Chapter 25: Backstory

Name:Bamboo Forest Manager Author:
Chapter 25: Backstory


After attending a 9 a.m. lecture on Tuesday, Choi Yiseo spent time at a cafe with Seo Yerin after having lunch with Kim Woojin.

It feels like it was the same last week.

Although it was the same daily routine, Choi Yiseo felt that their relationship had strangely become closer in just a week.

Do you only drink iced Americano, Yiseo?

Ah, its because of my diet. Ive been eating a lot of fattening food recently.

You dont look like you need to lose weight.

Seo Yerin complimented her with a smile.

Usually, when receiving such compliments, people often show jealousy or say it insincerely, but Seo Yerins tone was sincere.

And so, Choi Yiseo quite liked spending time with Seo Yerin.

The impression was that she was inherently kind, and her actions proved it.

How about exercise? Does the instructor teach you well?

Yeah! It was really nice! I felt like I was getting healthier.

Since youre a PT member, you can use the gym anytime, so try to go whenever you have a chance. Or shall we go together later?

Really? That sounds great! Theres some exercise equipment I wanted to try, but I couldnt ask because the instructor was busy with other members PT!

Having fitness in common naturally led the conversation to flow.

They were exchanging this and that, saying they could even go tomorrow.

So, Ive been jogging with Kim Woojin.

With Woojin? Ah, right, you mentioned exercising together at the PC caf.

Coincidentally, as the conversation turned to Kim Woojin, an awkward silence fell between them.

Whats this? It feels awkward.

Why is this happening?

However, both of them didnt quite understand why they suddenly fell silent.

Choi Yiseo was about to awkwardly change the subject, but unexpectedly, Seo Yerin took a direct approach.

I wonder what promise Woojin has?

Its strange since he doesnt seem to have any friends.

Both of them shut their mouths again, disliking the situation for some odd, uncomfortable reason.


They just drank their coffee.

Taking a taxi from the main gate of Gahyeon University, it only takes 20 minutes to reach another school called Chungsim University.

Although smaller in size and with lower entrance difficulty than Gahyeon University, Chungsim University was known to have a few departments that were considered better.

A guy attending Chungsim University.New novel chapters are published on

His name is Choi Seo-jun.

With a tall and handsome appearance, a sense of style in his clothing, and sharp wits, he was the type to be loved by many.

Ah, dont lie!

Im telling the truth?!

Walking with his girlfriend, he openly boasts about their relationship, but his phone is filled with chat records with other women.

Even though he enjoyed a night with another woman just yesterday, the way he smiles at his girlfriend indicated hes an expert in this field.

What are we going to do?

Faced with his girlfriends question, Choi Seo-jun ponders for a moment before breaking into a grin.

Shall we go to my place?


At Choi Seo-juns blatant suggestion, his girlfriend tried hard to suppress a forming smile.

It was both cute and pleasing that her boyfriend was already making advances, just after lunchtime had passed.

After all, having a boyfriend so famous that even other schools know his name, and he wants her, felt good.

Lets stop by the convenience store for some snacks to eat while we watch a movie on Netflix.

Not disliking the idea, she subtly agreed while providing a different reason. The reason for going to the convenience store wasnt for food, but to buy contraceptives.

Lets hurry.

Choi Seo-jun, feeling good about the agreement, placed his hand on her shoulder. Urging her to move quickly, he says.


A guy stands at the main gate of Chungsim University.

His appearance isnt bad, but it seems he doesnt care much about dressing up, which significantly dulled his looks.

Just casually wearing a black sweatshirt, jeans, and Converse. It was the epitome of a college student who doesnt care about clothes, just throwing on whatever.

Initially, Choi Seo-jun didnt realize the man was calling him and was about to pass by.

Hwang, Ha-yun.

The moment he hears the name, Choi Seo-jun stops in his tracks and looks at him.

Whats wrong?

His girlfriend looks at Choi Seo-jun in confusion, but there was no time to answer.

