Boom, boom!

The power of the stars and the power of knowing God gathered in his hands, and the order of the land was released outside the city, creating a real Cangshan world and locking the aurora!

"You just learned the third level of the double moon flint magic formula? Just use it. I'll use the third level of the five-star flint magic formula to show you how big the gap between small perfection and big fullness is! This level has been used by me for thousands of years!"

The flint God Hong Tian roared and his strength surged.

Flint, the third star!

The killing power is gathered on the universal Tianyuan artifact. Under the grand suppression of the Hongtian World God, the flint God aurora and Aurora young immortals can only do their best in the cold reality.

Just try to find a way to live.




The dark storm roared and roared for a long time.

The silence period became shorter and shorter, and the storm became more turbulent. Even on the boundary of the small Yin world, 'suishen mountain' was a little unbearable.

The more time passed, he was really restless in his heart and his expression was impetuous. He kept pacing around, turning around, and even began to vent on the storm of yin and Yang Daoyuan.

It can be seen that he must have something to do!

After a long wait, his eyes were full of blood.

Most of the time, he stared at the depths of the small Yin world, his eyes were scarlet, like a beast.

day in day out!

He growled like a beast and became more and more irritable.

Until one moment!

A call suddenly came from the depths of the little Yin world.

"Yue'er, where are you?"

Hearing this, Sui Shenyue's heart beat wildly, his whole body was surging, and his blood rushed up.

Controlling his inner tension, he quickly shouted in a hoarse voice, "Dad! Dad! I'm here!"

As he spoke, his eyes widened, and his tall and burly body bumped into the dark storm and crowded forward.


Although the voice over there is deep, it can be heard completely, which contains excitement and joy.


Flint God Yue had judged the result from his father's voice, which made his heart beat faster, because what he wanted was what he saw with his own eyes!

Seeing with one's own eyes that the goddess of wandaogu, who dared to dream and never coveted, was caught in front of her own eyes and let it be ravaged by her own aunt and the lamb!

His heart beat faster and he was suffocated. He could only shout loudly and inform his father of his position.

At this moment, for suishenyue, a breathing time is as long as a year.


A figure broke through the wind from the dark storm and appeared in front of the suishen mountain.

It was the flint God Hongtian in yellow robe. His hair was flying in disorder, and he looked at his son with a smile on his face.



Suishen Yue jumped wildly in his heart and looked behind suishen Hongtian. First of all, he saw a universal Tianyuan artifact. It was the sign of suishen Hongtian. It was a golden square seal. It was one of the top treasures of suishen. It was called "Hongyuan emperor seal", which had a very strong suppressive power!

At this moment, the Hongyuan emperor seal turned over, with the bottom facing the sky. At the bottom of the big seal, there was originally the word "Hongyuan emperor seal", but now all the strokes of these four words are twisted like gold ropes, tying a pink haired woman wearing white gold armor to it!

The whole power of the Hongyuan emperor seal was completely suppressed on the woman. Her long hair was scattered, her limbs were fixed, and she was locked on the Hongyuan emperor seal in a "big" shape. There were many injuries on her body, and her armor was also damaged. Her skin was dark and looked very weak.

At this moment, she has fallen into a coma!

The eyes of Sui Shenyue swept over her beautiful face and her amazing and exquisite body. Her throat was hot and suddenly burst into flames. She couldn't help but roar, and her eyes were about to fall out of her eyes.

"Too... Too perfect."

Flint whispered like a fool.

For a long time, he always regarded the flint God Yao as something in his bag. He only dared to peek and yearn for the aurora, but he never thought that this goddess, who he didn't dare to think of, would appear in front of him in this form one day.

Only at this moment did he understand that this is the real fragrance.

His eyes swept from every part of the aurora like wild animals. This blasphemous pleasure made him roll his Adam's apple and swallow a mouthful of saliva every time he looked.

"Ha ha..."

Seeing his son like this, the suishen Hongtian couldn't help laughing. He controlled the Hongyuan emperor seal and moved it between his father and son. His eyes were bold and hot. He smiled and said, "yue'er, I have to say, you're lucky! The silence period is almost over, and I even found her! This guy looks weak and has good combat power. Your father wasted a lot of effort to hold her down temporarily in order to win her!"

"Yes, yes, great, Dad, great!"

Sui Shenyue was so excited that he couldn't even speak clearly. His eyes were staring at the aurora, and hot blood poured all over his body.

"Yes." Flint God Hongtian nodded deeply. Seeing his son's appearance, he couldn't help knocking him on the head and said happily, "look at your appearance, it's like you haven't been in the aisle in your life. The Lord of flint God's Avenue was born. Can you play less?"

"Dad, it's different! Can those mediocre fat and vulgar powder compare with the dream lover of quanwandaogu? For more than 2000 years, many people dream of taking her. Who could have thought that I would finally hit the clock!"

Sui Shenyue said in a hoarse voice. He had to suppress the carnival in his heart, otherwise he would be more impolite in front of his father.

"Don't tell me, this girl can't find a second in the appearance, figure, temperament, status and order of the starry sky. Including Qi tianmuyue of Qi Tian's family and prison devil love Qing of prison devil's family, how can there be such a style? Although you lost Yao Yao, you picked up watermelon and lost sesame. You earned your blood." Flint God Hongtian Ledao.

"Dad, you're wrong. The aurora... Watermelon is true, but Yao Yao is not as good as sesame. Isn't it? Apples always have. And we can only say that each has its own style." Flint God Yue clenched his teeth and said excitedly.

"It seems that you can't forget Li Tianming's hatred of taking away his wife. It doesn't matter. When you deprive him of the talent of Aurora and rely on your age and realm advantages, he will die. You will control Wandao Valley in the future. If you don't dislike it, Yaoyao can escape your palm?" Flint God hongtiandao.

"Naturally... I don't dislike it. A pair of people with similar looks and different versions are really happy. In the world, there is no second pair except this pair."

When Sui Shenyue said this, he could no longer tolerate it.

"You child can enjoy it."