The afternoon sun gave this cold winter day a warm golden light. Looking at Wei Qingyu's trembling eyes, Ji Xiao realized that she had only heard what Ji Qingyun said to him.

She knew that Wei Qingyu must have something to say to herself. She looked at Aunt Wu who was preparing vegetables in front of the small table on the bed, and said: "Okay, Aunt Wu, put things down and leave. I'll call you if I have something to do."

"Yes, miss." After all, Aunt Wu is a veteran servant, she still has this vision.

When the voice fell, he hurriedly arranged the dishes, porridge and bowls, prepared Ji Xiao chopsticks and spoons, and left the ward.

Without Aunt Wu, the ward was quiet again.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu on the side, moved herself to the side close to her, and said, "Well, if you have anything you want to say, just say it."

Hearing Ji Xiao's calm voice, Wei Qingyu felt a little restless in his heart.

She was afraid that Ji Xiao really thought she was a very scheming person, first explained: "I didn't mean to listen to you and Uncle Ji, I just happened to be at the door."

Maybe people are always like this, the more you face things you care about, the more you can't calm down.

Wei Qingyu knew that the next explanation was related to her getting along with Ji Xiao, and she was suddenly unsure of her chances of winning.

She leaned lightly on the cabinet on one side, her always calm and calm eyes drooping slightly: "I didn't do that kind of thing, nor did I deliberately lead you over after seeing the car. I was walking in a hurry. I didn't see the car at all."

The speed of the girl's words became faster than usual.

As if eager to explain, Ji Xiao could even hear the trembling of the cold and calm voice.

"My mom and dad and your mom and dad are good friends who have come all the way from university. I don't know why Uncle Ji said that, but my parents are really not the kind of people Uncle Ji said. Our family treats you from beginning to end. , Are sincere to Uncle Ji, and don't have a trace of utilization."

Having said that, Wei Qingyu curled up his fingers on the counter.

She never thought that one day she would need to rectify the names of her parents.

In Wei Qingyu's view, no matter how cunning and cunning Ji Qingyun is, the friendship with her parents for more than ten years is at least true.

She couldn't think that the change six years ago would evolve into the situation it is today.

The gloom that had been suppressed in the girl's heart since last year stirred and rolled in her heart along with the anxiety facing Ji Xiao.

Wei Qingyu didn't know if her parents had been deceived by this unintentional villain.

I don't know if Ji Xiao has been or has always believed in the so-called "truth" Ji Qingyun said.

The wind pushes the clouds to pass by the only light source in the world, and the light in the somewhat dull house is even weaker.

The taste of peach brandy floated heavily around the mint, somewhat unclear.

Wei Qingyu raised his head and looked at the unusually silent person shrouded in the shadows, and his heart became more anxious.

Ji Xiao didn't know when she had been entrenched in her heart that had long been thought to be invincible, shining like a small sun on her barren heart.

Those who have been rescued from the darkness can no longer bear the pain of losing the sun again.

Even if there will be other suns in the future, it is not this one.

She only needs this one.

Wei Qingyu clenched his palms slightly, looked at Ji Xiao with anxious eyes, and said, "Ji Xiao...can you? Believe me this time, I..."

But I didn't expect that Wei Qingyu would be intercepted by Ji Xiao before he finished speaking.

"I believe in you." Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu with firm eyes.

As a reader who has watched the stories happening in this world as a bystander, Ji Xiao clearly knows what Wei Qingyu has experienced in the past and in the future.

The heavy cloud covered the sun outside the window, and removed all the stubborn light from Wei Qingyu's body.

In Ji Xiao's sight, there was only one helpless girl who knew the truth about the late arrival.

She was so proud, but bowed her head in front of herself.

Even the mint floating in the air was fragile.

Looking at Ji Xiao, his heart hurts.

If you don't even believe in her, who can she rely on in this perilous story?

Do you want her to rely on the South Jinfeng?

Can not.

Ji Xiao doesn’t know what kind of person she is in Wei Qingyu’s heart now, but she is still willing to give Wei Qingyu, who may not trust her, a guarantee: "Wei Qingyu, I am not the same Ji Xiao from the past. Bring you out in the little black room, and I have already parted with Ji Xiao in the past."

"Even if everyone doesn't trust you, I will stand by your side."

After that, Ji Xiao pursed his lips and looked at Wei Qingyu quietly in front of him.

