C39 – Do You Think It’s a Miracle Pill?

Tang Yue, being older and working in the service industry, had more interaction with people than Wang Zizhao. Consequently, he had a good understanding of what Wang Zizhao was thinking.

These affluent individuals loved speculating and overthinking, and it weighed heavily on their hearts!

“Once the medicine store opens, can I request Ninth Prince’s endorsement?”

“You want to start a business?” Wang Zizhao and Hu Jinpeng asked simultaneously. The latter’s expression was as exaggerated as that of a comedian.

“Not exactly. I simply plan to open a medicine store and practice medicine on my own. It’s the only skill I possess,” Tang Yue sighed. He wanted to live a simple and unassuming life. As a martial artist, what other options did he have apart from sticking to his previous occupation?

Wang Zizhao and Hu Jinpeng didn’t see it the same way. As the sole male heir of Yueyang Marquis’s Mansion, Tang Yue could live a comfortable life even without doing anything.

Tang Yue didn’t seem like the kind of person who would frivolously spend money. It was even difficult for him to partake in extravagances.

Could it be that Madam Yueyang Marquis couldn’t accept Tang Yue as her stepson and had reservations about handing over the family to him?

Both of them harbored this doubt in their hearts simultaneously. Meanwhile, at home, Marquis’s Wife Zhao Shi frequently sneezed a few times, as if she was awaiting news.

“I wonder if that bastard can heal Wang Zizhao,” Zhao Shi and the others went to burn incense right after they left. When the servants witnessed this, they assumed their mistress was praying for the young master’s safety. Little did they know she was praying for the Bodhisattva to protect Tang Yue.

“Of course not. Otherwise, the physicians from the Imperial Medical Office would have jumped into the River of Rage together!” Lady Ping teased.

The Marquis’s Wife laughed joyfully. “Yes, but there is still no news, and it’s making me anxious.”

“How could it be so quick? Treating illnesses takes time. There are cases where people can be saved in a day or two, though,” remarked Lady Ping.

The Marquis’s Wife nodded and instructed her servants to continue waiting outside Prince Zhao’s Mansion for any updates.

Wang Zizhao blurted out, “Is there something wrong at home?”

“No, why can’t I practice medicine?” Tang Yue blinked. He knew that in this era, merchants were considered lowly, even lower than farmers. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t treat patients.

Hu Jinpeng cleared his throat and gave an ambiguous reply, “You can go back and ask Yueyang Marquis about this.” He didn’t think a Marquis would allow his son to go out and practice medicine.

In reality, if Tang Yue truly possessed exceptional medical skills, he could use them to establish connections with noble families. Opening a medicine shop wouldn’t be necessary.

People in the world didn’t want to offend those who had control over their lives. Doctors, although not highly esteemed, were respected for their abilities.

At that moment, the butler reported from outside the door, “Master, the patient has regained consciousness.”

“Are you not feeling well?” Wang Zizhao asked from behind the door. He had no intention of seeing the patient in person.

“No, I just mentioned that the wound was slightly painful, but it’s much better now compared to before,” replied the butler, his voice tinged with excitement. A hint of joy could be heard in his tone.

Wang Zizhao glanced at Tang Yue, who smirked at him mockingly. The smugness on his face resembled that of a cat expecting a reward.

Wang Zizhao’s heart skipped a beat. Without opening his eyes, he said, “Then let’s proceed.”

Tang Yue’s smile faded, and he returned to his usual professional demeanor. He instructed Hu Jinpeng to carry Wang Zizhao to the bed. Wang Zizhao waved his hand, relying on his walking stick as he lay down.

Tang Yue calculated the duration needed for the patient to be under anesthesia and administered 10% more medication to Wang Zizhao.

Watching Wang Zizhao gradually close his eyes and slip into a coma, Tang Yue’s emotions became mixed.

He surveyed the room and said to Hu Jinpeng, “The two of them are incapable. You can handle it.”

Hu Jinpeng had witnessed the previous performance of the two servants and understood why Tang Yue was dissatisfied. He promptly chased them out and took charge himself.

As Hu Jinpeng deliberately broke Wang Zizhao’s legs again, his own expression began to falter. The 1.8m tall man trembled all over, as if he could empathize with the pain.

Tang Yue proceeded with utmost care, mindful of every step he took. Despite his extensive clinical experience and solid theoretical knowledge, he remained as cautious as if he were on the operating table during each surgery.

This meticulous approach was one of the factors contributing to his esteemed reputation in the medical field.

He was renowned as the hospital’s most reliable surgeon.

Two hours later, Tang Yue finally completed the final step. As he gazed at Wang Zizhao’s legs encased in plaster, he couldn’t help but find the sight somewhat comical.

Hu Jinpeng had refrained from interrupting Tang Yue throughout the procedure. Now that it was done, he inquired, “Why did you wrap his feet in layers of mud?”

“This is a plaster cast!” Tang Yue corrected him. Plaster casts had been used for ages, so they were not difficult to come by. It was just that their purpose was not widely known anymore.

