Wei Qingyu broke through the corridor lights and broke into Ji Xiao's domain half of his body.

After the impulsive confession, she choked a little bit before calming down her impulse, and then she seemed to have gained courage and continued: "The day I came back from the water park, I said I would tell me something after your birthday. . Including, I like you."

"Like it very much."

I like it to the point that I can't afford to lose again.

Like to be willing to be the first person to take this step.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao's dim pupils, his voice filled with stubbornness: "I don't care how they arrange me, I just want to be by her side when the person I like needs her most."

"Be by your side."

Wei Qingyu paused and looked at Ji Xiao sincerely: "What about you, don't you also say that on your birthday, do you have anything to tell me?"

The girl's voice was gently sandwiched with tenderness, as if full of longing for the future of the two.

But Ji Xiao still became the one who brought down the bright future.

Her lips trembled slightly, and she preached hard, "...Wei Qingyu, you can't like me."

Standing on the sidelines of fate, Ji Xiao saw the ending of everyone, and also today understood the consequences of forcibly changing the plot.

She didn't know what the punishment was for the heroine to change the direction of the story, but she didn't dare to take this risk.

The Grim Reaper stood beside her holding his sickle, and the sharp blade shone coldly in the moonlight.

Every time it reminded her of the month of torment that Qi Qi had suffered before her death.

Those simple three sentences and eleven words cut across Wei Qingyu's eardrums like a knife.

She couldn't believe her ears, her eyes were filled with consternation.

"Ji Xiao..."

"Sorry, let you down." Ji Xiao said, the doorknob in his hand tightened again.

She kept her gaze down at Wei Qingyu, not daring to look at her, fearing that she would soften her heart.

Wei Qingyu felt that something in her heart had been cut out abruptly, and her hands were trembling with the pain.

These unspoken ambiguities are not fake, and the high degree of compatibility between her and Ji Xiao's pheromone is also real.

All the evidence points to her liking herself, how could she not like herself now?

Wei Qingyu clenched the door stubbornly, his eyes flashing reddishly: "Ji Xiao, you can guarantee that what you planned to say to me today that night, is this what?"

Although Ji Xiao kept her head down, she still felt the unrest from Wei Qingyu, a person who had always been calm.

The light made her shadow extremely small. Ji Xiao succumbed to fate and nodded against his will: "Yes."

But Wei Qingyu still refused to believe it.

She stared at Ji Xiao's profile closely, and the gloomy girl's face was full of lies.

She didn't even dare to look at herself, and why would she convince her of the answer she threw to herself.

Wei Qingyu asked again: "Then look at my eyes and tell me again."

The air fell into silence, as if there were only the restless gasps of two people pushing and pulling each other.

Every time Ji Xiao took a step back, Wei Qingyu would take another step closer.

She looked around blankly, but found that she had been pushed irresistibly by Wei Qingyu.

The light made Ji Xiao's shadow extremely small, as if she had gone through a lot of hard work before raising her head.

Wei Qingyu's red eyes slammed into her sight.

The word "Yes" stuck in Ji Xiao's throat with a barb, and every time he breathed, he felt painful.

After struggling for a long time, Ji Xiao still couldn't tell Wei Qingyu's eyes to tell her the answer.

It was also at this time that she discovered that she really liked her very much.

Like it, it was just a sad and fragile look in her eyes, and it could also make her whole city collapse in an instant.

"It's getting late, go back to sleep." Ji Xiao said avoidingly, closing the door slightly with his hand.

Wei Qingyu did not allow it.

She stubbornly held her arm on the door, and asked reluctantly: "Ji Xiao! Don't run away, you answer me!"

Dark clouds drifted heavily on the black sky, covering the moonlight with the stars.

Obviously the two people standing at the door are Oga and Alpha, but the situation is still deadlocked.

Ji Xiao clutched the doorknob tightly, the hideous blue veins violently violently on her skin, but she never made any effort.

She simply couldn't use any violence against Wei Qingyu as written in the original text.

On the contrary, because of her reluctance when she was in a stalemate with herself, she would have a lot of intolerance.

Finally, Ji Xiao announced to give up.

She let go, as if she wanted to express all the anger in her heart, shouting downstairs: "Aunt Wu!"

However, her voice seemed to hit a soft sponge, and there was no response in the quiet corridor.

Ji Xiao was unwilling, and her voice became louder again: "Aunt Wu!!!"

This time the sound fell, and rapid footsteps sounded from the stairwell.

Shadow jumped into the sight of the two of them first, and then Aunt Wu ran over and crawled over: "Little...Miss, what...what's wrong?"

Listening to Aunt Wu's breathless gasp, Ji Xiao faintly pointed to Wei Qingyu standing aside: "Send her back to the room."

She couldn't bear to be violent to her, so she could only ask others to take her back.

"Yes, miss." Aunt Wu was a little confused about the situation, but she looked at the low atmosphere between the two, and still listened to the arm that had passed Wei Qingyu, "Miss Wei, it's not early, you too After a day of tossing, let's go back to the room and rest."

"Ji Xiao!" Wei Qingyu shouted, the cavernous hollow in his heart getting bigger and bigger.

Her eyes were red, and tears came out of her eyes.

The round and crystal gleaming across her plain little face, leaving a trace of cruel light shining, severely cut on Ji Xiao's heart.

