Ye became quieter and quieter, and Ji Xiao sat beside Wei Qingyu's bed with the words that she had just remembered suddenly echoed in her mind.

The world seemed to remind her, and sent this sad and cruel sentence to her.

The death of the original owner in the original text is a kind of gratitude for Wei Qingyu.

If I will leave this world at the time set in the original text, what is it for her and Wei Qingyu?

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu who was sleeping, his eyes deep.

She didn't know, and didn't want to know.

I don't know if he has already experienced a long life shrouded in death. When Ji Xiao realized this, his mentality was unusually peaceful.

She once discussed with Wei Qingyu on the lonely bridge on Christmas Eve.

Wei Qingyu told her that life has its length, but it is more important to expand its width instead of being crushed by fate and hesitating.

It's just that she doesn't know what she should do in the future, so that she can live with Wei Qingyu safely on the edge of this rule.

The room was extremely quiet. Ji Xiao leaned on the chair, sniffing Wei Qingyu's refreshing mint with a bit of alcohol, picking up the thoughts he had done on the way to the Thanksgiving banquet, and trying to take the past. Things that happened in the past few years are grouped together in my mind.

The girl's memory flew in this supposedly stagnant winter day. I didn't know it was the correct piece of jigsaw puzzle. Ji Xiao's heart suddenly hurt for no reason.

It was as if it was a punishment for Ni Lin who had touched the rules of the world.

The world was offended and punished the girl.

But the more this happened, the more Ji Xiao felt that he seemed to have caught a thread that could be used to spy on the rules.

She sat straight on the chair, closed her eyes, letting herself fall into the palace of memory.

If the length of everyone’s life is already doomed, if you change the plot, you will be punished, if the rules of the world unconditionally favor the protagonist...

Finally in the unbearable colic, Ji Xiao clasped his heart tightly and opened his eyes suddenly.

The light dazzled into her eyes, and the excitement that belonged to Alpha made the golden orange pupils bright like stars.

She felt as if she had touched the rules of the world--

The punishment will be lowered in time after the plot of the attempt to change occurs, and will not be delayed.

People cannot change the plot, but they can become substitutes.

The plot that is favorable to the protagonist cannot be changed, and the plot that is unfavorable to the protagonist can be changed.

It was like the mouthful of blood that Qi Qi spit out when she declared her death.

Wei Qingyu stipulated in the plot that he would like people, but now he has become himself rather than the style of the south of Jin Dynasty, so he has nothing to do with Wei Qingyu.

Jin Nanfeng met Wei Qingyu at the New Year's Eve dinner last year, which resulted in love, but now the person he meets has become himself, and he did not have the emotion of "love" for anyone, so The person who changed the plot suffered a car accident and broke an arm, and the plot once again pushed the Jin Nanfeng in front of Wei Qingyu during the school celebration.

As for who the Jinnanfeng's "love" emotion was generated to, Ji Xiao thought that Wei Qingyu had no relationship with Jinnanfeng, but he didn't know.

Anyway, the two of them and their own participants were not punished, maybe they were passers-by.

As for the last one, Ji Xiao got it from her.

——She herself had inadvertently changed the behavior logic in the original original text from the beginning, did not abuse Wei Qingyu, and did not completely mark her, but she has not been punished by any plot.

His guess was confirmed, and Ji Xiao's two chuckles came from the quiet room.

A sigh, a joy.

The girl clasped her heart with colic, and once again remembered Qi Qi who was buried in the sea of ​​roses.

People who are on the fringe of the plot like myself and Qi Qi can only be floating dust in the world of the book, and neither profit nor profit has anything to do with them.

For children who are not blessed by God, the scheduled death can never be changed.

But this is already good.

I think I came from a different world, here is a Diaoping, fortunately, today I have a glimpse of the secrets, so that she will no longer worry about gains and losses.

Ji Xiao lowered his gaze and quietly looked at Wei Qingyu, who didn't know when he slept on his side.

That clever little face finally turned to her side, invisibly revealing her dependence on her own taste and dependence on herself.

Ji Xiao cautiously helped Wei Qingyu tuck the quilt on her back again, rubbing her cheek with her fingers inadvertently, with endless tenderness.

She thought that in the future, she must replace the Jinnan wind in the original text and guard Wei Qingyu's side.

