C28 – Can I Give Them a Reward?

After the meal, the butler handed a cloth bag to the young dandy. “Young dandy, please check if the items meet your requirements. The craftsmen were careful in their specifications for each tool. Please take a look.”

Tang Yue eagerly opened the cloth bag and examined each tool closely. Other than the fact that the color wasn’t as bright as stainless steel, he couldn’t find any faults.

No wonder people say that modern society relies too heavily on machines, leading to a decline in craftsmanship.

“Excellent, these are perfect.” Tang Yue caressed the tools lovingly, as if he was looking at a beloved partner. His eyes sparkled with excitement.

The butler breathed a sigh of relief. “Then I’ll have the craftsmen continue with their work. They said it would take three more days to complete.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t mind waiting a day or two longer. Can I give them a reward?” Tang Yue asked hesitantly.

He was unsure of his influence in the family, but as a young master, he should have access to a considerable amount of funds.

“Of course, how much would you like to reward them?” The butler sighed in admiration. “What a kind-hearted young master you are.”

Tang Yue knew that he had to win over these talented craftsmen. With their help, he could create even more extraordinary things.

“Then let’s add a month’s worth of salary as a bonus.” He believed that this amount would be neither too little nor too much.

The butler smiled, “Yes.”

Tang Yue held the scalpel carelessly, spinning it around without any concern of getting cut by its sharp tip. When he first started playing with knives like this, his hands were riddled with cuts, but he used expensive medicines to prevent any scars from forming.

After playing for about half an hour, Tang Yue began to find his rhythm. He then proceeded to the kitchen to find a piece of wood to test his carving skills.

Tang Yue had been skilled in drawing and carving since he was young. His family thought he would pursue art, but they didn’t know he had found his true calling.

Despite his stubbornness in regards to his sexuality, Tang Yue’s family was relatively open-minded in other areas.

Tang Yue regretted making such a fuss about his sexuality, especially since he had such a short lifespan. If he knew he wouldn’t live long, he wouldn’t have put his parents through the ordeal of marrying him off.

He couldn’t bear to imagine how his parents would feel when they heard of his passing.

Tang Yue shook his head, trying to push these thoughts aside, and focused on his carving.

He planned to carve a wooden hairpin for Tang Ya. He had lost one of her hairpins earlier, but luckily it was returned. Although the replacement was not of equal value, he felt like his family’s money wasn’t a sincere enough gesture.

Tang Yue easily carved a wooden hairpin, finishing it before nightfall. The hairpin was a simplified version of a Nine-Tailed Fox, with thin, elongated brows that didn’t detract from its charm.

Since it was still early, Tang Yue didn’t feel like sleeping yet. He wanted to occupy himself with something else, but without a computer or television, and without any books he could comprehend, he was at a loss.

As luck would have it, the butler arrived with the gifts intended for their visit to Prince Zhao’s Mansion tomorrow. Tang Yue listened to the butler’s report and realized that a significant number of items had been added. This highlighted just how much the Yueyang Marquis valued this prince.

After hearing that Wang Zizhao’s untreated legs had caused many of the families who had taken refuge in Prince Zhao’s Mansion to seek an exit, several of their loyal generals also left. Consequently, the courtyard of Prince Zhao’s Mansion was much quieter now, and the warmth and kindness of the people who remained was more noticeable than ever.

Tang Yue’s lips curved into a smile. He knew what he wanted to do. He asked the butler to take him to the carpenter’s workshop on the estate, where he intended to craft a pair of walking sticks for Wang Zizhao.

Initially, he had hoped to build a wheelchair, but he realized that it was too complex to complete in a short amount of time. As such, he settled on crafting a pair of crutches to address the situation.

He couldn’t help but imagine Wang Zizhao’s reaction when he saw the pair of crutches, feeling excited at the thought of the pretty boy’s expression.