In the second half of December, the streets and alleys of Country G are filled with the lively atmosphere of Christmas.

The sky in winter seems to be a little uncoordinated, thick clouds pile up on the blue sky, as if to build momentum for tomorrow's Christmas Eve.

The sun survived in the cracks and fell into the residential area near the church through the pure white clouds.

There is a lot of snow around the brown traditional small western-style building. In fact, the Christmas Eve atmosphere of tomorrow night will not be too bad if you don't need to create a trend.

With its big tail, the little squirrel jumped onto a window sill with pine nuts and corn, watching the surroundings vigilantly, and then began its journey of picking up goods.

It just didn't notice that there was a flickering orange in the gap between the curtains that seemed to be closed.

Ji Xiao was sitting on the bed, watching her little squirrel with interest.

Ji Xiao relied on her S-class Alpha's recovery ability and passed Ancen's physical examination the day before yesterday and moved home on Christmas Eve.

Wei Qingyu's follow-up work with courtiers also went smoothly. The team had already flown back to China by special plane two days ago.

Now there are only four masters and servants left in this family, as if they had lived here for a long, long time.

The sunlight fell softly into the gap between the curtains, and a pleasant smile appeared on Ji Xiao's sleepy face.

She watched for a while, then stopped disturbing the little squirrel loading the goods, picked up a few pieces of clothes on the ground, and stepped on the plush slippers and walked towards the toilet on one side.

Behind the carved frosted glass door, there was a more delicious little animal waiting for her.

The warm white light fell on the piled small squares of bricks, exuding a bit of winter coolness.

Wei Qingyu has a short meeting with courtiers today, and is now standing in front of the makeup mirror intently applying her lip glaze.

The loose white shirt had just reached her thigh, and the slender and well-proportioned legs were exposed without any obstruction.

Or because of trouble, she didn't buckle all the buttons, only the buttons in the middle were buckled together casually. As she raised her arms, she revealed her round and white shoulders.

"Good morning." Ji Xiao hugged her waist from behind Wei Qingyu, put her chin on her shoulder tightly, and inhaled lightly, it was a refreshing mint smell.

I don't know if it was to make up for that month's missing, Ji Xiao found that since the glands recovered, he especially liked listening to Wei Qingyu's pheromone.

She sniffed the fragrance in Wei Qingyu's hair again, and asked softly, "What time is it going out?"

"Nine o'clock, the meeting is ten o'clock." Wei Qingyu looked at the mirror, his eyes quietly looking at the girl behind him.

It's only half past seven, and it's still early to nine.

Thinking about this, Ji Xiao lowered his head and kissed Wei Qingyu's earlobe.

Then she kissed her jaw, cheek, and neck along her earlobe.

In the end, Ji Xiao picked up Wei Qingyu, and easily placed it on the cool marble sink.

The girl's long black hair was scattered and hung on Ji Xiao's shoulders. She seemed to be tasting the fat on her lips, lingering, extremely gentle.

The person in front of him is hot, but the mirror behind is cold.

The flimsy white shirt could not stop any attack, Wei Qingyu had disarmed and surrendered before resisting.

The smell of peach brandy fermented in the room secretly, Wei Qingyu's white neck was raised slightly, and his red lips lightly opened.

The pushing action turned into a gentle stroke, Wei Qingyu just hooked Ji Xiao's neck with one hand and supported the table with the other.

There was a layer of mist in those turquoise eyes, lazy, full of seductive flirtation.

The wind blew slowly through the fresh air system above the two of them, and after a while, Wei Qingyu leaned on Ji Xiao's shoulder without strength.

Although Ji Xiao still had a lot of fun, he stopped in moderation.

She felt that Wei Qingyu was more tired than usual this time, and she knew that she had been a little bit more frequent since the gland repair, so she asked, "Is it too frequent?"

It's just that the Alpha's words are straightforward, but his cheeks show a shameful red.

