It was a girl in a light blue thick dress, with blue and white long hair and waist. Compared with the cool flint God Yao, they looked like one in summer and the other in winter.

Sui Shenyao is really a natural beauty, so her white and smooth pajamas can't hide her immortality.

As for the other woman, she was wrapped tightly and looked very cold. Her face seemed to have a lot of white frost and her face was much colder.

Her frost is pure cold, which is not a concept compared with the enchanting coldness of Lanyun.

"There are three Taoist Masters in the suishen family. Besides their brothers and sisters, there is also a woman named 'suishen Shuang', who ranks fifth in the list of heaven. She should be this one. She is the sister of the master of suishen's Avenue 'suishen Yuan'."

In other words, the relationship between the flint frost and their siblings and cousins.

However, their close relatives, the core of the clan, are very common, and their relations are very chaotic. It is quite good to straighten them out in a generation.

In short, Sui shenshuang and Sui Shenyuan are brothers and sisters.

Sui Shenyao and Sui shenzhao are brothers and sisters!

"Last time, the ancestor of burning stars should have let two 'road masters' compete for flint God Yao. I don't know if this flint God frost and flint God photo have that kind of relationship?"

When Li Tianming passed, he was thinking about it.

If so, he must not have the slightest offense in the face of "flint God frost", otherwise he will offend "flint God photo".

Although suishenzhao is more than 300 years younger than this suishenshuang, as long as it grows up and becomes an adult, the age difference is not big.

"Disciple Li Tianming, I've seen the little master and two Taoist masters."

There is a difference between dignity and inferiority. Li Tianming simply says hello.

"Do you know I'm your master? I haven't seen you for five years. I haven't seen you for so long?" Sui Shenyao was a little upset.

Li Tianming thought: you're not bothering me. Let me not bother you!

However, to reason with her was just to make trouble with himself, so he hurriedly said, "I'm wrong. If you call me next time, I'll come at a gallop."

"Are you still running?"

Sui Shenyao wanted to beat him. Fortunately, at this time, the Sui shenshuang pulled her arm and said, "Yao Yao, he just came from the Wandao sky star array. It's fast enough."

The first sentence of this girl impressed Li Tianming very well!

Although her brother pinched Li Tianming by the neck and drove him out, Li Tianming always had a clear hatred and didn't anger the beauty.

Seeing that Li Tianming had arrived, the red haired flint God looked at him up and down for several times, and then said, "brother Li, I haven't seen you for more than five years. You seem to be in better shape?"

After LAN Yun's life and death crisis, although Li Tianming didn't make a breakthrough, he did make some invisible progress after five years of precipitation.

"The Taoist priest seems to have made great progress?" Li Tianming asked.

"Another duel?" The flint God simply said.

"But!" Li Tianming hasn't done it for a long time.

Hearing this, the Sui Shenyao was happy. Her purpose of accepting Li Tianming's order was to kill the prestige of the smelly brother, so she said on the spot: "fight here, now."

Li Tianming and Sui shenzhao can only listen to her arrangement.

"You can't fight alone. You have to ask for some color." Flint Shenyao shouted.

"Sister, just say it. What do you want to get cheap?" The flint God couldn't cry or laugh.

"If you lose, you can't complain to your elders about anything... It lasts a hundred years!" Sui Shenyao gnashed his teeth.

Looking at her like this, it's obvious that she hasn't been sued less.

"All right!" Flint shenzhao couldn't help covering his forehead, and then asked, "what if I win?"

"Then I won't care if you date Shuangshuang later." Sui Shenyao smiled.

"I hate it. Who wants to date him? He's so young." Flint frost nearby blushed.

"Don't pretend in front of me, you old cow. My brother is still tender grass. It's cheaper for you." Sui Shenyao despises Tao.


Suishenzhao also made his heart beat faster.

Although their relationship has been determined by the emperor, it is still small after all, far from the time of marriage and inheritance.

When they talked, Li Tianming was ready.

"Although I want to be polite, if I lose to you, I will be worthless in front of your sister, so I'm sorry!" Li Tianming said secretly in his heart.

In terms of status, he is much worse than these three.

But compared with talent, Li Tianming is not afraid!

This is his strength!

"Come!" The spirit of flint shone in his eyes, and the sense of war surged.

The two are fighting at the gate of the flint cave!

Ten years ahead of schedule.


If Li Tianming doesn't break out, it will break out like thunder!

Magical powers, magic gods, and the ten era divine sword that has been restored for a long time, fight with all your strength.

"Yao Yao!"

During the battle, Sui shenshuang watched Li Tianming offer ten era divine swords from the robbery wheel, and then integrate them into the Eastern Emperor sword. Although the emergence time of these ten divine giant swords is short, the differences of ten special attributes are still very obvious.

So, Flint God frost was surprised and said, "you disciple, he has ten gods?"