Protect her thoroughly until the end.

I don’t know if it’s the busyness of the senior year that makes time pass fast, or it’s because of learning other things that make time pass very fast.

The first heavy snowfall of the new year covered the whole city, and it was very beautifully wrapped in silver.

The afternoon sun filled the room with bright sunshine, and it fell on Ji Xiao's bare back with a trace of the warmth of the coming spring.

She was sitting on the sofa in a black drop-shoulder evening dress, as if waiting for someone, sitting idly on the sofa looking at the ipad in her hand.

The long hair was rolled loosely behind his head, pinned to a delicate golden palm leaf hairpin.

The sunlight collided with the lights and intertwined on her face.

The bright red on her lips collided with the whiteness of the skin, and the light brandy smell wandered around her neck, exuding Alpha's unattainable charm.

Today is the dinner for Wei Qingyu's 18th birthday, and the people she is waiting for are changing upstairs.

"Da da."

With the sound of high heels hitting the floor several times, Ji Xiao quickly put down the things in his hands and looked up at the second floor platform.

Wei Qingyu's long hair was lightly closed, and white pearls appeared in her long black hair, revealing her delicate features.

The light smoky purple pile of yarn fell on her shoulders, and the streamer yarn softened the light, making her skin extra white. Only a simple pearl necklace would reveal the superiority of her shoulders and necks.

The pearl embellishment on the skirt waist and elbow echoes the pearls on the hair and neck, looking from a distance, it looks like a goddess accidentally scattered the beads, not staining the dust.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao downstairs nervously while dragging the skirt, "Can you?"

All the adjectives that Ji Xiao felt were not accurate enough for her, so she nodded vigorously, smiled and preached: "Extremely beautiful!"

The sound was crisp and loud, making people feel relieved and no longer nervous.

Wei Qingyu walked down the stairs slowly, and stood with Ji Xiao: "Let's go."

Ji Xiao nodded and went out with her.

Just when she was about to get in the car, she couldn't help but ask softly: "Do you want to look at it for the last time?"

When the voice fell, the short-term ease maintained between the two people was broken, and the seemingly sorrow slowly surfaced.

When Wei Qingyu is eighteen, it means that she is an adult. Ji Qingyun is no longer her guardian. She will move away from Ji's house and return to Wei's house.

Both Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu knew that this was the safest choice for her to make appropriate.

Even though Wei Qingyu still wants to live with Ji Xiao, this is undoubtedly leaving Ji Qingyun a handle.

She can't be so selfish and ignore the whole team.

Wei Qingyu thought about turning around and glanced at this house. It took only two years from the time when he wanted to escape to the present.

"Miss Wei, or take a picture with Miss Wei!" Just when Wei Qingyu was about to leave, the little maid on the side suddenly suggested.

Wei Qingyu glanced at Ji Xiao after hearing the words, and then at the house behind him, nodding her head in dismay, "Okay."

"Aunt Wu, trouble you." Wei Qingyu handed the phone to Aunt Wu.

Aunt Wu was also unwilling to give up, with red eyes, she took the mobile phone handed over by Wei Qingyu.

Wei Qingyu's luggage before leaving was all packed by her.

She knew that Wei Qingyu's room was not available and would come back, but when she thought that she would not be able to see her for a long time without a deadline, she felt unwilling to give up.

The setting sun burned the sky behind, and the skirts of the two people fell into the snow that was not swept in the courtyard.

Without the youthfulness in the water park last time, Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu both relaxed a lot in front of the camera.

"three two……"

Aunt Wu called the countdown.

At the moment when "One" exited, Ji Xiao boldly took Wei Qingyu's arm.

The girls' cool arms were folded together and closely attached to each other, giving birth to a lot of warmth.

Ji Xiao didn't know why he was so bold, and his face was full of nervousness if nothing happened.

The little peach basket that hadn't appeared for a long time collided, and the two equally nervous hearts synchronized the rhythm.

Wei Qingyu watched Ji Xiao take his arm, and An Ran accepted her unexplainable intimacy.

No one's pierced window paper seemed to lie between the two of them, ambiguous so that each other could see each other's faces clearly.

Aunt Wu and the little maid smiled comfortedly after seeing through and holding up the phone again: "Okay, then three, two, one!"

