Guo Tang Feng slapped Ji Xiao and Qi Qi on the faces with embarrassment, and the two of them froze in place and didn't know how to explain to the two people at the door.

Qiao Ni did not have the calmness of Wei Qingyu, and broke the tranquility in the ward first: "What are you two Alpha doing?!"

The sound of jumping caused the two people who were in embarrassment to react quickly, and they retreated one foot away from each other.

Qi Qi hurriedly explained: "Don't get me wrong, we both are just playing around! We are both Alpha, what can we have."

Qiao Ni heard Qi Qi's last words make sense, and the feeling of breathlessness in her heart eased a little.

I don't know if it was because Qi Qi was ill and had the operation. She is much more sensible now than when Ji Xiao first met.

Although Qi Qi still said, "You are making a mess in the ward, are you two Alaska?", "Your Alpha is like this, not as good as our Oga." Constantly helping Qi Qi clean up the endgame in the ward.

Looking at the warm scenes of Qi Qi and Qiao Ni, Ji Xiao couldn't help but smiled in relief, then turned to look at Wei Qingyu who was aside.

The smile on the girl's face froze in an instant.

The scent of mint sticks to Ji Xiao's temple deeply, even if it is a little distance away, she can still feel the coldness from Wei Qingyu's body that is like taking it out of the ice cellar.

Ji Xiao bit his head and said to Wei Qingyu at the door, "Why are you here with Qiao Ni?"

"I bumped into it at the door, can't it?" Wei Qingyu asked rhetorically.

She was still standing at the door, her voice faint.

Those turquoise eyes lifted slightly to look at the girl in front of her, instantly making people frozen.

The familiar taste of lime dripped in the mint ice, making Ji Xiao suddenly understand that Wei Qingyu was jealous.

It's just that she couldn't figure out why Wei Qingyu would eat Qi Qi's jealousy. It was obvious that they were both Alpha, and there was no conquering relationship that easily produced emotions.

"The whisper is also here? What a coincidence."

But before Ji Xiao wanted to understand, the woman's slightly smiling voice sounded from the door.

A tall Alpha wore a white coat and walked to the door where Wei Qingyu was standing.

This is Ancen.

"Aunt An." Wei Qingyu nodded slightly and followed An Cen into the ward.

Qiao Ni, who was sitting at the side, saw An Cen coming in, and immediately stopped trying to peel the apple, and asked politely and nervously, "Doctor An, is there anything wrong?"

An Cen rubbed Qiao Ni's head and said in a gentle voice: "Don't be nervous, just check Qi Qi's wound recovery as usual."

Qi Qi lowered his head obediently when he heard the words, and the wound gauze that had just been shown to Ji Xiao was opened by An Cen.

But Ji Xiao took advantage of Qiao Ni and Wei Qingyu's attention both on Qi Qi's wound, and carefully put the big box she brought under the bed.

An Cen checked Qi Qi’s wound and nodded: “The wound has recovered well. Continue to add more vitamins. Yesterday’s laboratory tests showed that the dt gland cells in your body are only 0.01 away from the lowest normal point. Keep them well. Does the celestial gland feel any discomfort?"

"No, it's all good." Qi Qi shook her head, paused for a while and then said: "Well... sometimes I feel itchy and swollen at the incision."

Hearing this, An Cen gently pressed Qi Qi’s glands around, and carefully judged under everyone’s gaze: “Don’t worry, the wound healing of the glands will go through this process. If you still feel swelling on the glands after a week. , You have to tell me."

"Okay, I remember, Dr. An." Qi Qi nodded, and Qiao Ni quickly took out his mobile phone and carefully noted the time in the memo.

Ji Xiao, who hid the box on the side, heard An Cen say this, but did not feel relieved, and asked in more depth: "Doctor An, Qi Qi will have no problem with this swelling. I think her wound has already grown. Okay, why is it still like this?"

An Cen smiled and explained patiently: "The structure of Alpha and Oga glands is different from other organs of the human body. The skin is just a protective layer above the glands. When it grows up, it only means that it will not be infected by the outside world, but The real glands in the lower layer are still recovering, so there will be this kind of seemingly healed condition, but in fact it is still slowly healing inside."

"Judging from various data, Qi Qi's operation was very successful, and it is also a breakthrough for our team in the field of congenital hypoplasia of glands."

