After the sun gradually set on the mountain, the orange sunset exuded the afterglow of the sun, and the golden ginkgo leaves swayed in it.

A red sports car arbitrarily passed through this period of time and quietly, driving in a quiet villa area, and finally stopped steadily at the door of Ji Xiao's house.

Aunt Wu, who was cleaning the house in the living room, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the unknown car in confusion.

However, she saw a person coming down neatly from the car, her long hair shawl and dark brown leather trench coat were extraordinarily imposing. Then she walked to the other side of the car and picked up the person sitting in the co-pilot.

These two people are not others, they are Wei Qingyu and Ji Xiao.

In order to get rid of the car followed by Chen Linji, Wei Qingyu made Jinnanfeng deliberately drive into the most congested street in City A. After several rounds of turning away the visitors, she changed the car with Xie Yong behind and drove alone. Go hide Ji Xiao.

And the place where she wants to hide Ji Xiao is her own home.

Wei Qingyu was walking towards the door, and Aunt Wu opened the door for her.

She heard about Ji Qingyun's defeat, and now she saw that Ji Xiao was in a coma for unknown reasons, and her heart was more than a panic: "Miss Wei, what's the matter?"

As Wei Qingyu walked, he simply preached to Aunt Wu: "There is something wrong with Uncle Ji's house. Ji Xiao is in danger. We can't let the outside world know that she is back. Please clean up the small black room downstairs. "

After all, Aunt Wu is also a senior maid. She quickly understood the horrible situation and nodded her head hurriedly: "Hey, I'm going now."

Aunt Wu's hands and feet are exceptionally neat. As soon as Wei Qingyu walked to the small black room with Ji Xiao in his arms, she saw that she had set up a suggested iron frame bed and laid a soft mattress in the empty dark room. .

Wei Qingyu watched, then placed Ji Xiao carefully on the bed, and said, "Aunt Wu, can this room be powered on?"

"It's not difficult. There were reserved junction boxes in this house." Aunt Wu hit the flashlight to the roof, and a bare wire box appeared. "If we make it by ourselves, it won't be so beautiful."

Wei Qingyu shook his head, "It doesn't matter, put the light on first, at least there must be lighting."

Then she pulled the quilt that the maid had just held to help Ji Xiao cover it, and rubbed her fingers across her sleeping cheeks, but she felt a slight coldness.

This small black house was built underground, still in a rough state, long days without light, cold and humid, even if an Alpha lived in it for a long time, the body would not be able to hold it.

Wei Qingyu gently helped Ji Xiao tidy up her long hair on the side of her face, and then ordered: "Aunt Wu, prepare a few more dehumidifiers and movable fireplaces. It's too cold."

Aunt Wu: "I have already ordered to go down. There are a few heaters and humidifiers in the warehouse, and the young lady asked them to prepare them."

When Wei Qingyu heard Aunt Wu's words, he didn't know why, his heart shook slightly, as if he had been knocked into some mysterious place by accident.

The light of the mobile phone reluctantly lit the darkness of the cabin, and Wei Qingyu hesitatedly looked at Ji Xiao who was sleeping.

She was still asleep as when she picked it up, the soft pillow held up her little face, and buried it in the black hair on both sides.

The pale red lips opened slightly as he breathed, and Wei Qingyu's throat couldn't help but roll gently.

Wei Qingyu did not want to understand the key points in the words of Aunt Wu just now. He nodded faintly and reminded: "Aunt Wu, this is very time. I can guarantee that you will not be threatened in this home, but there should be You still have to pretend your panic and despair. After you clean up the house, you go and put a group of maids on vacation or cut them off directly. Just leave two or three people here, including you. Be sure to pretend There is an illusion that Ji Xiao has not come back."

"Okay Miss Wei, I understand." Aunt Wu nodded.

"Then I will go up and pack up what Ji Xiao needs here."

After that, Wei Qingyu carefully tucked the quilt on Ji Xiao, and walked out of the room to Ji Xiao's bedroom.

With the afterglow of the setting sun outside the window, Wei Qingyu walked into Ji Xiao's room.

This room was the same as before I left. The orange sky was framed by the bay window beside the bed, like a freehand oil painting.

The little black room was wet and cold, and Wei Qingyu found a few more winter clothes from the cloakroom.

