Chapter 29: Script

Name:Bamboo Forest Manager Author:
Chapter 29: Script

-Anonymous69: Should we give it a try?

It wasnt like I didnt know what was being suggested; I wasnt that clueless.

I wasnt sure why Seo Yerin was suddenly being this proactive, but the response was already determined.

-Admin: Youre a guy.

Since Anonymous69 is known to me as a male, its only natural to address her as one here.

-Admin: I dont do it with guys.

There was silence for a while after I responded like that. I began to feel a little nervous again wondering what she was up to.

-Admin: Even if you really want to, doing it with a guy is really not okay.

-Admin: I am no silver-haired frail beauty.

While waiting for some kind of response.

-Anonymous69: To think you were seriously expecting something lol.


I was relieved to hear the usual response coming back.

What happened though?

It wasnt in her nature to suddenly bring such topics up, maybe she was feeling jealous that a friends got a boyfriend or something.

Or maybe she found out that Im the Admin.

I wondered.

But then I thought if shed realized it, she wouldnt be sending me such messages.

Even though weve gotten close, we werent this close.

-Anonymous69: Do you have a girlfriend, Admin?

-Admin: Yes, I do.

Of course, I dont.

But I thought to steer the conversation in a different direction as she might suspect me.

-Admin: I told you I slept with a woman last time.

-Anonymous69: It could have been a sex friend.


The kid who turned their head away and blushed at the mention of an indirect kiss? Where did she learn all this stuff?

-Admin: No, its not like that.

-Anonymous69: So, did you have sex before or after you began dating?

Ah seriously.

I have no idea who it is, but I want to go and punch the person who put such weird ideas into Seo Yerins head.

-Admin: Excuse me.

-Anonymous69: Yes?

-Admin: Did you watch some porn?

-Anonymous69: .

-Admin: Ive heard there are such people, but it isnt my style. I started dating my girlfriend first.

-Anonymous69: Aha?

-Admin: I dont know if you watched porn with that content or heard that from around you, but you need to live by your principles. Dont try to follow others just because they live that way.


After that response, there was no need for me to send anything more, so I didnt.

There were so many people around Seo Yerin and most of them are trying to hit on her or something.

It seemed important to live according to ones own principles.

I understand that relieving stress as Anonymous69 is one thing, but ultimately you need to fix being swayed in reality too, right?

Well, thats me being too noisy.

Thats for them to figure out on their own. For me, its enough that my role as Admin wasnt discovered.

Do you know the least desirable time to play a game?

When youve been utterly defeated in the previous game?

When youve been mocked by the opponent?

It is precisely when a teammate who played poorly starts cursing us.

Thats when I least want to play.

This is exactly such a situation.nove(l)bi(n.)com

After finishing Thursdays lecture, I went to the PC caf to quietly enjoy some games on my own, but I turned off the game after being messed with from the first match.

But since it felt like a waste to just sit there with limited time in the PC caf, I was thinking of what to do.

-Captain Ju: Woojin, busy right now?

Senior Min Ju-hee had sent a message.

-Kim Woojin: No, Im not busy. I finished the lecture and am at a PC caf.

-Captain Ju: Really? Zero PC caf in front of the uni?

-Kim Woojin: Yes, right there.

-Captain Ju: Stay there, Ill come over. You didnt have dinner yet, right?

Whats this now?

Is she suddenly offering to buy me dinner?

-Captain Ju: Ive got a few scenarios sent in from the guys? Lets take a look at them. Since youre editing, it would be good for you to see.

-Kim Woojin: Ahhh.

-Captain Ju: And last time, I said lets have dinner but we ended up in a bar, because of the guys. Ill buy you what I couldnt last time.


So thats what this was?

It seems like she was using editing as an excuse, but actually felt bad for not holding up her end of the deal last time.

My response was blunt, not the best response, and Yu Arin shook her head.

I dont play games. I came here because Jeong Chan-woo said hell give me free PC caf food and time because I was bored.

Ahh. Im screwed.

Its clear that shell continue bothering me if she is seated next to me.

Thinking that I should change seats, I tried to get up but she grabbed my clothes and made me sit back down.

Youre Yerins friend right? Doesnt that make me your friend too?

Uh, nope.

You seemed fun, but youre a lot less entertaining than I thought.

You looked rude, but you are even more horrible than I expected.

We glared at each other, neither of us backing down. Yu Arin didnt seem like it, but she appeared to have quite a unique personality.

So, what are you doing?

Seeing the Korean writing window open on my computer screen, she looked puzzled.


Feeling like she would pester me till the end, I briefly explained.

What? What?!

For some reason, her eyes trembled as she shrugged, looking excited.

Woah! Youre writing a script? That sounds so fun. A 40-minute short film shooting, right? Woah! I should have taken that class too!

I really love movies, you know? I like coming up with stuff like scripts too. Just wait, Ill come up with something totally amazing.

No. I dont need any help

Yu Arin pushed my chair away and leaned forward, starting to look for various things.

I wondered why she didnt use her own computer.

Just then Jeong Chan-woo came in with the ramen he made her and there was one for me too.

On the house.

Ah, yes, thank you.

Yu Arin continued to tap away at the computer without even noticing that Jeong Chan-woo had arrived.

Jeong Chan-woo glanced over for a moment and soon went back to his spot.

Something feels off.

I felt a bit uneasy about being caught up in their strange relationship.

Even if its horror, the content is what matters most. Its a short film project right? Then it needs a sad ending.


What is she saying?

Yu Arin leaned back in the chair with legs crossed in response to my answer.

She had the air of a detective explaining a mystery.

Its a short film right? That means it has a short runtime. So dont focus too much on the surrounding characters and make sure to focus the audiences attention on the protagonist only.

I get that, but why the sad ending?

Ah, be quiet now, Im explaining.

Well, there wont be sequels for it, and its not like well charge people to watch it. Its about making the audience immerse into the character with a hint of afterthought and taste.

Because this is a project. Even if its sad, itll end up leaving an impression. It means to touch their emotions, and if that happens, youll get good grades for sure.

Because its a project.

A lasting impression is what matters.

Not a sad ending which stays back, but a refreshing sad ending. A sense of regret, and the feeling that it was bound to happen.


Yu Arin smiled boldly.

At that moment, the emotion of sadness is mistaken for being touched.


Then it leaves a deep impression on the professor too.

I almost clapped for her.

As if it felt like it made sense.

Just trust this noona. Ill make sure your script gets selected and


she began to tap on the keyboard with a mischievous smile.

All those who are acting and thinking about skipping the group project will end up shutting their mouths.

Seeing that, I was taken aback and picked up the ramen that came in.

I thought this when you sent me a message the last time too.


You have a pretty nasty personality.

It was hard to describe her actions, watching group members skip out on the project and disliking it, as anything other than bad personality.

She glared at me for what I said.

Dont eat the ramen. Its a service from my friend, so dont eat it.



Chan-woo! Add one ramen to number 21!


How tasty!