Wei Qingyu took a sigh of relief and sat on Ji Xiao's lap and cupped her face, "No, that's good."

Having said that, she bowed her head and kissed Ji Xiao's lips, and said with a smile: "Reward you for not fancying my makeup."

Ji Xiao grabbed Wei Qingyu's waist when he heard the words, and kissed again before she raised her head, "Doublereward"

The fresh air was once again contaminated with the taste of mint and peach brandy. It was not until Wei Qingyu's mobile phone alarm clock rang on the cabinet that Ji Xiao would let Wei Qingyu go.

At nine o'clock, Ji Xiao bid farewell to Wei Qingyu.

Aunt Wu has re-warmed Ji Xiao's breakfast. After eating breakfast, she saw the link Qiao Ni sent to herself early in the morning last night.

It's just that this link can only see the name, but when I clicked it in, I found that it has been deleted.

Ji Xiao looked at the post titled [I want to know if some of the red cp posts in the past can be deleted], and there was a bit of an unknown omen in his heart, so he sent a series of pokes to Qiao Ni. , Cai said: [What's the matter? The post you sent me has been deleted. 】

What Ji Xiao didn't expect was that Qiao Ni responded to her in an instant: [Sister Ji Xiao, that big guy is really awesome. Don't you know, she just warned Liu Meina, the post is gone, **** it! It's gone! ! ! I took a screenshot, although it is not very complete, but would you like to watch it? 】

Ji Xiao frowned when he heard the big man in Qiao Ni's mouth, [Big man...Is that the one with the initial rabbit head portrait? 】

Qiao Ni nodded hurriedly, [Yes, it's her! 】

After all, Ji Xiao’s cell phone began to vibrate crazily, and with the pictures sent by Qiao Ni, Ji Xiao saw the **** storm that was set off on the forum when she was asleep last night.

I saw a Chinese-American man preaching angrily in the main building: [I think after all, school forums still need to guide students to be positive, and do not keep posts from such people, so as not to guide students to wrongly pursue it. administrator】

As soon as this remark came out, it quickly attracted a lot of onlookers and critics.

[Tangtang Jiaojiao: Is lz talking about the newly-upped post? 】

[Let me have a taste: Are you talking about Sister Ji Xiao and Sister Qingyu? I heard that they are still together now, and Man Qing is also being managed very well in the hands of Qingyu Senior Sister, right? They are role models, how can it be considered a bad influence? 】

[The cicada screamed! Conna! : That's right, it's obviously very good, okay! 】


I don’t know if I feel that many people’s ideas are different from my own. The Chinese beauty said with a startled tone: [Oh my God, don’t you pick cp in the trash can, okay? Don't you know, Wei Qingyu got Ji Xiao's uncle who supported her all the way into the police station. 】

This sentence is like a heavy bomb for students who are still in the learning stage and whose news is relatively closed.

The so-called one stone stirs up a thousand waves, and there are many [Huh? what are you saying? ] Question mark.

At this time, the Chinese beauty said again: [Someone read this week's news, the chairman of the Chen Group entered the police station. It was Wei Qingyu who got him in. Poor Chen Linji, the person who worked so hard to help finally became a white-eyed wolf, kicked him back into the game, and was with the child of the enemy who made her family ruined. 】

In this way, a more lively discussion began, some people were surprised, some people questioned.

It's just that the Chinese beauty ignored all the doubts about the truth of what she said, deliberately leading the speculation of public opinion: [Yes, you heard it right, Ji Xiao's father, Ji Qingyun, was the one who occupied Wei Qingyu's family property in the first place. Man Qing was about to fall into the hands of Ji Qingyun, but Ji Xiao, the love brain, sold her father directly. Unexpectedly, an S-level Alpha could also be a love brain. 】


[These two people killed their father by a love brain, and an ungrateful born broom star. Both parents were killed by her, and she was really worthy of death. Fortunately, Jin Nanfeng didn't like Wei Qingyu, otherwise the Jin family would have to be yelled at by her. 】

Ji Xiao watched this man spread the rumors, and his hand holding the phone became a bit tight.