The heart that Ji Xiao had just suspended after hearing the words fell slightly. In the original text, An Cen indeed led her team to complete many unseen breakthroughs in the direction of domestic medical glands. She and her team can be trusted.

Ji Xiao nodded slightly, and said, "Then I can rest assured, thank you, Doctor An."

"Sister Xiao, how do I feel that since I'm sick, you worry about me more than my mother, just like an old Alpha mother." Qi Qi looked at Ji Xiao like this, chewing on Qiao Ni's sharpened apple, jokingly, "I Say, don’t worry, Dr. Ann said I’m all right."

Ji Xiao watched Qi Qi lying on the bed enjoying herself, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand to rub her head, and said, "Is that so? Then, let me call out ‘Mom’."

"Screw you."

As Qi Qi said, she stretched her foot out of the quilt.

That speed is not at all like a patient who has just had two weeks of surgery.

The sun quietly moved from the east of the sky to the west. After Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu had lunch with Qiao Ni’s mother in the ward, they left the ward.

As soon as he walked out of the inpatient building, the bright sun was shining on Ji Xiao's body.

With heavy clouds as a barrier, the summer sun has become less hot.

Ji Xiao covered his eyes with his hand, and suggested to Wei Qingyu who was on the side: "The weather is really good today, do you want to go back?"

Wei Qingyu didn't like to bask in the sun, but when he looked at the bright girl standing beside him, he nodded, "Okay."

The poplar trees on both sides of the road grew lush leaves, and the branches on the top were deliberately trimmed to drop its green leaves toward the sidewalk.

Two people walked side by side on the noisy road with traffic, and the hazy ambiguity was like a shadow falling behind them, lingering around and sometimes far away.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao curiously observing the surrounding shops, and asked sideways: "You seem to visit Qi Qi often these days."

"That's right." Ji Xiao didn't notice Wei Qingyu's meaning, and nodded frankly, "She was so seriously ill, Fang Yiming returned to her hometown during summer vacation, and only Alpha who had a good relationship with her was left here. I'm off, of course I have to go and see her as a patient on behalf of Fang Yiming."

Wei Qingyu nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Since you know Qi Qi is a patient, don't pinch her wrist and press her against the wall."

This sentence sounded extremely calm, as if it was making Ji Xiao pay attention to Qi Qi, but had to make the listener's heart tighten.

Ji Xiao didn't expect that the things that Wei Qingyu thought had passed before in the ward would be remembered by Wei Qingyu until now, and reminded himself expressionlessly.

The car hummed across the road, and a nearby shop heard the voice of a wife teaching her husband.

Ji Xiao secretly stared at Wei Qingyu, who was expressionless beside him, with a slightly constrained expression.

She is so grudge...

Ji Xiao nervously touched the pony tail hanging down behind her head, and explained in a muddy way: "We are all Alpha. If we make a fuss, we will forget about the measures, and we won't be the next time."

When Wei Qingyu heard Ji Xiao's words, he couldn't help but frowned: "Now that you are playing around with Alpha, do you always say ‘I like you’?"

The voice was flat, Ji Xiaogang's relaxed heart banged into her heart again.

Wei Qingyu also heard Qi Qi's small voice!

No wonder her eyes at that time seemed to freeze herself and Qi Qi to death.

In this case, if I heard someone say this to Wei Qingyu, I would like to go up and tear the Alpha myself.

"It's not like that." Ji Xiao waved his hand to explain.

Just to explain, it stopped at the beginning.

The ambiguous words really came out of Qi Qi's mouth, and they couldn't be erased in Wei Qingyu's mind.

The wind by the river blew Ji Xiao's long hair, and there was some guilt and determination in the girl's golden orange eyes.

Ji Xiao was heartbroken, and pushed the words that he had intended to give Wei Qingyu to Qi Qi: "That sentence is actually a confession that Qi Qi prepared for Qiao Ni!"

"I didn't think it sounded good at the time, so I asked her to think about one more thing. She didn't want to, and we made a fuss. Then, I told her to stop talking. If she didn't listen, I pressed her against the wall."

Ji Xiao spoke extremely fast, and Wei Qingyu couldn't see her expression clearly under the backlight.

It's just that the gold-orange eye pupils added a bit of sincerity to her, and Wei Qingyu didn't find any flaws, so he believed in doubt.

