuse, Qiao Ni boldly leaned forward and hugged her.

The little girl's slender arms wrapped around Ji Xiao's slightly larger frame, and buckled tightly behind her.

Ji Xiao has lived for more than 20 years, and this is really the first time she has encountered a little girl who took the initiative to give herself to herself.

She was at a loss to look at Qiao Ni, who was extremely dependent on her. The teacher's natural care for students made her push away the weak little girl without a single click.

Suddenly, a cool breeze rushed in from the window, and a faint mint smell settled on the back of Ji Xiao's neck.

Ji Xiao looked towards the door subconsciously, and suddenly felt a little bit in his heart.

The dim light hit the door in the setting sun, dimly drawing out two figures.

Wei Qingyu and Hao Hui didn't know when they had already appeared at the door.