Chapter 296 - Chapter 296: Chapter 234: Archipelago Alliance, Hundred Ghosts Night Parade_2

Chapter 296: Chapter 234: Archipelago Alliance, Hundred Ghosts Night Parade_2

Translator: 549690339

“Within the Archipelago Alliance, there abound myriad Demon Domains of varying sizes and kinds. On a regular basis, they are sealed shut by the powerful Beast Masters of the Archipelago Alliance. The Secret Realm Gates link to a dimension where monsters, referred to as the Demon Beasts, are unable to cross into the real world.”

“However, during the decade-long phenomena, the Tengu Eclipse and subsequently, the Blood Moon, the Abyssal Demon Realm attains its peak power. This peak power breaks the seals on all the Demon Domains, releasing the eerie Demon Beasts within. You cannot simply describe the onslaught that comes after as a parade of hundreds or thousands of ghosts… it’s an apocalypse!”

After hearing Aiden Winter’s account, Vincent Wolf remained in a state of shock, unable to regain his composure.

Hundred Ghosts Night Parade… An unspeakable horror!

“So, does this mean that the entire Archipelago Alliance will face destruction soon?”

Aiden Winter cleared his throat and continued:

“Well, it’s not as dramatic as you framed it. If the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade, which happens once every ten years, could destroy the Archipelago

Alliance, it would have been wiped out many times over already.”

“Despite the Hundred Ghosts    Parade lastinq for several davs or even over a week, for some unknown reason, most of the Demon Beasts that emerge from the Dominion’s Demon Domains don’t go on a killing spree. Instead, they all head towards the Abyssal Demon Realm. Only a small fraction of these beasts stray from their path to attack mankind.”

“The beasts that stray are intercepted and killed by the Evil Beast Masters of the Archipelago Alliance before they can begin their rampage.”

“So, during the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade, the common people are unlikely to perish. It’s the lower-tier Beast Masters without any potential to climb the ranks who bear the brunt of the loss.” Vincent Wolf widened his eyes:

“What…how can this be?”

Aiden Winter retorted:

“Ask me, who should I ask? Who knows what the Abyssal Demon Realm is plotting.”

Stunned for a moment, Vincent Wolf realized he had been misunderstood and explained:

“No, I mean why is it the lower-tier Beast Masters, especially those lacking in potential, who suffer the most?”

Aiden Winter exclaimed, “Oh,” and continued:

“Ah, you mean that.”

“It’s straightforward. It’s the decision of the Archipelago Alliance’s top brass. The Alliance resides on an island with scarce beast resources. There are not enough resources for low-potential Beast Masters. However, the higher-ups can’t kill these people outright. So, they use the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade as a pretext to eliminate this group.”

“As a result, the top brass benefit doubly. Firstly, they gain the resources from the slain Demon Beasts. Secondly, they amass the resources from the dead pet beasts of the Beast Masters.”

Vincent Wolf took a deep breath, attempting to steady his undulating emotions.

“This is absolutely ruthless! Do these lower-tier Beast Masters not rebel?” Aiden Winter scoffed, his voice mocking:

“Rebel? It’s been like this since ancient times. There’s never been a rebellion because Beast Masters believe they’re defending their homeland and their families, which, in fact, they are.”

“The loss of a few low-rung Beast Masters is a minor sacrifice when you can use the title of ‘heroes’ to motivate them and watch them continue to flock to the cause like moths to a flame.”

“People…there’s never a short supply.”

Unhappiness brewed in Vincent Wolf’s heart:

“Are you saying the top brass of the Archipelago Alliance don’t really want to solve this ticking time bomb? Like trying to reinforce the seal, so it can’t be breached?”

Aiden Winter laughed heartily:

“You’re too naive.”

“Historically, their strategies have yielded balanced results without major upheavals.

“With such favourable outcomes, the top brass naturally won’t thoroughly scrutinize the situation.”

“An investigation might bear fruit, for sure. But if it ruffles any feathers…that could mean more than losing a hat. It could even cost them their lives.”

Vincent Wolf realized this was just human self-interest at work – highly degrading, yet inevitable.