But in my heart, I made up for it: not just because you are the heroine.

When Wei Qingyu heard the words, his pupils trembled slightly.

When all the dust settled, the girl's uneasy heart beat more violently, but this time it was no longer because of fear that her sun would leave.

Wei Qingyu: "Thank you."

The winter breeze rustled the dead branches outside the window, and the heavy clouds were pushed past the sun.

Light fell into the ward again, and a small daisy-like smile appeared on the little white face of the girl.

The shallow mint taste calmed down, and the coolness fell on the tip of Ji Xiao's heart, causing the fragile heart to miss a beat in an instant.

Ji Xiao blinked unnaturally, and while touching his head, he said: "'re welcome."

"Um... Didn't you rest well last night?" Ji Xiao asked again looking at the dark circles under Wei Qingyu's eyes.

Wei Qingyu nodded lightly.

She was rushed back home by Ji Qingyun yesterday. She did not sleep well without receiving any news.

She lay on the soft bed as always, but couldn't sleep even after tossing and turning several times.

After finally falling asleep, the moment when Ji Xiao was hit by a car is still playing repeatedly in his dream.

She has long been emotionally indifferent, and it has been a long time since she cared about a person so much.

Upon seeing this, Ji Xiao patted his exceptionally soft hospital bed that was laid by Aunt Wu: "Then come to my bed and rest for a while."

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao who was still lying on the bed, his cheeks were slightly hot, "Then, what about you?"

Ji Xiao didn't notice Wei Qing's meaning outside the language, and stood up from the bed with his left arm propped up on him, and said: "You want me to grow up on the bed, so this lady can't come down for a walk? Just lying down, tired. Worn out."

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao who had gotten off the bed, his cheeks turned redder involuntarily.

In this ward, she was the only one who wanted to get involved.

Then, she looked at Ji Xiao, who had been raising her arm vainly in her sight, and actively said, "I'll help you fix your arm. It's easy to eat."

Ji Xiao, who had just sat on the chair, nodded and watched Wei Qingyu walk towards him as he sorted out the fixed belt on the bedside table.

The girl had taken off her heavy down jacket, her long hair draped softly and obediently on her shoulders, and there was no trace of static electricity when she wiped the woolen clothes.

The umbrella-shaped woolen skirt is tied with a delicate tight-fitting high-necked brown sweater, which outlines the tight waist.

Wei Qingyu leaned slightly to block the light in Ji Xiao's sight, as well as the familiar mint fragrance that fell on the tip of her nose.

The slender fingers lifted her loose long hair, and the low snort rubbed the seemingly warmth on her neck, it was the uncontrollable heartbeat that fell on her heart.

In this room, Wei Qingyu was not the only one who wanted to get involved.

Ji Xiao, who has never been seated, rarely straightened his back when sitting on a chair.

Only this time, she was afraid that Wei Qingyu would hear her strange heartbeat.

This is simply too strange.

It's just to bring yourself a fixed belt, there is no words or intentional intimacy, just touch her a little bit and there will be such a big reaction.

Moreover, this seems to be not the only time.

What is going on with yourself?

Is this also an impulse that Alpha can't restrain Oga?

"Alright." Wei Qingyu sorted out the straps on Ji Xiao, interrupting her thoughts.

"Thank you." Ji Xiao said, as if he had done something wrong and didn't dare to look at Wei Qingyu directly.

She pretended to be impatient and preached: "Go to sleep, I will go back to bed and continue lying down later."

The winter afternoon in the afternoon was full of warm languidness, and Wei Qingyu lay on the bed silently and obediently.

I don't know if it's really too tired, but in a moment she sniffed Ji Xiao's delicious lunch and fell asleep.

Aunt Wu's craftsmanship is indeed good. A small half bowl of seafood porridge with an exquisite nutritious meal satisfies Ji Xiao's hungry stomach very well.

Xu was full of warm thoughts, Ji Xiao packed up the things on the table and couldn't help catching a glimpse of Wei Qingyu asleep.

The round head was trapped in the soft pillow, and her plain face was wrapped in thick black hair.

The uneasiness that had just been faintly revealed in those brows and eyes had disappeared, and the calm expression was a little quieter and calmer because of the deep sleep.

The delicate and small nose draws a pleasing arc in the light, with a pair of red lips embossed underneath.