The orange frame of the setting sun underwent Ji Xiao's nervous dullness, and a gentle smile on Wei Qingyu's always cold face.

It's just that it's stupid and ambiguous here, but undercurrents are surging over there.

As early as the preparation for the banquet, Chen Linji, who represented the Wei family, secretly competed with Ji Qingyun, who represented the Ji family.

How superior the venue Chen Linji chose is, and how gorgeous the venue decoration Ji Qingyun prepared for Wei Qingyu.

On the surface, Wei Ji and the two are working together, but in fact it is a contest.

As soon as the banquet began, Chen Linji and Ji Qingyun accompanied Ding Lao, the top veteran of City A.

When Wei Linyu founded Manqing, he got on the right track with the help of his father's friend Ding Lao, so Ding Lao has a large proportion of shares in Wei's Manqing. Although he has been in ill health over the past few years and he no longer intervenes with Man Qing, he still has the absolute right to speak.

Now that Wei Qingyu is an adult, the time for her to regain her inheritance that she "placed" with Ji Qingyun is approaching, the most important of which is Man Qing.

As Chen Linji pressed closer, Ji Qingyun lost his car to protect the car and put all his focus on Manqing. If he wants to occupy Manqing in a proper name, he must pass the election of the shareholders meeting. The shares he currently holds can only be regarded as the majority, not half. Later, if he wants to use the return of Manqing to make a fuss and achieve the purpose of reorganizing and merging Manqing, he still needs the support of Ding Lao.

And Chen Linji and Wei Qingyu also understood that to get back Man Qing, who Ji Qingyun had penetrated some shareholders, Ding Lao absolutely had a key role.

Chen Linji and Ji Qingyun are bored with each other, but they both have the same purpose.

To please Ding Lao.

At this moment, the door of the banquet hall was slowly pushed open from outside.

The protagonist of this coming-of-age ceremony, Wei Qingyu, took Ji Xiao's arm and walked in under everyone's eyes.

The smoky purple skirt swayed with magnificent streamers, and the cold aura fell into the world like an immortal in this winter night.

As soon as the Wei family's bead, who had just turned eighteen, appeared on the stage, all the fragrances in the room, whether Alpha or Oga, were completely eclipsed.

Ji Xiao looked at the admiring, surprised, or stunned gazes cast around him, gratification and possessiveness intertwined.

Her red lips lightly opened, and she whispered in Wei Qingyu's ear: "Today you are the eye-catching star of the entire banquet."

Wei Qingyu heard the jealousy in Ji Xiao's tone, and slightly pressed his lips to her ears and said, "I just want to be your moon."

The smell of mint wrapped in the warm heat wiped Ji Xiao's cool earlobe, and immediately aroused the delicate skin.

She blinked twice and looked at Wei Qingyu with a straight gaze. She didn't know when she learned to say this kind of calmly.

"Qingyu has grown into a big girl, and she's getting better and better."

Ding Lao's voice interrupted Ji Xiao's thoughts. As soon as she moved her eyes back, she saw many people approaching.

Wei Qingyu calmly nodded to Ding Lao: "Uncle Ding, are you getting better when you come in? When you were sick, I happened to ran into my dad during the accident. I didn't even visit you. I'm really sorry."

Old Ding shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't get Lin Wei for the last time. Lin Wei is really a very good child."

Old Ding sighed as he spoke, and Wei Qingyu couldn't help but flushed his eyes.

The deceased passed away, and I always felt a lot of emotion when I mentioned it again, but the atmosphere of the whole venue sank a bit with regret entwined with sadness.

Ji Xiao looked busy and said: "In fact, uncle saw that Qingyu is an adult, so he can rest assured in the sky."

"Yes, whisper, uncle is back now, and he will get better and better in the future." Ding Lao nodded when he heard the words.

His old hand brushed Wei Qingyu’s immature skin, and said: "At this time, you can’t make the birthday star cry. I just saw a piano there. I remember that Qingyu learned the piano when he was a child. It was for you. Are you prepared?"

Wei Qingyu sorted out his emotions and nodded, "Yeah."

Chen Linji looked at Jin Changsong who was aside, and asked in a profound way: "I heard that Nanfeng can also play the piano?"

