Perhaps for the convenience of changing the day, the clothes worn by Fang Yiming and Sun Qianqian are very different from the usual styles of Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu.

Sun Qianqian deserves to be a top student in the C clothing department. His black leather jacket and micro-flared jeans have raised Ji Xiao's aura. The frivolous bangs rolled up slightly and hung in front of Ji Xiao's eyes, covering her iconic gold-orange eye pupils, and also softened the aura that was lifted a bit.

Ji Xiao felt that she was absolutely amazing, but she didn't want to be even more shocked when she saw Wei Qingyu coming out from behind the screen.

Sun Qianqian changed her golden wig to Wei Qingyu's head, and the girl's cold white skin was clear and white.

She smoothed all her long hair to the left, and a simple long drop earring was clasped on her earlobe, swaying around the slender neck.

This brand-new look gave Ji Xiao a new visual impact.Until Wei Qingyu took her into the car that Fang Yiming drove away, she couldn't help but look at Wei Qingyu, who was particularly unpromising. .

"Why, does it look awkward?" Wei Qingyu adjusted the middle rearview mirror while looking at the girl next to him through the rearview mirror.

Ji Xiao was caught off guard by Wei Qingyu. He rubbed the tip of his nose a little embarrassedly, and said with a shy compliment: "It's pretty."

Wei Qingyu raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and asked, "How beautiful?"

The warm air in the car hadn't fully braked, and every breath of Wei Qingyu's breath looked extremely hot.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu who looked at him, and pressed his lower lip lightly.

Then the sun glided across the roof of the villa and fell into the car impartially.

Just like this, Ji Xiao pressed Wei Qingyu's hand, loosened his seat belt and leaned forward and kissed it.

The faint mint taste rubbed the tip of Ji Xiao's tongue, intertwined with coolness and warmth.

Ji Xiao rubbed Wei Qingyu's soft off-white sweater, his slender fingers twitched Wei Qingyu's heartstrings.

Alpha's kiss was somewhat unreasonable and domineering, but also tender.

Wei Qingyu sank into it, and took the initiative to gently twist the wrist that Ji Xiao had held under his hand, then turned to clasp her fingers.

The slightly cramped driver's seat was tender and tender, until Wei Qingyu felt that he was a little lack of oxygen, and then he barely lifted his already weak arm and pushed Ji Xiao's shoulder twice.

The action of Wei Qingyu that Ji Xiao also obeyed released her lips, but she was still nostalgic for Oga in front of her, and she lowered her head and nudged it twice in the middle of hers.

The golden round sun settled steadily on the roof, throwing a large area of ​​bright warmth into the car.

Ji Xiao obscured the light in Wei Qingyu's sight, and preached ambiguously in her ear: "So beautiful."

Wei Qingyu just leaned on the soft chair back, panting and looking at Ji Xiao's jewel-like eyes hidden by the bangs, and the corners of her lips were happily aroused.

Like many couples on dates, Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu also took fruit tea and popcorn to the cinema on the fifth floor of the mall.

Recently, a sci-fi movie with good reputation at the box office was released this month. Ji Xiao looked at the movie tag that was resident in the hot search, and it was already irritating.

Just as Wei Qingyu and Ji Xiao had just settled down, the almost full movie theater was dimmed.

With the sound of high heels striking from far and near, the back of a woman in a black trench coat appeared on the huge screen.

Immediately after the woman walked away from the back, two red ink-wash characters-Qianye appeared neatly and sharply in the empty corridor.

The movie tells about an agent Oga who died of grief because his lover was killed by a hostile party. He decided to get information about the person who shot her by sneaking into his lover’s brain to avenge his lover. However, because the technology is immature, the time of infiltration cannot be accurate, so Every time she sneaked in, she would miss it or couldn't see the murderer's face for some reason.

So Ji Xiao watched her and her Alpha spend repeated birthdays, anniversaries, travels, and weddings countless times, and then watched her with her own eyes every time she felt that she was about to be close to the truth. Her Alpha fell in a pool of blood, and she couldn't do anything about it.

Oga's sorrowful cry was heard on the big screen, and the heart-piercing voice was particularly weak in the sound of the pouring rain.

Wei Qingyu couldn't bear to watch, but when he turned his head to take the fruit tea, he saw Ji Xiao's clenched hand on his leg.

Wei Qingyu put the fruit tea in his hand back to his right side, raised the handrail between her and Ji Xiao, silently and proactively reached out and took Ji Xiao's hand.

With a slightly cool palm, the girl slightly sighed Ji Xiao's emotions that had been brought in.

She looked at Wei Qingyu next to her and whispered to her, "You said, is this destiny? No matter how many times she tries to change, she can't stop her from going out that day."

There is something in Ji Xiao's words.