Hu Jinpeng naturally couldn’t comprehend the concept of a plaster cast. To him, everything used by the young man from the Tang family seemed strange. He genuinely had no idea who his master was.

It appeared that he needed to gather more information about Tang Yue. Even if this individual couldn’t be utilized by their side, they had to ensure that he didn’t end up joining the opposing camp.

“Is this really effective?” Hu Jinpeng surveyed Wang Zizhao’s swollen legs and found it somewhat unbelievable.

Tang Yue rolled his eyes in response. “Do you think it’s some kind of miraculous pill? How could the healing process be so fast?”

Hu Jinpeng scratched his head, realizing that he had asked a foolish question. “When will he recover? And why does he need to keep the plaster on all the time?”

“He will have the plaster removed in a month. We’ll observe for a few days after its removal. If his condition improves, we can proceed with the reconstruction. Considering his injuries, it will take at least three months for him to fully recover.”

Tang Yue’s estimate of three months was conservative. In reality, it was quite normal for a second fracture like this to take up to six months to heal.

Hu Jinpeng let out a sigh of relief. Though three months wasn’t a short duration, as long as Wang Zizhao’s leg could heal, he was willing to wait not just three months, but even three years.

“Carefully move him to his room for now. Remember, during the first month, make sure his legs don’t come into contact with water, and keep him in bed. I will visit every three days to check on his progress.”

Hu Jinpeng felt that three days was too long. He suggested, “Prince Zhao’s Mansion has several vacant courtyards. Why not have Tang Xiaolang stay there temporarily?”

This way, he could provide constant care for Wang Zizhao and also prevent the news from leaking.

Hu Jinpeng felt quite clever with this suggestion.

Tang Yue believed that Hu Jinpeng was simply concerned. He thought Wang Zizhao was fortunate to have such a considerate subordinate. After all, they were cousins, and having trustworthy people around put his mind at ease.

Tang Yue patted Hu Jinpeng’s shoulder. “Brother Hu, don’t worry. If anything happens, just send someone to Marquis’s Mansion to find me. I’ll be available 24/7, okay?”

“24 hours a day?” Hu Jinpeng was perplexed. What kind of time was being referred to here?

“Ah… Twenty-four hours. That’s what they say back in our hometown. It’s more precise to divide the day into two-hour intervals,” Tang Yue replied, feigning amusement.

Hu Jinpeng pondered for a moment and then clapped his hands in agreement. “Yes, that way the time would be more accurate.”

Tang Yue chuckled, unsure of how to respond. There were no watches or clocks in this place, making it impossible to be precise.

“But… what kind of time measurement should we use? It would be challenging to divide time further using a sundial,” Hu Jinpeng questioned.

Tang Yue’s heart skipped a beat. He recalled that in ancient times, “ke” was used as a unit of time. However, the Southern Jin dynasty did not employ it. Perhaps the hourglass hadn’t been invented yet?

He couldn’t recall which dynasty introduced the hourglass. After all, the Southern Jin was not part of China’s historical dynasties, so variations were expected.

Tang Yue briefly explained the basic principles to Hu Jinpeng and hoped that he could find someone knowledgeable about hourglasses. After all, he wasn’t well-versed in the subject and only had limited knowledge.

Hu Jinpeng fell into deep contemplation and promptly started studying astronomy and geography.

Tang Yue quickly interrupted his train of thought and gestured towards Wang Zizhao on the bed, signaling for him to carry the person out first. There was still a large group of people waiting outside that they needed to deal with.

As soon as the door swung open, the courtyard was flooded with people. Alongside the elderly men he had seen earlier, there stood an elegant and beautiful woman. She was surrounded by her attendants.

Observing the open door, the woman asked anxiously, “How is my son?”

Hu Jinpeng was momentarily taken aback and hurriedly led Tang Yue forward to bow. “Your Majesty, why have you come in person?”

“No need for formalities. Please, tell me quickly, how are Zhao’er’s legs…” The queen clenched her fists, attempting to maintain composure, but her anxious eyes betrayed her.

Hu Jinpeng repeated what Tang Yue had just conveyed. He discreetly nudged Tang Yue, urging him to offer words of comfort.

Tang Yue excelled at consoling the families of patients. He straightened his posture and spoke with a calm expression, “I didn’t expect to have the honor of meeting Your Ladyship today. Tang Yue is truly fortunate. Please rest assured, Wang Zizhao’s leg will recover.”

“Truly?” The queen scrutinized Tang Yue suspiciously. Clearly, he appeared younger than her, making her uncertain of his reliability.

Tang Yue maintained his smile. “Indeed, it is true. I am from Yueyang Marquis’s Mansion. If Wang Zizhao’s condition does not improve, Your Ladyship can visit the Marquis’s Mansion to find me.”

The queen was already aware of Tang Yue’s identity, so she refrained from displaying any surprise.

Confidence always inspired trust in others. Although the queen was concerned, with Tang Yue’s assurance, she now possessed two additional sources of hope.