The moon was bright and the night breeze blowing over the fountain pool was a bit too cold.

Ji Xiao sat on the stage and looked at Wei Qingyu, neither of them knew what to say to each other.

Jin Nanfeng didn't want to make this light bulb, so he copied his pocket and put a sentence of "you talk", turned around and went back to the banquet.

Ji Xiao didn't expect that one day Jin Nanfeng would take Wei Qingyu to her side. She looked at the girl not far away and asked, "Why are you here, while taking off the headphones."

"I want you to explain what happened just now." Wei Qingyu replied.

When Ji Xiao heard Wei Qingyu's words, he quickly thought of the fact that Jin Nanfeng had hooked her hair, and the two of them unexpectedly looked at each other.

But she couldn't click it, she could only pretend to be indifferent, and asked: "Just now, what happened?"

Wei Qingyu only saw Ji Xiao’s reaction and knew that she must have taken it to heart. He explained: “I had a broken diamond hung in my hair at the time. I looked for it for a long time and didn’t take it off. He just wanted to help me take it off. That's it."

The girl's voice was cold and serious, without a trace of emotion.

She and Jin Nanfeng are not the intimacy between lovers, nor the ambiguity between Alpha and Oga, but a simple help.

If you have to give this relationship a name, there is only one friend who is reluctant.

The light from the banquet hall behind him lit up the skirt draped with diamonds on Wei Qingyu's body, and Ji Xiao felt a little relieved of the awkwardness in his heart.

After sinking for a while, she opened her lips lightly and said in a light tone: "Then, have you taken it down?"

Wei Qingyu seemed to be aware of something, and shook his head cleverly and innocently.

The night wind rustled the surrounding bushes, and she was standing on the green lawn barely maintained, like a pure and deceptive little rabbit.

Ji Xiao watched his pupils slightly agitated, and stretched out his hand to Wei Qingyu in the cool breeze holding the fountain water: "Come here, I will help you get it."

The skirt skipped over the lawn, leaving behind an afterimage of the Milky Way.

Wei Qingyu dragged his skirt and stood in front of Ji Xiao, where Ji Xiao was sitting just enough to reach Wei Qingyu's hair.

The dark night and the light burned their rare contact in the past six months on the lawn, and the shadows of the two people overlapped.

It was like she was crowning her, or she was kissing her forehead.

Ji Xiao's fingers gently pushed away Wei Qingyu's slightly curly hair, and the girl's warm fragrance floated from the inside out, contaminating Ji Xiao's fingers, the tip of his nose, with the minty smell that had not been seen in a long time. It filled the hollow that collapsed and expanded above her heart.

Only this thread of mint can do it.

The broken diamond severely slashed an invisible mark on Ji Xiao's soft fingertips, and she recovered from the pain.

She looked at Wei Qingyu's calm and white face next to her skirt, her expression suddenly and bitter.

But this thread of mint won't belong to you.

Ji Xiao pinched the small broken diamond he found, pretending to be relaxed, and said: "You are so stupid, you two are worthy of..."

Hearing that Ji Xiao put himself and Jin Nanfeng together again, Wei Qingyu frowned.

Without waiting for Ji Xiao to say anything, she interrupted her: "Don't bring him when you say me, I don't like it."

With a finger across the end of the girl's long hair, Ji Xiao squeezed the diamond in his hand and was taken aback.

There was a sigh of laughter in the silent backyard, Ji Xiao tightly pressed Wei Qingyu's broken diamond in his palm, and looked up at the night sky.

"As if you like it."

The voice was small and fine, Wei Qingyu couldn't get close but could hear it clearly.

She never gave up looking for the answer to that question that day, and at this moment, she seemed to see half of the chains bound to her through these words.

Heavy and cold, she did not dare to move forward.

A silver phantom crossed Ji Xiao's sight, and the heavy fur draped on her shoulders was torn twice by a force.

She turned her head in a daze and looked to her side, only to see Wei Qingyu sitting over silently without knowing when, and pulling the drape over her shoulders invisible.

Xu Ye felt the sight cast by Ji Xiao, and Wei Qingyu preached to Ji Xiao in the flattest tone: "I'm cold."

When the voice fell, Ji Xiao did not make any actions.