The soft sweaters and leggings lined up neatly on the foot-stool. Wei Qingyu took a short break and looked at the figure on the wall of Ji Xiao's room.

The glass display cabinet was shining with a soft light, and the dazzling array of figures was dazzling.

Wei Qingyu admired these figures curiously, and suddenly his pupils trembled slightly.

——In the middle of the two little people whom she can't name, there is a jar full of stars.

She had seen this jar when she ran into Qiao Ni when Ji Xiao pushed Qi Qi against the wall.

It's just that the jar was still empty at that time, and the star paper was also pressed under a pen.

"But I still want you to know that I like you."

Qi Qi’s ambiguous oolong words reverberated in Wei Qingyu’s ears, and the memory seemed to be rewinding in Wei Qingyu’s mind. He pushed her to open the cabinet door and put the heavy jar on. Carefully took it out.

If what Qi Qi said at the time was not what she wanted to confess to Qiao Ni, was it Ji Xiao preparing to write to herself...

With this thought in mind, Wei Qingyu opened the star jar in front of him and took out a beautiful star from it.

The girl's fingers trembled slightly, and she unfolded the star with anticipation and anxiety.

"There are a lot of things I want to say to you. If there is only one thing to say, it is to like you."

Wei Qingyu looked at the familiar black font, and his heart skipped a beat.

So the two sentences Qi Qi said before dying, "I'm sorry, ruined your birthday today" and "I might not see you and Qingyu together" should be connected together.

Ji Xiao originally planned to confess to herself on her birthday.

The peach brandy remaining in the room was fermented over time, and it seemed to fall into Wei Qingyu's breathless nose.

This belated surprise caught the sadness that he almost missed and fell into Wei Qingyu's heart, and even the grief that he finally learned the truth of his parents' death today also surged up.

Not long ago, when Wei Qingyu saw Ji Qingyun's nearly self-destructive material, his head was almost blank.

She had a hunch early on that it was Ji Qingyun who murdered her parents, but before she went to investigate and verify, Ji Qingyun sent all his crimes to herself.

Wei Qingyu looked at the testimony of the witnesses on the document, and he felt a sense of powerlessness in addition to his grief and indignation.

Because she thought of Ji Xiao.

She thought of Ji Qingyun's purpose for doing all this.

He couldn't destroy Man Qing, he was about to destroy himself.

He took Ji Xiao as a knife in his hand and used this information to severely cut a hole in his heart.

Wei Qingyu was reluctant to think about this from the beginning. In her cognition, Ji Xiao has always been separated from Ji Qingyun, and even now Ji Xiao is separated from Ji Xiao in the past.

But when he was confronting Chen Linji just now, his "blood is thicker than water" still made her brain a little uncontrollable to think that the person she loved was the daughter of the person who caused her family's destruction.

It was obvious that Ji Qingyun had achieved his goal, and the monotonous hatred that had been suppressed in Wei Qingyu's heart for a long time enveloped her back.

She looked sadly at the photo she took with her in front of her home on the day of the coming-of-age ceremony placed on Ji Xiao's table.

The two girls in the photo are smiling like flowers, but a gleam of teardrops reflects the afterglow of the setting sun slowly sliding down on the frame glass.

Reality makes her hate her.

But she still wants to love her.

Even if she knew all this, she still couldn't help but love her.

Wei Qingyu's hand tightened slightly, and the jar full of dangdang stars was held in her arms, accurately catching the teardrops falling from her chin.

The wet stars showed the black writing inside, and every stroke was the confession of love that Ji Xiao wrote to Wei Qingyu during the night battle in July with the lanterns and spent countless nights.

Wei Qingyu blinked his eyes twice and raised a hand to wipe the tears off his face.

The last ray of light of the day reflected on her through the window, and a clear pool of water was held in her turquoise eyes.

Love is really a very complicated thing.

It seems that after a long time of distillation, a drop of heart was extracted.

The power of Wei Qingyu lies in this.

She soberly accepted a new relationship between her and Ji Xiao, and after a brief vent of being manipulated by hatred, she regained her composure.

From the initial desire for revenge to Ji Xiao's unusual indifference when Qi Qi passed away, she and Ji Xiao had gone through enough trials.