After a few minutes of contemplation, he said,

“Grandpa Winter, I still want to give it a go.” Aiden Winter didn’t understand:

“Huh? You still want to go after hearing what I’ve said?”

“Grandpa Winter, the lower-tier you spoke about… what level of strength are they?”

“Mostly professional Beast Masters. Apprentice Beast Masters don’t participate because they aren’t strong enough and generally cause more trouble.”

“Well, I’m already a Master-level Beast Master and even considered one of the more formidable ones at that. With my skills, I’m sure I’ll be safe.”

“Seems to be the case, I had forgotten about your recent advancement…By the way, you’re only eighteen now, aren’t you? It’s been only about a month since you made your first pet beast contract with Slime, right?”

“No, that’s not correct.”

Aiden Winter was at a loss for words.

It took him a good few years to advance to a Master-level Beast Master.

He had never seen such an outrageous guy!

Is this how crazy Awakeners are?

Just awakening a Mysterious Realm and they advance an entire level?

If Vincent Wolf were to awaken another realm, wouldn’t he directly promote to Grandmaster?

Awakening two more would make him a King?

At this point, Aiden Winter stopped worrying.

What was there to worry about?

Given Vincent’s promotion speed.

By the time the lad arrived at the Archipelago Alliance, he would almost be a Grandmaster.

So Aiden Winter seriously considered how Vincent should go to the Archipelago Alliance.

Vincent noticed Aiden Winter deep in thought and said,

“Grandpa Winter, I met an exchange student from the Archipelago Alliance during the Professional Beast Master assessment. She and I have a bit of a relationship. I want her to vouch for me. What do you think, would that work?” After considering, Aiden Winter came back to reality and replied to Vincent,

“That’s possible. But here’s another suggestion. You can take on an Archipelago Alliance-related assignment in the Secret Realm Squad. This can be considered a business trip. Not only will all costs be reimbursed, but you can also use the Secret Realm Squad’s services, such as intelligence, equipment borrowing, identity forgery, and so on.”

“Also, if you go there as a person of Huaxia, it will be a little sensitive. There will be people specifically assigned to watch you.”

“At that time, you’ll need the Secret Realm Squad’s equipment to disguise yourself as someone else and forge your identity. This will make it easier for you to operate.”

Vincent’s eyes lit up,

“Right! That’s true! I still have Mimicry and Instant Step. Doesn’t this make it even easier to disguise myself and get away from surveillance!”

Aiden Winter was taken aback and asked doubtfully, “I think I heard a word, did you say [Instant Step]?” “Yes, that’s what President Wright gave me. Why?” “Nothing… Did he give you [Space Blade]?”

“[Space Blade]? What’s that?”

“President Wright gave you [Instant Step] but didn’t give you [Space Blade]?

Have you mastered [Instant Step]?”

“I have.”

Aiden Winter fell into deep thought, and after a while, he finally said,

“Before going to the Archipelago Alliance, return to Los Angeles briefly. Get [Space Blade] from President Wright before you leave.”

“Grandpa Winter, is this Beast Technique different from the others? It seems like President Wright was exaggerating.”

“It’s a signature technique of a powerful person… you can ask President Wright about it. You just need to remember to get it from him.”

Seeing Aiden Winter’s mysterious demeanor, Vincent grumbled a few times in his heart and then left the Bright Secret Realm with him.

Sebastian Wood watched the press conference held by Kyoto City Lord on his phone and fell into deep thought.

After a long while, Sebastian dialed Vincent’s number with a poker face.

“Hey, Warren? Long time no see, I’ve missed you so much. By the way, you called, is something the matter?” “You’re already in Kyoto City?”

“Yeah, I’ve been here for a… a week, why?”

Sebastian fell into a deep daze.

“Didn’t we agree to go together? How come you’ve been there for a week, I just got here? And as soon as I landed I saw your heroic deeds and how you were lauded by the City Lord. He said you saved Kyoto City, saved Huaxia…”

“Hey, I just came a bit earlier, and killed a teensy-weensy beast because I had nothing better to do. The City Lord said I saved Huaxia, which is too exaggerated. It was just a minor rescue operation in Kyoto City.”

“I’m hanging up.”

“Eh… what happened, don’t hang up, hey…”

Beep– Beep–