The winter night was bleak and cold, and she still had no choice but to be gentle with Wei Qingyu.

The shadow of the moon struck an arc of the girl's lips that was not easily noticeable.

Since she didn't dare to move forward, she might as well take two more steps.

Wei Qingyu thought about presumptuously pulling Diao Qiu on her shoulders again, and the two round and white shoulders touched together as if nothing, conveying each other's body temperature.

The dark clouds on the night were blown away from the sky, and more stars appeared in the sky covered with dead branches.

Wei Qingyuwu remembered that she and Ji Xiao had sat together and watched the stars when they were young. He didn't know how, but he always felt that the present was a little different from the past.

Despite this, Wei Qingyu took the initiative to find a topic and said: "Ji Xiao, do you remember the time when we defeated Big Goose in that village when we were young, we sat together and watched the stars like this. At that time, you were crying and protecting me. , Throwing the goose so far."

After that, Wei Qingyu smiled and looked at Ji Xiao on his side.

But to her surprise, she failed to see the beauty of memories of the past halfway through her face.

Ji Xiao's starting point in this world was the summer of the sixteenth year.

The previous timeline was completely another person's experience for her, and it did not belong to her.

But it belongs to Wei Qingyu.

Maybe it is a selfish thing to like, and can't tolerate anyone seizing his share.

However, it is not the male protagonist in the original text that made Ji Xiao jealous, but the body entrusted by his own soul.

Ji Xiao raised his eyes and looked at Wei Qingyu who was sitting aside, and remembered the various trivial things related to Wei Qingyu recorded in the hidden diary in immature fonts.

The heart filled with various emotions has another emotion, which is worse than knowing that one day Wei Qingyu will be hugged and kissed by Jin Nanfeng.

Ji Xiao began to fear that Wei Qingyu's liking for him was not pure.

I was afraid that Wei Qingyu liked not only himself, but also Xiao Jixiao who was holding her hand through the flowers of Tu Mi before the age of ten.

But Xiao Jixiao is not her.

"Wei Qingyu, you should also like me when I was a child?" Ji Xiao lightly called Wei Qingyu's name, her heart aching slightly when she dropped the last syllable.

The breeze suddenly stopped, and the taste of peach brandy slowly sank.

Wei Qingyu looked at the girl beside him, always feeling that there was something wrong with her question, but he still followed the idea of ​​loving the house and Wu, and said softly: "Yeah."

A bitter smile came from the gurgling water of the fountain.

Wei Qingyu's answer made her feel more uncomfortable than the sudden pain.

Sure enough, this is the case.

Her liking for herself is actually mixed with her feelings for the original owner, Qingmei Qingmei.

The fragmentation and loneliness that this world brought to Ji Xiao overwhelmed her heart cramps, leaving her brain numb but sober.

In fact, she shouldn't be struggling with this issue now.

She wants her to stop liking herself, so what's the point of asking for proof?

Ji Xiao looked at a dark cloud slowly drifting over, like a cultivator who had only penetrated something, and sighed.

She squeezed her hands on her knees tightly, intending to give up something important.

"Give up liking me, I am not the me who used to be."

"The kid Ji Xiao you liked died a year ago."

I don't know if it is too cruel to give up, or the pain in my heart is too unbearable. After the two sentences are over, Ji Xiao's eyes are already red.

Wei Qingyu's heart that had been accustomed to Ji Xiao's words suddenly twitched for no idea.

It's like this time, Ji Xiao is really going to take some important things from behind her this time.

Dim, not just this real sky.

And Wei Qingyu's ambition of finally welcoming the sunshine.

She looked at the girl next to her, calling her name in disbelief: "Ji Xiao...what are you talking about? Why do you say that you are dead in the past?"

The dark clouds stopped in front of the moon, and the fluttering snow fell from the sky on the night of Thanksgiving Day.

Ji Xiao stretched out his hand to catch a piece of snowflakes, watched it melt instantly at his fingertips, and preached sadly: "Do you believe that there are the same two snowflakes in the world?"

Wei Qingyu followed Ji Xiao's words and stretched out his hand.

What does this mean, is there two Ji Xiao in this world?