Her feelings for Ji Xiao will now not be shaken by anyone or anything, even if the barrier between them this time is called "feud."

With this thought, Wei Qingyu tightened the can of stars in his arms and looked up at the sky.

Full of golden color is the unique color of autumn, and there are a pair of orange clouds on the horizon.

She looked at that Yun's lips incited, and said softly to the sky: "I'm sorry."

As the voice fell, an autumn breeze suddenly blew outside the window.

The ginkgo trees outside the window swayed with the wind, and the golden leaves rustled down, soothing and beautiful.

Wei Qingyu could see clearly, tears gushing faintly from his flushed eyes.

She blinked twice, buckled the star jar with her back over the window and put it back in the hand-made display cabinet. She exhaled heavily, and her tight back fell slightly, as if she had unloaded a little burden.

Then Wei Qingyu sorted out his emotions a bit, then took Ji Xiao's clothes and walked out of Ji Xiao's room.

The soft sweater clung to the girl's arm, and the smell of peach brandy was secretly fermented in this small stairwell.

Wei Qingyu walked slowly from the second floor to the first floor, and he felt that his body was starting to become awkward.

Plop, plop.

The heavy breathing followed the beating heart, exhaling warmth.

Desire in this quiet and unmanned place swelled with the sound of heartbeat.

I don't know if my emotions experienced too much fluctuation today, or if I had just come back and have been in close contact with Ji Xiao all the way, Wei Qingyu found that his resistance to Ji Xiao's pheromone had almost dropped to zero.

It's like adding phenolphthalein to sodium hydroxide, even one drop is enough to change its color.

A gust of wind passed through the corridor windows, raising Wei Qingyu's long hair from behind.

But instead of disappearing, the taste of the peach brandy became more obvious.

Wei Qingyu clearly felt that the glands at the back of her neck were jumping like something indiscriminately stirring inside. The damp sensation was eroding the inhibitory stickers on the back of her neck a little bit, and the familiar feeling of weakness was moving towards her. Spreading limbs.

His fever period came without warning.

Wei Qingyu gripped Ji Xiao's clothes tightly, trying to calm himself down and go back to inject the inhibitor.

But the glands were not under control at all, and the desire for the owner of the clothes became more intense.

The stairway leading to the small black house was lit with bright white lights, like the temptation from people outside in the quiet and darkness.

Today's Wei Qingyu has really gone through too many twists and turns. She was at a time when Oga was at its most vulnerable. She hesitated a few times, and finally couldn't help looking for the light to go downstairs to find Ji Xiao.

She didn't know if she was awake now, she just wanted to be closer to her, she wanted to be more greedy for the taste of the peach brandy, so as to fill the emptiness and anxiety in her heart.

There were clear and a little anxious footsteps echoing in the empty and dark corridor, and Wei Qingyu walked quickly to the door of the small black house.

She had entered this hut with hatred countless times in the past, but this time she opened the door with a lot of it.

In this way, Wei Qingyu pushed open the heavy door with great effort. The lamp hadn't been installed by Aunt Wu, and it was still completely dark inside.

Wei Qingyu's eyes that had lived in the dark quickly adapted to the darkness, and he was particularly surprised to see the figure sitting up from the bed.

The smell of mint poured into the room along with the fresh air from the outside, but Wei Qingyu saw Ji Xiao closing his eyes for some reason.

She sniffed the slightly low peach brandy in the air, stepping on her heartbeat, and walking towards Ji Xiao step by step.

Then she knelt down on the soft bed half body, calmly but irresistibly revealing the most pitiful look.

"Ji Xiao, mark me."

As the voice fell, two hearts with different beating frequencies collided together.

Ji Xiao looked at the girl in front of her who was wearing her skirt, her brain blank.

Wei Qingyu, who had taken off his windbreaker, only wore a thin black turtleneck sweater. The tight and elastic material unabashedly showed the temptation of the mature Oga in front of him.

Even if the environment is dim, Ji Xiao can still see Wei Qingyu's back waistline, which is slightly leaning forward to him. It is smooth and beautiful, which makes people unable to fault.

The taste of peppermint pheromone was ambiguous, and all fell on Ji Xiao's face without any deviation.

She looked at Wei Qingyu and quickly understood that Wei Qingyu was entering a fever period.