She also saw the familiar "Jonny Ni Ni Ni" rushing to argue with her, but no matter what Qiao Ni said, this person would deliberately skip it, smearing herself and Wei Qingyu in a vague way.

Especially myself.

In her mouth, she has become a love brain, an unfilial girl, plus a little white face who humiliates all Alpha.

Ji Xiao looked at the Chinese-American population, and could not help but think of a long-lost name——Liu Meina.

During her two years in school, the only enemy under the tree was Liu Meina.

She knew that Liu's company belonged to the Chen faction, and Chen Linji was sentenced to jail. Their Liu's must have seen Wei Qingyu displeased a long time ago.

It’s just that the manuscript that discredited Man Qing was sent out, and it fell to the ground, and there was no sound. The so-called hate house and Wu, Liu Meina, who is not enough to inherit the family’s company, naturally must come up with such a bad breath, by the way, earning money in front of the elders. Make a face.

Students are easily incited due to academic pressure and insensitivity to such things, and there are also many parents in the upper-middle class.

If this can make Wei Qingyu frustrated, Liu Meina can show herself up, and can also avenge Ji Xiao's insult to herself a few years ago, wouldn't it have the best of both worlds?

What's more, with this trick, the two halves touch each other, find a few trumpets to echo the rhythm, the cost is extremely low, and it seems that there is no responsibility.

Liu Meina why not do it.

Just as Ji Xiao watched the situation worsen, Miss Rabbit's head appeared.

[User 190245: I don’t understand why we should use morals to kidnap the law. Is it because Chen Linji, Wei Qingyu’s uncle, helped her, so he was not guilty of illegal imprisonment, deliberate harm, and abetting and killing? If you want to judge right or wrong on the basis of emotion, you are only on Wei Qingyu's side. Have you ever thought that Ji Xiao watched her father burned to death by fire? You stand on the moral high ground to sympathize with a betrayed murderer, magnify his misfortune, and erase his sins. What is the difference between you and a murderer? 】

It was as if another blockbuster had been thrown out of the noisy chaos, and the bewildered person came to his senses.

Questioning the voices, Liu Meina had to come forward to sophis: [Is Chen Linji really pitiful? He tried his best, but was betrayed by Wei Qingyu! Ji Xiao is not a good person either! Shouldn't my original appeal be? ! 】

As if waiting for the Chinese beauty to say this sentence, Miss Rabbit followed up with a long sentence in a minute: [lz, I have checked the ip of these two posts, they are exactly the same, you are very Obviously self-directed and self-acted, the post next door is up to you. You just use this excuse to achieve your purpose of deliberate slander. I advise you to post a public apology now, or we can hold you criminally responsible. You can now constitute a crime of spreading rumors and libel. 】

Liu Meina panicked, but she still stubbornly said: [Who are you scaring, you are human and illegal! 】

Miss Rabbit sneered, "I didn't scare you, this is not human flesh, Liu Meina. 】

Ji Xiao looked at Miss Rabbit's sonorous warning on the screen, and felt that he was offended.

That is to say, this sentence fell, and the post disappeared just like Ji Xiao saw just now.

Realizing that things are not that simple, Ji Xiao opened the long-lost forum app.

As soon as I was in the forum, I saw a post on the top of the forum titled [I solemnly apologize to Miss Ji Xiao and Miss Wei Qingyu].

The post is marked with a red "hot", and the tall building has reached the fourth page.

Ji Xiao clicked to the last page, and it was full of mockery and spurning of Liu Meina. She looked at the top apology letter, and chuckled disdainfully.

People think that low-cost rumors do not need to bear any responsibility, in fact, they have long been hanging the sword of Damocles.