Thanksgiving snow brought a new look to the dry city, and also caused many posts from Jin and Wei cps to emerge from the long-silent campus forum.

Some of the classmates that Ji Xiao met at the banquet also saw the moment when Jin Nanfeng touched Wei Qingyu's hair like himself, and took a photo and posted it to the forum.

Although there is not much close intersection between Jinnanfeng and Wei Qingyu, two outstanding people will inevitably meet in various school activities. This is enough for others to pull Lang. Jinwei cp is just like the original description. The general trend of the school.

So wherever Ji Xiao went, he could hear the discussion about Wei Qingyu or Jinnanfeng, or both of them. Everyone is smiling in the plot, except for herself.

Fang Yiming may have seen something. From now on, he would be indignantly cursing around Ji Xiao, and later he would no longer be obsessed with persuading peace. Following Miss Rabbit and Qiao Ni, she will top the previous Jiwei CP post every other time. It looks very abrupt in the entire forum, like three sober people who are out of the control of the plot.

But Ji Xiao ate, slept, went to school as usual, and went over the wall with Fang Yiming to skip class, preparing for the ending that he might not be able to control, and remained silent in the car with Wei Qingyu.

The black hole in my heart continued to crack and expand, already engulfing Ji Xiao.

She stood quietly in the dark torrent of fate, waiting for herself to adapt slowly.

Sometimes Ji Xiao thinks this is not bad, at least the pain that runs through can make her feel that she is still alive.

Christmas Eve arrived as scheduled in a light snow, and the evening self-study in the senior year did not stop the students from slipping out of the school to celebrate the festival.

Ji Xiao was bored after finishing his homework. Like many courageous classmates, he took advantage of the afternoon after school to mix into the flow of sophomores and first grades, and shouldered the heavy task of buying milk tea alone.

"Hey, I said that the little girl in the experimental class is a bit interesting, who is she with?"

"Who knows, I heard that I was talking to a female Alpha before, and now I am talking to that male Alpha. I said that her Oga has some tricks, and they all hook up with S-class Alphas in the city."

"Maybe because her family is bankrupt, she's looking for a beetle-in-law! What's more, she's an Oga, maybe she's already..."

Bright yellow cheap headlights were on in the dim corner alleys, and a steady stream of loud and inferior discussion voices came from the inside.

Ji Xiao passed by while drinking her taro **** and burning grass, frowning instantly. Such vulgar words made her feel disgusted, and she couldn't help speeding up the pace of returning to school.

But just as she was about to leave the alleyway, a louder laughter came from the alley.

That three vulgar language noisy people's ears.

"Hahahaha, Brother Chen, you have watched too many **** movies. Wei Qingyu will do this no matter how bad, they are all underage."

"Go to your uncle, they say that a phoenix that has been plucked is not as good as a chicken. Would you like my brother to taste the taste of this phoenix chicken for her golden tortoise sons?"

"Okay, when I think of her look that everyone looked down upon when she was just enrolled in high school, it's a pity that she didn't split into Oga until I graduated. Damn, if I want to say it, I should **** hold her on Next, let her taste the greatness of our brothers."


The cold wind roared out from the alley, and Ji Xiao stopped at once.

She seemed to have heard Wei Qingyu's name from the mouths of these people.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-09-1612:09:45~2021-09-1709:03:23~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 2 Shenxing dogs; 485454841;

Thank you for the little angel who threw the grenade: ______ Su and Zheng Shi;

Thank you for the little angels who cast landmines: 3 rich people; short-handed kangaroo, Qianqian??, 51671328, 7 total, SUETYEE, Qinghuan Baicha Nothing else, 1 Gugui;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 171 bottles of Fengrense; 88 bottles of bears who do not eat meat; 39 bottles of unexpected; 30 bottles of molecular ion balls; 26 bottles of your father; 22234204, don’t want to be named, Nanbei, Bo^· o^/10 bottles; 48545484, 7 bottles of Shenxing Dog; 6 bottles of Drunken Dog; Xiao Xiaowan, 48988283, Gu Congxin, Shijiu, 5 bottles of Moon Night Supper; 4 bottles of AAAAlex; if, ugzy, Ghost, syu-, 51521388, take a glass of Flying Ice Coke at 351, Lin Qian 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!