It was crystal clear and full like a delicious fruit, even more beautiful than when Ji Xiao saw it in his room last time.

The girl just closed her eyes unsuspectingly.

His thin lips opened slightly, as if waiting for someone's pick.

And Ji Xiao also gently pressed his lips, leaning down for the second pick.

The shadows were painted by the evening light and overlapped on the wall, and the master's movements froze in the air.

Ji Xiao looked at the girl who hadn't noticed anything in his sight, and suddenly realized that he felt that he had too many strange reactions when facing Wei Qingyu.

But obviously she had never been such a person when she was in the original world.

She wouldn't have the urge to possess someone so easily, let alone care about a person's feelings in this way.

It's as if all her impulses in this world, whether they are perverse, are derived from her.


If you just use a desire to survive, is it not convincing at all?

Ji Xiao frowned slightly, and suddenly felt that she couldn't understand herself.


At this moment, several knocks on the door sounded from the room.

Before Ji Xiao, who was hanging on his right arm, could sit back on the chair behind him, he saw the door being pushed open.

"Sister Xiao?" Qi Qi leaned into the room halfway through the door.

Her eyes were much better than Aunt Wu. At a glance, she saw the afterimage of Ji Xiao lying next to Wei Qingyu before sitting on the chair. She jokingly preached, "Hey, take advantage of the danger? "

"Go!" Ji Xiao pretended to be calm and annoyed Qi Qi, watching her walk in, lowered his voice and asked strangely: "Why are you here?"

"The news of your glorious injury was spread all over yesterday. It just happened that I was passing by here and there was something wrong, so I asked my uncle and he came." Qi Qi took an apple unceremoniously and said while eating.

She looked at Wei Qingyu who was sleeping on the hospital bed, and joked: "Why, isn't it my message? Why is this sick person sitting on a chair?"

"Fuck off." Ji Xiao was guilty and gave Qi Qi an elbow.

She looked at Wei Qingyu who was still sleeping, and reminded: "You keep your voice down, don't bite that apple crunchy."

"Cut." Qi Qi bit the apple in dissatisfaction, but her movements were much slower.

She looked at Wei Qingyu, who was extremely nervous by Ji Xiao, and whispered: "Hey, then don't be here, I will take you to the rooftop to have fun?"

"The rooftop?" Ji Xiao was a little puzzled, "Shall we go up there?"

"Yes." Qi Qi nodded, looking extra confident.

Ji Xiao also felt that Wei Qingyu would be affected by the two of them talking here, so he put on the down jacket half-believingly, and followed Qi Qi out of the ward.

After the evening, the elevator had passed its peak period, and two people sat all the way from the fourth floor to the 23rd floor of the top floor.

Qi Qi led Ji Xiao to the most remote stairwell to the west of the inpatient department, and walked straight to the closed rooftop door.

The rusty iron door looked vulnerable in the dim light, but the lock was new.

Ji Xiao looked at the rooftop and felt that the two of them couldn't go there today, but saw Qi Qi take out a straightened wire from his pocket.

The slender and dexterous hand held a very thin wire, and he opened the door in front of him easily with two simple strokes.

"Damn it." Ji Xiao's eyes straightened.

"I said it's okay." Qi Qi was a little bit proud, and Chong Ji Xiaoang lowered her head.

The wind rushing in from the roof to the stairwell blew her long hair, her red lips curled up, and she was full of young girls' spirits.

In winter, the rooftops are still full of snow that had fallen a few days ago, and a line of monotonous footprints added a bit of popularity to this holy flat.

Ji Xiao walked along the road marked by his footprints, and exclaimed, "It's really nice here."

"Right." Looking at Ji Xiao's back, Qi Qi smiled and took out two cans from an old wooden box at the door.

The cold aluminum can was caught off guard on the back of Ji Xiao's hand, and the ice made her feel excited, "What?"

"Wine." As Qi Qi said, she stuffed the wine in Ji Xiao's hand, "It's so cold, how can you warm yourself up without a drink."

Ji Xiao was surprised, opened the wine in his hand and looked up and took a sip.

The warm current of alcohol stirred on her body, and her cold stomach immediately burned.

She looked at Qi Qi on the side curiously, and said, "I said, where did you get these? The door was opened again, and the wine was adjusted, making it look like you are living here."

"There are people living here at home, and I always find it out when I come here." Qi Qi sipped her wine as she said, and the silver edge was smeared with a vermilion red.

