
The eyes of Emperor Mingtian swayed up and down, looking at the forty-nine immortal patriarchs.

Another part of the eyes looked at the battlefield of the Eternal God Army!

The defeat of the 10 billion vanguard army was obvious.

This is the reality before him!

If he doesn't deal with it, the tens of billions of vanguard troops have already been deeply trapped by the enemy. Whether they are slaughtered or captured, it will not be a good result, and it will hurt the vitality of their five races of gods!

This will also lead to an imbalance in power between the gods of their five races compared with Zhantian and Huantian... This is what the five races do not want to see.

They dared to fight quickly because they thought they would definitely be able to capture the Emperor Star, but the reality was just the opposite!

"Okay, how do you want to negotiate?"

Emperor Mingtian did stop moving, and said to Li Tianming calmly.

Li Tianming had a plan in mind, and was about to say something, but his expression suddenly changed, and he said, "You want to delay?"

"What do you mean?" Emperor Mingtian shrugged.

"You are not the only Heavenly Emperor who came to my Emperor Star today!"

Li Tianming said coldly.

The area of ​​the Yanhuang Guardian Barrier was very large, and the other party thought it would be difficult for Li Tianming to find them.

However, these Heavenly Emperors all have hundreds of thousands of Eternal God bodies, and the silver dust spreads all over the Emperor Star. Such a powerful person can't hide it from Li Tianming at all!

Another god emperor of the five races appeared on the battlefield, and he broke through like a broken bamboo!

It's not even just one Heavenly Emperor, there are at least more than 30 Zhengu Zhoushen with 50,000 meters of Zhoushen's body, scattered in all directions, all wanting to infiltrate into the Emperor's Star!

It can be said that with the addition of this group of people, the gods of the five races are already very ruthless in order to quickly conquer the Emperor Star. It has only been a few days since the opening of the channel!

"It seems that what you see is endless." Emperor Mingtian didn't hide anymore, he sneered and said: "The gap between you and my eight gods, there is a gap between heaven and earth, and it was given to you by Taigu Hengsha. An opportunity in a corner. Now that the passage is open, it is the heavens who want to kill you, Yanhuang. Don’t struggle, admit defeat and accept the reality. Today’s attack is just the beginning of the eight gods. Next, there will be a real army coming. You and This Emperor Star, which is doomed to fall, is doomed to die."

He was not joking, Li Tianming crushed the vanguard army of tens of billions, and since the gods of their five races decided to attack, they did not only have the vanguard army of tens of billions!

Including the current attack by the strong, rushing into the interior of the Emperor Star, once it reaches the vicinity of the Tiangong God Realm, it will also cause damage there.

At this juncture, some strong men have already rushed into the interior of Emperor Star!

"It is said that many of your relatives and friends are down here? Wait for their good news, you Emperor Star, the hole is too big, you can't hold it." Ming Tiandi's words can be described as extremely indifferent.

He knew who was near the God Realm of Tiantian Palace, and with its extinction ability, no one could stop it.

"Is it?"

To Emperor Mingtian's surprise, until this time, Li Tianming still had no panic. He faced Emperor Mingtian, and while waiting for Li Wudi to completely control the lives of the tens of billions of vanguard troops, he said calmly: "Everything has exceptions. Don't be so confident."

Hearing this, Emperor Mingtian smiled, and the ninety-seven eyes narrowed.

He delayed Li Tianming and these undead eternals here, as if everyone was delaying time.

Then finally at a certain moment, Emperor Ming Tian's message stone rang.

"There are no people below. The key people should have left on the Nine Dragon Star Sea God Ship, and the rest of the Zeus Gods who can participate in the battle have dispersed their branches!"

This piece of news caused Emperor Mingtian's smile to slowly fall silent.

They are gods of the eight gods, and they are out of line to do this. Unexpectedly, Li Tianming predicted their shamelessness, so he took the first step to prepare for it!

"Do you know why I'm on guard? It's because you Eight Gods have been Yan Huang's lowly slaves from the very beginning, and you are all unscrupulous lowdowns in your bones. When dealing with you, you must not be expected to be upright." Li Tianming said coldly. road.

For this period of delay, Emperor Mingtian did not take any valuable prisoners, and Li Wudi and the others were destroying the Zhoushen body of the Zhoushen army every moment, and then took their Zhoushen origin hand!

Looking around now, it can be seen that the battlefield of the tens of billions of vanguards is shrinking. One by one, the evil spirits, the Yanhuang God Clan, and the Yanhuang Emperor Devil are completely scattered, controlling the Eternal God Origin of each of the five races of gods, and they can be destroyed at any time!

The most effective way to deal with these peak powerhouses is to disperse, the more disperse the better, this Yanhuang Guardian Barrier is so huge, those vanguards are cut into one by one, like ants in the sea, how can you, Emperor Mingtian, turn the situation around, How to save people?

Emperor Mingtian's delay is really dragging the vanguard into eternal doom.

"Let that evil god, the Yintian Emperor, come here, and I will talk to you face to face!" Li Tianming now had the life of the tens of billions of vanguards in his hands, and he finally had the confidence to speak.

"What do you want to talk about?"

Soon, in the vortex of flames below, a giant black shadow flew up to the sky and hung in the distance. It was a peak Zhoushen shrouded in black mist. Judging from her figure and figure, she was a woman with very curvaceous curves. There are boundless black primordial wings on her back. There are nine pairs from top to bottom, a total of eighteen wings, and the total number of small primordial wings reaches ninety-eight!

The two heavenly emperors personally lead the vanguard army, which shows how determined they are!

It's just that I didn't expect that Binggui's speed was at a disadvantage!

"It's very simple." Li Tianming pointed to himself, "I don't want to make too much demands, everything is based on reality. I heard that you have already pushed the power of heaven into the channel, so the punishment of heaven can also be established here. So , All you need is for the eight gods to swear by the law of heaven, from the emperor star to all the good fortune worlds, a truce for a hundred years, only a hundred years, I will release your vanguard immediately, and let them go home safely."

As soon as these words came out, both Emperor Yintian and Emperor Mingtian fell silent.

After a period of silence, Emperor Yintian said with a sneer in his voice, "Give you a hundred years to breathe, and we won't be able to take you down."

"Then there is no way, who let some of you die in my hands?" Li Tianming said.

"Then you kill them."

After the Emperor Yintian finished speaking, he didn't stay, but left towards the top, and soon rushed out of the Yanhuang Guardian Barrier.

"Li Tianming, the Eight Gods never accept compromise. In order to destroy you, tens of billions of Gods can be lost, so don't dream of Spring and Autumn. The next real army will arrive soon. Can you last for a few days? ?”

After Mingtian Emperor finished speaking, he also left in the air.

They are not going far away, but to meet a greater murderous intent.


Brothers, after the lunatic became positive, he didn't recover a little bit, and he was a little tired. Today, I can't write anymore, and there is only one chapter. Rest well tonight and fight again tomorrow.