The monster-infested mountain range was an area where a few mountains were linked, but at around the center of it was a particularly large ridge. Its elevation was most likely over 3,000 meters above sea level.

And despite it being summer already, there were still piles of snow everywhere. The snow probably stayed like this all year round and never really melts.

I actually had to increase the park’s flying altitude in order to get over the wall-like ridge.

“I expected it, but it really is cold at this height.”

Selen remarked so while she was exhaling white breath and rubbing her arms.

“Luke-sama, if you feel cold, feel free to bury yourself in my bosom.”

“Ahm, thanks for the offer, Millia, but I’ll decline. I mean, this is a body double in the first place.”

Body doubles did not feel pain.

Naturally, they also didn’t get hot and cold. So, even if a body double were to be frozen in ice, they wouldn’t be bothered by it in the slightest.

At any rate, after we passed that ridge in the center, I lowered our altitude.

And before long, we could see the ground on the other side of the ridge.

While looking like he was nostalgic at the sight of his homeland, Gai-san put his hands together.

“When the boat left the port, I thought I would never again return to this side, to never again return to my homeland…this must also be a providence of Buddha.”

He said such an impressive line, but wasn’t his lust the reason he left to begin with?

The place we were going first was Edou, otherwise known as the nation of the samurai. This nation was Akane-san’s homeland. Apparently, people known as samurai were the ruling class here.

A samurai was something like a soldier or knight. And since Edou was a land ruled by such people, it was fair to say that it was a rather militaristic land. I also heard that instead of a king, their ruler was called a shogun. In line with that, rather than call it the kingdom of Edou, it was more apt to call it the Shogunate of Edou.

Hmm…somehow, I get the feeling like I’ve heard something like this before…

“You might have gotten the impression that it’s a warmongering land, but it’s quite a peaceful place at the moment.”

“Peaceful, really? Don’t they often commit seppuku though?”

“That is an ancient custom. You won’t find many who adhere to that nowadays.”

Supposedly, Akane-san was really, really peculiar.

“Hmm, I’ve been seeing that green thing spread like a carpet here and there for a while now.”

“Those are paddy fields.”

“Paddy fields?”

Upon hearing a word she wasn’t familiar with, Selen tilted her head.

“That’s where they grow rice, the staple food around here. In the west, they’re called ‘rice’**”

“Ehh, ‘rice’, huh? And this is how they’re grown, huh?”

The rice found in our village were more or less brought to us by the merchants.

But since it wasn’t exactly a popular ingredient in the western countries, there weren’t that much of it that could be found. If we were able to come to a point where we could reliably import it, we would likely be able to make more kinds of food in the village.

Before long, we drew near near one of Edou’s major cities. Naturally, it was impossible for us to land flying park anywhere in the city. So instead, while the park was still up in the sky, I teleported us in its downtown area.

“So this is Edou…”

“The houses here give off such a mysterious atmosphere.”

Just like Millia said, the wooden houses in this land were quite unlike anything we’ve seen before. For some reason though, it all felt nostalgic to me. Perhaps it was due to the memories of my previous life.

Maybe the houses there were kind of like this?

“I wonder what those things on top of the roof are…”

When Hazena-san asked so, Gai-san answered a moment later.

“Those are roof tiles. Clay are baked to make them harder when they cool. Like that, they can last for a great number of years, protecting the houses from rainfall. It’s also effective in preventing the houses from catching fire.”

“Ohh. Then, what about those mask-like things attached on the edge there?”

“Those are decorations installed to ward off evil and misfortune. They’re called onigawara.”

At that moment…

“Suspicious people! You will be punished here and now!”

When I heard that roar and turned around, I saw a young man holding a sword, rather, a katana.

“Ah, no, we aren’t suspicious at all, I swear…”

“Lies! I saw it with my very own eyes! The strange sorcery you used to appear out of nowhere!”

Apparently, he saw us as soon as we teleported. I thought there was no one here when I chose this place though…

TL note: apparently, the eastern lands refer to the rice grains as “kome (米)” while the western side called it “rice”. I don’t want to call it kome and rice separately.