Seeing that Wei Qingyu was not asking any questions, Ji Xiao acted a full set and warned her cautiously: "Right, I told you about this, don't tell anyone, Qi Qi still intends to give it to Qiao. Ni is a pleasant surprise."

"Yeah." Wei Qingyu nodded, and preached thoughtfully: "You seem to have a good relationship with all levels of Alpha?"

It was with Qi Qi and Fang Yiming, and it seemed to be with Jin Nanfeng.

The S-level Alpha will reject other Alphas, so the unique characteristics of her are gone.

Ji Xiao thought that Wei Qingyu was just a compliment, so he raised his head proudly: "This shows that this lady is an approachable S-class."

Hearing Ji Xiao's answer, Wei Qingyu pressed his lower lip lightly, hesitating to ask the question that had been buried in her heart: "Then is it possible for you to like an Alpha?"

Ji Xiao paused after hearing the words, and replied: "In fact, if you like a person, you don't have to care about the other's attributes."

The shadow of the tree swayed, and the girl's golden-orange eyes gleamed.

After hearing Wei Qingyu’s question, she remembered the world she lived in, and asked again: "Wei Qingyu, have you ever thought that there is a world without the attributes of abo, and there are only two things in the world? Kind of sex?"

This question of Ji Xiao makes Wei Qingyu, who has lived in the abo world since childhood, feel a little strange, "Are you saying that there are only men and women? Just like when there is no differentiation?"

"Yes." Ji Xiao nodded, "Without Alpha and Oga, everyone is Beta."

When Wei Qingyu heard Ji Xiao's words, he couldn't help but frowned: "Is that right, I can't be with you... Well... I mean, Oga like me can't be with Alpha like you. Up?"

Ji Xiao shook his head slightly, "If the two love each other, they can still be together."

"How can someone who likes someone be constrained by a small gender attribute?"

The wind gently sent Ji Xiao's voice to Wei Qingyu's ears, and she felt as if someone had opened a window to another world.

Ji Xiao said that some of the fantasies of apostasy were full of pagan colors, but it made her think that she was broad-minded.

If there is really such a world, can she still be with Ji Xiao?

After a while, Wei Qingyu raised his head thoughtfully, and approved: "You are right, of course you will not be bound."

I like her, but not her gender.

The water in the river channel reflected the waves, adding a bit of jewel-like magnificence to the girl's eyes.

Ji Xiao watched, and countless thoughts arose in her heart in an instant.

If you can, I really want to take you to my world.

Show you my little nest, the place where I grew up, and my family.

Thinking about this, Ji Xiao saw a row of cyan shared bicycles parked not far away-she used to ride to and from school every day in her world.

It's just that shared bicycles in this world have added a back seat.

Xu is novel, Xu is a whim.

Ji Xiao walked quickly to the car in front and said to Wei Qing behind: "I'll sweep a bike and take you back."

Wei Qingyu was a little surprised: "When will you ride a bicycle?"

As a person who has read the diary of the original master, when facing herself and Wei Qingyu showing skills she didn't know, Ji Xiao could also explain it calmly: "Of course it was in the junior high school where you were not."

With that said, Ji Xiao launched a car.

She got into the car neatly, turned her head back to Wei Qingyu and raised her head in a cool manner: "Come on, get in the car."

This action obviously looked naive and cocky, but it was particularly heart-pounding.

The girl's pony tail raised an arc in the air, and Wei Qingyu's eyes were filled with an undisguised smile.

Ji Xiao took back his gaze just to see the rare smile on Wei Qingyu's face, and asked curiously: "What are you laughing at?"

Wei Qingyu cautiously cupped his skirt and sat in Ji Xiao's back car. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "For something happy."

The voice was a little playful, like a group of small fish suddenly came in in the calm lake.

A faint mint smell was blowing along the wind by the river. Ji Xiao could feel the smile of the person sitting in the back seat of the car. While pedaling the bicycle, he said: "Then you are very happy now?"

Wei Qingyu looked at the slender figure in front of him, and smelled the aroma of peach brandy in the air.

The brought wind blew the broken hair beside Ji Xiao's temple, and the cold voice of the girl's voice fell gently in her ears.

"Of course."

Then, Ji Xiao's eyes below suddenly showed a pair of cold white slender arms.

The girl's jade-like hands converged in front of the white shirt, wrapping around Ji Xiao's waist without warning.

The author has something to say: ah ah ah