Oga's powerlessness on the screen deeply evoked Ji Xiao's sorrow on the night of Qi Qi's death, and the gloom of no reason enveloped her heart, lingering.

The taste of peach brandy sank to the ground, Wei Qingyu heard the low tone of Ji Xiao's tone.

She had heard Ji Xiao say "destiny" countless times, as if such illusory things have always scared her.

Wei Qingyu thought, and carefully inserted his fingers into Ji Xiao's fingers, gently shook her hand, and said, "No, she will definitely find the murderer who killed her beloved."

"Even if fate is always involved, the human will is stronger than the illusory destiny."

Wei Qingyu's voice was deliberately lowered a lot, but Ji Xiao could still feel the tenderness from her.

Mingming Wei Qingyu didn't know anything, but he was able to give himself corresponding peace of mind every time.

Ji Xiao also shook Wei Qingyu's hand with his backhand, and nodded: "Well, you are right."

Perhaps in response to Wei Qingyu's words, after Oga used her last chance to sneak into Alpha's brain again, she came to the night where her Alpha was killed again.

This time she took the initiative to drive towards the street where her Alpha was killed, and it was also at this time that she was once again blocked by the world. She ran into a car accident just one intersection from the street where Alpha had an accident.

The blood mixed with rain washed over her body, and the groggy feeling made her eyes want to close countless times.

But Oga knew that this was her last chance, and she couldn't give up and rushed towards there with all her strength.

The rain was torrential, and the rain fell in a line from high above, and hit the ground fiercely.

Oga finally saw the gun raised by the murderer, and his face through the rain.

Two dressed-up Oga appeared on the screen, and the movie theater uttered a small exclamation in an instant, as well as a sigh that had been guessed a long time ago.

Ji Xiao noticed the bright red rose hidden behind Alpha.

She seemed to have realized something and held Wei Qingyu's hand secretly.

The rain that broke the sky began to flow back, and the fired bullets poured out of Alpha's **** chest.

The screen turned white, the light sensation stimulated Oga's eyes, and at the same time stimulated the eyes of the audience, an excited female voice rang.

"Doctor Chen! Wake up! Wake up!"

It turned out that there was no such thing as she wanted to sneak into her Alpha brain to avenge her. The person who sneaked into the brain was always herself.

In that turbulent era, Oga and Alpha were both top agents of two different factions. They didn’t know each other’s true identity. They met and fell in love at a ball full of designs, and spent many thrilling and sweet experiences together. day.

Later, for the sake of national justice, Oga received her last mission, only to find that the object of her assassination was her lover.

The two men faced off in the heavy rain.

The gun hit her heart, but the scrape she had expected turned into gurgling blood.

Alpha, who had received the danger signal a long time ago, did not wear a light blasting vest at all during the normal sunrise mission, and there were no bullets in the gun.

Her lover knew her identity the night before and was already ready to die.

Later, Oga was sought revenge by Alpha's partner, and the bullet passed through her heart. Although she survived the rescue, Oga fell into a coma and refused to wake up. For this reason, her doctor friend could only use the last videotape left by Alpha to input Oga's brain waves, hypnotize her, and try to wake her up.

There were a few slight sobbings in the cinema, and the hands held by Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu couldn't help tightening.

At the end of the movie, the scene fell on the dark world slowly rising with a round of fiery red sun, and Oga, who had recovered, was sitting alone on the building that was about to be rebuilt.

There is also a passage from Alpha.

"Sheng Jue Qingqing, I will leave this recording to say goodbye to Qing Qing.

My encounter with Qing was in a conspiracy, but it was not really sincere. Later, I used Qing Qing repeatedly because of the task, but it was not complete. I was abandoned when I was born and adopted by my adoptive father, just like a cog listened to it, but the Qing made me understand the morals, judge the truth, and feel seven emotions. I know that I can’t continue to make big mistakes, but when I look back, I see it. Soaked in blood. I know that my fate with you in this life is still shallow, and I hope Qing will not dislike my shamelessness, and want to see you again in the next life. "

I don't know if this last masterpiece was too direct to the soul, until Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu were sitting in the barbecue self-service restaurant, and they were still a little emotional.

Passing through the emotional music, the waiter brought up the drinks ordered by the two.

Ji Xiao looked at the cool mint lemonade in front of him and said, "If we have another life, I will definitely not drink Mengpo soup."

Wei Qingyu also gave a soft "um" and said, "Me too."

Then she was about to pick up the thick five-flowered pork that looked particularly attractive.

However, Wei Qingyu had never done anything like this before. Without the skill of meat-clamping, she reluctantly picked up the long strip of meat. As soon as it came near the grill, it fell off with a snap.

The soft and thick five-flowered pork is half inside the grill and half outside. In addition to the seemingly unfavorable situation, more sizzling oil and water splashed out in an instant, almost splashing on Wei Qingyu's hands several times.

