C11 – This Is the Era of Competing Which Father’s Better

Tang Yue was led to a small courtyard, and when he learned it belonged to him entirely, he felt a sense of superiority rush over him.

In the modern world, he had worked for over ten years to earn a small villa, but in this world, he had obtained a courtyard house without lifting a finger. He might even inherit a noble title and a large inheritance. This was the era of competing with his father!

Upon entering, Tang Yue was greeted by four men and four women who bent their backs and lowered their heads in a humble kneeling posture.

He had once been knelt by someone in his previous life, and he felt it was a reason why he died young. He had often been unable to control emotional patients’ family members.

Little did he expect that in this new life, he would continue to deal with kneeling and have to increase his lifespan.

Tang Yue cleared his throat and said, “Please get up.” These four men and four women were likely the people Mrs. Huo had mentioned.

As they stood up, Tang Yue’s gaze swept over the four maids, noticing their striking beauty from the looks he had accumulated when studying human anatomy. Even in ordinary clothes, their curvaceous figures were hard to hide.

Despite their physical beauty, their temperament seemed lacking, almost like dolls being held by strings.

Tang Yue walked past them calmly and entered the house, where he first observed the living environment. He was struck by the phrase “low-profile luxury.”

The room was simple but elegant, with carved wooden furniture, including a bed, a round table, and a large wardrobe. A wooden rocking chair sat by the window, covered with a complete tigerskin, and two copper lamps that resembled cranes stood on both sides of the bed. The table was adorned with a crude tea set that could belong in a museum.

“Young master, would you like to take a bath and change your clothes first?” asked one of the beautiful maids.

Tang Yue had not enjoyed a comfortable hot bath since he was reborn. He immediately nodded and followed the maid to the bathroom.

The bathroom was located on the west side of the room. A large wooden bucket filled with hot water was placed behind a screen. Tang Yue was just about to undo his belt when he was suddenly hugged from behind.

Startled, he cried out in fear. He turned around and asked with widened eyes, “What are you doing?”

The maid was also taken aback. She knelt on the ground and answered in a panic, “I…I just wanted to change Young Master’s clothes.”

Tang Yue waved his hand and turned around. “No need, no need. I’ll do it myself. You all can leave.”

Were these women too eager? They had taken off their outer clothes as soon as they entered the room. Now, they were only wearing thin layers of clothing that clung tightly to their bodies, accentuating their curves and making their figures appear like shadows.

Since he had already undressed, was he sure he only wanted help with taking off his clothes?

When he finished speaking, the four women trembled. They lay on the ground and asked in a low voice, “Young Master, are you not willing to accept our service?”

For maids like them, being favored by the young master in his room was a lifetime of good fortune. However, if the young master did not like them, they would be sold out without hesitation.

“No, I’m just not accustomed to it. In the future, when I wash… there’s no need for you to serve me during my bath. All of you may leave,” he said calmly.

The maids were likely aware of his background. Observing that he had no desire in his eyes, they had no choice but to grit their teeth and leave.

Tang Yue quickly closed and locked the door, only then daring to undress and step into the water.

Outside the house, four maids stood obediently under the porch. One of the younger ones couldn’t help but ask, “Do you think the young master dislikes us?”

“Don’t speak nonsense. If Madam asks, we’ll say that the young master isn’t used to being served by others,” replied one of the senior maids firmly.


Tang Yue took a hot bath and changed into new clothes. After a few attempts, he finally figured out how to wear them properly.

However, once he put them on, he didn’t feel like going out anymore. The light gray dress looked like a skirt, and the wide sleeves were getting in his way. The belt was tight, and the pants didn’t have a crotch! He was completely uncomfortable.

Tang Yue tugged at his clothes for a long time, trying to adjust to them.

Although he didn’t study the fabric, it was evident that the Marquis’s Mansion had provided him with a much higher quality of clothing than what he usually bought. The clothes were soft, cool, and gentle on his skin.

Tang Yue tied up his wet, long hair and stepped out, feeling refreshed.

The four maids quickly gathered around him, squatting down to greet him. They asked politely, “Young Master, can we help you hang your hair?”

Tang Yue hesitated for a moment and nodded. He had no experience dealing with long hair and sometimes wished he could just cut it all off.