Chapter 17: Sniper

Name:Bamboo Forest Manager Author:
Chapter 17: Sniper


Choi Yiseo let out a sigh, her expression complex. She clearly came to work out, but she couldnt understand why she was sitting in a cushy PC caf chair instead.

She had originally planned to go to a restaurant that made various dishes with chicken breast, recommended by her PT, after finishing her workout.

But whats actually in front of her now is a keyboard, a mouse, and high-calorie PC caf foods spread out in front of the monitor.

What are you going to eat?

Uh, yes, I

Watching Kim Woojin choosing from the menu with Seo Yerin beside him, Choi Yiseo impulsively slapped the chair with her palm in irritation.

Why? I said I was sorry, thats why Im buying food.

This is a PC caf?

These days, PC cafs have variety on the menu, so dont underestimate the caf.

Seeing him speak so confidently left her speechless and shocked. She was sure she would leave the PC caf the moment she found him, but, like being sucked into some swamp, she found herself being drawn in and sitting down with the two.

Haa, it really is so diverse here.

She never imagined that there would be dishes like eel over rice and sushi. But Choi Yiseo, who preferred to eat such things at a proper restaurant, wasnt interested in them.

Just order me a coffee.

Thats all? Im offering to buy. So eat more.


Kim Woojin was the one paying, but she didnt feel like eating anything at the PC caf.

This was the first time Choi Yiseo had ever settled down in a PC caf, so she felt a little uneasy.

The only games she had played were board games with kids or card games like poker.

She had tried a few puzzle games on her phone but inherently, Choi Yiseo wasnt much of a gamer.


Kim Woojin, who had to calculate, filled his cup with Americano and then added a couple more dishes.

We can order with the computer.

Thinking this was a new invention, Choi Yiseo was surprised when Kim Woojin and Seo Yerin finished ordering the food and immediately began to play a game.

After all, since they had canceled their plans, the two decided to enjoy as much as they could.

While enjoying the game without headsets since Choi Yiseo was there, the food arrived.

He ordered so much.

Jajang ramen, kimchi cheese fried rice, dumplings, hot bars, Americano, and even miso soup.

It seemed like a well-rounded selection.

For reference, Seo Yerin ordered bibim noodles topped with pork belly, fried-rice cakes, and coffee.

There- theres no room to put it.

Choi Yiseo took Kim Woojins food, but there was nowhere to set it down.

Grumbling for no reason, Kim Woojin glanced at Choi Yiseos seat and then gestured with his chin.

Take some for yourself.

Sighing, Choi Yiseo eventually arranged the food on her seat like a spread.

The quality is really good.

Starting with jajang ramen, topped with a fried egg, the savory smell stimulated the appetite.

While he was sipping the iced Americano, which was left unattended. Kim Woojin quickly reached out and only took the fried rice, hot bar, and miso soup.

Yah, Im busy, so you can have the rest.


What kind of nonsensical talk is that?

If you dont eat it now, it will not taste bad. The combination with dumplings is good, so try eating it like that.

Choi Yiseo pouted, but he was already focusing back on the game.

Honestly, the rich aroma of the jajang ramen did arouse her appetite. She saw others around ordering Jajang ramen as well.

Was I tricked?

Did they deliberately order a lot with the intention to feed her?

Feeling cared for in an odd manner, Choi Yiseo was about to eat the jajang ramen, and look at something on the computer, but.

She just turned her chair to the side and decided to watch Kim Woojin play.


It is tasty.

A bit too tasty.

The part-timer at this place must surely be a master at ramen making.

It has been a really long time since she had jajang ramen. The sunny-side-up egg was perfectly cooked to a soft state, making it even nicer.

Moreover, eating it with dumplings as Kim Woojin said, it was truly the best of the best.

Jajang ramen was like a tiger that had been given wings in the form dumplings.

This place is a gem.

Thinking so, Choi Yiseo continued to watch Kim Woojin play, making Hororor sounds.

She couldnt understand what was going on, but she could tell that Kim Woojin wasnt doing well. Because the screen continued to turn gray.

Why are you dying this often?

As she asked while putting dumplings in her mouth, Kim Woojin sighed and answered.

Because I am fighting 4 against 5.

Why are you fighting 4 against 5?

At that, Kim Woojin brought his face closer to Choi Yiseo, as if he had something to say. It seemed odd, but he whispered so that Seo yerin sitting next to them couldnt hear.

Theres a huge troublemaker on the team.

If it were the military, they would be lined up in front of the firing squad.


Instead of answering, Choi Yiseo continued to slurp the noodles causing Kim Woojin to glance at her.