The man continued to spill out names he knew.

Choi Ji-an, Jong Ga-eun, Shin Seo-u.

And then.

Jong Minji.

The man, locking eyes with Choi Seo-jun, walked towards him with steady steps. His eyes harbored a cold sneer and an even colder anger.

Youve met quite a lot in two years, huh? Ruined quite a few lives too.

Excuse me! Who are you to say this!?

His girlfriend snapped at the man in anger, but the man only responded with a scoff.

Ask him who those five people I just mentioned are.


Who are you?

Choi Seo-jun stepped forward with a lowered voice, looking ready to explode into violence, his veins bulging impressively.


Instead of being intimidated, the man smirked, finding his demeanor rather trivial.

Is it properly broken? Thats the SIM card, right?

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

After smashing all five cell phones, my arm started to hurt. I thought to myself that I definitely needed to exercise more.

Ouch, my arm.

The thug politely takes the hammer when I offer it.

Sitting back down, I sighed while looking at the men who are still trembling.

So, I said Id let two of you go, right? Who is it?

Me! Its me!

Me too!

I was faster!

Ah, its okay, no need to compete.

I shouldnt be doing this.

It was a lie.

Seeing their faces filled with despair, its hard to suppress my laughter. It felt like watching some kind of drama.

I know all the trashy things youve done. Normally, you should be judged by the law, but many of the victims said they just want to forget and dont need that.

After all, to prove the crime, the victims needed to appear.

Bringing up trauma requires extraordinary courage, and I respect that as well.

Well, I dont really want to drag you to court after convincing the victims but just letting it go feels pretty shitty, doesnt it?

Wait a moment!

It was a mistake on our part!

Thats right! It was because Choi Seo-jun persuaded us!

I had no intention of listening to their pointless excuses.

I was not on the side of justice either.

I wasnt a complete villain either.

Just an ordinary person.

Even if I said that personal revenge was legally prohibited, when I saw the unfortunate stories and the incomprehensibly lenient punishments, I would mutter that personal revenge seemed justified.

That was the extent of my moral compass.

Tell the hospital that you guys got into a fight and ended up like this. Got it?


Its fine to report to the police. Lets see who ends up worse off.

Sorry, but

I, have a lot of money.

Saying so, I patted the thugs on the shoulder and stepped outside.

Ill make sure youre dependent on the hospital for at least two months. If you mess around, youve got to pay the price.


Take care!

Thank you for settling this!


As I stepped outside and closed the door.

The desperate screams of the men could be heard from inside.


Of course, it wasnt just because they agreed that they followed me like this.

Being able to know the victims information as just a college student was actually a time-consuming task.

It was something I couldnt do alone.

When I casually checked my phone, there was a stiff message waiting.

-Big Brother: Since I helped you this time, for a while

Just as I was about to ignore it and close my phone.


A call came in.

I thought it was my brother, but the caller ID showed English Literature Department Choi Yiseo.


As I answered, Choi Yiseo cautiously asked.

-What are you doing? Are you still meeting the person you promised?

-Woojin, I got promoted to Bronze 3!

Seo Yerins voice overlapped with hers.

I moved away so as not to hear the screams bursting from behind the door and answered.

I just parted ways. Im about to head to school now.

-Really? Do you know what time it is now?


Come to think of it, what time is it now?

As I took the phone away from my ear to check the time, it was still 3 oclock. That meant there were still two hours left until the next lecture.

3 oclock.

-I had a meal, met someone I promised to meet, and we parted ways, but there are still two hours left until the lecture.

Whats this.

Is she teasing me?

Then, lets go to a PC caf together

I was about to suggest going to a PC caf together.

-Our lecture has ended, good job.

-Im going home!

-Iron Woojins form is insane.

-Like hes been shot.

-Isnt being free for five hours like having a hole in your chest, not just being dead?

-Kim Woojin, cut!


The call was disconnected just like that.