She squeezed the aluminum tube in her hand and spit out with a smile: "The hospital is really boring, except for the small square below which is the rockery pool at the back, but there are nurses who are in charge of it. I found out here with Qiao Ni. At least no one will pull your ears when drinking here."

Ji Xiao became nervous when he heard Qi Qi's light-hearted words: "Is anyone in your family sick? Qiao Ni?"

Qi Qi shook her head, "Of course it's not her, I can't fight her."

Then she took a sip of her drink and looked at Ji Xiao meaningfully and said, "However, I found that you seem to be very concerned about Oga?"

Ji Xiao was taken aback when he heard the words: "Where is it?"

"Qiao Ni, Wei Qingyu, isn't it?" Qi Qi said as she stretched out two fingers.

Ji Xiao lowered her lips and retorted: "I just mentioned Qiao Ni, why did you pay attention to it?"

"Then you just change to admit that you are very concerned about Wei Qingyu?" Qi Qi was half a joke, half a serious preaching.

As she said that, she leaned her face on the railing and said, "Seriously, I really think you are more and more concerned about Wei Qingyu now."

"Sister Xiao, do you like Wei Qingyu?"

The long black hair rubbed her cheeks, and it looked like amorous feelings without sketching.

Ji Xiao listened to Qi Qi’s words and looked at her. I don’t know if it was her Alpha that would make her heart fascinate when she saw Ji Xiao, or if Ji Xiao was poked into the deepest secret of her heart by her, she didn’t swallow a sip of wine. It directly choked on her trachea.

Ji Xiao: ", what did you say?"

Qi Qi looked at Ji Xiao's blushing face, and continued: "Isn't it? You dare to say that you are pure with Wei Qingyu now and don't think too much about it?"

This question is more specific than just the phrase "like".

If Ji Xiao just heard that sentence is completely stunned, this moment is a guilty conscience that is matched by the evidence one by one.

The kiss that came in and braked in time was still shining in her mind.

Qi Qi pierced the last layer of tulle through his own heart that had never been able to see through.

Ji Xiao blinked unnaturally, and deliberately denied: "Couldn't this be caused by Oga's pure physical attraction to Alpha?"

"You biological took the A, you asked me?" Qi Qi asked back, knocking on half a bottle of wine in her hand, "Sister Xiao, you have to know that biologically, it is not said that Alpha will be attracted by Oga's pure physiology. At times, you can restrain your own nature and not release pheromone to attract the other party."

It was like the ambiguous picture that Qi Qi just saw when he was standing at the door of the ward.

The smell of disinfectant water in the room did not smell of Alpha pheromone at all.

The crisp tapping of the aluminum can passed into Ji Xiao's ears, resounding in her heart like a bell in a temple.

The girl's golden-orange eyes drooped, and her heart throbbed.

Ji Xiao's hand holding the empty wine bottle couldn't help tightening, she knew clearly that she was deliberately avoiding the possibility of what Qi Qi had pointed out.

But like Wei Qingyu, is it not something that sounds vague.

She is a person who has penetrated into this world without even guaranteeing her own future safety. How can she have the mind to like someone?

What's more, that person is still the heroine who will gouge out her glands by herself in the original text.

Xu is life and death more than anything, and Xu is alcohol that makes Ji Xiao's brain unresponsive for a while.

She even deceived herself and wanted to cover it up hastily: "Couldn't it be that I didn't work on her pheromones?"

"Not so, Sister Xiao." Qi Qi said with her eyes slightly enlarged, and joked as she jogged: "You don't want to admit that you don't want to admit that you are in love with Wei Qingyu, right?"

"Then if you admit that you can't do it, I'll believe it!"

"Qi Qi!" Ji Xiao listened and chased after him angrily.

The only level and flawless snow on the rooftop was instantly covered with the footprints of the girls.

Ji Xiao seemed to deliberately put these things behind, chasing Qi Qi and refused to stop.

It's just that after a while, Qi Qi won't work.

She leaned against the clean railing on the other side, panting and waved her hand for mercy: "Sister Xiao, I see, you are good, you are good, I can't, I can't..."

"It's almost the same." Ji Xiao rolled down his sleeves and leaned on the railing against Qi Qi.

However, she was deliberately letting go of that topic, but others refused.

