“Of the three major nations of the east, Kyou is the oldest. Their rulers are called the Divine Emperor. Once upon a time, the whole of this eastern land was under their rule too.”

While we were headed for the nation of Kyou, Gai-san explained so.

“The Divine Emperor is also the head of Shintoism. That is why Kyou is known as the nation of faith…however, to complicate matters, the teachings of Buddha have spread throughout the land in modern times, and even the Divine Emperor has become a devout follower.”

“Huh? The head of the nation’s religion is a believer of another religion? Is that alright?”

The one to ask that was Hazena-san. To which, Gai-san nodded solemnly.

“Mhm, yes. In fact, the teachings of Shinto and of Buddha are so deeply connected that they are nothing but 2 sides of the same coin…or so it is said.”

That felt a bit contrived, but, oh well…

“After abdicating from being the Divine Emperor, quite a few of them enter monkhood. Kyou is surrounded by mountains, and in those mountains monks throw themselves into rigorous and harsh training. The Hozo-ji temple, which I used to be part of, was also in such a mountain…I was expelled though because I repeatedly descended the mountain to fool around with women…”

While Gai-san was talking like that, the capital of Kyou came into view.

Soon enough, Selen shouted something.

“The city’s like a grid!”

“In ancient times, when this place became the capital in place of Narura, people back then decided to build this place like this.”

In the center of the capital city, the imperial palace where the Divine Emperor resided could be found.

Even from far away, I could tell how large it was.

While the park was still floating in the sky of the capital, I asked where we should teleport inside the city.

“Any suggestions on where we should teleport?”

“Perhaps in that estate.”

“That one? Alright.”

Following Gai-san’s suggestion, I teleported us in an estate that was quite near the imperial palace.

It wasn’t as large as Masamine-san’s estate, but it was still fairly large. With the mossy ground and the elegantly placed rocks, there was a peculiar atmosphere in the place.

“Hmm, how nostalgic……”

“This is someone’s garden, isn’t it? Is it alright for us to enter without permission? This place also looks kind of high-class……”

When Alec-san asked so, Gai-san answered matter-of-factly.

“No need to worry. This is my home.”


All of us were surprised.

“You were from a well-off family!?”

Hazena-san shouted so.

“Yes. Despite what I look like, I am born into a noble household.”

“A noble? But you still left and became a monk?”

“It is not that unusual. Especially considering that I was the youngest of 6 siblings. If anything, entering monkhood was rather common in this nation for people who had low chances of inheriting their household.”

While we were talking like that, a man who looked like a guard dashed toward us, screaming.

“Who are you!? And where did you people come from!?”

Gai-san answered the man as he pointed his polearm against us.

“I am Myougai. How is father?”

“Myougai…? You mean, that Myougai-sama?”

Apparently, Gai-san’s true name was Myougai…

“Yes. I’m back for the first time in a decade.”

“P-please wait a minute…!”

The man shouted so and dashed off.

After a while, he came back along with several people arrived.


Among those people, a white-haired old man sprinted toward us.

He looked to be over 70 years old, but he still had a pretty good physique and overall looked energetic.





It was an emotional reunion between parent and child…or so I thought…

“Where have you been all these years, you stupid child! Oraaaaa!”

The old man took a great leap forward and planted the sole of his foot onto Gai-san’s face.


Gai-san was blown away, crashed, and writhed in pain on the ground.

On the other hand, the old man landed easily and then grabbed a polearm from a nearby guard.

“I’ll personally send you to the afterlife!!!”

Oh no! Is Gai-san going to be killed!?

TL note: Narura>>>Nara