Standing on the side, Jin Nanfeng shied away: "I once heard Ji Xiao's four-handed play with Qingyu, and there was a lot of popularity in school at that time."

When Ding Lao heard the name Ji Xiao, he looked at the girl standing next to Wei Qingyu without hesitation.

Although he was old and had suffered a disease, his eyes were still burning, and he looked up and down at the little girl who had just come out to ease the atmosphere, and said: "Oh? There is this thing, I don’t know if this old thing like me will be lucky enough to listen to it. hear?"

There was a hint of surprise in Ji Xiao's eyes.

She knew this question was for herself, but she didn't expect that Jin Nanfeng would take the initiative to create opportunities for herself and Wei Qingyu.

Of course, Ji Xiao didn't want Wei Qingyu to play with Jin Nanfeng. She looked at each other with Wei Qingyu, and said in unison, "Then we can't help Uncle Ding."

The resplendent crystal lights illuminated the entire banquet hall like a dream, and the band stopped playing under the direction of one side.

Ding Lao looked at the back of Wei Qingyu walking side by side with Ji Xiao, and his gully face showed a little relief.

Having already had a collaboration experience, Ji Xiao once again sat down on the piano bench and was less nervous.

The same goes for Wei Qingyu.

She calmly arranged the hem of her skirt, and asked softly: "What do you play?"

Ji Xiao glanced at Wei Qingyu's score on the piano, turned a few pages back, and said, "Scarbro Market."

When Wei Qingyu heard the words, a smile appeared on his face. After nodding and saying "OK", he struck the first key of the piano.

This time she is the master, and Ji Xiao will be her deputy.

The crisp keys struck, and the surroundings became quiet.

There are obviously the same lights all around, but people feel that the place where Wei Qingyu and Ji Xiao are located is particularly dazzling.

The light and ethereal tune sounded slowly and tacitly, and Ji Xiao followed Wei Qingyu's rhythm with her.

The red lips are dazzling, even if she is in the deputy, it is difficult to conceal the grace and heroism that she exudes from the whole body.

The sounds of appreciation and whispers around me sounded. Alpha has always been the dominant player. Few people have seen an Alpha be able to accommodate an Oga so much, not to mention that the eldest lady of the Ji family is still an S-class Alpha.

Ding Lao was immersed in the elegant four-handed music, and did not forget to remind Ji Qingyun: "Qingyun, Qingyu is now an adult. Is it time for her to return her things?"

When Ji Qingyun heard the words, he smiled: "Of course it is. It's just that the handover procedures are more cumbersome. At that time, only the two were regarded as one family, and the staffing was somewhat intertwined. It would take some time to subdivide and relocate later, after all. I didn’t treat Qingyu as an outsider, but now it’s troublesome."

Old Ding glanced at Ji Qingyun next to him, and preached dissatisfiedly: "Qingyun, you are too loyal. Although Lin Wei is your good brother, this is not okay."

Ji Qingyun nodded, his mood was complicated.

He didn't know if Ding Lao was too old and not as strong as he used to be, or he didn't want to show it on such occasions, he was pointing himself.

Chen Linji was also a little confused, so he simply said to Ding Lao more bluntly: "Ding Lao, Man Qing will need you to sit down at that time."

Ding Lao glanced at Chen Linji and nodded thoughtfully: "Naturally, I have no relationship with my children in my life. Whispering is Lin Wei's child, I naturally want to be partial."

When the voice fell, Wei Qingyu and Ji Xiao completed a beautiful handover.

Ding Lao watched Wei Qingyu's long hair fall from her shoulders to her chest, and said: "Qingyun, this kind of thing will always make people sad, but your family can't be divided because of this. But I value you very much."

Ji Qingyun heard how Wei Linyu, who had been mentioned countless times in Ding’s mouth, had treated him in the past, even though there were thousands of resistances in his heart, the smile on his face was still gentle, "Don't worry, the room at home will be reserved for Wei Qingyu. , She didn't take away anything, she can come back for a little stay at any time, and our two families will not have a split."

When someone mentioned Ji Xiao again, Ding Lao's eyes drifting away fell on Ji Xiao, whose Xu Xu was blocked by Wei Qingyu.

In fact, Ji Qingyun had already let out the news that he wanted to train Ji Xiao as his successor. Many people have heard and valued it, and it is impossible for Ding Lao to be ignorant.