Pretending to be impatient, she shifted her eyes away and forced herself to preach indifferently in the lowest voice: "You're not tired, I'm tired, and I'm asleep."

The light that intertwined the corridor and the room was cut off in an instant, and only a door with a cartoon piggy was left looking at Wei Qingyu with a smiling face.

Ji Xiao just leaned on the door and slid to the ground little by little.

Big tears no longer rolled down from her eye sockets uncontrollably, and melted on the corners of her lips.

Every drop is bitter.

On this night when she needed Wei Qingyu the most, Wei Qingyu told her that she liked her.

And at this time, she chose to refuse.

The camphor tree outside the window was rustled by the night wind, and a dumb and trembling sigh sounded in this quiet room.

Ji Xiao leaned his head on the door, how much warm yellow light fell in her golden orange eyes, and it was still dim, like a pool of stagnant water.

Wei Qingyu, my luck has never been very good.

I made a bet with fate, but if I lose the bet, I can only pay you back.

Qi Qi's funeral was held on a sunny day in August, and the sky was blue and cloudless, as if it had been dedicated to greet her.

On the neatly manicured green lawn stood people who came to mourn, and the black stele was full of red roses.

This wild rose-like girl slept forever in her favorite sea of ​​roses.

Black pressed the wind down, and everyone was immersed in this great grief.

Qi Qi's mother was supported by Qiao Ni's mother and stood in front of the tombstone, and a few strands of white silk emerged from her black hair, writing speechlessly and haggardly.

Qiao Ni looked at the black-and-white photo of Qi Qi, tears came out, and couldn't stop it.

Ji Xiao stood at the back of the crowd, his expression dim.

At this moment, a young girl in black clothes stepped into her sight not far away, and Ji Xiao's dumb expression finally changed slightly.

Fang Yiming went all the way, and finally rushed over: "Sister Xiao, I'm late."

There was a cry in that voice, and the reddish eyes wrote the fact that she must have already cried.

Ji Xiao shook his head, and hugged him tightly in the same room.

The same sadness is only a lot more.

After the hug, Fang Yiming looked at Qi Qi's tombstone in front of him, gritted his teeth and choked with sobs: "If I had known this would happen, and I wouldn't return to my hometown if I was killed, I should stay here."

The despair pretending to be hopeful is so good, everyone thought this was just an ordinary summer vacation, and no one thought that death would fall on Qi Qi like this.

Ji Xiao looked at Qi Qi's photo blankly.

Even in the black and white photos, this guy is still smiling openly.

Zhang Yang felt as if he would walk out of the small woods on the side in a few seconds, looked at everyone triumphantly, and said with a smile: "I have deceived everyone!"

"Yi Ming, why do you say that all the things that you value will be counterproductive in the end?" Ji Xiao asked, spitting out a sound of laughter but not laughter.

Fang Yiming looked at Ji Xiao when he heard the words, only to feel that all her body was gloomy.

The ostentatious and indulgent girl didn't know when she started to lose all her light.

Fang Yiming stroked Ji Xiao's shoulder lightly, comforting: "Sister Xiao, don't do that either. I heard the whispers that you haven't slept well in the past few days. How can you do this? Besides, there is no such thing as a sentence. Well, some people are alive, he is dead, and some people are dead, but he is still alive. Doesn’t a person really die if they experience three deaths? As long as we don’t forget Qi Qi, she will always live in our hearts of."

"But Yiming, don't you think this is too cruel?" Ji Xiao asked back.

"Die is dead, and I can't come back again. What can she do if she lives in my heart? She can now come out of the urn and yell "I lied to you" like a joke in the past?"

"She won't...she can't come back, Yiming."

Ji Xiao asked, raising her head to look at Fang Yiming, and a teardrop fell from her eye socket uncontrollably.

The heavy wind blew, even Fang Yiming, who had always been optimistic, fell into silence.

"What use is it that you let her live in my heart? Every time I think of her in the future, I can only look at this stone tablet. What is the use of this broken stone, no matter how much I say to it, Qi Qi will never respond to me again."

The mist filled Ji Xiao's eyes, and her voice choked again.

"Yi Ming, not only can I not do anything, I also made her suffer so much. I should have known it earlier, I knew it earlier, why I didn't have such a little self-knowledge..."

Fang Yiming listened to Ji Xiao's words that were similar to self-denial, and shook his head hurriedly: "Sister Xiao, you are not to blame, none of us knows that such a thing will happen."

But the more people gave her relief, the more Ji Xiao couldn't forgive herself.

How can he be blindly optimistic when he is in his twenties, and he is not a teenager?

"You don't understand." Ji Xiao lowered his gaze and shook his head, "I can't do anything at all, I shouldn't take Qi Qi's life..."

Just without finishing a sentence, Ji Xiao's heart came out of colic, and the pain made her whole waist bend down.

The world still runs according to his strict rules, and she is not allowed to reveal half of the plot.

The sun was shining, and a pool of turquoise water rippled along with it.

Wei Qingyu stood not far away watching, tightening his five fingers.

It sounds really spineless.

Even though Ji Xiao rejected herself that night, she still followed.

She still wanted to comfort Ji Xiao.


Just when Wei Qingyu was about to walk over, a man's voice came from the small wood beside her.

Chen Linji pressed a black hat and stood stiffly under a huge evergreen tree.