Gulping his saliva, he said with a smile.

One bite

Its all finished.

I was, of course, among the former.

Today, after waking up in the afternoon and lazing around, I checked the anonymous forum.

-Anonymous11: Honestly, isnt the water of Gahyeon Uni just filthy right now?

-Anonymous168: I will leave you with a verse of poetry for today. The autumn sky

-Anonymous69: I wanna have sex so bad.

-Anonymous111: Attention everyone, there is a joint broadcast at 9 p.m. tonight! Please look for broadcaster Popo!

-Anonymous92: Who is the crazy person who didnt flush the third stall in the mens bathroom on the second floor of the library? Do you do this at home too? Doesnt you mother smack you on the back for it?

So peaceful.

Of course, the anonymous forum tends to quiet down on weekends. After all, students get busy with their personal time.

I have nothing to do.

There is nothing to do.

Since I played with Seo Yerin for nearly four hours yesterday, I dont want to play games for a while now.

Seo Yerin mumbled that she wouldnt have to play for a week too.

Neither Seo Yerin nor I played games too much.

Ah, Im so bored.

I dont want to play, and I want to study even less. I would consider going to watch a movie but theres nothing good to watch.

Just lying down during such a lethargic time.

At moments like this, I think I could die unnoticed.


The phone vibrated.

Bored, I checked my phone and what was written there was:

-Anonymous287: A man worse than a beast. Targeting a fellow English literature student who used to date Oh Yoon-ji, who is currently on a leave of absence.

An unexpected sniping post. And one targeting me.


It seemed like the high school friends of Oh Yoon-ji which Choi Yiseo spoke about had begun the snipe.

And Ahn Hyeon-ho is involved?

If it is Anonymous287, then it has to be him.

Well, whatever.

As soon as it hit 1 view, I immediately deleted the post.

Woah, they wrote so much.

Even after scrolling down the phone screen several times, there was no end.

I skipped reading it because it was bothersome, but they must have noticed it was deleted by me and uploaded it again right away.

-Anonymous287: A man worse than a beast. Targeting a fellow English literature student who used to date Oh Yoon-ji, who is currently on a leave of absence.

Delete again.

-Anonymous287: A man worse than a beast. Targeting a fellow English literature student who used to date Oh Yoon-ji, who is currently on a leave of absence.

Deleted again.

After repeating this three times, a direct inquiry came in.

-Anonymous287: Why are you deleting the posts? Can you be so reckless just because you are the admin?

Admin: I told everyone not to write targeted posts about the English Literature Department on Friday, and yet you target them right on Sunday? Does the English dept only have such people?

-Anonymous287: There is a victim here. The perpetrator is shamelessly walking around the uni. Does this make sense?

-Admin: From my point of view, you are the perpetrator, dont dirty the board and stop spamming.

-Anonymous287: Are you kidding me? A girl got raped! You crazy bastard! Should this be brought to public attention? Arent you also a student of the Uni? Do you like going to uni with a sex offender?

-Admin: Gasp.

-Admin: Post it again.

After saying that, I immediately deleted the reposted message.

-Anonymous287: You told me to post it. Then why did you delete it again?

-Admin: Report that to the police lol.

What a mess.

Making someone out to be a sex offender.

Me, who took a week just to hold hands and was asked by Oh Yoon-ji, if I was impotent.

-Anonymous287: If you report it to the police, wont the case blow up? Do you want to smear the reputation of your uni?

-Admin: Looking at who admitted, it seems like they hit a jackpot.

-Anonymous287: You bastard.

-Admin: Are you Batman by any chance? Why are you trying to catch a criminal?

-Anonymous287: Stop bullshitting and dont delete the post.

-Admin: Hmm, should I?

-Anonymous287: You son of a bitch, are you even human? A kid is dying, and you call yourself an admin, youre just a psychopath arent you?

-Admin: Gasp.

-Anonymous287: Answer me properly. Dont delete the post.

-Admin: Sigh.

-Admin: Are you sure? Is he a sex offender?

-Anonymous287: Yes

-Admin: Alright, I wont delete the post again.

As soon as I said it, the post was uploaded and then deleted too.

-Anonymous287: You bastard!

-Admin: Lolololololol so much fun lololololol

-Anonymous287: Where do you live? I am coming for you you bastard!

-Admin: Lolololol. So scary! Repost it again.

-Anonymous287: Youre just going to delete it again, nonsense!

-Admin: I really wont.

Well, what else could the guy do? He reposted it.

-Admin: Fucking lololololol

-Anonymous287: You fuck!

With a broad smile I repeated the process of deleting.