Ding Lao looked at Ji Xiao, who cooperated with Wei Qingyu in tacit agreement, and he seldom nodded his head in satisfaction during this conversation.

He clicked on Ji Qingyun next to him, and said to Ji Qingyun with a smile and anguish: "Xiaoxiao is more sensible than you."

As Ji Qingyun listened, she also smiled.

Chen Linji and Jin Changsong beside him were also a little confused about Ding Lao's attitude.

He seemed to give Man Qing to Wei Qingyu, and he seemed to hope that Ji Qingyun would help together.

With bright lights and beautiful streams, Wei Qingyu and Ji Xiao sat at the piano, away from disputes, enjoying the world that only belongs to them at this moment.

Those slender fingers danced like an ethereal ballet on the keyboard, babbling a poignant love story, intertwined with joy and sadness, silently evoking some deep memories in people's minds.

The surrounding guests used their mobile phones to record this beautiful scene, but no one knew that they had never experienced a break-in before.

The shallow mint scent and peach brandy intertwined, and the silent understanding became the only answer for the two of them tonight's four-handed play.

When the banquet ended near zero o'clock, the stars flickered in the dark night, as if they were presenting their birthday wishes to this girl.

Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu walked at the back side by side. The guests in front gradually dispersed. The cars parked in front of the porch also drove away, and they also came to the time when they had to separate.

The surroundings were a little too quiet, Wei Qingyu stood beside Ji Xiao, the winter wind twirling her hair, a little melancholy written between his eyebrows.

Ji Xiao watched to portray this moment in detail with her eyes, and then she looked at the lights of the cars coming in the distance, and suddenly asked: "Wei Qingyu, do you know the meaning of the Scarab Bazaar?"

Wei Qingyu was a little dazed when he heard the words, and shook his head gently.

"Even if I am gone, please remember me." Ji Xiao preached softly.

The light in the distance got closer, and Wei Qingyu in Ji Xiao's sight was also washed away and diminished by the backlight.

Obviously she just moved back to her home again, but Ji Xiao felt like she was going to be completely separated.

She looked at the vague figure of the young girl in her sight, knowing that she could not force her to stay, so she arrogantly told me: "If you have anything to do in the future, you should contact me in time, although you are an adult. Those new servants in your family People don’t necessarily know your habits. Don’t put up with them. Change if you don’t. Also, if you live alone in such a big house, pay attention to safety and don’t watch horror movies at night, otherwise no one will comfort you if you cry. ..."

"Speaking as if you comforted me when you were at home."

Before Ji Xiao had finished speaking, he was interrupted by Wei Qingyu's voice.

The voice was cold and clear, but with a slight trembling in the end, it caught Ji Xiao's heart at once.

The voice fell, and the backlight of the car lights disappeared from Ji Xiao's sight at this time.

Wei Qingyu stood alone in the cold wind, his cold face was not covered by the sideburns, and the blush at the end of his eyes was particularly obvious.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu, as if she could not let it go in her eyes.

The car had stopped not far away, and the bodyguard behind had also helped Wei Qingyu open the car door. Ji Xiao knew that he couldn't delay, and he was afraid that he would not be able to pretend to be a foolish performance.

She rubbed her nose, pulled out a sour smile, and urged: "That's good, you go back, the car is waiting for you, it's weirdly cold outside."

Hearing the words, Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao steadily for a long time while dragging his skirt. He wanted to say a lot, but he felt that his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't say a word.

The cold wind is blowing, the winter is about to pass, but the night tonight is still cold.

I don't know how long it took, Wei Qingyu nodded and put on the sentence "Then I'm going", becoming the first of the two to leave first.

The winter breeze slowly blew across the porch, bringing up the thin and light back in the girl's sight.

Ji Xiao turned her head to let herself see her car that hadn't arrived yet, suddenly felt that the sky was getting colder.

It was also at this time that a small piece of cold white arm with pearls appeared in Ji Xiao's sight.

The scent of mint entangled with champagne pouring into her lips, followed by two halves of warm and moist lips.

Wei Qingyu just walked two steps towards the car, then turned back again.

Unexpectedly, he asked for a kiss to Ji Xiao.

"Ji Xiao, I am eighteen."

The author has something to say: Two in one, happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!