Ji Xiao quickly grabbed Wei Qingyu's hand and said, "Wei Qingyu, have you entered the fever period? I will ask Aunt Wu to give you the inhibitor..."

It's just that Ji Xiao didn't finish her sentence, Wei Qingyu blocked her mouth first.

Ji Xiao's already very familiar lips were once again printed on her lips, and the mint-scented tongue tipped open her lips and teeth predominantly, plundering her mouth with the momentum of sweeping everything.

I don't know if Alpha itself has a desire to be forced to conquer.

Obviously Wei Qingyu was pulling his collar tightly, and pushing hard towards the extreme, but Ji Xiao couldn't help but release some of her pheromone.

Perhaps this pheromone satisfied the girl in front of him a little bit, and Wei Qingyu, who was still immersed in the emotion of wanting to have the Alpha in front of him, stopped.

She just sat in front of Ji Xiao, watching her deeply with those flushed eyes.

After a long while, she pursed the slightly red and swollen lips, and preached to Ji Xiao very calmly: "I don't want inhibitors, I only want you."

The smell of mint also invaded Ji Xiao from all directions at the moment when the voice fell.

After flirting with Ji Xiao just now, I can feel that the restraint tape she put on the back of her neck has a sign of getting wet. Now when she hears Wei Qingyu's words, her pupils tremble, as if she followed these words with countless numbers. impulse.

Wei Qingyu stared at the girl in front of her with her only remaining reason, and when she got the message that she was no longer resisting her, he put her other leg hanging on the bedside up.

The ambiguous breath flowed between the two people, and Wei Qingyu gently clasped Ji Xiao's shoulder and approached her infinitely.

Ji Xiao also catered to her, and was seduce little by the smell of mint to kiss her again.

She will always have nothing to do with Wei Qingyu, and will always compromise with Wei Qingyu.

But just when the two petals were about to kiss, Ji Xiao suddenly opened his eyes.

She seemed to be aware of something, straightened her back and leaned back, preaching to the girl in front of the girl who seemed to be dominated by the fever period: "Wei Qingyu, you can't..."

Ji Xiao didn't know that she had been brought out of Chen Linji by Wei Qingyu. Her memory was only suspended in her own confusion. The person sent by Wei Qingyu was locked into a small black room from a high-end western restaurant in the city center.

The information Ji Qingyun showed her was always like a fishbone, stuck in her heart.

Even though Wei Qingyu had no trouble keeping herself here, she was afraid that Wei Qingyu was being pushed by Oga's original impulse, so she came to her to mark herself temporarily.

Doesn't she love Wei Qingyu?

Of course love.

Doesn't she want to take the girl in front of her as her own, and mark her own taste?

Of course she thought.

She was thinking about it all the time.

The smell of mint burned Ji Xiao's reason little by little, making her eager to occupy the girl in front of her like never before.

But it was precisely because she loved her that she didn't want to be pushed by her to do this.

Of course she could push this incident to Wei Qingyu afterwards, saying that she seduced her to mark her, but...

But she didn't want Wei Qingyu to have thoughts of disgusting her own behavior afterwards.

She can't bear it, she will feel distressed.

So when Wei Qingyu was about to try again, Ji Xiao still chose to avoid it.

She put her hand between herself and Wei Qingyu, and preached to her calmly: "Wei Qingyu, you can see clearly, I am Ji Xiao, my father he..."

Just before Ji Xiao finished her reminder, Wei Qingyu interrupted her and shook her head, "It has nothing to do with you."

"You are just Ji Xiao, you are the Ji Xiao in the current tense, not the Ji Xiao in the perfect tense in the past."

The voice coexisted with calmness and desire, like a summer mint leaf with coolness attached to Ji Xiao's heart.

Ji Xiao sat on the opposite side of Wei Qingyu like this, and his eyes turned red, trying to stay calm.

Everyone blended themselves with the original owner, and even the world wanted to use this plot to squeeze themselves with the original owner.

But only Wei Qingyu, and only she will notice her mind, hear the little temper in her words, and treat herself unconditionally and cautiously.

Ji Xiaona's panic when he discovered that he was imprisoned in this small black room according to the plot, was cut apart by Wei Qingyu neatly.

Then a little bit of light rose from her world. Her world didn't completely escape into the darkness, but just happened to encounter darkness.