Wei Qingyu was a little scared but still wanted to remedy it, but Ji Xiao confiscated the clip in her hand before she moved.

Looking at the oil droplets splashing around, Ji Xiao asked with a particularly distressed voice: "Did it splash on you?"

Wei Qingyu stroked the back of his smooth hand lightly, and shook his head somewhat frustrated.

The long golden hair stranded behind her ears, and her sensual face looked a little aggrieved.

Proud as Wei Qingyu, Ji Xiao knew she was a little depressed.

But she brought Wei Qingyu here just now, and she didn't want her to cook for herself. Now it is even more impossible for her to risk the risk of being splashed with oil to cook for herself.

In order to dispel Wei Qingyu’s desire to fight again, Ji Xiao raised his hand and picked up the scissors placed on the side, and preached to her comfortingly: "Let me do this kind of technical work, you today. As my full-time driver, I just need to be responsible for eating."

With that said, Ji Xiao neatly picked up the other half of the streaky cut and put it on the grill again.

As soon as the fat and thin meat was put on it, it made a sizzling noise again, but this time, unlike when Wei Qingyu put it on, the oil became much more docile.

Wei Qingyu was indeed comforted by Ji Xiao's words. She sat opposite Ji Xiao like this, watching her neatly sipping a drink, and feeling that this oil was just a beast who looked at people and made dishes.

Only the second after this thought appeared, she was slightly startled.

The natural light by the window mixed with the artificial light above the two people's heads covered Ji Xiao's face with a layer of concentration.

The long-necked scissors became very easy to operate in the girl's hands, and the thick streaks that were still long before turned into small pieces of delicious meat.

Ji Xiao's techniques are exceptionally proficient, and Wei Qingyu feels that Wei Qingyu feels very proficient.

Because I have always been serving by someone, I don’t know how to do this, so why did Ji Xiao, who was once the eldest lady who never touched Yang Chunshui with ten fingers, suddenly do it?

"Do you believe that there are two identical snowflakes in the world."

The music in the barbecue self-service restaurant came to an end, and what Ji Xiao said to Wei Qingyu at the Thanksgiving banquet that day rang in her ears.

Wei Qingyu suddenly felt that what Ji Xiao expressed to herself at the time might not only be that she hoped that she would treat her as a brand-new Ji Xiao, but that she was reminding herself of some key information.

The smoke from the barbecue in front of him blurred the vision between the two. Ji Xiao didn't notice the strange look in Wei Qingyu's eyes. Her thoughts were still floating in the Meng Po soup she had just proposed.

Xu Shi's final ending was too gloomy, and Ji Xiao suddenly became frightened with palpitations for no reason.

She was afraid that if she really left Wei Qingyu as written in the plot, she was afraid that she would forget that Wei Qingyu once existed in her life when she returned to the original world.

All fear is because of reluctance.

This girl who has only had an intersection with her for less than three years fell heavily on her heart like this, making people worry about gains and losses, and worry about them.

Ji Xiao flipped over the pork belly, and asked casually, "Then what if I am still in reincarnation or forget you?"

Wei Qingyu's thoughts were thus interrupted by Ji Xiao's question.

She looked at the smoky eyes of Ji Xiao, even if the white smoke billowed upward, it could not conceal the brightness of the girl's golden orange eyes.

The barbecue slightly curled its sides while waiting. Wei Qingyu thought for a while before whispering: "We didn't forget, but we just didn't remember."

"So if you can't remember me in your next life, I will do everything possible to make you think again."

After hearing the words, Ji Xiao passed through the layers of oily smoke and looked at Wei Qingyu who was sitting on the opposite side.

The girl's cold eyes exuded bright turquoise, as if she was lost in the Milky Way and encountered its lighthouse. Ji Xiao suddenly felt that her heart felt much more at ease.

But before Ji Xiao could say anything, Wei Qingyu immediately added: "Then I will beat you again."

The girl's voice carried her rare savagery, like a mint-flavored effervescent tablet placed in the cold water.

Ji Xiao could even feel the fine and faint tingling from the tip of his tongue.

The charcoal-grilled pork belly gradually wafted out of its aroma. Ji Xiao picked up the roasted meat in front of him and put it on Wei Qingyu’s plate. He begged for mercy and said, "I dare not dare to kill myself. you."

"It's pretty much the same." Wei Qingyu also smiled, and readily accepted Ji Xiao's favor.

The barbecue restaurant gradually ushered in a peak of passenger flow, and the music and the chattering and laughter were mixed, a little noisy and a little comfortable.

Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu were talking and laughing, and put the fat and tender squid whiskers into their full array of grills.

The noon sun brought its warmth into the window where the two people were. Neither of them noticed. Just outside the window on the bluestone street, a lame man was standing in the flow of people passing by, with a shaggy face. Directly at the window where Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu were.