C16 – Hypocrisy

Tang Yue had a vague memory of the way to the prefecture, but he was certain that he shouldn’t have gotten lost in his own home.

Lunch was served in each individual’s room, as opposed to dinner, which was a gathering for only the Marquis’s family. Tang Yue discovered this only after inquiring about it. The maids were responsible for ensuring the timely delivery of meals from the kitchen to the rooms.

Tang Yue had lost all hope in the quality of the food. Despite this, he finished his meal and decided to inquire about the possibility of setting up a small kitchen in his yard.

The butler at the Marquis’s Mansion considered his request and asked cautiously, “Does the young master feel dissatisfied with the food from the main kitchen?”

Naturally, Tang Yue couldn’t admit to his dissatisfaction. “No, he just felt that his yard was too far from the main kitchen, making it inconvenient to retrieve food, particularly during inclement weather when the food may get cold on the way.”

The butler breathed a sigh of relief in private and replied, “I take full responsibility for not taking into account your needs. This matter will be brought to Madam’s attention, and I will assist in resolving it.”

“Then I have to trouble you.”

Tang Yue was intrigued by the butler referring to himself as a subordinate. Initially, he believed the butler was just another servant in the household. After seeking clarification from Shan, he discovered that the butler was, in fact, a personal guard of the Yueyang Marquis who had been appointed as a butler following the war.

Upon hearing the butler’s report, the Marquis’s Wife became livid with anger. The fact that this newcomer to the household requested a small kitchen right away made her feel uneasy. She reflected on the fact that she only received such special treatment when she was pregnant. She believed that this person did not understand their place in the household.

At the time, the Marquis’s Wife neither approved nor disapproved of the request. However, during dinner that evening, she brought up the topic in a casual manner, asking the Marquis’s husband for his opinion on the matter. “Today, Yue’er expressed a desire to have a small kitchen in his courtyard. I think it’s a good idea. He can have his meals prepared there. What do you think?”

The Yueyang Marquis did not share the same opinion. He was not inclined to grant such a request, especially since not even the old madam’s yard had a small kitchen. Why should they make an exception for their son?

Despite his reservations, the Yueyang Marquis did not reject the request outright. He felt guilty for neglecting his son and wanted to make amends.

Upon hearing the Marquis’s Wife’s proposal, Tang Yue sensed that it was a trap. He quickly stood up and clarified that he did not request a small kitchen because he found the food from the big kitchen inadequate. Nor did he want to have special treatment. His primary reason was that it would be more convenient for him.

“If it’s too much trouble, then I’ll forget about it. However, if a small kitchen is built, I’ll cook as much as I need. This way, there will be less food waste. Besides, the food from the big kitchen is too fancy for my taste.”

The Marquis’s Wife giggled and covered her mouth. “Child, we come from a noble family in the Yueyang Marquis’s Mansion. Our food cannot be too shoddy. If people hear about it, they’ll think I, the matriarch, mistreat my son.”

Tang Yue thought to himself, “This woman is quite eloquent. It’s no wonder she’s well-respected despite not having given birth to a son.”

But who doesn’t know how to pretend to be “gentle”?

Tang Yue humbly lowered his gaze by 45 degrees and replied, “You’re absolutely right. Whenever I get the chance, I want to cook some delicious food for my family so that everyone can savor the unique flavors of our hometown. I don’t take for granted how well everyone treats me.”

The old madam and Yueyang Marquis were deeply moved by Tang Yue’s filial piety. Although they didn’t hold high hopes for the food he mentioned. What kind of unique taste could there be in the countryside?

Marquis’s Wife furrowed her brow and expressed her disapproval, “Yue’er’s filial piety is admirable, but you’re still a man. It’s not appropriate for a gentleman to go into the kitchen. Let’s not talk about this anymore.”

“Ever since my birth mother passed away, I’ve been cooking for myself,” Tang Yue explained. At that time, he had no other choice. If he didn’t cook for himself, he would have starved.

Tang Yue’s words revealed the hardships he had faced in the past.

Yueyang Marquis waved his hand and made a decision. “We’ll keep the small kitchen open. You don’t need to cook for yourself. Just ask the maids to bring the food to you and heat it up, so you won’t have to eat cold food.”

Marquis’s Wife wanted to object, but Yueyang Marquis spoke first. “The other courtyards will have the same arrangement. All the children are growing up, and it’s more convenient to have hot food at night.”

Tang Yue had achieved his goal. He didn’t mind if Yueyang Marquis treated everyone equally. He could tell that everyone was pleased, and he wasn’t the only one who had issues with the big kitchen.

The elderly Yueyang Marquis had genuine fatherly love for his children.