The plot is walking silently according to its trajectory, but things that cannot be repaired can never be corrected.

She was locked in this place according to the plot, but Wei Qingyu still loved herself.

Ji Xiaoheng's arm between her and Wei Qingyu made a slight effort, and easily took the girl in front of her into her arms.

Before Wei Qingyu could realize what was happening, he felt his head being held up by a gentle hand.

The warm breath fell on her face, and Ji Xiao lifted her nose slightly in her sight, slowly wanting to be with her lightly.

Like a silent temptation, ambiguity and caution are entangled in the nose.

Until the slightly warm skin collided together, the two hearts that were close at hand finally beat at the same frequency.

As if he was sure that the other party had accepted him, Ji Xiao reassured and boldly reprinted the lips he had kissed together on Wei Qingyu's lips again.

This may be the kind of caution they said after losing and recovering.

Wei Qingyu felt the more forceful strokes from Ji Xiao's palm in his hair, and his arm slowly hooked her neck.

The slender fingers passed through the thick hair, the trimmed and round fingers evoked the moistened restraint stickers, and the smell of peach brandy instantly filled the whole room.

Very aggressive and comfortable.

Ji Xiao's kiss lasted for a long time. Wei Qingyu was addicted to it until Ji Xiao let go of her breath, and then she realized that she was a little lack of oxygen.

The lingering taste was wrapped in tender peaches, which softened Wei Qingyu's hands and feet.

Su Rili's stiff body also let go of his tightness, and Yan Ling reliedly leaned on Ji Xiao's shoulder, panting slowly.

There is no light in the small black room, and the ambiguity settles secretly and quietly.

The eagerness in Wei Qingyu's heart was mostly suppressed by Ji Xiao's kiss, but a vacancy in his heart was never filled.

She turned her face slightly, kissed Ji Xiao's earlobe close to her eyes, and a scorching heat fell in her ear: "I want your mark, Ji Xiao."

The warm breath called her name, and it fell in Ji Xiao's ears, itchy.

The tip of her tongue couldn't help but rubbed Alpha's canine teeth that were gradually protruding, Ji Xiao was a little moved, but hesitated.

"Ji Xiao, please..."

There was another soft call.

There was also a somewhat unbearable pleading in his tone.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu's twinkling pupils, and could no longer restrain her tightly in his arms.

Then Wei Qingyu felt a slight coolness after the long hair on her neck was lifted, Alpha's breath sprayed on Oga's neck, she quickly realized what was going to happen next, fear and expectation were intertwined. Her heart.

It's just that this feeling didn't last long and was replaced by a burst of warmth and humidity.

The canine teeth pierced through the light glands, Wei Qingyu sobbed blankly, and couldn't help biting Ji Xiao on the shoulder.

The peach brandy in the room reached its peak at this moment, aggressively pressing the mint underneath.

The soft pillow held Wei Qingyu's body about to sink into the bed, and the nerve pierced by the gland caused her fingers on Ji Xiao's clothes to tighten suddenly.

Wei Qingyu caused the secret pain of the glands to deprive her of sight, and Ji Xiao's figure shrouded her body in this way, but the faint anxiety began to spread in the darkness in her sight.

Oga, who had just been temporarily marked, turned her thin body, looking for her Alpha in the dark.

The faint voice trembled slightly, as if he was afraid of being abandoned, and faintly called: "Ji Xiao..."

As if feeling the sudden fragility of his Oga emotionally, Ji Xiao buckled his hand with Wei Qingyu's ten fingers.

She looked at a teardrop in the eyes of the girl under her, leaned down and kissed it with her lips.

"I'm here." Ji Xiao whispered in Wei Qingyu's ear.

The fusion of voice and action greatly comforted Wei Qingyu's extremely sensitive heart at this moment.

The smell of peach brandy that had been smelled countless times finally completely enveloped her at this moment. With a bit of obsession, she lifted her body slightly, and kissed Ji Xiao again.

The night was approaching, and the world sank into silence.

Wei Qingyu just buried his cheek in Ji Xiao's arms in front of him, indulging in the blue-pink ocean this night.

The author has something to say: No matter how you think the sea of ​​fire is in front of the small black house, the sea of ​​fire is actually behind ovO