Qi Qi slowed down a bit, then turned her head to look at Ji Xiao, and said, "Sister Xiao, really, if you like it, go. Don't wait until later that she likes others, you regret it again."

"Then you will die of heartache, really." As Qi Qi said, she looked at Ji Xiao earnestly, her deep eyes filled with sincere sincerity.

The cold winter breeze blew across the empty rooftop, recooling Ji Xiao's body that had just been warmed by wine.

It also settled down the emotion she had just avoided blindly.

Listening to Qi Qi's words, Ji Xiao couldn't help but think of the "male protagonist" who had just met yesterday.

That kind of resistance to the about to take Wei Qingyu away from her really exists, and the emotion of angering the original male protagonist Jin Nanfeng against this kind of resistance has indeed occupied most of her mind yesterday.

Can all possessiveness be called "likes"?

Can all ulterior motives also be called "likes"?

Ji Xiao didn't dare to put a check mark after these two sentences easily, but he was still reluctant to put a cross after the words "Like Wei Qingyu".

Ji Xiao put his hand on the cold railing and looked up at the sky.

The wind gently brushed her long hair, and all the reflections in her eyes looking towards the sky were Wei Qingyu's appearance.

From bringing her out of the small black room, to meeting Liu Meina, from rescuing her in Ji Qingyun's hands, to playing cards flying to protect her subconsciously...

Half a year is not long and continuous, Ji Xiao has never thought that she can remember the trivial things that happened between them so clearly.

With an uncertain heart, the girl gave a soft "um".

Give her some more time.

She will want to understand.

After the coldest part of the winter, the faint sunlight in the morning spreads the world with the warmth of a few years later.

Jijia Villa is located in the best location in the villa area and enjoys the light bathing. The small white building is full of comfort.

Through the bright glass of the study on the first floor, a slender figure was projected on the white wall.

It is said that for a hundred days, Ji Xiao still injured his right hand. In order not to affect her study in the next semester, Ji Xiao, who was just discharged from the hospital, decided to practice left-hand writing with the rest of the holiday.

But it's easier said than done.

I am used to the order of the strokes of the right hand, and it is always awkward to change to the left hand.

The waste paper was crumpled and thrown in the trash can, and it was piled up full in the morning.

The crooked words were pasted on the crumpled paper, and it was so distorted that people couldn't bear to read more.

Wei Qingyu went downstairs and glanced inadvertently in the study, and heard the girl's low sigh.

Ji Xiaoduan sat on the desk, her proud face slightly wrinkled.

"Miss is a little anxious, this is only the first day." Aunt Wu appeared behind Wei Qingyu as she said.

Wei Qingyu looked at her when he heard the words, but saw Aunt Wu holding a large bouquet of very bright and beautiful delicate bouquets in her arms.

She saw the other card on the bouquet at a glance, and she was a little wary in her pupils: "What is this?"

Aunt Wu didn't notice this at all, and she smiled and preached: "This is a flower from the Jin family. Congratulations to our young lady on her discharge. I heard that this flower was personally selected by the elder of the Jin family."

That kind of hostility from the bottom of my heart rushed to Wei Qingyu's heart again, and the eyes that looked at Hua instantly became a little more unfriendly.

She couldn't help touching her pocket, rubbing the cool pen holder with her soft fingers.


A piece of ruined paper was thrown on the ground by Ji Xiaotuan again.

The bumpy paper ball rolled on the smooth floor, and within a few laps, it hit a light pink house slippers.

I don't know when there was a cold shadow in the room, and the misty blue skirt waved like a wave in Ji Xiao's sight.

Wei Qingyu pushed open the hanging door of the study quietly, not knowing when he had already stood by the door with his hands on his back.

She has long hair half-draped, and the pure white gripping clips simply tied half of her long hair behind her head, revealing a clean face completely, casual and not scribbled.

Upon seeing this, Ji Xiao hurriedly hid the paper with a few words on his desk under his arm, and asked nervously: "Why are you here?"

"Can't I come?" Wei Qingyu asked rhetorically, his arms still pinned behind him.

She gently approached her in Ji Xiao's sight.

Finally, she stopped in front of her through the retro mahogany writing desk.

The soft morning light fell on her, covering her with a hazy veil.

The girl's thin lips lighted up, her expression faint: "Pen and flower, which one do you want?"

Talking about a black gold pen and a handful of flowers with dewdrops hanging in front of Ji Xiao.