Chapter 21: Confession

Name:Bamboo Forest Manager Author:
Chapter 21: Confession

Monday was packed with lectures starting from 10 a.m..

It felt like retribution for having created a free Friday on the second semester of the first year to relax.

Ugh, Im so tired.

Perhaps it was a small consolation that I managed to keep my lunchtime at 1 p.m..

When the lecture ended at 1 p.m. and I stepped out, Choi Yiseo was waiting outside the classroom.

She was standing and leaning against the wall, looking at her phone, wearing the department jacket which she must have left in the schools locker.

Why are you standing around here?

We agreed to have lunch together, but she didnt have to wait like this. She could have waited in an empty room or gone to a caf to have some coffee.

I wondered why she bothered to stand around, making her legs more tired.

We might run into the other guys here and if they ask to join us for a meal, well have to do that too since its awkward to refuse.

Do insiders worry about that kind of thing?

I found it strange that I was worrying about something Ive never cared about before in my life.

Is there really someone who lives like that? Waiting in the hallway because someone might ask them to have a meal together.

So, I get to choose what we eat for lunch right?


As mentioned on the bus earlier, because of what happened in bed this morning, we decided that she would choose todays lunch menu.

I thought we would end up eating something like a salad again anyway.

But surprisingly,

A pork cutlet restaurant?

Choi Yiseo had brought me to a pork cutlet restaurant, which I was very happy with since I had been oddly craving fried food today.

Are you serious? Theres no need to be considerate for no reason. I thought you were going to pay the price for being so stiff in bed.

Ugh! You, d-dont say that.

Choi Yiseo, perhaps embarrassed, her face slightly reddened as she lightly hit my shoulder again.

I wondered if I was getting used to the punching but well, since it wasnt that painful, I decided to think of it as a form of friendly physical contact.

Im going to eat heartily. I have to go and clearly inform Minji today.


So you should eat well too. We cant afford to be pushed back.

So that was the reason.

I always eat heartily.

I am not one to be pushed around either.

Hearing my words, Choi Yiseo seemed a tad relieved as we entered the pork cutlet restaurant together.

Since I didnt have anything for breakfast, I ordered something called the jumbo pork cutlet which looked bizarrely large and she ordered a cheese pork cutlet.

The fried chicken here is delicious.

As I closed the menu, saying it was an excellent choice, Choi Yiseo looked around.

Was she worried about someone being here?

Dont worry, its 1 p.m. so its past lunch time.

Uh? Ah

Was that not what she was worried about?

Fidgeting, Choi Yiseo kept looking around and then whispered to me so only I could hear.

Um, did I do anything weird while I was asleep?



Is it because of the movement?

Im anxious, what movement?

You were really sprawled out on the bed.

Stop making it sound so weird!

No, if you are sprawled out, you are sprawled out.

Though it was a crude way to say it, it was true.

It was fascinating, how one could sleep so sprawled out without a single sign of disarray.

She didnt come near me and slept so straight that I thought she could be a soldier.

Ugh, fine, since you keep teasing me with that I wondered if I did something wrong in my sleep?


You rode the school bus together this morning, I ride that every day but I have never seen you two in it till today.

At those words, Seo Yerin flinched noticeably.

Its not like that.

Choi Yiseo smiled awkwardly.

He didnt want things to get awkward between the representative and vice, so it was clear he was speaking with as much restraint as possible.

This is a mess.

Ahn Hyeon-ho wasnt just recklessly confessing, he wanted to check if Choi Yiseo had any feelings for him, which is why he was doing this.

Even if she didnt have any feelings for him, Ahn Hyeon-ho didnt seem like he would give up on Choi Yiseo.

It would be easier if he just said it out loud.

Feeling frustrated, Kim Woojin scratched his chin and sighed.

He understood this.

Being first years and having to be together in various events in the future, Choi Yiseo probably didnt want to make things uncomfortable with him.

Although Kim Woojin knew that Anonymous287 is Choi Yiseo, if things continued to be glossed over vaguely like this, Ahn Hyeon-hos vigilance to Kim Woojin would likely persist.


Kim Woojin, having momentarily arrived at a rather satisfactory answer and nonchalantly said,

I confessed and got rejected.


Choi Yiseos eyes widened as she turned to him and Ahn Hyeon-hos gaze shifted to him also.

This was an unexpected bombshell.

Kim Woojin with his arms crossed, glanced at Ahn Hyeon-ho and Choi Yiseo.

She said she had no plans to date anyone. She has to get the scholarship and as the class rep, she doesnt have the time to date with school events happening.

I asked what could be so busy about it, but with the recent sniper thing and being the class president, she must be quite busy for sure.

Everyone was in shock, unable to properly speak. They hadnt expected such a revelation to come from Kim Woojin.

Thanks to that, Kim Woojin was able to continue speaking.

Even if you say there is no such thing as absolute. Well, you have to be a sophomore to even consider that direction, freshmen arent supposed to be interested in dating.


Im not the only one, there are already three more who confessed and got rejected.

Kim Woojin firmly closed his mouth as if he had finished speaking.


Ahn Hyeon-ho seemed like he was at a loss for words and awkwardly moving his mouth before finally trudging back to where his friends were.

Lastly, Seo Yerin, who had been quiet until now, glared at Kim Woojin for some reason before she too left for her friends.


After the two had left,

Kim Woojin mumbled to himself with a victorious smile, facing Choi Yiseo who was staring at him with her mouth agape.

I should have been an actor.


Choi Yiseo looked as if it was absurd and at a loss of words, and tried to say something but found herself speechless.

Thanks to this, Ahn Hyeon-hos attempts to flirt with her would significantly lessen and he wont be jealous of Kim Woojin anymore, who has already been rejected.

Woojins public rejection is insane. He defeated a living confession with a dead one.

Haa, Im speechless.

Choi Yiseo could only let out a hollow laugh now. How can he talk about this so nonchalantly?

Even if it was fake, the audacity and mental strength to openly talk about being rejected in front of others had to be acknowledged.

Kim Woojin would surely brush it off as nothing whether she felt sorry or grateful.

Because it was both impressive and something to be thankful for.

Choi Yiseo decided to play it off lightly as well.

But it isnt three people who confessed, but four,

Choi Yiseo said with a smile.

Kim Woojin looked at her with the most surprised expression and mumbled,

Choi Yiseos form is crazy.