[My previous post by Mina Liu in "I think some of the red cp posts can be deleted?" All the content mentioned in the post is my subjective conjecture, which is not true and has caused a very bad influence. Here I solemnly apologize to Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu, sorry. This is all because I am jealous of Ms. Ji Xiao's remarks, so I circulated maliciously. I am here to apologize to Ms. Ji Xiao again for the untrue remarks made impulsively at that time, and also thank Ms. Wei Qingyu for not pursuing it anymore. Please take it as a warning and don't arbitrarily fabricate other people's false information. 】

Ji Xiao just leaned back in his chair, looking at Liu Meina's apology letter, and suddenly understood Wei Qingyu's fatigue this morning.

At the same time, the words of Miss Rabbit in the post came up in her mind involuntarily.

I don't know if her glands have just recovered and are still a little disordered, she actually read a bit of Wei Qingyu from Miss Rabbit's tone.

He even filled Wei Qingyu's body with the rabbit's brain that smiled ignorantly.

What makes Ji Xiao feel unbelievable is that she actually feels that there is no sense of disobedience.

It seems that Miss Rabbit is just like Wei Qingyu.

This is impossible...

After all, I met Miss Rabbit on the day the sports meeting ended not long after school started.

At that time, the relationship between her and Wei Qingyu shouldn't be enough for her to help herself like this.


Just when Ji Xiao was surprised at his own brain, Qiao Ni’s message came, [Sister Ji Xiao, have you finished reading it? 】

Ji Xiao recovered, and tapped the keyboard neatly, [Hmm. 】

[You don’t know how cool this sentence is! This big guy is so powerful, she always does this, she speaks so clearly and neatly, to the point. Qiao Ni excitedly knocked on the keyboard, leaned on the bed and raised her calf, preaching with a girl’s feelings, [And I don’t know if it’s my illusion, I think she’s more mature now than in the past, just hide it from me Like an overbearing president, don't you remember, she would come out for everything related to you in the past. Had it not been for Sister Qingyu, I would have knocked both of you. 】

Ji Xiao looked at the large piece of text that Qiao Ni had sent to him, and his golden orange eyes sank slightly.

As if something left in the corner by her reappeared in her mind, something Wei Qingyu said to him a long time ago rang.

"You said at the time that you don't need to help you post our CP posts. Is it because you also want to pair me with Jin Nanfeng?"

Ji Xiao's ears were flicked by the slinky voice. At the time, he only thought it was a jealous sentence, but now that I think about it, I feel something is wrong.

——She didn't say anything to Wei Qingyu about anything like a post, she only said to Miss Rabbit euphemistically when she was on the horns!

Could it be that Miss Rabbit is really Wei Qingyu?

An unbelievable emotion surrounded Ji Xiao's heart with a lot of excitement.

She had never thought that the person who gave her a sense of belonging for the first time in this strange world was actually Wei Qingyu.

——At that time, she thought she was trying to kill her own people all the time.

Ji Xiao remembered that during the dark period of high school, Miss Rabbit, who was fighting alone in the forum, couldn't help but moisten her eyes.

It turns out that her paranoia and stubbornness have never arisen from the beginning, but from the beginning, always facing herself from the beginning, even if she sullenly rejected her...

As the sunset faded, Wei Qingyu's red Porsche 911 stopped at the door on time.

The wooden stairs made an ancient faint creak, and Wei Qingyu searched for Aunt Wu's reminder and went straight back to her and Ji Xiao's bedroom.

It's just that she opened the door and didn't see Ji Xiao.

Wei Qingyu was a little puzzled, as he unbuttoned his coat and walked toward the bedroom.

But she didn't want to be hugged tightly from behind when she was about to walk into the bedroom through the hallway through the door.

The smell of peach brandy caught her full.

"Got you."


The girl's voice contained a bit of deep magnetism, and it struck Wei Qingyu's ears, causing a shudder.

The author has something to say: Today is not only on time! And super fat! Pinch the waist OvO