"Yeah? There are ten more looting wheels, all on their arms." Suishenyao way.

"Aren't you shocked? There are ten looting wheels? We suishen have only nine looting wheels, and the tenth God can only be forged through life and soul..." suishen Shuang was stunned.

"I was shocked." Sui Shenyao rolled his eyes and pressed the jade neck of Sui shenshuang, Avenue: "Shuang Shuang, you can see clearly that he has a very low level of consciousness and simulacrum. At most, he has only one level, and it seems that the normal state can not be stable. He can only release his power through Tianyuan artifact. Isn't that depressed consciousness? Besides, he is still a cheap blood beast guard, and the accompanying animals can't maintain their form alone. This kind of person looks very comprehensive and can do everything, but actually can't do anything. Don't look at his outbreak now It's fierce, but in a few years, he will disappear. "

"Did you see this yourself, or did someone tell you?" Flint frost asked blankly.

"That's what the whole valley says." Suishenyao way.

"Including the Holy Father?" Asked flint frost.

"Including ah, once, your father talked about the defeat of Xiaozhao. I boasted to him that Li Tianming is my disciple with unlimited potential and the strongest black ring disciple in history. Your father smiled and said that in another 50 years, I will be ashamed of what I said today." Flint God Yao shriveled his mouth and said angrily.

"My father? All right!" Suishenshuang patronized and chatted. At this time, she found that suishenzhao had been cast to 'forever rob Red Lotus'!



The voice has just fallen, and the winner is determined!


The flint light crashed into their eyes.


Flint Shenyao's pajamas and pink hair danced in the wind and almost bit their tongue.

She looked up!

Not far away, Li Tianming fell down steadily and said, "Taoist priest, accept!"

That means he won.

"This?" Flint frost is also a little confused, because she just focused on chatting and thought she had to warm up here. As a result, she didn't see anything and finished playing!

"I like grass."

Sui Shenyao couldn't help but stare and scolded a rude remark. His dull appearance was very cute.

"Elder sister, you are such a big lady, can you stop swearing?" Flint shenzhao got up and cursed flint Shenyao with a look of bad luck.

Sui Shenyao immediately poohed, then laughed and said, "you are the second child of ten thousand years. You can't even beat my disciples. Dare you care about his master? Do you want to face?"

"Yao Yao, don't hit the photo, OK!" Flint shenshuang quickly helped flint shenzhao up and helped him beat the dust on his body. Such a considerate, careful and gentle big sister and girlfriend is really enviable.

Sui shenzhao was a little depressed, because he was full of confidence. He thought he would be ashamed this time, but he didn't expect to lose faster.

This time, he really felt a little more powerless.

Fortunately, she was comforted by suishen frost. She looked cold, but she was actually much softer than her sister. Suishen Zhao just got up a little angry in her heart and soon dissipated.

"Sister Shuang, I'm sorry. I'm ashamed of suishen." Sui shenzhao doesn't want to lose face in front of Xinyi's sister, so she must have a grudge in her heart.

Flint God frost quickly shook his head and said, "don't talk nonsense. Where is anyone invincible in the world? Even the valley master has to experience failures again and again before he can finally be invincible in the starry sky. The important thing is not to win, but to rise angrily after failure!"

"I see, I must!" It's much better for flint to shine in his heart.

He gave flint Shenyao a fierce stare, which meant: look, is that what you call your sister?

Flint Shenyao rolled his eyes and said, "silly brother, you know a fart. Others frost frost is a means of gently trapping you. If your sister hadn't deliberately treated you badly to set off her kindness, would you have been immersed in her gentle countryside since childhood? Stupid!"

Li Tianming listened and looked black.

"Yao Yao, sew up your mouth!" Flint frost can't cry or laugh properly.

Li Tianming found that these short conversations dissolved the embarrassment of Sui shenzhao's defeat again.

Sui shenzhao looked at Li Tianming again and asked, "why does brother Li feel more comfortable than the last battle?"

Li Tianming said, "I have a magic power to run thunder for the five sides. This time, there is no space limit of the nature war platform. It is easier for me to use it, so I have a little advantage in flexibility."

"I see!" Flint understood.

He nodded and said, "brother Li is really my strong enemy!"

Li Tianming smiles.

What kind of person is suishenzhao?

Li Tianming thinks it's hard to say.

This man is proud in his heart. This kind of pride does not allow him to have the idea of not being decent enough and the pride of his identity, which makes him disdain to envy Li Tianming.

However, this is not to say that he did not compete with Li Tianming.

Even from today on, his competitive heart will become stronger and stronger.

If his mentality can be straightened out, it will be a good thing for him in the future.

Sui Shenyao was in a general mood, but now he is in a good mood.

From her expression, Li Tianming knew that, at least, she wanted to win!